《Leather Jacket Girl (girlxgirl)》Chapter Three


Once we got to our class, we found that we were a little late, which was unfortunate because I had been hoping that I would be right on time on the first day. I, Phoebe Clarke, was usually always on time. However, it was alright. Miss Mack probably wouldn't get mad at us for a few minutes of tardiness. At least we had attended class, which was more than could be said for some people. Miss Mack greeted us all with a warm smile, before clapping her hands together, so she could get started on the lesson.

"Now, hello everyone! It's good to welcome you back. We're going to make this introductory lesson pretty quick. I would like you all to create a design for the front of your art books and then make a first page for them, too, to show off the focus of your portfolio this year. The main theme is going to be people that have inspired you. This can include authors, actors, other celebrities or simply your friends and family. I look forward to seeing all of your work," Miss Mack said with a grin.

My mind had already begun to consider what I was going to do for my own art portfolio. One of the most inspirational people in my life had always been my mother. Aside from her, though, my friends had always lifted me up and I loved them so much for it.

"As I always tell you..." Miss Mack began to say, as we got started on designing the covers for our art books.

Mine was covered with stars and pink roses. It looked pretty neat once it was all sketched out. I just had to add some colour.

"...it's important to set yourselves clear aims for the year ahead. I have every belief within me that all of you are going to do extraordinarily well. You simply have to keep your self-confidence high and remember that you're the owner of your own art. Your artistic vision is yours to find," Miss Mack said.


Once I had finished water colouring in my name for the front of my art book, the school bell rang out.

Emmy, Elijah and I made our way out of the classroom, where Elijah parted with us so that he could go to the library.

I turned back to Emmy and she smiled back at me.

"We should probably get a head start. You know, if we want to do really well this year then it would be a good idea to start now," she said.

I felt myself beaming back at her then.

"I'm so proud of you. You procrastinate far less than I do," I said, with a gentle chuckle, as I pat her on the shoulder.

Emmy rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm serious, Phoebe. How do you expect to do well in school if you don't put all the effort in? I mean all the effort. We should get started right now," she said.

I could only sigh at that.

The two of us walked along, as Emmy practically dragged me to the free art room.

I looked around for a moment for something to do and began to sort through the colourful paper.

"You're procrastinating procrastination. Come on, Phoebs," Emmy said.

I just stuck her tongue out at me.

"Anyone using this room? Oh," a girl said, as she entered the room.

I noticed straight away that she had silver hair and a septum piercing, as well as bright blue eyes that rooted me to the spot.

Okay, think less gay, Phoebe. I told myself.

"Hi! My name's yours, what's Phoebe?" I asked.

Emmy sniggered, as she began to flick through her art book.


"Nice to meet you, yours? I don't know what Phoebe is but I'm guessing that's your real name," the girl said, as she took a step towards me. Her eyes searched mine momentarily, as she chewed on her bubblegum.

"Yeah! Exactly," I said.

"I'm Courtney, by the way. I'm new here. I came in early, they told me I didn't have to go to classes just yet...it was like this whole thing. Anyway, apparently you can depend on me to ramble on. I'll see you around, Phoebe," she said.

"You too," I said.

Courtney walked away from the room then and Emmy just smirked at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Hm? Nothing, I didn't say anything," Emmy said nonchalantly, as she moved one of her braids over her shoulder.

"Sure you didn't," I replied, as I finally found the pink paper that I wanted to use to decorate my art book. I didn't think it could be any clearer that pink was my favourite colour, but it had to be a specific shade, of course. Pastel pink was cute, bright pink made me feel like I had just walked into the Barbie section at Primark.

"I'm just thinking that girl was hot," Emmy said.

I smirked at that.

"Maybe you should ask her out then," I said.

"Me? Ask a woman out? You know me, Phoebs, I get way too intimidated by even the mere thought of doing that," Emmy told me.

I supposed that it could be said that the two of us were quite nervous when it came to approaching other women. However, we needed to put that aside.

"We're getting girlfriends this year," I said decisively.

"Are we now?" Emmy asked me.

"Yes. I decided. Just now. We're getting girlfriends. At least, I'm getting a girlfriend. You're going to help me," I told her.

Emmy chuckled.

"Alright then, honey. I suppose the wise old Emmy Rose can help you get a girlfriend," she said.

I beamed back at her, as I loosely wrapped my arms around her in an affectionate hug.

"Thank you, Ems! You're the best," I told her.

"I try. Now, you owe me brownies. Pay up," she said.

I opened my bag.

"Not the seagull poop ones. Let's go to the cafeteria," she told me, as she linked her arm with mine and led the two of us away to the cafeteria.

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