《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 48


Elaine's POV:

After I was released from the hospital with Fred, we went straight home (Draco included). I showed my son around the apartment, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I walked, and talked to him even though he was fast asleep in my arms.

I tried with all my might to get information from Draco about why he showed up drunk to the hospital, but he quickly rushed off to work claiming there was an emergency. "Draco...please talk to me," I begged, but he pecked my cheek and left in quite a hurry.

"Looks like it's just you and me," I muttered to Fred who I placed in his crib. I was very anxious to be with Fred by myself...I mean, I just became a mom a few hours ago. I was more upset than anxious, though...I mean, how could I not be upset...my own husband and my best friend just completely blew me off minutes after coming back home from having a baby. I couldn't believe it...the apartment felt empty without him there.

I shuffled around the house, fixing the broken tv with my wand and quickly showering in hopes that the warm water would make me feel better...but it didn't.

A few hours later, I got a letter from Draco saying he'd be stuck at the office late into the night, and that I shouldn't wait up for him. As I wrote him back, there was a knock on my door. Abandoning the letter, I opened it and smiled broadly when I saw Harry standing in front of me. "Elaine!" he exclaimed, hugging me tightly. "Hi Harry," I said, and I knew immediately he sensed something wrong. "What is it?" he asked, adjusting the glasses on his face. I didn't answer him. I wasn't sure how to. Lucky for me, Fred began to cry, so I rushed to pick him up and avoided the question...for now at least.

"What's his name?" Harry asked me, taking a seat on the couch before I passed him the baby. "It's Fred," I said and watched Harry's eyes tear up. "He's beautiful...Mrs Weasley's gonna freak when she meets him," Harry said, cradling the baby. "So where's Draco?" Harry asked, looking in my eyes. I felt his stare, but I quickly stood, asking if he wanted a drink. "Elaine? Tell me," he demanded, standing up next to me now. "He's gone, Harry," I mumbled before crumbling to the floor in a puddle of tears.

Harry quickly placed Fred back into his crib, rushing back to where I was collapsed on the floor. "What happened?" he asked. "He found out I've been visiting Lucius," I mumbled. "You have?" he asked. "Yes...he deserved to know I was marrying his son...and t-that he'd b-be a grandpa," I stuttered. Harry rubbed my back as I cried. "Do you know where Draco is now?" Harry asked. "He told me there was an emergency at work...b-but I don't know if I b-believe him...he showed up d-drunk to the hospital," I cried, hiccuping now. I began to hyperventilate and my loud cries made Fred cry. "Why don't you wait until he comes home tonight...talk to him. And if he gives you a problem, write to me," Harry said.

Harry let me cry for a while. He didn't leave until I had stopped. Before leaving, he assured me it would all work out. "Oh, before I forget," he said, taking a small package out of his pocket. "Congratulations...mom," he smirked, making me laugh. Then he hugged me goodbye and left.


I stared down at the package and then opened it quickly. I told myself I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't help it I found myself holding a tiny pair of socks with little broomsticks and golden snitches.

Hours after Harry left (very close to midnight), Draco came home. He didn't notice me at first. I was sitting on the couch reading a book Hermione had recommended. When he did see me, he jumped, holding his wand out. "You're up?" he asked, quickly pocketing his wand. "Where have you been?" I asked, closing my book and placing it next to me. "Where's Fred?" he asked, ignoring my question. "He's asleep," I said, glaring at Draco. He was hiding something...I could tell. "Draco what is that?" I asked, noticing redness on his neck. I stepped up and placed my hand on his shirt, pulling it away from his neck. "Nothing," he said, trying to cover his neck with his hand. "It's hives," I said, running my hand over it. I quickly went to the bathroom and got cream. "Why are you suddenly breaking out in hives?" I asked, rubbing the cream over the infected area. "Stress I suppose," he replied, kissing my forehead as I closed the tube of cream. What was he so stressed about?

Draco's POV:

I didn't cheat on her...at least, that's what I've been telling myself. It was only a kiss...and I was wasted and angry. I know she thinks something is up...and I know I have to come clean. I've been making myself sick over this whole thing. I also know she deserves the truth, but I wouldn't be able to live without her.

I feel like such a dick...after everything Elaine and I have been through, this could be the thing that drives us apart. I have loved her since I met her...and I fucked up royally.

I shouldn't have done it. I should've never walked into that bar. I should've never sat next to her...but I did.

Elaine's POV:

I decided to give myself some much needed space from Draco. He, after all, was always rushing off to work and we didn't speak unless it was a quick 'hello' or 'goodbye'. It felt more like I just had a roommate rather than a husband.

About a week after giving birth, I had Mr and Mrs Weasley come over to see Fred. Immediately Mrs Weasley and my baby in her arms and she cradled him. "His name is Fred," I said, and watched Mrs Weasley break down in tears. I knew she already knew his name, but I knew how much she'd appreciate it if I told her in person. "He's gonna be a wonderful man someday just like your Fred, I hope," I said, gently rubbing Mrs Weasley on the back as she continued to cry, handing Fred to Mr Weasley (who was also very choked up at the baby's name).

Maternity leave was actually really wonderful. Fred and I took our daily walks in Diagon Alley, always stopping to meet people (Neville, Charlie Weasley, and Luna to name a few). George was also over daily to run new products by me and see if I thought they'd sell. I loved how close the apartment was to the shop...it gave me a sense of normality.

My parents, Narcissa and Hermione were also over quite a bit. Narcissa took every chance she got to scoop up Fred and cuddle him. Hermione and my parents were at my apartment for me more than they were for Fred. None of them knew that Draco was gone most of the time, but they could tell how stressed out I had been.


Jason kept his distance, which I was grateful for. I wound up purchasing a telephone, though, to we could communicate easily with each other when we were both home...which was quite a lot. He was the only person I told, besides Harry, about how bad it was between Draco and I.

As the days went by, Draco still didn't want to talk, and I honestly gave up trying. His hives were now covering his body, and he continued to throw up in the middle of the night. I knew he thought I was asleep all those times he rushed to the bathroom, but I laid in bed and listened...not even thinking about getting up to see if he was alright.

On a random Wednesday, Fred watched me from his crib as I prepared myself lunch. He was getting bigger everyday...and I loved watching him grow. I just wished his father was here to witness it as well.

Just as I finished making the toast for my sandwich, there was a knock at my door. I opened it, and jumped slightly when I saw Hagrid standing in my doorway. "Hagrid! What a surprise!" I said, stepping aside to let him in. "Good to see yer Elaine," he said, bending down to fit in the doorway. I quickly picked Fred up, and laughed when I saw him watch Hagrid in amazement. "Where's Draco?" Hagrid asked after sitting on my couch. "Working...like always," I said, looking slightly upset. Hagrid noticed, but he didn't mention it. "Is this Fred?" Hagrid asked. I passed him the baby and noticed that Fred could fit in the palm of Hagrid's giant hand. "You know I told Fred...well, his portrait, that you named your son after him...I've never seen him smile so widely," Hagrid said, smiling at me. "Yea...I've been meaning to bring Fred to Hogwarts," I said. I couldn't wait to talk to Fred's portrait either...I missed him so much.

A cup of tea and crackers later, Hagrid looked a little sick. "Are you okay?" I asked him as his face flushed. "I need to tell 'er something," he mumbled. "What is it?" I asked, looking at his pale face and teary eyes. "I-I saw Draco that night you were giving birth," he said. My heart dropped to the floor and I felt my pulse quicken. "I was sittin' in the Leaky Cauldron, talking to Tom, the bartender," he explained. "And Draco came in with a black eye...course I didn't know you were in labor at the time...or I woulda' dragged him to the hospital myself," Hagrid said. I felt my palms get sweaty and my legs began to shake. "He must notta seen me...and I watched as he drank and drank," Hagrid continued, "and then there was this woman sittin' next to him. She was talkin' to him, rubbing his back as she did. And then...right as I was about to leave...they kissed. It wasn't a long one...but long enough for me to notice...and, just as I was about to confront him...he stumbled out of the bar and disapparated."

I looked at Hagrid, and surprised myself by not crying. "I just had ter tell you," Hagrid said, placing his giant hand on my back as I stared at my tea cup. "Thank you," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. With Hagrid's many attempts to stay and talk or help me in any way, I finally got him to leave.

When Hagrid left, I stared at the clock, knowing Draco would be getting home from work any minute now.

I'm not exactly sure how long I stood and stared at the clock, but I knew that when Draco entered the apartment, my anger soared to the highest it's ever been. "Hi Elaine," he said when I continued to stand still, my eyes focused on the clock. He kissed my cheek and then went over to Fred, picking him up and kissing him as well.

I didn't respond to Draco. Instead, I grabbed my wand, waved it, and watched as Fred and I's things came together in one suitcase. With another wave of my wand, the suitcase disappeared. "What's going on?" he asked. "I'll be back in a minute," I replied, taking Fred from his arms and walking out of the apartment.

I rushed to the joke shop, praying George would be there. Luckily, he was. "Hey Elaine," George said, smiling at me as he shuffled through the paperwork on my desk. "Could you do me a favor?" I asked him. He looked up, curious as to why I was acting so strange. "Sure," he said. "Can you take Fred to my parents' house and tell them I'll be there soon?" I asked. Without question, George took my baby in his arms and promised to do just that.

I thanked him, and found myself at the doorway of my apartment. My legs were still shaking, but they were shaking from anger instead of nerves.

I walked inside and looked at Draco. He was already crying in his hands as he sat at our kitchen table. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, looking up at me. "You kissed someone else...while I was giving birth," I stated. "How could you do that to me...to our child?" I yelled as Draco only cried harder.

Draco continued to tell me how sorry he was, but my mind was made up...I couldn't fight him anymore. I was the better person...I was stronger than this mess.

And so, I stormed out of the apartment and apparated immediately to my parents' house. My feet landed on the front lawn and I peeked into the living room window where my parents and Hermione were in deep discussion with George.

When I looked up towards the front door of the house, Jason stood watching me. He was holding Fred in one arm. "Come here Lainey," he said, waving me over toward him. He opened his free arm for me, and I felt myself collapse into him.

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