《The Granger-Swan Reunion》The Humiliation


The day went by quickly and now everyone was getting ready for the ball. It is now 6:00 and the ball starts at 7:00 i take a shower and use my green apple sented bar of soap and my strawberry rose shampoo and conditioner. I get out of the shower wrap a big green fluffy towel around me and go into the bedroom. I dry my hair with my wand and put it in soft curls. I then get my dress out it is emerald green silk and it goes down to the floor. I sit in my vanity chair and start my make up i have winged eyeliner with a silver strip on top with dark green and black eyeshadow.

In the inner corner of my eyes is silver highlighter I have a little bit of blush and gold highlighter 9n my cheek bones my lipstick is a deep dark red. I put on my silver heels wedding ring and dimond choker and a white gold wrap around snake. I walk out of the bedroom and see everyone except Draco he had to go down early so he wouldn't get mobbed. Cassi had on a short red dress with gold heels neutral make up with red lip gloss Rose had on a blue floor length dress with silver heels silver and blue eyeshadow winged eyeliner and light pink lip gloss.

Alex had a black and white tux with his hair combed back and Scorp had on a black tux with a dark red shirt with his hair combed back as well. We went down to the lobby where we were supposed to meet the rest of the family. When we got there everyone was there and man my cousins have no concept of class they were wearing the most short tight dresses ever in neon color it was awful. It was now 7:00 and we went in everyone was mingling until i hear loud cheers which ment draco took the stage i turn around and classic him he was wearing an all black suit with his hair gelled back i just smiled to myself.


He goes up to the podium and starts "today i welcome you all to the ball i hope you are having a good time" cheers interrupt him but he continues "tonight i am happy to tell you that i am revealing my family to the public" gasps were hear every where "can my beautiful wife and amazing children come up here please". Then me and my kids walk up onstage to draco and draco says in my ear "you look beautiful" all i replie is "thank you" then my wonderful husband continues "this is my wife Hermione and my kids Alex, Rose, Cassiopea and Scorpius" everyone claps except the family that hates me. Our kids go and hang with their girlfriend/boyfriends while we go up to my crazy family. Toni comes up and shouts "what are you doing with my fiancé" i was bored of this i was about to say something but Draco did before me "easy i am not you fiancé I don't even know you" i smirk at that Toni, Cheryl and Cherry go to attack me but get stopped by my husband then get kicked out and banned from everything the malfoys own.

The rest of the night was amazing after we packed up and left the next morning and when we got home we all passed out on our beds exhausted from the reunion.

A/N this is the last chapter I hope you enjoyed this book it was alot of hard work anyway love you all and bye until next time I don't know when that will be though but bye my loves🙂

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