《Boku No Hero Academia X Reader Scenarios》They Get in a Fight


You were sitting on your couch (reading a book when your cellphone started ringing. You glanced at the caller ID and upon seeing it was Deku, you frantically picked it up.

"Hey. What's up?" You asked, slightly concerned. Why didn't he just text you?

"Hey, um, do you think you can... Come to my house? Like, soon?" He sounded like he was in a bit of pain.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there as soon as I can." You hung up after saying your good byes and began walking over to Deku's house. Now you were really concerned. What happened to him? Why was he in pain?

Soon enough, you arrived at his house. You knocked on the door to be greeted by his mom, who gratefully let you in. On the couch was Deku, covered in bandages and bruises with a sad look in his eyes as he stared at the floor.

"Izu, what happened?" You asked worriedly as you sat by his side, resting your hands in his shoulders.

"I-i may have gotten in a fight." He said, just above a whisper, looking guilty as ever. But you weren't worried about that right now.

"Are you alright? You look really hurt!" You exclaimed, looking him over one more time.

"I'm fine, y/n. I just wanted to be with you right now." He said, looking up at your eyes now. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Okay. Then I'll be right here for you."

You stormed away from school as soon as you were dismissed for the day. You were headed to Bakugou's house.

As soon as you arrived, you knocked in the door and we're greeted with the sight of a woman who resembled the very boy you sought out.

"Is Bakugou Katsuki here?" The woman, who you assumed was his mom nodded. She looked slightly pissed, but not as much as you.

"Katsuki, there's a girl here for you!" She called into the house and stepped away, letting you in. You heard what was presumably Bakugou grumble something incoherent from what you guessed was the living room. You stormed off in the direction the sound came from.

In the living room, Bakugou was sitting in the couch, covered in bandages, bruises, and scratches. He had an ice pack on his arm. You glared daggers into the back if the blonde's head.


"I was gone for half an hour, Katsuki." You started. "I had an appointment this morning and I was late to school by thirty minutes. You know what Aizawa-sensei told me? He told me you had been sent home early. I was ready to be worried about you, but then, he said that you were sent home due to getting in a fist fight with one of the 1B students. You wanna fucking explain yourself?" You lectured as you glared at him from next to him on the couch. He gave a small 'tch' in response to you. You glare got more intense. "Katsuki mother fucking Bakugou. You better give me a damn good explanation before I double the wounds on your body." You threatened. He sighed in frustration and looked away from you.

"They were talking about you." He muttered. You raised an eyebrow.

"That's it?"

"They were saying you don't deserve to be in our class. They said you belong in General Studies. I had to teach them a lesson." He expected more harsh words from you, so he was surprised when he felt you nuzzling your head into his side.

"I'm still pissed that you beat them up, but I really appreciate you standing up for me." He hugged you back before groaning in slight pain when you punched him in the back. "Only fight villains. Not innocent extras."

You walked (more like tripped) into the classroom, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You subconsciously trudged towards Shouto's desk. Upon seeing the state of your boyfriend, panic rose up in you mind.

"Shouto! What the hell happened to you?" You asked. His wound weren't even that bad. He had a band-aid across the bridge of his nose and a small bruise on his jawline.

"I'm fine, y/n. I got in a fight. That's all." He spoke as if it was nothing, as if he gets in fights all the time. You quickly wrapped your arms around him in a hug.

"Don't get hurt anymore, okay? Save that for when you become the number one hero." You mumbled, holding him close to you.


As usual, Kaminari had found himself a seat at the bar of the club you work at while you busied yourself with preparing alcoholic drinks. You gave him a soda with a bendy straw for him to sip on while waiting for you to be free. But, it's a Friday, so it's unlikely that you'll be free anytime soon. As you mixed different liquids, you kept your eye on a man with disheveled work attire. He already had a few drinks and you could tell he was drinking to numb whatever pain he was going through. This man was sitting right next to Kaminari who looked very uncomfortable next to the drunken man. You quickly refocused your attention on a large group of girls who looked like they were only here to get laid.


Meanwhile, a man whose life seems to have fallen apart sits in a bar. A hero in training sits next to him, sipping soda from a bendy straw, staring at one of the bartenders; a girl with (h/l), (h/s), (h/c) hair and shiny (h/c) eyes. Suddenly, in his drunken state, the man began to speak.

"Damn, if she was an elevator, I'd go down on her every day! () Like, damn do you see that ass? If she was my work, I wouldn't have gotten fired cuz I'd slam her on my desk and do her all night!" He added a wolf whistle and continued his sexual ranting about you and how you look. Kaminari, being your boyfriend stepped in to stop him.

"Sir, I should inform you that that's my girlfriend who you're talking about." He said, matter-of-factly. The drunk man stopped and glared at Kaminari.

"Huh? Who the fuck are you to tell me who I can and can't fuck? Since when were you in charge of my life?!" He shouted, immediately grabbing your attention. Kaminari must have said something in response, because by the time you looked over to see what the commotion was, the drunk, depressed man was smashing one of his empty beer bottles over your boyfriend's head. You and the other bartender who was present immediately began handling the situation. She kicked him out and you rushed to Kaminari's aid.

"Are you okay? What the hell happened here?" You said, panicked, as you used your quirk to retract the glass shards from Kaminari's bleeding forehead. You reached under the counter for the first aid kit and began patching him up.

"He was saying inappropriate things about you so I told him to back off because you're mine." He muttered.

"Oh. I'm so sorry I didn't notice something happening sooner. I would have stepped in to stop him if I did." He smiled at you in understanding.

"It's okay, really. I'm fine. Can I have a kiss to make it better though?" He said with a wink. You turned away from him to continue work.

"Nope. Remember, I'm an adult and you are a highschooler here." You refilled his cup of soda--with water.

"I expected better from you, Eijirou." Why wouldn't you? "I'm pretty sure there is no excuse for this." There's not. "Getting into a fight with another student is absurd." It really is. " How unmanly of you." That one is gonna sting. Kirishima looked down at his feet in shame.

"I'm sorry." He apologized in an attempt to get you to stop scolding him.

"Nope. Sorry doesn't cut it this time." Eijirou looked up at your words.


"No more kisses or cuddles for a week, after you apologize to him."


Sometimes you really were just like his mom.

Tsuyu Asui

There was supposedly a small incident with villains on her way to school today. She managed to make it out with only a few scratches, thankfully. But even still, as soon as you noticed a bandage across the bridge of her nose, you flipped out.

"T-tsuyu?! Are you okay? What happened? Did you get hurt?" You frantically asked the froggy girl questions regarding her physical state.

"I'm fine, y/n. Don't worry." She said. But still you hugged her and kissed her nose.

"Don't get hurt. It makes me worry." You muttered quietly.

~Midoriya Izuku~

~Todoroki Shouto~

~Kaminari Denki~

~Kirishima Eijirou~

~Tokoyami Fumikage~

~Monoma Neito~

~Shinso Hitoshi~

~Aizawa Shouta~

~Iida Tenya~

~Ojiro Mashirao (gonna be hard. I don't know him well) ~

~Previously Mentioned Class 1A Students (Izuku, Shouto, Denki, Eijirou, Tokoyami, Iida, Ojiro)~

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