《The alpha broke me》Hearts


Scarlett pov

"Nick I will... Reject you." I say sadly.

Nick just looks away and smiles to himself.

"Scarlett as long as your happy I am too. I'm gonna miss you but just do it now." He says barely.

"I Scarlett Briegh reject Nick Jones as my mate." I say quickly.

He just stops and I see a tear roll down his face. He's making me so heartbroken right now. But I had to reject him. He could have a better Luna. And plus I was going to leave soon anyway.

You see apparently I'm the Silver wolf from the legend. So Alpha Andrew had given me a choice of staying in his pack. Which I had agreed on!

"Goodbye Nick. I'm going to miss you for some reason. Tell Alpha Tyler that I will thank him for keeping me in his pack and tell Ashton I love him." I say quietly.

Then I walk out. I leave. My mate. The one that's always been there for me. It's time to start all over...

3 years later

I'm now 20 years old. All of those years of training sure were beneficial. I'm glad I left and I'm sure Nick found a new Beta female anyway.

The RockVille pack is where I had been staying. Alpha Andrew had given me Beta position.

I haven't heard of anything in any other PACk ever since I left. Today we are visiting the moonlight pack and RiverBrick pack. Yippee. I get too see nick.

"Beta Scarlett... Are you ready?" Caleb asked.

Caleb is the third in command. We are like siblings.

"Yes. And Caleb for the last time do not address me by Beta." I whine.

"Sorry princess." He rolled his eyes.

Jeez thanks Caleb.

Me, Caleb and Andrew climb into one car. In the back with me is Luna Emerald and Maya. Our Luna is beautiful and self dependent.


Maya isn't even Caleb's mate. They are just in 'love.'

But she's pretty cool.

"So what's up girls?" I ask.

"Oh nothing. Nothing new." Maya replied.

"Just a bit tired," Luna Emerald said.

"Luna maybe you should just go to sleep." I smile.

"Wait. I'm tired of you saying Luna!" She complained.

"You know you love me." I smile brightly.

"Yeah yeah. What floats your boat." She giggled.

"Jeez your so kind Emerald." Maya smiles.

"I believe it's Scarlett not nice." She backfired.

"I don't know..." Maya trailed off.

We just all laughed for a bit and then I felt very sleepy. I lay my head down and shut my eyes. I feel my head slant and I'm on Emerald's shoulder.

Then I fall into a deep sleep.

Nick pov

It's been 3 years since she left me. 3 years of sadness and being broken. 3 years of being a really bad beta.

I heard that SHE went to the RockVille pack and became beta. She's happy without me.

And I'm destroyed without her. My wolf is dying. I don't know how much longer I could take. That's why Alpha Tyler Asked Their pack to come.

I hope she thinks about me still. About how I'm coping.

"Beta? Are you okay?" A girl asked me.

"Yes I'm find Issy. Just leave please."

Issy is a really kind girl that was a rogue. We let her in and now she's really happy.

I just lay down. Feeling pain.

I'm wondering if She was feel my pain. If she's in pain as well. But then again, if she was, she would have came back.

"Beta Nick. The RockVille pack has arrived." Ashton said and pulling me along.

Of course... He misses his sister so dearly. How wouldn't I realize that.


"Hello alpha Tyler." A man said.

That's alpha Andrew I'm pretty sure.

"Hello Andrew. This is my Beta Nick and Third in command Ashton." Tyler smiled.

"Ahh... This is my Beta Scarlett and my third in command is Caleb. Oh and he's my Luna Emerald." Andrew introduced.

I look to see a girl holding Caleb.

"That's my girlfriend Maya." Caleb smiled.

But I saw Ashton freeze. He looked at Maya and then had a huge frown.

"Um alpha Tyler can we leave now?" He asked.

"You are dismissed Ashton." He sighed.

After the alphas talked for awhile they insisted on the beta's to have a talk.

"Hello Scarlett." I say quietly.

"Nick? Did you move on?" She asked.

"Move on? Are you crazy? I couldn't even run. I was weak and useless. Dying slowly because my mate was gone." He said on the verge of tears.

Scarlett pov

I felt so guilty. He almost died! I did to but I thought it was worth it.

"Nick I- I'm really sorry. I felt the same thing to." I frowned.

He look horrified that his mate was hurt and just wanted to hug me. But he controlled himself.

"Nick I'm trying to apologize here but... I have a confession to make." I sigh.

"A confession? Did you move on?" He asked Scared.

"Quite the opposite. I was dying." I sigh.

"3 years ago I was being followed by hunters, rogues and the Bloodstone pack members. I came into your pack not caring about a single thing and wanted your shelter. But then I fell for you nick. You were my world. So I knew I had to leave. To protect you and this pack. I wouldn't want to be the cause of this." I say.

"Scarlett you know I would have helped you no matter what. I would have protected you." He said sadly.

I instantly realized he was right. He would have protected me.

"Scarlett I know this is stupid but please come back." He said quietly.

Should I???

Authors note







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