《Ashes to Ashes: The Female Alpha》Alive (pt.25)


"Sister, it's been a long time"

My body grew stiff as I heard his raspy, sinister voice. It felt as if a bucket of water had splashed on me. I had not heard from my brother in years. He had said he was leaving me alone, and yet, here he is.

"What are you?" Rush inquired, stepping in front of me. I would've thought the motion sweet as if he wanted to protect me, but my entire focus stood on my brother.

"I'm her brother" Walker replied with a smirk, casually leaning against the tree.

My eyes were glued to his like a never ending staring match. His eyes always showed his intentions. The dead black eyes slightly moved to the left, then back onto mine. I could feel an urgency radiating from his stance; what could be so urgent he needed to find me?

"Why are you here, Walker" I found my voice.

"Can't I visit my big sister" he feigned innocence

I walked forward and grabbed his hand, "Are you working for her," I asked slowly. This was the only logical explanation, he had to know she was alive.

His eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "working for who?"

I let go of his hand at his genuine tone. He didn't know. I turned to Samuel and Rush, "I need to speak with my brother in private"

Rush grunted, while Samuel agreed hesitantly.

The pair of Alpha's led my brother and I to Rush's office. I could already hear the whispers going around the pack of the newcomer. I knew that his scent was different from the rest. I was only 11 when my brother attacked me, though I know it was because he was a new vampire, with urges he could not control yet. It pained me that at the time I couldn't see things so clearly. I let Samuel banish him from ever seeing me again, but every birthday he'd leave me a gift at the border, followed by a crow. The crow was my brothers trademark. As soon as it appeared, I knew it could only be one person.


We arrived to the office, only to have Rush plop himself onto his chair, waiting for us to talk. Samuel moved into one of the chairs as well. I understood why they sat down. This is their pack, they need to be here. I directed Walker into a chair beside mine.

"Why are you here Walker?" I asked

He looked from Samuel to me, "My pack kicked me out." He responded solemnly

I saw the slight pain flicker through his eyes. I nodded for him to continue

"I was mated to a girl from the pack; the Beta's daughter. The pack was already weary with a vampire within its pack, but they left it alone because I had been there since I was a pup. However, they didn't accept a pack wolf being mated to a vampire...they killed her, Alex" his eyes began to turn a vibrant red color, "I have no where else to go. I went to find you, but you were gone. Took me a month to track you down" he gave me a sad smile

"I'm sorry, Walker," I clutched his hand in mine, his eyes slowly turning back to a dark abyss.

Tell him, my wolf pushes.

With a breath in, I let the words spill out. "I know the last thing you want to hear is more bad news, but I have to tell you if you're not being protected by the pack anymore" I looked into his eyes, "She's alive. Mom's alive, Walker"

"That's impossible!" He stood up with a snarl, causing Rush and Samuel to tense. "I saw her body!" Spit flew from his mouth.

"I didn't cut deep enough," I explain. "She's coming after me, Walker" I let my fear slip through, causing my voice to falter


He pulled me into a hug, "I won't let her hurt you, Alex. Not again."

We sat there for a while, catching each other up on our lives. I told him of finding my ass of a mate, while he told me of the good times he spent with his mate before she passed. It pained me to know that his mate was killed, simply because he was not a wolf. The only thing that keeps me optimistic is the fact that my brother might have a beloved, since he is also a vampire.

My brother practically commanded that he be allowed to live here in order to protect me, and when the time comes, kill our mother. Rush yelled and argued but soon accepted his request. Rush knew that having my brother on our side was an advantage. Sure I had Warzone blood in me, making me stronger and faster than everyone else, but my mother and I were evenly matched. With Walker by my side I had an advantage. He has Warzone blood, making him a stronger and faster vampire. His speed is twice as fast as mine.

I enjoyed my brothers presence as we ate dinner. Rush announced to the pack who our new comer was. The stench of fear surrounded us as we ate, but no one commented on the arrival of a vampire. I spent dinner having a colorful conversation with my brother. He made me laugh, and almost choke on my food. It was nice having him around. He made me feel safe.

However, I fear for his safety. Now that he is by my side, I am scared of what our mother would do to him. To her, it would seem as if he betrayed her.

I would never want Walker to experience what I did. I pray to the moon goddess that my mother would just leave us alone, but I knew that was too big of a request.

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