《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 50


Elaine's POV:

As I walked around outside with Draco, I began to feel much better. I mean, he didn't sleep with the girl right? It was just one, drunken and stupid kiss.

"I think I'll come back home," I said, finally as Draco and I found ourselves in a park. We took a seat on the park bench and watched people pass by. "But there has to be some kind of change, Draco...I need my husband back," I said, referring to his secret keeping and constantly running off to work. "I promise...I'll take off work next week and it'll just be the two of us and Fred," he said with a hopeful look in his eyes. "Okay," I said, smiling at him.

As we walked back to my parents' house I held Draco's hand. I know, it seems like a small and simple act, but it was something we haven't done in a long time. It felt like I had a piece of my heart back when I felt his fingers interlace with mine.

"Just wait out here," I said to Draco once we reached the front door of the house. When I walked inside, Hermione was playing with Fred on the floor, and my parents and Jason were waiting on the couch. "I'm gonna move back home, I think," I said. "We know...I've just sent you and Fred's things back there," Hermione said, standing up to hug me. "It'll work out," she whispered.

My parents and Jason were much less thrilled that I was moving back. Of course, I understood, but I was a little shocked they didn't try to hide it better. "I'll call you guys later okay?" I said, picking Fred up in my arms and walking out the door.

"There my boy!" Draco said, beaming at Fred. "I think he missed his daddy," I said, allowing Fred to slip out of my arms and into Draco's. "I missed him too," I add with a smirk. Draco tried to hide his red face, but I could tell how happy he was that things were on their way back to normal.


When we got home, I quickly unpacked Fred and I's things as Draco fed the baby. "I've just ordered dinner," Draco said as I stepped out of our bedroom. "What did you get?" I asked him. "You're favorite," he replied. I flashed him a smile, and then set the table for our food.

Pasta and french fries...he knows me too well. "Remember when I took you to the Room of Requirement and this is what I asked the room for?" he asked, motioning to the food and referencing the time he told me about Voldemort's plans. "I know, it feels like a lifetime ago," I said, filling my plate. As we ate and talked to each other, there was a knock on our door. "I've got it," I said, tossing my napkin aside and walking over to the door.

I opened the door and there he was...Lucius Malfoy. I smiled at him, knowing who he was here to see. "Who is it love?" Draco called from the kitchen. "Your dad," I replied. Before I could even greet Lucius, Draco was standing in between us. "Why are you here?" Draco asked. He had his wand in hand. "I just want to see my grandchild, Draco. No need to pull your wand out," Lucius muttered. "Come on in," I told Lucius, pushing Draco aside in the process. "He was fussing before, but he's been asleep for about a half hour," I said to Lucius, gently picking up the sleeping baby and putting him in his arms. "He's a Malfoy for sure...look at this blonde hair coming in!" Lucius said, cradling Fred in his arms. "He's got his mother's nose," Draco pointed out and Lucius smiled.

Weeks after Lucius first met Fred, he made it tradition to come over every other week to play with the baby. He loved him more than Draco, I think, and he definitely was a changed man.


Draco and I were also doing very well. Since we worked things out, he has never stopped making an effort; constantly surprising me, making me fall in love with him even more.

And once Fred was six months old, I was back at work with George, and we were killing it. The shop was so busy sometimes that we had to call in Ron for help.

All was well.

19 years flew by in the blink of an eye. So much has happened since Fred was born, but it's all a blur, if I'm being honest.

Hermione and Ron got married as well as Ginny and Harry. George and Brandy also got married, and Jason was engaged to a woman named Sydney (who treated me like a sister and loved my kids more than anything).

In 2006, when Fred was six years old, I had our second son, Scorpius. And just before Scorpius was born, Draco bought us a beautiful house. It wasn't too big or too small. It was just perfect for our growing family. Draco and I absolutely loved being parents. We couldn't spend enough time with our kids.

Once I had Scorpius, I decided to work only part-time at George's shop until the kids were old enough to go to Hogwarts.

Flash forward to today, Draco and I have just arrived with Fred and Scorpius to King's Cross Station. Fred, of course, loves everything about Hogwarts, and is so excited to show his brother the ropes. "Wait till you meet Moaning Myrtle," Fred said, laughing at the thought of her. "What if I'm not in Gryffindor?" Scorpius asked nervously. "Honey, don't worry. You're father and I were in separate houses, and we still found time to hang out...a lot," I said, watching a smirk appear on Draco's face. "Ew," Fred said, pretending to throw up, so I smacked his arm.

As we walked past many familiar faces, we reached the entrance to the platform. "Dad can you walk through with me?" Scorpius asked Draco, referring to the brick wall. "Of course," he said, helping Scorpius push his trolly right to Platform 9 and 3/4. "You'll watch him won't you?" I asked Fred as we walked together through the wall. "Yea mom, I promise...and don't worry, I'll say hi to Fred Weasley for you...he still talks about you all the time to me it's gross," he said jokingly, hugging me tightly before going off to join his friends.

"Good luck sweetheart!" I said, kissing Scorpius on the cheek before joining his cousins (James Potter and Rose Weasley) on the train. "They'll be fine right?" Hermione asked, stepping up next to me as we watched our kids find an empty compartment. "Of course...we were right?" I asked her with a laugh and she quickly joined in.

As the Hogwarts Express slowly began to pull away from the station, I waved eagerly to my boys. I secretly wished it was me who was on the train, and when I looked at my husband and friends, I knew I wasn't alone in thinking that.

When the train had turned the corner and was completely out of sight, I took Draco's hand and led us back to our home.

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