《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》5.4


Rockin' Warrior Road

- - - - -

"Clue me in on everything, Hap."

Ana handed Happy a chocolate shake she grabbed on her way to the Avengers Facility. In her other hand, she carried a large bag of take-away food for Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, Tony and herself. Happy ripped the paper from the straw and punched it into the top of the cup, before taking a long slurp. They walked together, shoulder to shoulder, on their way to the garage Tony was hauled up in.

"Well, he's been inside for two days straight." Happy began, accepting the fries Ana offered him. "He won't eat. Anything I put in front of him he leaves until it gets all smelly and soggy. I swear, he's like a child. I feel like his parent."

Ana sipped her own rocky road shake. When she got back to Earth, she learned that Ben & Jerry's had made a bunch of new flavours based on the Avengers. Rockin' Warrior Road, was Ana's. She really liked the taste of the treat too. "What's he working on?" She asked.

"Got me." Happy shrugged, "But he's been wearing the Iron Man suit since the morning, and he won't get out of it."

Ana chuckled at him. "And you want me to..."

"Well, you're strong. If he's still wearing the suit, get him out of it and put him in a tux. There's a party tonight and Pep's all worked up with the organising and whatnot. She doesn't have the time to give Tony a good yelling." Happy told her.

Ana handed Happy the bag of food, taking a shake for Tony in her free hand. "Take this to Pepper and try get her to eat. I'll take care of Tony." She nodded.

Happy bumped his fist against hers. "Thanks, Michaels." He smiled, relieved. While he spun and headed for the main building, Ana jogged to the garage.


Ana pushed open the door to Tony's garage, scrunching up her nose when the smell of rotten meat mixed with burnt metal got to her. She found the source of the funky stench, and picked up a half eaten cheeseburger from Burger King on the table beside the doorway. She threw it in its takeaway bag and tossed it in the trash can underneath the table. Tony was on the other side of the room, hunched over as he went to work on a project.

If Tony had heard Ana call his name and walk in, he didn't show it. His focus didn't waver on the miniature chamber that housed nanoparticles in front of him as he adjusted, then readjusted his invention.

Ana let out a heavy sigh when she saw him. Happy was right, he wasn't moving. And it didn't look like he was going to stretch his legs anytime soon. She moved forward, lowering the volume of the classic rock music that blasted through his speakers.

"Happy, don't touch the tunes." Tony muttered, raising a piece of glass over his head with tweezers, analysing it in the sunlight that streamed through the skylight above him. He wasn't in the Iron Man suit, instead sat in jeans and a band tee over a long-sleeved shirt.

"Try again." Ana chuckled.

Tony glanced over his shoulder at her, lowering his arm. His eyebrows shot up before a pleased smile spread across his face. "Ana, hey."

Ana stood next to him and rested her hand on his back in-between his shoulder blades, peering down at the state his was in. Tony's usual clean and cut beard was starting to lose its shape as stubble overtook his cheeks. The area under his dull-looking eyes were dark, telling her he didn't get much sleep.


Concern was laced through her voice as she said, "Tony, when's the last time you went for a walk? As in, how long have you been working?" She pointed at the project on the surface of the table.

Tony scratched his cheek, furrowing his eyebrows. "That depends. What day is it?"

Ana rolled her eyes and looped her hands underneath his arms, hauling him out of his seat. "It's a Sunday. It's sunny outside and there's not a cloud in sight. Come on, let's go."

"But I've got to finish..." Tony began to say, reaching for the back of his chair.

"You can take a break." Ana insisted, forcing him out of the doors and outside to the grounds of the facility. "Here, Stark Raving Hazelnuts."

Tony looked down at the drink Ana handed him, and laughed. "Where've you been, little lady?" He asked.

"I was hanging out with Thor." Ana told him as they drank the flavoured shakes named after them.

"Point Break? What's he up to these days?" Tony questioned.

"A lot. Too much to explain and not enough time." Ana sighed. "What's up, Tone? Why are you locking yourself up in there?"

Tony shoved one hand in his pocket. "I wasn't locking myself in there... I'm only working on something. Something important."

"According to Pepper, that something is driving her crazy. So are you. She's in there running around, trying to organise tonight's little get together on her own." Ana retorted.

"The party is tonight?" Tony glanced at her, puzzled.

"Uh-huh." Ana nodded.

"Are you bringing a date?" Tony asked her.

Ana scoffed. "Don't change the subject. We're talking about you here."

Tony's eyes smiled as the grin on his face stretched. "And as much as I love that subject, I'm really curious about who you're gonna bring along."

"Peter, since he's so intrigued by you." Ana said.

"Does he have a tux? I can get him one if he doesn't." Tony offered.

"Pete's got the one he wore to homecoming." Ana assured him.

"And what are you wearing?"

Ana looked down at her outfit. "I was thinking I'll just stay in-"

Tony shook his head, bringing up one hand for her to stop talking. "Okay, I'm going to stop you right there, Michaels. You are not wearing denim and leather to my engagement party."

"I'm getting a little irritated with people criticising the way I dress." Ana grumbled, kicking a pebble in front of her. It rocketed towards a tree surrounding the facility grounds, breaking off a low hanging branch. Tony whistled, looking back at her. He took note of how much her strength had grown since the last time she displayed her abilities.

"There's nothing wrong with it, just that I never see you dress in anything formal, like ever." Tony smirked when Ana rolled her eyes, crossing his arms over his chest when she swatted his shoulder with the back of her hand.

"I'll borrow something from Nat's wardrobe."

- - -

Parties were never really Ana's thing.

Sure, she would attend them if her friends were throwing it or if she had literally nothing else better to do. Tony's engagement party was in full swing. Waiters walked around carrying trays of mini sandwiches and glasses of champagne. Guests were dressed to impress with their glimmering gowns and sharp suits. Everyone there knew each other from work, so conversation was bubbling about everywhere Ana turned. She felt underdressed, as usual. The outfit she had on consisted of a dark blue, knee length dress and because of the chilly temperature, she threw on a cardigan she found in her room in the facility to keep her warm.


Peter had stuck to Ana's side, also overwhelmed by the unfamiliar, mature faces that floated around. He was currently snacking on chips and dip as they both stood at the buffet table. He had on his black and white tux, completed with a rose Ana found at the front gardens of the facility pinned to his lapel. When the opportunity came to tag along with Ana to attend Tony's party, he took it without question or hesitation.

Ana made an amused remark when he said yes. "You're so Starkstruck!"

"Slow down on the guac, Pete. Otherwise your tummy will hurt." Ana warned, pushing the tray of dip away from his reach. She had a glass of water in one hand and a mini sandwich in the other.

Peter threw her an exasperated look. "Ana, I'm not ten years old. I can handl-" He stopped and placed a hand to his rumbling stomach. He let out a breath, and winced.

Ana smirked pointedly. "What was that last part? You didn't finish." She leaned her ear closer to him as a joke, and chuckled when he nudged her shoulder back.

"Stop it." Peter smiled. He grabbed a napkin and wiped down his hands, turning to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ana as she faced the rest of the guests who were beginning to come together for a dance. Tony and Pepper were already in the centre, holding each other close as they laughed among themselves. Ana smiled at the pair, and took out her phone to take a picture of the moment.

"You're such a mom." Peter snickered from beside her.

"Taking a photo of a man and woman who are my dear friends dance together on one of their special nights is considered a mom move?" Ana asked him, sliding her phone in her coat pocket.

Peter pretended to think it over, lifting his hand to place it underneath his chin. When Ana patted his arm, he chuckled and shrugged. "I think it's nice." He said. Peter then clutched his stomach again as it groaned, and shot her a fleeting smile. "I'll be right back."

Ana shook her head as she watched him dash towards the bathroom on the first floor. When she turned to look at the front, Rhodey came into view, and he offered her a wave. He motioned for her to join him for a dance, and when Tony gave her an aggressive nod to comply, she laughed to herself and took Rhodey's hand.

"How are you, Rhodey?" Ana asked as she looped her arm around his shoulders. They began moving in a slow sequence, mirroring the other dancing pairs around them.

"I'm alright." He answered, smiling gently. "Thanks for making it. I know Tony appreciates you being here."

"This is a special day. I wouldn't miss it for the world." She grinned, glancing at Tony and Pepper.

Rhodey sent his best friend a smile as Tony twirled his bride-to-be and dipped her, before lifting her up and doing it all over again. Pepper laughed softly as he leaned down to peck her cheek with a sweet kiss.

"It's a shame the others aren't in on the celebration. They're his family as much he is theirs." Ana said quietly, keeping the smile on her face when Tony and Pepper passed by them.

Rhodey seemed to register her words. He had to admit, a part of him regretted signing the Accords. Every time he looked down at his legs, at the machine that helped him walk, he thought 'What if?' Rhodey wasn't one to make a decision one second and rethink it the next. He stuck to it. He caught Ana's curious gaze, and released a sigh. "After all this time, I thought what went down that day was what's best. For everyone. I thought it was the right thing to do. Now, I don't know, I'm having second thoughts. Me. The one who sticks to an idea and never wavers."

Ana offered him an understanding smile. She knew it must be hard for him. "What's best doesn't always mean what's right. Whatever's best today could change and become completely different tomorrow. It's only natural to second guess the things we used to see as what was best in the past. But what's right and wrong usually stays the same. You don't look back on those." Ana explained. She scrunched her nose up, and glanced at him with an unsure grin. "Did that make any sense?"

Rhodey nodded, relaxing into a smile. "Kind of, yeah."

"Mind if I cut in?" Peter cleared his throat, making the pair seperate.

"Sure." Rhodey smiled, patting Peter on the shoulder, and sent Ana a nod. "Enjoy the rest of the night, Ana."

"You too, Rhodey." Ana called after him, and turned to Peter. "Still remember how to dance, bud?"

"Refresh my memory." Peter chuckled, placing a hand on her back and locking the other with hers. Ana squeezed his hand reassuringly when she saw the look of nervousness on his face. Peter smiled to himself when she had placed a kiss on his head.

"One, two, three..." Ana guided him, looking down at their feet. "Don't step on me."

Tony was off to the side, taking a photo of Ana and Peter as they danced. Pepper smirked beside him, enjoying a glass of champagne. "You're such a mom." She snickered. He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close, sending her a wink.

"I don't care. I'm owning it."

- - -

Ana faced Tony's workstation, head tilted and eyes narrowed. She was trying to figure out what the genius was building. The music being played inside the facility was dull and faint to her ears because she was in the garage, alone. Whatever Tony was making, it was so important to him that he almost missed his own engagement party, forcing him indoors for days. Ana suspected it had to do with his Iron Man armour. Papers were strewn all over the surface of the table with scribbles and drawings, and his computer monitor was on screensaver mode with the Stark Industries logo spinning.

Ana pulled a chair to the table and sat down, letting out a heavy exhale. She glanced down at the glass of water in her hands, before lifting it to her lips and downing the entire thing. She winced, rubbing her temples when she could feel a headache coming on. They were getting more frequent since she began experiencing her father's memories. Peter had gone home since it was getting late and he had to wake up early to catch the train for school and meet Ned before class.

Ana raised her eyes when there was a sound behind her. Ana swivelled on the chair, and looked to Tony as he walked in the garage with his hands in his pant pockets. He sent her a soft smile, as if silently saying here you are.

"You know, there's a party happening out there, right?" Tony threw his hand at the direction of the facility.

"Sorry, I got a little nervous." Ana admitted.

"Happens to the best of us." Tony said, pulling a chair and sitting beside her. Ana chuckled at the red lipstick mark on his cheek, knowing Pepper was behind it.

She patted his shoulder, "I missed you, Tony." She said sincerely.

"Me too, kid. Kinda got worried when I didn't hear from you for a few weeks. Usually you'd be up to something that caught my attention." Tony said, picking up a screwdriver and fidgeting with it.

Ana quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, I've been up to a lot of somethings, none that you'd notice since they didn't happen on our planet."

"Space travel? And without me?" Tony placed a hand over his heart, smirking slightly when Ana rolled her eyes.

"Wish it were that safe, Tony. The things I've seen... space isn't for the lighthearted." Ana muttered, brushing a piece of her hair away from her face.

"Good thing I got a RT instead." He tapped the nanotech chamber that was attached to his chest underneath his dress shirt.

Ana faced him and crossed her arms over her chest. "Speaking of, I thought you got rid of it after that whole Mandarin ordeal. What's wrong?" She questioned, eyebrows furrowing with concern.

Tony shook his head, glancing at the monitors that were completing a run of schematics. "Nothing. Not yet, anyways. This one's just a housing for nanotech, incase anything wrong happens." He informed her, putting down the tool in his hands and standing.

"And people call me paranoid." Ana scoffed, turning on her chair to follow him as he wondered around his workstation.

Tony threw her a look. "You argue being careful. And that's exactly where I am."

"Tony, don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you never have to use that." Ana pointed at his chest.

"Me too." Tony whispered.

Ana gestured to the display case that was in the centre of the room among other cases. They were filled with equipment and suits, telling Ana that Tony had been busy. "I noticed a few interesting additions to the equipment station. You've been working hard."

"Talking about Spidey's new upgrade? Nice, huh?" Tony tapped the glass that had been dimmed to reveal the Iron Spider suit.

Ana smiled. "Super cool. Makes me a little more comfortable knowing that Pete would be safe when he's out there, being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. God knows I don't want anything bad to ever happen to him." She said, standing up and joining Tony at the display crate.

"That's my job, Ana. I make sure our friends are well and truly protected." Tony stated.

"Thank you for that." Ana replied.

Before Ana could leave the garage, Tony spoke up, placing a hand on her elbow. She stopped on the spot and turned to look at him, confused. He let out a puff of air from his cheeks. "I've noticed your stuff is in your old room but you haven't slept over since you left your apartment."

Ana shrugged. "I've been crashing at this place on Bleeker Street, staying with a few friends of mine until I figure something out."

The look in Tony's eyes said he wasn't expecting her answer. "I don't understand why you don't just come back."

"Coming back to a place where everyone's gone?" Ana questioned, frowning. "Tony, even you're not around that often. I'd have the whole place to myself. You don't have to worry about me, okay? I'll be fine."

"Can't help it." Tony replied. "I feel like because no one's around, you run away every chance you get to keep busy. To distract yourself. You take up space travel and become a vigilante."

"That was one time." Ana interjected.

"What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to run. This is your home. This is my home. Just because you don't have any family alive doesn't mean you can't make another one. We're family. Okay? I love you, and I want you to feel like you have a home to go to when you need it. If you decide to crash here, I'll hang around. Keep you company. I'll even allow Spidey to sleep over as long as he stays away from my stuff." Tony glanced at Ana, releasing a sigh. He couldn't help but feel partially responsible for her behaviour and reluctance to avoid staying at the facility. Before the Sokovia Accords, it was all about hanging together and enjoying each other's company. They were the closest of friends — a family.

Ana leaned her back against the edge of the table, and looked at him. "I've always seen you as family, Tony. All of us, we're all one big, dysfunctional superfamily. All families have their problems. I believe that one day, we'll come together again — or should I say assemble." Tony rolled his eyes at that last part. "And hopefully mend all of our broken parts. Because that's what family is supposed to do, right? Heal each other when the times are tough."

"Times are about to get tougher." Tony declared gloomily.

"I know. I feel it too." Ana and Tony faced the monitors when the application was complete. A holographic image of Tony's new, upgraded suit manifested and they both stared at it. Ana sent him a side glance. "When it arrives, I'll be right beside you, Iron Man."

"And we'll stop it together, Warrior."

"Night, Wong."

Ana waved as the male sorcerer walked past her on his way to bed. He smiled slightly in reply and raised his tea cup at her, before disappearing into his room and closing the door behind him. Ana pulled her sleeves over her hands and balled them up before crossing her arms over her chest. Stephen had turned in after giving Ana a kiss on the forehead, sweetly wishing her a peaceful slumber. Ana hadn't gotten to the sleepy part of the day, and instead wondered around the Sanctum.

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