《Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)》Conflicted


An awkward month had passed since the two of you restarted your relationship with one another. Todoroki appeared to get closer to you. He was attentive and understanding at times. He was also really awkward about getting to know you too. One thing you could say about him was that he was truly trying to better the relationship between you two.

The alarm clock blared in the bedroom, waking up the couple. Todoroki immediately put the alarm clock on snooze as you tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes. You stretched your body out and a whine escaped your lips.

"M'rning," you mumbled out to Todoroki. He hummed in response. It was currently five a.m. The sky was still dark filled with bright stars. Shads of blue were peaking out on the horizon, meaning the sun would rise soon. The two of you grabbed your clothing, and packed up your gym bags. The two of you had patrols today and needed your hero costumes, office wear, and a set of comfortable clothes and shoes to walk home in.

As you were silently packing, you noticed Todoroki hovering over you. The two of you rarely interacted with each other in the morning since the two of you needed to get to work by six.

"Are you still taking a shower," he asked. So this is what it was about. He probably wanted to see if he could shower before you. You could always shower at Miruko's agency.

"Yeah, but if you need to shower, you can," you replied zipping your gym bag up. His face seemed very serious for some reason.

"...Can I shower with you," he asked with a stoic face. Your eyes widen as your eyebrows rose. It had been a month since the two of you were going to try to be together, but it mainly consisted of talking, interacting, and spending more time with one another. The two of you haven't kiss yet let alone see each other naked. Your eyes look off to the side in uneasiness. It's not like you expected Todoroki to do something, but things between the two of you were still new and blooming.

"I...I don't know Shouto," you muttered. Todoroki also started to look away from you awkwardly.

"Sorry if I offended you. A friend of mine suggested it could get us closer," he added. Now which of his friends would suggest that? Denki Kaminari. Definitely, Denki Kaminari. You sighed, you felt flustered.


"Fine, but that's all we are doing," you exclaimed.

"That's all I'm suggesting," he replied.

The two of you entered the bathroom and slowly stripped. You weren't necessarily insecure about your body and curves. It just felt odd to you exposing yourself to Todoroki. You quickly entered the shower and peaked out of the curtains.

As you expected Todoroki was extremely in shape. As soon as your eyes lowered to his red and white happy trail, you quickly looked and smacked your face. You couldn't believe you felt as if you were back in high school. Todoroki soon entered behind you. The two of you remained silent.

The hot water sprayed on both your bodies and fogged filled up the room. Your feelings with Todoroki were complicated. You appreciated how hard he was trying this past month. A part of you still disliked him though. No matter what he'd do, it'll probably always stay there.

"Are you okay," Todoroki asked snapping you out of your thoughts. You hummed in response and turned your head to him. Drops of water fell from your wet hair.

"...I still don't forgive you yet," you muttered. Todoroki didn't say anything and looked up to the showerhead.

"I don't expect you to. I don't exactly love you yet, but..." he trailed off. You rolled your eyes. Whenever he said that felt like a punch to the gut. He looked down at you—his eyes were intense. He got closer to your face. You furrowed your eyes and narrowed your eyes at your husband. Why couldn't the two of you be normal?

"...I like you," he whispered out. You chuckled out loud. You placed both of your hands on his soft cheeks. His skin was becoming pinker from the heat.

"And you're lucky I like you. If I didn't, I would punch you for that," you replied. Panic slightly flashed in Todoroki's face. You began to lean in closer.

"...Now kiss me you fucking asshole," you quietly demanded out. With that, your lips touched. The kiss wasn't electrifying as most people would want it. It was warm and soft instead like a lone soft flame. The two of you leaned out, eyes still half-lidded. The realization of your actions hit your chest. You couldn't believe you just kissed him. That was your first kiss with him. You should be punching him, not kissing him. You turned your body away from his sight.


"Alright, enough shower time. Get out so I can get ready," you demanded. You heard him sigh and exit the shower. The sound of rustling clothes was heard before a gentle click of the door echoed throughout the room. You slumped in the shower, upset and conflicted with yourself.

"I should hate you," you whispered out. Relationships shouldn't be this complicated, right? Your eyes trailed off to your wedding ring again. You soft grasp the foggy ring on your finger.

"...so why am I acting like with," you trailed off.

Work at the agency went relatively slow. You couldn't focus on any of your paperwork inside the agency. While on patrol, nothing truly happened. The most eventful part of your patrols was waving to fans who happened to greet you or take photos of you.

You blankly stared at the laptop in front of you. Displayed on your screen was information Miruko agency and Hawks agency gather from the League of Villains. You were one of the sidekicks assigned to assist in the missions after all.

"(Y/n)," a familiar voice shouted. You look up and see Miruko. She was flashing a smirk. Her red eyes were filled with mischief. She walked over, her long snow-white hair waved by her. She was up to something.

"What's up," you asked her. She leaned onto part of your desk and crossed her arms. She clearly was amused by something.

"Someone's here to pick you up. You already finished everything you needed for today. Go bee with your, boo. I forgot you were hitched to Endeavor's kid," she cooed. A large sigh escaped your lips. You wondered why Todoroki decided to pick you up. He hasn't done anything like that before.

"Alright, alright. I'm going," you mumbled. She laughed and slapped her dark-skinned hand on your clothed back.

"Have fun, girlie," she teased. You rolled your eyes. When Miruko got like this, she was infuriating. You gathered your things and walk off, saying goodbye to a few of your co-workers. Todoroki stood at the entrance. He was still in his hero costume and gear.

"I'm surprised you're here," you stated. The two of you began to walk to the estate.

"I just finished patrolling and didn't need to go back to my agency," he answered. It made sense for him to do that since Miruko's agency was located towards the edge of town. The two of you walked silently together. The atmosphere between the two of you was awkward. Thoughts of this morning must've made you both tense. It looks like it was too soon in your newly developed relationship to attempt anything like that.

"...So, how was work?" Todoroki asked. Your lips form a tight line.

"It's alright. We are getting ready to get approval from the commission to begin the raid," you replied. For the past year, the League of Villains were kidnapping and recruiting teenagers to young adults that had powerful and unique quirks. Sources claim that they are brainwashed or conditioned to hate specific heroes. They would send these brainwashed innocent people to attack specific heroes. If the heroes died, the brainwashed person would kill themselves. If the brainwashed person was defeated, something restricted them from telling who and why this was happening to them. Local heroes and heroes in the countryside have suffered numbers because of it.

"...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," Todoroki said. You rubbed part of your shoulder in response.

"It's not your fault. I just feel complicated about you is all," you replied.

"Yeah, I would be too," Todoroki admitted. Hopefully, the walk to the estate would be too long.

The two of you got home fairly quickly. You noticed Fuyumi wasn't in the kitchen, and there wasn't any food set out for the two of you. She must've been called into work. You outwardly moaned. You didn't want to put effort into cooking dinner as tired as you were from the workday.

"Come on. I'll make some coda soba," Todoroki said. He put Fuyumi's apron on and began retrieving supplies to create the dish. You leaned on the counter in slight amusement. You didn't see Todoroki as the domestic type. He truly only knew how to cook one dish very well. At least he was cooking for you.

"Hopefully, one day soon I can like you too Todoroki," you thought to yourself. In the corner of your eye, you saw a tuff of white hair. You looked over and saw Natsuo smiling with his thumb up before he walked away. Natsuo was right at least. Things were getting a little better in your relationship.

But they were about to get much worse.

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