《The second granger-Harry Potter》•for someone special•


If u all haven't noticed yet, Harry's appearance is not quite the same as it is shown in the movies, but very similar. I describe Harry in this story how I imagine him in my DR. His personality is all the same, but i imagine him slightly taller with slight abs. You can ignore some of my descriptions if you wish. Enjoy!


"When were you going to tell me mate?" Ron asked, slightly angry.

Harry groaned and sped up his walking pace, in hopes to lose Ron who was following close behind him. He had just finished his first task and everybody was waiting in the common room to celebrate. Ophelia and Hermione had went earlier than them, so now Harry and Ron were walking there together.

"I'm your bestfriend!" Ron insisted, catching up to Harry. "And I knew you liked her so why couldn't I know about you and her dating!"

"Because it was a secret." Harry sighed. He turned to Ron and stared into his eyes for a moment. "Ophelia means the world to me Ron. You know that."

Ron stopped in his tracks and looked Harry straight in the eyes for a long, silent moment.

"You're crazy for her aren't you?" Ron chuckled. "Harry Potter and Hermione granger's little sister."

"She's not just Hermione's little sister Ron." Harry huffed, turning to walk again. "She's much more than that."

Harry took a step and was off. Soon enough, they were in the crowded common room.

"Harry!" Hermione cheered from across the room.

Both Harry and Ron quickly jogged over to her. Harry was still dressed in his clothing from the first task and was incredibly dirty.

Ophelia walked over to the three with drinks of soda in her hand. She handed one to each of her friends and kissed Harry's cheek before looking to the others.

"So how long has it been going on then?" Hermione asked, looking at the hickey in Ophelias neck with an unidentifiable look on her face.

"We've been together awhile now." Ophelia replied quickly, interrupting both Ron and Harry before they could say anything.

"She meant the snogging." Ron chuckled, taking a swig of his drink.

Ophelia bit her lip and looked up at Harry. He shared the glance back down at her with an awkward grin.

Luckily, the conversation was interrupted by the twins setting off fireworks across the common room and out the window. Within seconds everybody was gathering towards the large, glass portion of the wall.


"Well I'm gonna go shower." Harry said quickly. "Exhausted you know?"

Hermione and Ron nodded in response, allowing Harry to run quickly up to his dorm. He knew Ron would most likely not be back until much later, considering how much of a party animal he usually was.

Ophelia bit her lip slowly as she watched Harry jog up the spiral staircase. Did he say he was going to shower? Brilliant. Ron wouldn't go up to him and Harry's dorm for at least another 4 hours.

She glanced quickly to Hermione and Ron, checking if they were looking. Luckily, like everybody else, they were talking with the twins and some of the other classmates. Ophelia quickly rushed up the spiral staircase and knowingly down the boys dorm hallway, and she knew exactly where Harry's dorm was.

Once at the door, she quietly opened it and slipped into the dorm, shutting the door behind her.

She could hear the shower running through the bathroom door aswell. She took a seat on what she knew was Harry's bed and waited until he finished.

Ophelia genuinely did want to join Harry in the shower, it was something she always wanted to do, but they hadn't quite gone that far yet and she didn't want to push too many boundaries.

Then the water turned off.

A few moments later, Harry opened the bathroom door with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

"Woah-" Harry yelled slightly, seeing Ophelia laying back on his bed and staring up at the roof. She sat up giggling at his surprised face.

Harry smirked slightly and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and boxers.

"What I don't even get a hello?" Ophelia giggled, staring across the room at him.

"Sorry love." Harry laughed before walking over and planting a kiss directly on her lips.

The two kept eye contact with their faces not even inches apart yet. The sexual tension between the two in that moment was incredible.

Ophelia quickly and passionately ran her fingers through Harry's wet hair as she pulled his head forward. She leaned in and kissed him roughly. He almost instantly kissed back as Ophelia's one hand travelled down his body, across his slight abs and down to the damp towel.

Harry pulled away slowly as she reached the towel.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked slowly, glancing down at the hand that was placed gently on the towel around his waist.


"If you are." Ophelia breathed, looking from Harry's eyes to his lips.

He nodded instantly, crashing his lips into Ophelias once more. He unknowingly travelled his hands to the hem of her shirt; she raised her arms as he pulled it off of her. Harry also began removing her bottoms as he climbed on top of her.

Ophelia moaned quietly as Harry kissed her jawline, causing her to roll her head back. She aimlessly reached her hand to the nightstand and searched until she found her wand.

She raised it and mumbled "muffliato", causing the room to be silent to anybody outside of it.

"I like the way you think." Harry whispered, pushing Ophelia back on the bed more.

Harry began kissing down Ophelias chest and at the edge of her bra, leaving purple hues as he went along. He sucked, and nipped at certain spots, causing Ophelia to whimper.

His hands travelled her body while also supporting him above her. Eventually, both his hands were at her back, Unclipping her bra slowly.

"Harry" Ophelia moaned quietly, sending shivers down Harry's spine and butterflies to his stomach.

"Yes love?" Harry mumbled into Ophelias neck as she slowly untied the towel around his waist.

"I need you." Ophelia moaned quietly.

Harry glided his hands down to Ophelias underwear and slid it down her legs and off of her ankles, realizing they were already wet. He had no idea the impact he truly had on Ophelia.

"As you wish." Harry whispered in a raspy tone.

He alligned his tip at her entranced and gripped his hands on her waist, smirking down at her. This was not only Harry's first time, but also Ophelias. Luckily for the both of them, neither would want it with anybody else.

Ophelia moaned loudly, rolling her head back in pleasure as Harry entered her heat. He let out a long groan as he started off slow and began to go faster. The dimly lit room set a perfect theme of romance as Harry glided inside of her quickly, pushing her closer to the edge with every movement.

Even Harry was coming closer to releasing every second, and Ophelia could tell.

"Fuck Harry-" Ophelia whimpered, giving Harry a boost of confidence but also goosebumps.

Harry sped up quickly, adjusting his grip on her hips. Her skin was smooth and gentle, and soft as it could possibly be. He ran his thumb along it as they both reached the edge.

"May I?" Harry moaned slowly, trying to contain himself. Truth was, Ophelia felt tight as ever, and to her, he felt perfect inside of her. They were both generally beyond pleased.

Ophelia nodded as she moaned, realizing he was releasing inside of her. Seconds later, she released aswell, letting out a loud moan and running her finger nails into Harry's back, leavings marks.

Harry slowly removed himself from inside her and collapsed next to her. Both were evidently pleased, and neither had regrets.

Harry ran his hand along her torso, feeling her soft skin. It was one of the little things he noticed along with how adorable her freckles were and how she laughed. Everything about her was perfect, especially in this moment.

They had been dating for around 1-2 months and had just told everybody that they were together. Were they moving too fast? As they both laid there, they both asked that same question to themselves.

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" Harry asked in a whisper, rubbing his thumb along her waist.

"No." Ophelia began, "I don't. Do you?"

"Everything feels right with you." Harry replied, kissing her waist and sitting up. "I have 0 regrets."

Ophelias stomach swarmed with butterflies as she realized she had just had sex with her bestfriend, boyfriend and soulmate, Harry James potter. At the moment, she was only 14, and he was 15. Some people may say she was young, but she wouldn't care.

Harry waved his wand, cleaning the bed of any mess they made. He slipped on his boxers and grey sweatpants before running his hands through his hair and tossing one of his sweatshirts to Ophelia.

She grinned and slipped it on, following by the sweatpants she was wearing before.

Harry slipped into the bed next to her and pulled her closer by her waist, spooning her. He nuzzled his head into her neck gently and kissed lightly, unaware he was leaving light hickeys. Ophelia backed herself into him, causing him to wrap his arms around her waist and hold her close.

Ophelia felt safe, and comfortable in Harry's arms. And they both knew that. He was her soft spot, and as for Harry, she was his whole world and more.

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