《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 10


Elaine's POV:

I felt much better after talking to Hermione about my issue with Draco. She continued to whisper advice all throughout charms class while we learned the basics of the imperturbable charm (a spell that creates a magical barrier on an object). Halfway through class it was decided that I would tell Fred what Draco did. It was best to keep zero secrets between us.

"I'm going to tell him after we go flying tonight with Harry, Ron and George...that way I'm sure Draco will be in his room and Fred can't go and kill him," I whispered to Hermione as Professor Flitwick started calling students up to practice the imperturbable charm. "Aha Elaine Granger! If you could please come to the front of the class and perform the imperturbable charm," Professor Flitwick said. As I was about to stand up from my desk, there was a knock at the classroom door. "I apologize, Professor, but Professor Dumbledore wants me to bring Elaine Granger to his office," I heard a voice say from the front of the room. I looked up and saw Draco Malfoy standing there. Hands in his pocket and his hair smoothed out, he looked handsome as ever. "Very well. Elaine, before you leave if you could please try the charm at least once," Professor Flitwick asked. "Of course," I replied, standing up from my desk. I looked at Hermione. She was telling me I shouldn't go with Draco, but if Professor Dumbledore really did need me I'd have to.

As I walked to the front of the classroom, I pulled out my wand, muttered the charm and cast it upon the nearest window. "How wonderful! And on your first try!" Professor Flitwick squealed with a smile. "Wonderful job! You may go now," he added. "Thank you, Professor," I replied. I turned on my heel and quickly shuffled past Draco out of the door. "Does Dumbledore actually need me?" I asked Draco as he strolled next to me. "Mhm," he replied, smiling suspiciously at me. "Well where's his office?" I asked. "Follow me," Draco replied, guiding me up a staircase.

Fifteen minutes had passed and there was still no Dumbledore in sight. I noticed all throughout our walk Draco glancing at my face. It was almost as if he was trying to memorize it. "Are you sure you know where you're going?" I asked him, watching him closely. "Of course weirdo," Draco said, laughing to himself. Suddenly, we found ourselves on the sixth floor...again. "Draco! There's nothing up here!" I said, getting very agitated now. "I know," he replied calmly. "Where is Dumbledore's office?" I asked for the twentieth time. "Alright...you got me...Dumbledore doesn't actually need to see you," Draco said, putting both hands in the air in surrender. "Are. You. Kidding. Me." I said, pausing at every word because I was just so angry I couldn't speak. "I just wanted to spend a few minutes with you one last time," he responded, running a hand through his hair. "What do you mean?" I asked, now worried he was going to tell me something horrible like he's leaving Hogwarts. "Well I'd like to say I know the type of person you are and I know you're going to tell Weasley you kissed me," Draco said, raising his every brows. "Um...excuse me? I did not kiss you, Draco...you kissed me," I replied, growing redder and redder. "That's not how I remember it," he replied, slowly backing away and eventually disappearing behind a corner...leaving me alone once again.


The bell that marked the end of class rung. Great...this is just great.

I was utterly bewildered by the way Draco was behaving. The way my friends and sister talk about him is completely different from how he acts around me.

I decided to wait until the next bell rung so I knew the corridors would be empty. When it did ring, I made my way back to the Gryffindor common room. I knew that Hermione would have brought my school bag back there as well.

I reached the portrait hole and climbed in. Immediately, I heard Hermione yelling. After walking further into the common room I saw Harry and Ron sitting by the fireplace. Hermione was pacing in front of them, obviously yelling at Harry. "Harry! You must turn that in right now! It could be dangerous!" Hermione exclaimed. "What's going on here?" I asked, taking a seat in the armchair next to the couch that Harry and Ron sat on. "Harry found this old potions book filled with potentially dangerous spells and tips on making potions!" Hermione answered angrily. She was acting like Harry just let Voldemort walk through the castle doors. "So?" I asked Hermione. "So...Harry's never heard of these spells nor have I. One of them even says to use only on enemies. It belonged to the Half-Blood Prince," Hermione said, clearly fuming. "Well I don't see the problem as long as Harry doesn't try any of these spells," I said, taking the book from Harry and flipping through it. "See! Even Elaine is on my side," Harry said with relief. "Fine...but don't come crying to me when you get expelled for having that book in your possession," Hermione said, taking a seat in the armchair next to mine. She was still obviously fuming, but I'm glad she didn't storm off, because I needed to tell her why Draco pulled me out of class. I could tell she was about to ask, but she caught my stare and knew not to bring it up.

During dinner, I was slowly building up the courage to tell Fred what happened. I know I didn't do anything wrong but I still felt guilty for some reason.

"Are you sure you're alright, love?" Fred asked as we (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and I) walked down to the Quidditch pitch to fly for a bit. Fred had already asked me fifteen times while we ate dinner, so I decided it was best to tell him now and get it over with. "You guys go ahead, we'll be there in a minute," I said to my friends and sister as we marched on towards the field. "What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked, taking my hand and holding it. "I'm not really sure how to say this so I'm just going to say it okay?" I told him, trying not to be so shaky. "Of course," Fred said with a smile. "Earlier today after Divination I was strolling around the castle and I ran into Draco. We talked for a while and then out of no where he just kissed me on the lips and ran," I said, squeezing my eyes shut so I couldn't see Fred's reaction. "Why are your eyes shut?" Fred asked, chuckling. "I'm just scared of how you're gonna react," I said, slightly opening them more and more. Turned out, Fred was totally calm. "Elaine, I'm not mad...sure, I'm going to murder Malfoy in the morning...but that's tomorrow's problem," Fred said, gently pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I'm happy you told me...I mean I already knew, but I'm glad you told me anyways," Fred said, kissing me lightly on the lips. "Wait...what? You knew!" I asked, completely shocked. "Of course...one thing you should know is that she can't keep a secret from me," Fred said, pointing at Hermione. Hermione was clearly watching us and saw Fred point because she turned so red that we could see it from a distance. "Dammit 'Mione," I screamed over to her, and then I turned my attention back to Fred as we laughed. "So you're not mad?" I asked, staring at Fred's perfectly placed freckles. "Of course not...like I said, killing Malfoy is tomorrow morning's problem," Fred said, taking my hand and leading me towards the Quidditch field.


I'll never get over the feeling of flying. The feeling you have when you first kick off the ground is indescribable. Harry, Ron and I tossed around the quaffle (big red ball used in a Quidditch game) as Fred and George practiced their dives on a broom. It was a lot of fun until Harry told me he had a surprise for me. He called all of us down from the air, including Hermione who was watching us from the stands, and we landed on the grass in the center of the field. "Ladies and gentleman the real reason we are here flying tonight is because of Elaine," Harry started, as the rest of my friends began to giggle. He sounded so professional which made all of us laugh. "Now I would like to officially welcome Elaine Granger to the Gryffindor Quidditch team as our new chaser!" Harry said and all my friends squished me into a hug. "WHAT! HARRY!" I exclaimed. I was obviously really shocked because I had no idea Harry would do that to me, but also really flattered he would do something like that for me. "I told you I didn't want to play this year!" I exclaimed, smacking Harry's arm. "Get off your high horse, Elaine, you're too fantastic not to have on this team," George said, ruffling my hair. "He's right...we might actually win the Quidditch cup!" Ron said with a goofy smile.

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