《Golden | H.S.》Chapter 3
A/N: Hey! Here's Chapter 3. I think this dress is soooo pretty and since I don't have the confidence to wear it, I'm handing it off to Delilah. Who also doesn't really have the confi-...you'll see!
Also, I LOVE this song and it's literally the perfect club song for dancing...a certain way. You'll see that too :)
haha enjoy and let me know your thoughts!
"Seb, what do I wear?! I have no clothes!" I'm home now and I've been looking for an outfit for tonight, with no luck. It's been an hour and every time I pull out an outfit, I hate it.
"Oh, calm down." I hear his voice grow closer until I turn to see him step in my room. "Jesus, did a tornado blow through here? What are you doing?"
"Please, help me. I can't find anything." I complain. Seb rolls his eyes and walks up to my closet. He goes through the hangers and reaches the back of my closet when he says, "Ah-ha! I knew you still had this dress!"
He takes out a navy-blue dress. A very short navy-blue dress. My eyes bulge, "I can't wear that!"
"This is what people wear to clubs, Delilah." He states matter-of-factly.
I eye him, "You've never even been to a club, Seb."
"Well, no. But I've seen more movies than you have, and this is what people wear to clubs. Try it on." He hands me the dress and sits on my bed waiting for me to do what he says.
I roll my eyes but do as I'm told. Once the dress is on, I turn to face the mirror and my mouth falls open. Behind me, I hear Seb whistle. "Damn, D. If I were straight, I would be all over you. You look hot."
I turn back to face him. "N-No, there's no way I can wear this. You can see my nipples, Seb! And it's too form-fitting, my stomach-" I start to unzip the back of the dress when he speaks again.
"So? You can see the piercings, it makes you look ten times hotter. You look so beautiful. You have to wear this dress, Delilah. I'm serious, there's no way Harry is gonna be able to keep his hands off of you."
"Harry? What are you talking about? What does this have to do with him?" I turn back to face the mirror, running my hands down the length of the dress. I don't wear stuff like this.
"Hmm, Harry? Did I say Harry?" He gets up and walks towards the door. "Must've slipped. Anyway, I'm going to work. You look amazing. Wear the dress, D, trust me. And maybe try to get a dance or two in tonight. Love you."
I hear him leave and I mumble a soft "love you" back. I'm left standing in front of my mirror and I contemplate whether or not I should wear it.
I check the clock and realize I need to head out if I want to make it on time. Harry had texted me the details earlier, and if I take any longer, I'll be late.
I quickly brush through the waves of my black hair and apply clear lip gloss. I put on my black heels and head out to get in my car, turning on the GPS and typing in the address Harry had sent me.
It's twenty minutes away so I prepare myself for almost half an hour of Honeybee, starting the car with a hopeful smile on my face.
It'll be fine.
I see the club lights flash and turn into the parking lot. I park as close as I can to the front and hold onto my pepper spray until I make it inside.
I look around nervously to see if I can spot Jeff or Harry. I'm almost done surveying the room when my eyes land on Harry's. He waves me over with a smile before I see his hand and smile falter. He looks me up and down with parted lips as I walk closer and I feel my heart hammering in my chest.
I see his eyes stay on my chest for longer than they were anywhere else and I mentally high five myself for getting those piercings when I was 18. So worth it.
I end up in front of him and he has yet to speak. He opens his mouth, but no words come out and the confidence running through my body is something I've never felt before.
"Um. Hi." I give a pathetic wave.
He shakes his head and stands up, looking back up to my eyes. "Hi back." He breathes out. "Wow. You-Jesus, honeybee. You look amazing." He gives me another once-over before leaning in to greet me. I feel his lips on my cheek, this time more chaste than the night before. His hand finds my waist and mine finds his arm before I feel him pulling back.
I thank the heavens the lights in the club are dimmed, otherwise I'm sure everyone would notice how red my face was. "Th- Thank you. You look really good."
And he did. His hair was pushed back, and he was wearing a black dress shirt with the top four buttons undone. His defined pecs and butterfly tattoo were on display, his jade cross necklace dangling. Jesus Christ, indeed. His black slacks fit his legs nicely and I had to force my mouth shut to make sure no drool would come out.
"Delilah!" I'm forced to look away from Harry at the sound of Jeff's voice. "You made it!" He gives me a hug and tells me to order whatever drink I want. I look at the people in the booth and see a few familiar faces from the office and a few unfamiliar ones.
"Oh, no, I'm good, thanks." I take the only available seat next to Harry, whose eyes haven't left me, and watch as Jeff pouts. "You're not gonna drink? Order whatever you want, Delilah. Seriously, it's on me, and you're off the clock!"
"I drove here so I wasn't really planning on drinking. I could go for a burger, though." I look over the menu that had been on the table before I look back up.
Harry chuckles at my statement and Jeff rolls his eyes. "Ugh, fine. Get a damn burger."
I smile and order a burger when the waitress comes by our table. When she leaves, I sit back and turn to face Harry. His eyes were already on me and his pupils were dilated more than usual.
"Have you guys been here long?" I ask. "Sorry if I was late, I, um, I just lost track of time."
The booth is packed so we're sat really close. Our shoulders are touching and every time he exhales, I feel it on my lips. "No, just got here like ten minutes before you did, actually. You're really not gonna drink?" He leans closer. "I could always take you home if you want to let loose a little tonight."
I feel panic set in my chest. "No, I'm okay." I try to keep my breath steady. "I'm good, really. Thank you for the offer, Harry." I give him what I hope comes across as a smile.
He smiles back with a tight nod and looks around the room. "No problem. Think about it, though. I have a driver and I think deep down you want to party a little. So, all I'm saying is, if you wanted to. It would be okay." He looks back at me. "Okay?"
I mean, he's not entirely wrong. It would be nice. But I haven't let someone drive me in a long time. Not since it happened.
"Thank you. I'll think about it." I promise him with a small smile.
"Good." He nods, a pleased smile taking over his face as he turns back towards the crowd. "You should be able to get out of your head every once in a while. I think everyone should. Try to live a little, honeybee." He looks back at me and playfully bumps my shoulder. "Because to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." He gives another smile. "And you, Delilah, are the last person in the world who should simply exist." My breath catches and my eyes never leave his.
He continues. "It's clear something from your past is affecting you. It's written all over your face. I'm not going to ask what it is. Not until you're ready to tell me. I just don't want you to let it hold you back from living. You deserve to live. Whether that's getting drunk with your friends at a club or doing something with that beautiful voice you like to hide from the world. Just live, Delilah."
His honest words deeply affect me and I'm sure my reaction shows it. My mouth is opening and closing like a fish out of water and I don't know how to respond. He just keeps smiling at me with eyebrows raised and I think about his words and how Seb always tells me to take a risk every once in a while.
Maybe if I get drunk enough, I won't even think about the fact that I'm being driven by someone who isn't me.
I don't know what comes over me when I see the waitress walking past our table. "Could I get six shots of vodka, please?" I rush the words out to her. "And cancel the burger, if that's alright."
The waitress nods and walks away as I hear Harry proudly chuckle, "I should be a motivational speaker."
I breathe out a laugh, "You're doing the shots with me. And just so you know, it was the Oscar Wilde quote that got me. Nothing else you said." His smile grows as I speak. "Absolutely nothing else."
He nods, smile still playing on his face. "Of course." He tries to speak again, but the music gets louder and I point at my ear to show him I can't hear him. He nods and looks around the table. I watch him point a finger at me telling me to wait as he grabs a large napkin and a marker off the table.
He writes on it for what seems like forever and finally looks up at me with a smile and hands it to me. I raise an eyebrow at him as I grab it.
Delilah Quinn,
I was going to text you, but then I remembered your burning hatred for texting and all things technology, and how you said you prefer handwritten letters. So, I'm writing to you.
I was just trying to tell you that you really do look beautiful t̶o̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶.
Ignore that^ I'm not trying to say you only look beautiful tonight. I'd be a right arse if I said you only looked beautiful tonight, wouldn't I?
I'm getting off topic. I also wanted to tell you that you have a napkin stuck to the bottom of your heel. :)
-H. x
I laugh out loud as I finish what he wrote and the smile doesn't leave my face as I reach down to remove the napkin.
Thanks, I mouth at him.
He's still smiling and our eye contact never wavers, even as the waitress loudly places the shots on the table.
I'm not drunk.
I'm definitely not drunk.
And I'm definitely not practically on top of Harry's lap. And his hand definitely isn't wrapped around my waist, holding me steady.
And I'm definitely not staring at his insanely pink lips, seriously why are they so pink? And I'm definitely, absolutely, not thinking about what it would be like to feel those lips.
No, none of that is happening. Because I'm definitely not drunk.
Except that maybe I am a bit drunk.
And maybe my right leg is crossed over Harry's right one in a way that isn't entirely appropriate for two people who met less than 24 hours ago.
And maybe I have been staring at his lips every five seconds, wondering what they'd feel like on every inch of my skin, while he smirks every time he catches me.
But what I definitely am doing is trying to stand up, "I love this song!" I giggle as I try to pull Harry's hand. "Come dance with me, Harry!" The familiar J. Cole song begins.
Harry shakes his head and a look of discomfort washes over his face. "No, no, I don't dance." I frown. "It's not that I don't want to. I just... don't dance."
I groan playfully, "You suck. Fine, I'll dance by myself, then." I walk out into the dance floor, swaying my hips as I do.
I feel the heat of someone's gaze on me and I turn back around to see Harry's eyes following me. I give a tiny smirk as I reach the dance floor. The music is loud and sweaty bodies are bumping into me as I begin to move. This is fun. Seb would be proud of me.
I raise my arms over my head as my body sways slowly to the beat of the song. I move my hips sensually and I run my hands up and down my body, grazing my neck then reaching my hands over my head again and again.
I've never done anything like this. I've never danced for someone else. Teased someone else. But maybe it's the alcohol. Or maybe it's the way Harry's hungry eyes are looking at me like I'm the only person in here.
I close my eyes, and I can only hope Harry's are still on me. I hope he regrets not coming with me.
After a minute, I feel two warm hands find their way to my waist and my chest bursts as I turn around, only to feel my smirk drop when I see it's not Harry at all. It's Ryan.
He was one of the people that was in the room when Jeff interviewed me. I remember thinking he had been staring at me for too long, but I figured it was because he was deciding whether or not I was fit for the job.
Except now, he's giving me that same look and it's even creepier in the dark. My confidence is slowly seeping, and I start to push his hands off, when another pair beats me to it.
I look up to see Harry shoving Ryan's hands off of me and patting his chest slowly, "Why don't you go take a seat, Ryan? I can take over from here." His tone is polite, but there's a threat behind it, and the glare on his face is evident enough to make his point clear.
I watch Ryan walk away with a scowl on his face and turn back to see Harry looking at me with concerned eyes.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He looks me up and down but not in the way I want him to.
There's still bodies grinding around us and I feel my confidence start to return. "Yeah, I'm good. You didn't have to do that. Thank you." I dare to wrap my arms around his neck and wait for his reaction. "So. Are you actually going to dance with me, or was that all talk?" My hands link behind his neck. It's the alcohol's fault.
He breathes out sharply and it takes less than a second for his arms to wrap around my waist and pull me closer. Our bodies are flush together and he starts moving his hips with mine. I feel sweat start to form on the back of my neck and I'm not sure if its because of how many people are around us or if it's a reaction to the feel of Harry on me.
Our faces are close, and I see him glance down to my lips more than once. I do the same and I swear I can feel his heartbeat racing against my chest.
"What are you doing to me, Delilah?" He sighs. It's not a question directed to me. He seems like he's thinking out loud.
"I was thinking the same thing about you." His face is in my neck now and one of my hands has found its way to his hair. One of my legs is in between both of his and before I know it, his hands spin me around and my back is against his front.
His face returns to my neck and I feel the lightest of kisses from his lips. I let out a shaky breath as his hands wrap around my front, resting on my lower stomach.
This is wrong. This is so wrong. I technically work with him.
But I don't think something so wrong would feel this right. I push my thoughts away and bring my arm behind me to reach his neck.
I feel his warm lips against my neck and hear him sing along to the music. "Is it the real thing or is it just a one-night stand?"
I turn back around, and his eyes are so dilated, they're almost black. I'm sure mine look the same. His hands never leave me, and he wraps himself around me again. I place my hands on the bare part of his chest, feeling his damp skin and the cross beneath my palm. Our eyes never waver from the others' as we lowly sing the lyrics to each other.
This was the most sensual experience of my life. I'm so hot and bothered right now, I'm sure I could light a candle from ten feet away.
"I don't know if I can say it enough, but you look devastatingly breathtaking tonight." I feel his warm breath on my lips and I murmur a quiet thank you before Harry brings his face down lower to me and ghosts his lips over mine. I felt his hand run up the length of my torso and past my neck until it lands on my cheek. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes shut, waiting for-
Well, not that.
I feel something roughly bump into my side, creating a distance between Harry and I. The clearly drunk guy mumbles an apology and keeps walking, leaving me to notice how little people were on the dance floor now.
I look back at Harry to see him looking around nervously, avoiding my eyes. "Harry?" I walked closer, timidly.
He shakes his head, "Um, I'm just gonna go sit." My stomach sinks as he hurriedly walks away. It's just the alcohol, Delilah. That's clearly the only reason that happened.
The song finishes as I watch Harry's body walk back to the booth. I feel a pang in my chest at his sudden discomfort and embarrassment floods my body. The confidence I had tonight was clearly temporary. I'm completely sober now, the shame having made the alcohol in my bloodstream wash away.
I decide to go home before I do something stupid again and walk back to the booth. "Hey, I'm gonna head home, Jeff." I avoid making eye contact with Ryan and when I look to Harry he seems to be doing the same with me. I feel my cheeks heat as I quickly hug Jeff goodbye and walk to my car.
I lock the doors as soon as I get in and I grasp onto my wheel to take a few breaths, replaying the night's events in my head. I had so much fun. What happened?
There clearly was something about Harry, though. That, I knew. He's the only person who has ever made me even consider letting someone else drive me.
I pull out of the parking lot and head straight home, hoping Seb was there to cuddle me.
Song: Work Out by J. Cole.
A/N: Oops... haha. Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine.
Also, I absolutely do not condone drinking, not even a sip, while driving. It's stupid. Don't do it. This is purely fiction and I wanted Delilah to open up in some way and that was drinking around people and letting loose.
Okay, well! That's chapter 3, please let me know what you think!
-J :)
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