《Golden | H.S.》Chapter 12
A/N: HELLO GOLDEN BABIES! I uploaded three chapters so make sure to read 10 and 11 before this one!
I really love D so much and we're going to get a glimpse into how she was before she met H.
TW: SECSY STUFF??? BUT NOT REALLY??? Literally barely anything. But again, some people get uncomfy.
We've been at Harry's family's house for hours now and I didn't think I could have this much fun. We'd been laughing and drinking wine the entire time. Why does wine taste better in England than in L.A?
Pretty soon, I yawn, causing Harry to yawn and then he gets up. "We should probably get going. The band's coming tomorrow and I have to spend the entire day writing. Don't want to be too sleep deprived. Ready to go, honeybee?" Harry faces me.
I nod and see Anne and Gemma's eyebrows raise at the nickname but they stay quiet.
"Alright, dear. Be safe." Anne tells Harry and pulls us both into a tight hug, Gemma doing the same. When she pulls back from me, she says, "I'll see you on Friday, babes. Can't wait!" And she squeals in excitement.
"Friday? We're not coming on Friday, Gems, it's Delilah's birth-"
I interrupted Harry, "Yes, we are. Gemma and I agreed we'd spend the day here." I looked to Anne. "If that's alright with you, Anne."
"Are you mad? Of course, that's alright with me, dear." She pulls me into another hug, smiling widely. "I'm honored you'd want to spend the day with us."
I smile at both of them before turning to Harry. He's smiling so widely right now and it makes my stomach flutter. He has a look in his eyes I haven't seen before.
"You want to spend your birthday with my family?" He asks.
Before I can answer, Gemma speaks, "Don't worry, H, we won't keep her here all day. Just for a couple of games and movies, yeah?"
With that, Harry practically drags us out of the house and once we're next to the car, he roughly pulls me into him and presses his lips firmly on mine. I feel his tongue swipe against my lips, and I open my mouth eagerly. Our tongues meet and he wraps his arm tighter around my waist to pull me closer. I place my arms around his neck and run my hands up and down his back, moaning at the muscles I felt.
I trailed my hands back up and into his hair, tugging on the strands. He gasps into my mouth and I sigh into his.
I have no idea what's making him act this way but I'm definitely not complaining. We pull back to take a breath, foreheads resting against each other. "You really are something else, Delilah Quinn. You make me so happy. If you ever left me, I don't know what I'd do."
"I'd never leave you, Harry. It's impossible for me to lie so you better believe me. I don't think I could ever leave you." I tell him honestly.
I feel his breath on my lips as he responds, "And I'd never leave you."
As soon as we got to our hotel room, Harry and I took quick showers and knocked out as soon as our bodies hit the mattress.
I woke up the next day in his arms, well-rested and, unsurprisingly, not having had the nightmare. I check my phone and see that its 12 p.m., yikes, and that I have a missed call from Seb.
I carefully remove myself from Harry to go brush my teeth and then walk out to the hallway, calling Seb's number.
He answers almost immediately, "D! Finally, I've been worried sick. You didn't call me when you landed, and you didn't answer my call this morning." I was a shit friend. "Did you just wake up? You never wake up this late."
I sigh. "I'm sorry, Seb. When we landed I got so distracted by the city-"
"And Harry." He interrupts.
I glare, knowing he can't see me. "And Harry, sure. But he took me to this little park he used to go to, and we kissed and then I met his family and we kissed again and-"
"I'm sorry, what did you just say? You kissed?! You kissed Harry Styles and you're just now telling me?" He practically screeches into the phone.
"Well, um. We've kissed a couple times?" I hear him squeal. "I'm sorry for not telling you, I've just been trying to...you know. Go with the flow?"
"It's fine, it's fine. Just, you know, let a guy know you're alive next time at least." He laughs. "You come back on Sunday, right? I can't believe I'm not spending your birthday with you."
"Yeah, Sunday. And I know. Sing happy birthday for me, anyway, yeah?"
He laughs, "Of course. Love you, D."
"Love you, Seb."
I put the phone down from my ear to hang up just as Seb starts to say, "And for the love of God, fuck Harry's brai-"
I shake my head as I look through my phone for a few more minutes before I walk back in the room. I find Harry awake and dressed. His hair is all over the place and he really shouldn't look that good. But he's Harry, so he does.
"Morning." He looks up when I speak and smiles.
"Morning, baby. The band finally got here so I've got to go meet them to start writing. You're sure you don't want to come?"
"Nah, I'll stay. I still haven't decided if I should take a tour of the city or stay here and stuff my face with room service." I smile at him.
He smiles back, "Those sound like great plans. Well, whatever you do, just be safe. We don't need you getting lost in a foreign city."
"I'd love to get lost in a city like this."
"Well, too bad. I'll always find you." He smiles again.
"Ugh, okay, cheesy. Get out of here." But I smile despite my words.
He gives me three chaste kisses, smiling as he does, and goes to walk out the door. "Oh, wait." He's stops. "What's the word of the day?"
I smile, as usual. "Pusillanimous." I choke out a laugh at Harry's expression.
"What the hell could that mean?" He laughs.
My smile dims slightly, "Showing a lack of courage. Timid."
"Well then, Delilah, you are the complete opposite of pusillanimous." He smiles again and walks back in to give me one more kiss. "Bye, love."
Once he's out, I grab the room service menu and I don't see anything I like, so I look up cafés near me. I find one within walking distance and get dressed.
I text Harry where I'm going to be and start the walk. It's nice out. Harry told me it always rained here. As I walk, I take pictures of almost everything I see. It's such a beautiful city. I don't know how I'll ever thank Harry for this trip.
Once I reach the quaint café, I'm shown to a table and a waiter comes up to me.
"Good afternoon, I'm Marcel, what can I get for you today?" I look up and see an attractive man with green eyes. Harry's are prettier.
I smile, "Hi, could I just get a bagel with cream cheese and a vanilla latte, please?"
"No problem, beautiful." He winks as he writes it down. "Anything else for you?"
I ignore his flirty tone but remain polite. "No, I'm alright for now, thank you." He winks one more time as he starts to walk away, and I grow uneasy. "Could I actually get it to-go, please?" And I hand him my credit card.
His demeanor shifts and he gives a short nod before turning away.
He comes back with my bagel in a bag and the latte in a to-go cup. "Here you are, love."
I grab my cup with a curt 'thank you' and walk away quickly. As I reach the sidewalk, I notice his phone number written on the cup. I roll my eyes and start to walk again when I realize I don't know the way back. I go to check the map on my phone and see that it's dead. Great.
I decide to just walk around until I find it. It was a five-minute walk, I doubt it'd be impossible to find my way back. I had meant what I'd told Harry. I wouldn't mind getting lost in this city. And now that I was, I was bumping into new people and seeing new places. I saw moats and boats on a river, I saw red payphone booths like the ones in movies. I smelled croissants and pumpkin pie as I walked. I saw people smoking. Some arguing, some falling in love.
It was beautiful.
I can tell I've been walking around longer than I should've, but I finally recognize the area and find the hotel within a few minutes. I make my way to my room, putting my phone to charge and I take a warm shower. There's a bathtub in here. I'll have to use it before we leave.
I saddened at the thought. I don't want to leave.
I turn off the water and get dressed once I'm dry. I walk back out and toss myself on the bed, looking through my phone. I have thousands of follow requests on Instagram and my eyes widen. Me being tied to Harry has this much of an impact? It's just now hitting me that his fans, and so many other people, have seen my face and it was so strange to think about the fact that they now knew who I was. They could be judging me. Hating me for being seen with Harry.
The thoughts make my chest hurt, but I push them aside as I sink into the mattress. I think about how happy I am. How happy I am with Harry. I fall asleep in seconds.
We're smiling, singing loud, having fun. Dinner was so nice. I stare at them with a smile. I'm so lucky.
"But I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more. Just to be the man who walks –"
"Ma, look out!" I scream when I see headlights coming towards us. My dad reaches back for me and right when I grab his hand, a force knocks into us and we're pushed backwards.
I'm woozy and I feel a really bad pain on my hip. I put my hand on it and when I pull back, it's covered in blood.
I groan, "Mami? Papi?" I look at the front of the car and it's completely gone. I become more frantic trying to get out of my seatbelt. "Mami, papi, where are you?!" I hear myself sob. I roll out of my seat and land harshly on the floor. I groan again and call out their names. I squint as I look around the area. I see a truck speed away and when I look around more, my eyes land on two disfigured bodies.
"No." I croak out. "NO! MAMI, PAPI, NO!" I'm sobbing and I'm trying to crawl to their bodies, but I can't move. I'm frozen.
"Delilah? Delilah wake up! Wake up, baby. I'm here." I feel myself being shaken.
What's happening?
I shoot up in a sweat, feeling hands on my shoulders, shaking me awake. I look around the room and my eyes land on Harry, who's looking at me with concern. I'm still breathing heavily when I speak, "Harry." His eyes are nervous, and his hands are still on my shoulders.
"When I came in, you were screaming, and you wouldn't wake up for a while. Was that the nightmare?"
I sigh, a tear slipping out of my eye, his thumb reaching out to catch it. "Yeah, sorry. I must've had a worse reaction to it since I haven't had it in a while."
He pulls me into him, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, "Be honest with me. If you had woken up from the nightmare and I wasn't here, would you have called me?"
I sigh again, "No."
"Harry, it's not your responsibility to have to take care of me just because I have some stupid nightmare. It's just not. It's pathetic that the only time I actually get some peaceful sleep is when I'm with you. I need to learn to get over it myself. I appreciate it, really, I do. But it's not-"
He looks angry, "Yes, it is my responsibility, Delilah. I'm your boyfriend, I should be-" He freezes.
A smile grows on my face and I forget about the nightmare altogether.
"Um, well, um, I'm not trying to say-"
"You're my boyfriend? Is that what you are, Harry?" I tease him.
He sighs, "You know what I'm trying to say, Delilah."
"Yes, I do. And I appreciate it. Boyfriend." He smiles at my words and rolls his eyes before leaning in and hugging me tightly to him.
"Just promise me you'll call me if it ever happens again. I'm serious. I'll be by your side every night, if I have to. Promise. Me. Honeybee." He leans forwards and pecks my lips between each word.
I give him a small smile, "Fine, I promise."
He gives a satisfied smile, "Good."
It's silence between our stares until I speak again, "I wish I shined as bright as you."
"You already do."
I shake my head, "No. A candle is nowhere near as bright as the sun. The sun is always bright, but candles are temporary."
"But that's the beauty of them. Change, trying new things. There's different candles. They have different shapes, different scents. There's so many layers to a candle. They're not just one thing. Just like you're not one thing. You're everything." I smile at his words.
"The sun and candles are known for burning people. What if we burn each other?" I ask him, reaching up and poking his dimple.
"We won't." He says firmly. "They're also known for being the light people so desperately need when they're trapped in the dark. And we helped each other out of that darkness. At least, I'd like to think so." He shrugs and I can't help but lean forward and kiss him.
We pull back and he leans in again to peck my lips before he gets up to put his jacket on the dresser. Once he's stood in front of the dresser, he stops. "Whose number is this?"
I had left the cup on the dresser. "Oh, um, it was a waiter at that café I walked to. Marcel."
He scoffs. "Marcel? You've got to be joking."
"Nothing, nevermind." He walks back to me. "It's dark out, now. You want to just stay in and watch movies or do you want to go out?"
"Whatever you want, I'm not picky."
He nods, "Alright, tonight we can stay in. But for your birthday, I'm taking you somewhere after we leave my mum and Gem. You're sure you want to spend the day there?"
"Yeah, I really like them. They're a lot of fun and Gemma's the one who actually wanted to spend it with me. I think it'll be a lot of fun." I smile at him and walk over to the dresser to stand in front of him.
He reaches out for me and pulls me to his chest as soon as I'm within reach. "It made me really happy to see you get along with my family. More than you'll know."
"They're awesome. And seeing you happy makes me happy." He starts swaying our bodies to nonexistent music.
"You make me happy. So happy."
A smile pulls at my lips. "You make me happy, too. More than I ever thought possible."
"I really hope you like it here. I'm going to take you all over the world, honeybee. You're going to have so many favorite places."
But I already knew my favorite place. I already knew that it was London.
Because it's where I fell in love with him.
Song: Lost by Frank Ocean.
I'm making myself angry when I write about London tbh I really wanna go :/
But n e who, that's chapter 12! She's in L-O-V-E
Please let me know what you thought!
Yours, as always,
-J :)
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