《Heroine ϟ Marvel [3]》3.1


The Black Order

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Wakanda, a place with soul.

Despite a hidden threat growing deep in it's jungles, the country was a thriving beacon of advanced technologies and their people's pride was infectious. The kingdom was peaceful, as of now, and they went about their day, knowing their new King would protect them from any harm if it decides to come to light. T'Challa was learning. He was always a Prince in the people's eyes, and they knew he would have a difficult time in rising to the rank of a King. T'Chaka, the late King, was a commendable ruler, and they prayed his son would do him proud.

Wakandans weren't used to outsiders in their home, but they did recognise the woman T'Challa was approaching. She wasn't a threat. She bowed respectfully when T'Challa stopped at the end of the steps that lead to the laboratories, greeting him with a bright smile regardless the state she was in. The people were curious as to why she was dripping wet from head to toe.

But T'Challa only chuckled.

"What happened?" The King questioned.

"Long story short, I met Namor." Ana revealed, pursing her lips when she noticed some of the Wakandans staring. She blushed pink in embarrassment, and offered them a wave and smile as they passed by.

"I feel sorry for you." T'Challa grinned, watching as she wrung the water from her shirt. He opened his arm outwards in the direction of the labs, "Come, please."

They walked into the labs, side-by-side, and were greeted by the two post guards of the Dora Milaje. These labs contained many high-tech objects that were potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. And there was also that soldier in cryostasis. T'Challa requested a robe and they supplied one to Ana, and she thanked them, before continuing on with her trek with the King to a specific room.

"How do you know Namor?" Ana asked, aiming to get her mind off the rapid beating of her heart as they entered the room.

"His waters surround the continent, there was always bound to be an interaction between the two kingdoms at some point." T'Challa replied, "But we agreed to keep to our own kingdoms. It's worked out well so far."

Ana nodded along, digesting the information. She then dared to look straight ahead, to the middle of the lab. The chamber was still there, though she didn't expect for it to disappear, and the frost was hiding Bucky away from prying eyes. T'Challa, who was the first to move forward, picked up a clear tablet and started bringing up multiple arm designs. Ana looked over his shoulder at the screen, raising her eyebrows in awe.

"Oh, wow, they look amazing." Ana said, pointing at the sleeve of a design. "No Soviet star? I dig it."

T'Challa brought up the specifics and listed a few of them. "We aim to upgrade his previous prosthetic with genuine Vibranium, we've also added a few features he might find useful in combat. EMP emission, sensory array, electrical discharge... and interactive touch receptors — both mechano and thermo."

Ana looked at T'Challa, "So... he'll be able to sense touch with the prosthetic?" She questioned.


Ana ducked her head, looking at the screen again. Bucky's first arm didn't let him feel heat or texture, therefore no pain when a bullet or knife hit it. But with the interactive touch receptors, he could choose when to disable the feature when he wasn't alone with Ana. She also appreciated how the Soviet star wasn't anywhere to be seen. That would be considered as a trigger if it was still painted on his sleeve, and Bucky didn't need any reminding on the weapon he used to be.


"They're great, they really are." Ana insisted. "I'm glad you're taking care of him, T. I wish there was some way I can repay you for everything you've done for him."

"There is: stay alive." T'Challa bluntly stated.

Ana opened her mouth to say something, but instead pursed her lips, confused. "Huh?"

"James is a victim of brainwashing and manipulation on the highest level. You are just like him, except you've grown out of that and become a hero many people look up to. When he wakes up, he will need you to guide him. To help him. And above all, support him."

Ana glanced at the chamber. "I'll always be there for James. He's a good man, even if he doesn't want to hear it. All I want is for the world to see him as I do." She smiled, sadly.

"That day will come, soon." T'Challa assured.

Ana looked back to the King of Wakanda, eyes glassy. She still smiled. Silently, she nodded, and hugged her arms to her chest. She had finished her duties on Earth, now, it was time to start the mission.

Off to the galaxy.

- - -

Ana was staring into the portal, hypnotised by the starry surroundings. It never failed to amaze her. The galaxy. She wondered what it would be like to live as the Guardians did. Then remembered she wasn't on vacation, and stepped inside. Her foot landed on rock. Smooth, black dirt and random boulders were occupying the ground all around her. She had concentrated on the place where she first found the Titan. Again, it was cold. No wind. Just quiet. It unnerved her. She was used to so much noise and other people.

Sanctuary was deserted. No otherworldly beings. No Black Order. No Thanos. Ana explored the small space and wondered where they were. She was sure they would still be here. She felt lost now. She looked at the empty throne hovering in the air, and kneeled in front of it, shoulders slugging forward.

"When I actually look for you, you're nowhere to be found..." Ana said, sighing. "It's like your two steps ahead of me."

Then, a small noise.

It was a subtle whoosh that came from behind her. She got up and turned, not too quickly to alert the unknown being. She gripped the straps of her backpack tighter, hearing the way the material stretched from the action. Her eyes narrowed, and scanned the terrain. She thought she spotted a head peeking out from behind a large boulder, and stepped forward. The boulder was big enough for two people to hide behind. Ana measured the way the person hid, and came to a conclusion that this being was just afraid and alone on a small outpost.

Ana relaxed slightly, releasing the hold on her bag and let her hands drop to her sides. "Hello?" She called out.

She held her breath when the figure stepped out from the boulder, and squinted when she couldn't get a good look at it. She moved closer. "Hey, it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." Ana meant to smile to ease the tension, but a feeling in the pit of her stomach made her feel nauseous. And hostile.

When she moved closer, she realised it was a man. A foot taller than herself, with a muscular stature and dark hair. He wore black pants, a black muscle tee with a large W across the front of it in red and metallic armbands around his wrists. What caught her off guard was the fact that his eyes were glowing red, and a sort of purple flare emitted from them.


Ana now concluded he wasn't a friendly.

"You're her. Aren't you?" He spoke for the first time. Ana's eyes narrowed slightly, hearing his American accent. She stepped back as he moved out of the boulder's shadow. He was much clearer to look at, and Ana shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied, keeping her head level.

"The one everyone's looking for." He grinned. "And I'm the one that found you. Me." He pointed at himself, as if this sort of stuff never happened to him.

"Congratulations." Ana said dryly before she could stop herself. She had backed into the throne, catching her balance before she could waver in front of him. She sighed, hands out. "Look, I don't want any trouble."

"Well, I need the reward. And seeing as you are unarmed and alone, I think I'd like to cash it in now."

He latched his hand on her shoulder, and Ana almost laughed. She glanced down at his hand for a second, before facing him, smiling. Before he could blink, Ana shoved his hand away from her, locked her hands around his neck and kneed him with semi-force. He yelped, falling to his knees and clutched his nose, scared it would fall off. Blood ran like a river down his face and he groaned.

Ana circled him, and straightened her blue jacket. "Let me clear the air. I am not going to be cashed in like some pawn. And unless you want me repeat what I just did to your nose to your groin, you will not lay another hand on me."

The man sniffed and got to his feet, straightening his back. He looked at her, showing the the way his nose cracked back into place. The blood stopped leaking and he exhaled heavily, nodding his head.

"Fair enough. Sorry for underestimating you. It's just that this is my first time actually participating in bounty collecting. And I need the money." He responded, ashamed. He rubbed the back of his neck, lowering his gaze.

"What's with your eyes?" Ana asked, lifting a finger to point at the energy pulsing from them.

"Ionic energy." He answered. Ana gave him a look and he eased into a smile. He released a long breath, physically relaxing. He extended his hand, "My name is Simon Williams. I used to be known as Wonder Man. Back when that really meant something."

Ana gripped a strap of her bag with one hand as the other took ahold of his and shook it. "Are you from Earth?" She questioned.

"Yes." He charmed her with a toothy white grin. "I was an actor, stuntman, businessman. You might have seen my films." His head was bobbling slightly, like a big shot in Hollywood would usually get caught doing.

Ana knew this man's work. She had seen a couple of his films in a few theatres when she had breaks from SHIELD. It was something she along with Natasha and Clint did a lot when they were partners. "Oh yeah, uh, I guess."

"Which one's your favourite?" Simon asked, curious to know her answer.

"Death Before Arrival." Ana said.

"Some of my best work." Simon nodded.

"What happened to you?" Ana crossed her arms and tilted her head.

"Would you believe I volunteered for this? Well, not exactly this, but something to make me stronger. Instead I got my body turned into ionic energy. Got a few perks from it though, so that's a win."

"Perks? Like what?" Ana smiled.

"Flight. Strength. Regeneration. Energy blasts. I'm still working on the teleportation thing." Simon looked off into the distance, squinting.

"Does it hurt?" Ana whispered.

"No, not really. But if my frequency goes whack, as in if it's being interfered, that's when the screaming starts." Simon's cheery aura had dampened slightly, recalling those moments when his body felt like fire due to the handy work of some really bad people. The people who did this to him.

Ana nodded. "How come you're the only one here?"

He went to reply, but a deep rumble followed by an engine powering down stopped them both. They looked up when a large spaceship flew over their heads and landed just a few meters from where they were standing.

Ana and Simon looked at each other, alarmed.

"What is that?" Ana questioned.

Simon started backing away, hand on his cheek as he nervously chuckled. "Uh, yeah, I should go. You should go too. Seriously, if they see you, you're dead." He rambled.

The rear ramp of the ship opened up and it's occupants stepped out. Ana would usually fight back. But after realising who had come for her, she dropped her hands and exited her attack stance. She remembered these two. Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight. But there were another two she didn't recognise. They must have been apart of the Black Order. The group Nebula told her about. They were also Thanos' adoptive children. They were all strong, skilled fighters. They were all dressed in combat armour, game faces on as they walked down the ramp. The big one, Black Dwarf, curled his lip when he found the daughter of the Sentinel standing alone in front of them. A low growl emitted from his throat, and he stepped forward, only for Ebony Maw to block him with his outstretched arm.

Ebony Maw was arguably the most strategic, and dangerous, one of them all. He had the skill to get into people's minds just by talking. He never showed any signs of special abilities. All he had to do was get close and let his speech and mischief take over. To this day, there isn't anybody in the entire galaxy that evaded his trance.

The Black Dwarf on the other hand, was a complete beast. He enjoyed being by Thanos' side because he agreed with most of his morals and goals. He liked the way they ventured to take and take from the galaxy. He found it fun. He was the biggest of them all, with super-strength and unbreakable skin. He was loyal to his father, and just as he, and many of the others with him, had a grudge against the Sentinel.

Proxima and Corvus looked on as Maw spoke with the Dwarf. He brought his hands up, touching each fingertip to their opposites. He had his dark eyes on Ana, a sly, yet coy, smirk on his lips. His siblings could see the mischief already brewing behind those eyes. "Wait. Look. She shows no signs of hostility. It would be smart if we do the same."

"And prevent a battle?" Black Dwarf scoffed. He was itching to fight. "Thanos wants her alive, that doesn't mean I can't inflict a little pain."

"She is already wounded, you swine." Corvus noted the bruises and the way she slightly hunched to one side.

"Let's just bring her inside and take her to him. I'm getting impatient." Proxima announced, gripping her lance tighter. All eyes were on Ana now, and she gulped, intimidated by the Black Order.

Ana was way in over her head. But this had to be done. The contract had to be diminished. If it meant walking into the jaws of death willingly, so be it. She realised they hadn't attacked as soon as they touched down, and when they quietly spoke among each other, she feared the possible plan they were brewing to take her in.

"I'm here, alright? You can stop sending Ridley's Aliens to Earth to come find me." Ana spoke stiffly, flinching slightly when the Black Dwarf stepped forward again.

"If I had a heart of lightness, I would admire your selfishness." Proxima sneered, taking it upon herself to grab Ana, and lock a pair of chains to her hands. "But I don't, so walk."

Ana stumbled at first when she was pushed forward by the alien, but caught her footing and clenched her jaw, keeping her eyes on the ship she was being led to. She eyed the newcomers, and cleared her throat.

"So, are you going to take down the contract now?" Ana questioned.

Corvus carried his spear, one arm over his chest as he settled in a relaxed position. "You aren't to speak unless spoken to. Once we arrive at the warship, Sanctuary-2, a signal will be sent out to all transmitters that your capture was successful." He said, eyeing her. "We can't have imbeciles trying to steal you from Thanos."

Ana nervously inhaled, "What will Thanos do when I arrive-"

Corvus flexed his wrist, and swung his spear, slicing a small cut across Ana's cheekbone. She grunted, head snapping to the side.

"As I said, don't speak."

Ana turned her head when she could hear struggling and spotted Proxima with Simon in her grip. His eyes were flaring red with ionic energy and Ana tried to step towards him.

"Let him go." Ana told her forcefully.

Proxima only chuckled lightheartedly, amused, pushing Simon forward. "You dare give me orders?" She scoffed.

Ana stiffened when she settled her lance at his throat as a sign of aggression. She didn't think when she lifted her leg and booted her metres away from the innocent man. Corvus snapped and tackled her to the ground, planting his foot on her chest. He aimed his spear to her throat and growled at her. He was heavy, and Ana gasped, feeling her rib cage closing in.

Simon went to help, but Ana shook her head. "Go! Now!" She yelled breathlessly.

Wonder Man groaned to himself, having no choice but to leave and protect himself. He transformed into his purple ionic form and blasted off. Ana used her legs to free herself from Corvus and rolled away. The black dirt was all over her and she coughed into the ground.

"You disgrace! Never lay a hand on me again!" Proxima was held back by the Black Dwarf, wanting nothing more than to tear into Ana's chest and steal her heart.

"Technically it was my foot." Ana mumbled into the dirt.

She was pulled to her feet, and nudged to her knees before Ebony Maw. He was tall and lanky, and creeped the hell out of Ana. "Force is such a blunt instrument, and often unnecessary." He noted quietly. Ana noted how much he reminded her of Voldemort from the Harry Potter series.

"She was about to kill someone out of nothing." Ana responded, hands behind her back. "I don't tolerate stuff like that. On Earth or the galaxy. Besides, she doesn't look like much of a talker."

Proxima grunted, and shook off Dwarf's grip on her, storming into the spaceship they arrived in. Corvus on the other hand was offended, and Maw's little statement of unnecessary force flew right over his head as he drew his glaive. No one could stop him when he stabbed the blade into Ana's shoulder behind her back.

Ana screamed when the metal burned against her flesh, hot tears forming in her eyes. He wrenched it out and looked to Maw who seemed displeased.

"She kicked my wife."

That's it. Ana broke the chains around her hands and launched forward, trapping Corvus by locking her hands around his neck. Her sword manifested in one hand and she instantly thrusted the weapon into his chest, eyes narrow with zero guilt. She let his body drop to the ground as she stepped back, hands shaking violently. She was puzzled when none of them responded with any shock or surprise, and looked back at Corvus.

And just like a zombie, Corvus Glaive rose from the dead. Never mind the Sword of Light in his chest, he still got up as if it hadn't even punctured his skin in the first place. He held his durable spear in one hand, while his menacing smile towards her grew double the size.

Ana wasn't able to put into words the pure shock she felt. And the disappointment. She made sure her sword stabbed him in the chest, even went as far as pushing it so hard it protruded from his back. But it did nothing.

"Benefits from having a weapon that can keep you from Death itself." He spoke with an eerie tone, sending shivers up Ana's spine. He pulled out her sword and dropped it at his feet, spinning his own weapon between both hands before entering in a battle stance.

"Hey, no fair..." Ana mumbled, backing away.

Then she paused.

Her eyes landed on his glaive and a tiny smirk make it's way onto her face. She sidestepped when he tried to send the weapon her way, and curled around his body, whipping her elbow into his back. Her other hand grabbed onto the golden weapon and she wrenched it out of his grip.

She gripped both ends and lifted her knee, before pushing it down with her strength, aiming to snap it in half. No weapon, no second chance at living. Corvus' fingers clenched the weapon before it could hit her knee and he snarled, lifting his hand and sending a mighty uppercut her way.

Ana was knocked back. She withered around on the ground, oblivious to Corvus closing in on her. He launched the spear in her shoulder blade again, twisting it further when she cried.

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