《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 1: Throwing People at Walls
Percy woke up abruptly to a phone ringing loudly. Groaning, the demigod declined the call without glancing at the device. To her annoyance, the phone rang again.
"What? I'm sleeping," the tired girl complained as she picked up the phone. She was finally receiving a good nights sleep, only to be disturbed by whoever was calling her. The demigod still occasionally had nightmares. The trauma from the war affected her even after many months.
Her friend, Damon, replied, "Well, wake up. We're having a group meeting."
The Salvatore hung up the phone without waiting for a response. Percy glared at the phone, silently cursing him in her mind.
Dam him.
The demigod moved to Mystic Falls a few months ago to finish her last year of high school. It was hard to find a school that would accept her after she managed to get banned from attending schools in New York. She was just that talented.
The tired nineteen year old threw the blankets off of her and got out of bed. She walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. The water helped wake her up and gave her new energy. After using her powers to dry her body, Percy got changed. She put on jeans and a dark green sweatshirt that complimented her sea green eyes.
She walked downstairs to grab something to eat before going to the boarding house. The raven haired beauty lived in a large house across from the Salvatore residence, courtesy of Poseidon. The god gifted it to her, along with a blue jeep. After the war, many of the gods tried to spend more time with their children. They would make up some excuses to Zeus and occasionally visit.
Sally and Paul still lived in New York. Percy wanted the opportunity to live on her own and she had hoped to have a less stressful life at Mystic Falls. The demigod's hope didn't last long though, when she discovered the existence of vampires and other beings in the town.
When Percy arrived at the Boarding house, she was greeted by Damon. The demigod smiled, "Hey Dae." The vampire returned the smile back, "You're late."
Percy rolled her eyes at him, walking past him into the living room where everyone else was gathered.
"So what's up?" The demigod questioned. Elena responded, "Klaus made his first move today at school."
"Oh, I skipped class to sleep today," Percy shrugged.
Damon rolled his eyes at her, "So, we go to the dance, and find him."
"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like." The younger Salvatore commented.
Damon answered, "Something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply."
Percy thought about his comment, "Oh gods! What if he's hot?"
Damon glared at her. "Why would that matter? He's trying to kill Elena."
"Well, it'd be harder to kill him if he's cute. Duh," she smiled cheekily.
Stefan tried to get the group to focus, not wanting to hear more of that conversation. "He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school."
The leather-jacket-wearing vampire retorted, "I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"
Percy started to feel a pull in her gut and her eyes were drawn to the front door. A moment later, a knock could be heard.
Hmm, Percy thought, Nobody in this town knocks.
The history teacher walked into the room. Damon turned to Alaric, "There you are."
"And you called me late? Not fair." The sea green eyed girl pouted.
Damon playfully narrowed his eyes at her. The action caused the demigod to stick her tongue out at him.
Percy was only really friends with Caroline and Damon. She didn't really get along with the others as much, but since she was friends with two of the members, she sometimes got dragged into their drama.
Alaric apologized as he glanced at the demigod in front of him with intrigue. "Sorry I'm late."
Percy locked eyes with Alaric. She had a feeling something was off about him.
Damon turned to his friend, "Hey. I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move."
Alaric seemed distracted by something about the demigod.
Elena questioned the group, "Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?"
The Bennet witch announced, "Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him."
Percy spoke up, "There's always the chance that he's not some evil dude." She wanted to be optimistic about the situation. The others in the room didn't care for her comment.
Sparing a glance at the demigod again, Alaric remarked, "That's not going to be easy. I mean, he's the biggest, baddest vampire around."
"Edward Cullen and his sparkling chest are quaking," the demigod mumbled at the teacher's statement.
Hearing her words, Alaric furrowed his brows slightly in confusion. Damon, on the other hand, was used to Percy's antics.
The Salvatore stepped forward, "Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he-" Damon speeds at the witch with his vampire speed, only for him to be thrown back into the wall.
Percy giggled at the sight. She's like a living catapult. "Again! Again!"
The bunny muncher smiled slightly at her words. "Well, I was impressed."
Percy energetically nodded her head in agreement, in hopes of seeing Bonnie use her witchy powers on the Salvatore again.
To her disappointment, Bonnie didn't make a move to catapult the Salvatore again. It caused the demigod to sigh internally.
"It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can." The Bennet witch assured the doppelgänger.
The demigod looked at herself in the mirror, examining her hair. She continued to play with it, not satisfied with the way it was styled. One stubborn piece of hair kept falling in her face. Percy blew the hair up from her face, but it simply returned. Sighing, she gave up.
Percy was wearing a 60 styles dress that she found at a thrift store. She actually put a little effort into her appearance. She applied a bit of makeup and attempted to style her hair for the dance.
She walked downstairs to the kitchen to find a snack. After shoving several oreos in her mouth, the girl went in search for her shoes.
Once Percy arrived at the high school, she saw it was already packed with students. The demigod tried to find the food table. She could hear a girl on stage speaking into a microphone.
"Thanks for being here everybody! We have a special shout-out tonight."
Upon hearing the student's words, Percy paused and looked around the room for her friends.
Dana, the girl speaking, continued, "This is for Percy. From Klaus."
Percy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why me?
Shrugging, the demigod continued her journey to find food. Some weird vampire guy was not going to stop her from getting a snack.
Her attempt was interrupted by Damon, who grabbed her arm.
"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's trying to bait us." The Salvatore looked agitated.
Percy shrugged, "Meh. It's not really working then." She wasn't afraid of the Original in the slightest. Homie just wants a dance. Who cares?
Elena looked around the room, "I know everyone here."
Stefan attempted to ease the group's nerves. "Maybe he's not here, he just wants us to believe that he is."
The older Salvatore replied, "It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us."
Bonnie clutched onto Jeremy's arm. "Good idea."
"No, no. I really don't feel like dancing," the Gilbert responded.
"Too bad."
Damon saw Alaric and kindly dragged Percy to follow him.
Alaric spoke up once the pair approached him. "Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted."
Damon immediately shut him down. "I'm not impressed."
"No?" Alaric questioned. Percy witnessed the look of disappointment appear on his face.
"Yeah," Percy agreed with Damon, "I'm not sure if it was a bad attempt at flirting or threatening me, but either way, I'm used to receiving both on a daily basis."
Alaric's interest piqued further. Damon turned to Percy, "Let me know if you see anything out of wack."
The demigod inspected the crowd. She felt like the answer was standing right in front of her, but she just couldn't put the pieces together. It was as though it was on the tip of her tongue.
"Would you like to dance?" Alaric asked her. He wanted to get to know her. The demigod, however, had not yet figured out that the man next to her was not really Alaric. He was someone else.
Percy looked at him, "Wouldn't that be weird? A teacher and student dancing?"
"Oh, right." The man posing as Alaric tried not to blow his cover. "Well, it's just one dance."
Percy shrugged, "Okay."
The hybrid realized he had no idea what he was doing. Once they got to the dance floor, Percy put her hands behind the back of his neck. Alaric-Klaus placed his hands on her waist.
"Are you alright?" The demigod questioned him.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
Percy responded, "You just seem different."
"I'm fine." He looked in her eyes. "What did you mean when you said you received threats on a daily basis?"
Percy smiled, "Trouble finds me wherever I go. I'm like a magnet for danger."
"Is that so?" The hybrid thought about her words. He was trying to figure out the enigma that is Percy Jackson. She had this aura of power surrounding her. Klaus wanted to figure out why.
Percy saw Elena and Bonnie leave the room in a hurry. Before the conversation could continue, Percy stepped away. "Excuse me."
Without waiting for a response, she walked to Damon. "What's going on?" She asked the Salvatore.
"Bonnie is playing hero to save Elena." The demigod raised her eyebrow at him.
The two were interrupted by Stefan. The bunny muncher grabbed Damon's arm. "Please tell me you didn't know that Bonnie was on a suicide mission."
"What?" Percy asked. The Bennet witch was way too young to die.
Damon, however, was not shocked by the question. "Oh, great. Jeremy told you. And of course, you told Elena."
"Yeah, I told her. You promised her no more secrets."
Damon looked annoyed, "I changed my mind."
Stefan's face hardened.
A moment later, his head turned toward the hallway. "Do you hear that?"
Before the demigod could ask what they heard, the Salvatores quickly made their way to the door. Percy followed. They ran down the hallway to find a bunch of kids beating up Jeremy.
"Schist," the girl cursed as she sped up faster. In one swift movement, she kicked one of the kids into the lockers.
At the same time, she heard a groan from Damon. She saw him with a wooden stake in his chest. One of the kids next to her was holding a cross bow.
Damon looked at the kids, "Let me guess, Klaus says hi."
Percy moved forward, and elbowed one of the kids hard in the stomach. The boy groaned at her strength. She pushed him against the locker hard enough to knock him out, but not hard enough to cause any serious injury. The demigod knew just how hard to hit to get the necessary response.
Stefan took down another one of the kids by punching them. Stefan and Percy turned to Damon who was about to stab one of the kids with the stake that was previously in his chest.
The younger Salvatore spoke, "No, no, no, no. Don't kill him. He's compelled."
"Damon stop, he's just a kid." Percy ordered.
Damon didn't seem to care. "So?"
"So, the whole thing is probably a distraction." The demigod reasoned.
Stefan nodded, "Go find Bonnie and Elena. I got this. Go!"
Percy ran down the hallway looking for the witch and the doppelgänger. Damon threw the kid against the lockers before speeding out with Percy.
They went different directions in hopes of finding them sooner.
Percy turned a corner to find Bonnie and Elena with Alaric.
Alaric was saying, "Ah, I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, ugh. Not my decade."
"Oh gods," the demigod mumbled. She finally put the pieces together. The man standing in front of her wasn't Alaric.
Elena glanced at Percy looking confused.
Alaric chuckled, "I mean whose call was that anyway? I much prefer the twenties." Percy stepped in front of the two girls in a protective manner as Alaric-Klaus continued. "The style, the parties, the jazz."
Elena's eyebrows were furrowed. "Alaric, are you on vervain?"
The man took a step closer. "Now, why would you ask me that question, Elena?"
Percy held her ground. "That's not Alaric."
"I was hoping you'd be the one to guess it, Love."
Percy raised an unimpressed eyebrow. The rest of her face remained impassive, her eyes holding power.
"I was right. You are bad at flirting. And threatening."
Klaus stepped forward. "Is that so, love? Well, I assure you I'm much better at both in my own body."
"I doubt it." The original was hoping his words would have an affect on her. He was used to people fearing him. Yet, Percy didn't look fazed in the slightest.
Elena couldn't believe what was happening. "No, it's not possible."
Percy shook her head, "No, it's possible to be bad at both."
Klaus chose not to respond to her words, and instead brought his attention back to Elena. "Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight." He turned to Bonnie, "But you are."
He tried to move closer to Bonnie, but the demigod threw him into the wall. Hard. Wow, that's the third person I've thrown at the wall today. Klaus was a bit surprised at her strength but tried not to show it.
Groaning, he crawled across the floor. He pushed himself back up.
He looked up, as if daring her to continue. "Did I mention I know a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that."
Bonnie used her powers to slam him against the trophy case. The glass broke and he fell to the ground again. The original provoked her, "By all means, fire away!" He stood up, "If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy."
Without looking away from the original, Percy shouted, "Run!" She wanted them to be safe. The two girls ran and Percy followed. If he tried to come after them, Percy would be able to stop him before he reached the two.
Once they left the room, Bonnie held out her hands in the direction of the doors and they immediately shut tight.
Another set of doors in the hallway opened, as Damon ran in. "What happened?"
Elena tried to catch her breath, "Klaus is in Alaric's body."
"Yeah, he's like possessing him or something." The demigod added.
Damon focused on the doppelgänger. "Go find Stefan. Now."
Elena nodded, "Okay." She ran out another set of doors, trying to find Stefan.
Damon returned his gaze to Bonnie. "Can you kill him?"
"He's got some type of protection spell on him." she replied.
The Salvatore looked frustrated, "You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it!"
"I'm trying!" The Bennet responded.
Percy added, "If we kill Alaric, he'll just possess someone else."
Bonnie nodded. "He knows I have my powers, Damon. He's trying to kill me."
"No," Damon said. "Klaus does not get to win tonight. No way."
"You still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him?" The blue eyed Salvatore questioned.
Bonnie nodded her head.
The three formulated the plan to take down Klaus without losing Bonnie.
⇿ ⇿ ⇿
Elena and Stefan ran down the hallway in search of Bonnie. Damon and Percy stepped forward. "There you are." The raven haired vampire said.
Elena looked upset, "What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?"
"She's doing what she has to do."
Bewildered, Elena asked, "What?"
"Where is she?" The younger Salvatore asked, becoming aggravated by his brother's antics.
Damon stepped forward, "Stefan, let her do this."
Elena didn't understand how he could sound so calm about the death of her best friend.
"Damn it, Damon! Where is she?" Stefan demanded furiously.
⇀ ⇀ ⇀ ⇀
The raven haired duo arrived at the room where the couple was huddled over Bonnie. Damon spoke up, "Stefan, get Elena out of here. I'll deal with the body."
Percy felt bad for the Gilbert, but she knew they couldn't tell her the truth about Bonnie not truly being dead, in case Klaus was still listening. The demigod hated sacrifices and she knew what it was like to lose a friend.
The doppelgänger had tears streaming down her face. Incredulously, she asked, "What do you mean, deal with it?"
"The sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need is another mysterious death," Damon explained.
Elena shouted her voice full of pain, "This is Bonnie!" Glancing at his brother, Damon instructed, "Get her home. Now. So I can clean this up."
Stefan helped Elena stand, "Hey, hey, hey."
"No. Jeremy! Oh, my God, Jeremy. What about Jeremy?" Elena said worried about her brother.
Damon assured her, "I'll find him."
"No!" Elena yelled as she sobbed. Stefan helped her out of the room.
Damon gently brought his hand to the witches face to close her eyes.
Picking her up, he nodded at Percy. "You can go home. I'll handle this."
The demigod considered arguing the matter but she could tell Damon wanted to be alone.
"Okay. Call me if you need anything." Percy told him softly.
Turning on her heel, she left the high school.
I wasn't sure how to start this book but I hope it turned out okay! This is the first story I have ever written. So, I apologize in advance for poor writing. I have a few ideas for future chapters and I can't wait to write more. Constructive criticism is very appreciated. Any thoughts or suggestions?
lots of love,
Here, have a cookie. 🍪
i love niklaus mikaelson
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