《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 4


Elaine's POV:

I woke up in a hospital. Hermione and Harry were sitting next to my bed. "What happened?" I asked them once they noticed I had woken up. "You're at St. Mungo's Hospital. You passed out from inhaling so much smoke," Harry explained as Hermione was busy cleaning ash off my face. "Jason's alright...healers are tending to him now," Hermione explained. "Then what-" I began to ask but Harry cut me off. He knew what I was going to ask. "The 'Jason' that was found a few days ago was someone under polyjuice potion. The Malfoys used them as a decoy so they could keep the real Jason and kidnap you," Harry explained. Just as I was about to tell them the prophecy that Lucius Malfoy told me, the healer walked in. "You're free to go, Elaine. You're breathing is finally back to normal," the healer said. He flashed me a smile and then left. I then proceeded to tell them everything Lucius had told me. "We know," Harry said, afraid of what I was going to say. "What do you mean you know?" I asked. "We've known. Dumbledore told us before he got you from the orphanage. Said it was best not to tell you just yet," Harry replied. I felt so left out that no one would tell me. I would have made sure to be more careful if I had known...

"Will I be able to see Jason today?" I asked Hermione as I got changed into normal clothes. I tried to forget about the fact that she kept such a huge secret from me. "Yes...probably now, actually," she added. I was excited. I couldn't wait to tell him everything...and I do mean everything. Mr. Weasley gave me permission to do so. Once I was changed, I got to see Jason. Hermione showed me to his room. He looked petrified. "Elaine?" he asked, shaking nervously. "Jay it's okay. You're safe now," I said as I took his hand. "What's going on?" he asked five times in a row. He was clearly shaken up from everything that had happened.

It took me quite a long time to tell the whole story to Jason. Once I did finish though, Jason seemed much more calm. "Well at least I know I wasn't going crazy before. The Malfoys did magic in front of me," he said, shuddering. "Do you remember much from your time there?" I asked him. "Well, once we drove away from the orphanage, they pulled the car over, grabbed me and we transported to their house. Now I know that was magic. I thought I was hallucinating. Then, they took me into my house and brought me right into the dungeons. I had no idea what to do. They took everything I had with me including my phone. And then I met their son," Jason said. My heart started to pound. "I met their son too...in Diagon Alley," I said, looking down at my hands. "His parents forced him to bring me food everyday. I heard him talking to himself a lot. Kept saying how bad he wanted to leave," Jason said. I nodded, understanding that no one deserves to have parents like Draco's.


Hours later, Jason was cleared to leave the hospital. My parents and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley decided it was best for Jason to live with my parents. Since the Ministry had recently put protective enchantments on the house, it would be his safest option. So, they 'adopted' him. He finally got the family he deserved. Saying goodbye to him this time was much less sad than it was last time. I knew I'd be able to see him often, and write to him while I was at school.

The next day, I was finally able to get the rest of my school supplies. Everything was shipped to the Burrow. Mr. Weasley even had the Ministry send someone with hundreds of wands for me to try out before finding the perfect one. And I did. 10 inches. Vine wood (just like Hermione's). Unicorn hair. It was perfect. It was so easy to learn spells...and boy was I learning a lot of spells. Hermione created a schedule that set aside 5 hours everyday to learn everything I needed to know for school. It would have overwhelmed me, but I was learning the spells so easily. I guess the prophecy was right...I was powerful. Every other day, Harry and Ron would test my skills and challenge me to a duel. They wanted to prepare me for any unexpected company like we had the other night.

On those days I wasn't dueling them, they taught me how to play Quidditch (a sport that's played on broomsticks). And finally, whenever I had free time, Fred and George would take me to their joke shop. I was growing quite close with everyone, but especially Fred. There was just something about him...we gravitated towards each other.

Just like that, summer was over. It flew by so fast. I couldn't believe I was leaving for Hogwarts in less than a day. I was absolutely and completely nervous. I had no idea what to expect. The only thing calming me down was daily phone calls with Jason. I knew they weren't going to last seeing as Hogwarts doesn't have cell service. In all honesty, I'm not even really sure where in Europe the school is located. All I know is that I'll be on the train for five hours tomorrow.

The next morning, Hermione was shaking me awake. "Let's go!" she said, as she proceeded to wake Ginny up as well. I immediately remembered where I was going and shot out of bed. I quickly showered and changed into leggings and a sweatshirt. I didn't feel like having the attention all on me today. According to Hermione, the fact that she has a long-lost twin that Voldemort is dying to get is news. And news at in the wizarding world and at Hogwarts travels very fast.


Once I was finished getting ready, Fred helped me haul my trunk down the stairs and we joined the group gathered by the front door. Ministry aurors (kind of like magic-police) had come to collect us and bring us to the train station.

When we arrived, my nerves were at an all-time high. I could feel people's eyes on me. I looked up and saw groups of students whispering and pointing at me. "Where's Platform 9 and 3/4?" I asked Ron. I've never heard of a train platform ending in 3/4. "Right here," Ron said with a chuckle. We had stopped in front of a column in the middle of platforms 9 and 10. "Just run through the wall with me. Here watch Hermione go first," Ron said. I watched as my sister ran through the solid brick wall and disappeared. "Just close your eyes," Ron said as he took my hand and walked me through the platform wall. When I opened my eyes, the Hogwarts Express stood before me. It was beautiful. The red train glittered in the sun as hundreds of people gathered on the platform.

I left my trunk with a train conductor and bid a goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. "Thank you so much for everything!" I said to each of them. With one last bone-crushing hug from Mrs. Weasley, I boarded the train with my friends.

Fred and George immediately went off to find their friends and Ginny did the same. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I finally found an empty compartment and sat inside. "How are you doing so far?" Hermione asked with a smile. They could tell I was nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous?

We began talking about the upcoming school year. Harry was focused on Voldemort, though. He didn't see why he should be at school while he could be helping fight Voldemort and his army. "It's best if you're at Hogwarts...you're safest with Dumbledore," Hermione said over and over again. Before she could say it again, I excused myself to use the bathroom. I moved down the tight corridor of the train and every compartment I passed, I got stared at.

It took me a while to find a bathroom, but when I did, it was occupied. The person who was in the bathroom slid the door opened and met my eyes. It was Draco Malfoy. I gave him a small smile and moved over so he could go back to wherever he was sitting. He didn't move though. He continued to remain silent until I spoke. "Excuse me," I said nicely. "Granger...could I have a word with you? After you use the bathroom walk down that way and wait for me," he said with a smirk as he pointed down towards the back of the train. I nodded 'yes', but my mind was telling me to say 'no'. My friends all warned me about him, but curiosity got the better of me.

After using the bathroom, I did as Draco asked and I walked down towards the back of the train. There was a huge compartment for the Slytherin house. Not five seconds after I reached the door between me and the Slytherin compartment, he stepped out. He gently took my hand and led me into a nearby compartment.

"Have a seat," he said with a smile. His brilliant gray eyes were staring right into my soul. "What's going on?" I asked. He knew I was suspicious of him. "Just sit down," he snapped. I sat. "So...I just wanted to clear the air...I know you're friends hate me, but I hope they haven't completely corrupted that pretty little head of yours," Draco said with a smile. He leaned back in the seat and stretched. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well first I gotta say I'm sorry. I had no idea my dad and my aunt Bellatrix were going to play that little stunt they did at the Weasley house a few weeks ago...I heard you had to go to the hospital," Draco said, looking down at this hands. "Oh," I said, completely taken aback. None of my friends would ever believe Draco Malfoy was apologizing to me. I couldn't believe it myself.

"And I wanted to see if we could start over? I really want to get to know this Elaine Granger," he said with a smirk. I felt myself blush. "Alright...one condition, though....my friends can't know," I said, holding out my hand so he can shake it. "You're so weird," he said, slapping my hand away and pulling me up to my feet for a hug. He smelled so good. Like apples actually. I would say maybe it was his shampoo but I'm way too short to tell. "I'll see you around Granger," he said and left me in the compartment in complete shock. What just happened?

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