《The Granger-Swan Reunion》Finally Back Together Again


Draco's POV

I woke up happily I finale get to see my beautiful wife and amazing children today. I got up and had a quick shower seeing as it was 10:00 brushed my teeth combed my hair and put on my signature black suit. I went down stairs had my breakfast brushed my teeth again then went to my final meeting. Once my meeting was over it was now 11:00 so I got in my black tesla and drove to the hotel where my family was at as fast as i could.

When I got to the hotel i parked then walked in. As soon as I walked in my hotel I was swarmed by girls then I heard the private elevator ding I looked that way and I saw my wife and my kids standing there trying not to laugh. Then my grey eyes met the beautiful milk chocolate eyes of my wife hermione after I got through the crowd I shouted "Oi,Granger" she turned and looked at me the shouted "Malfoy"i walked up to her and hugged her and she hugged back the wisperd in my ear "if you want to live I suggested you run" "okay thanks bye" then I ran as fast as i could with out going vamp speed to the elevator and to my penthouse to wait for my mia.

Hermione's POV

After he ran to the elevator my snobbish cousins came up to me and said "how do you know him and keep your hands off my fiance" is what toni said to me I tried so hard not to laugh but let out a quiet giggle they didn't hear and said to them "i work with Malfoy and we went to school together he is one of my best friends so i can hug him if I want to". They walked away i told my kids "go have fun with your boyfriends and girlfriends if you need anything just call me" "ok mum" is what they said I then went up to the penthouse to see my husband. I went up stairs to the pent house to see my beloved Draco when the doors opened then closed. I saw Draco standing in the middle of the room facing me.


I ran up to him at human speed and jumped on him then kissed him by that point my legs were rapped around his waist and he was holding me up with his hands on my thighs and we were kissing like it was our last time. I am pretty sure you know what happened after that. After we got dressed we heard the doors open and we walk out to the living room for Draco to be tackled by our children hugging him. Then i remembered something "Draco there is something I need to tell you" "Are you OK did some happen" he sounded so worried about me but he didn't need to then i said "i am fine we are all fine what i need to tell you is that my cousin Toni told the whole family that you two are engaged" he replied "that is total BS" to calm him down i said "relax i know, I know so let's get pay back on her and humiliate her" i said with the signature Malfoy smirk.

(A/N sorry this chapter is a little shorter than the others I'm trying my best)

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