《Boku No Hero Academia X Reader Scenarios》Soulmate AU Special p.2!


I woke up in what seemed like the middle of the night in a completely unrecognizable location. I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I was kidnapped, before it hit me.

Oh yeah! Soulmate shit is going down! Alright who's the unfortunate soul who's stuck with me forever? I thought as I walked over to a mirror. My eyebrows immediately furrowed in frustration and anger at who my soulmate is.

Bakugou mother fucking Katsuki. I glared at my/his shirtless reflection. I hate that fucking explosive freak with a passion! He doesn't even remember me...

I was in middle school with him and Deku. Deku and I stuck together a lot because I was the only one who didn't make fun of him for being quirkless, and both of us were being bullied by the hot headed bastard. I'm not even sure why, but Katsuki persistently bullied me... Not as much as Deku, but way more than most of the so called 'extras'. Maybe it's because I didn't fall in with the crowd and treat Deku like a piece of fucking scum. If he's supposedly my fucking destined soulmate, then fuck destiny! I'd rather live with my cat in peace than live with that piece of human garbage! (

A smirk made its way to my face as a devious plan entered my mind. I searched his desk for a permanent marker, finding one easily and held out my left arm. Getting out my artist skills, I drew a very simple middle finger on his forearm. And since I'm already being childish, may as well take it up a notch and revert to elementary pranks. I looked for his uniform and saw it in a pile at the end of his bed. What a mess... I thought as I finally took a good look at his messy room. Clothes and trash on the floor and cobwebs in the corners...

I grabbed his jacket and layed it out flat on his bed, the back facing me. In bold black letters I wrote, "Kick Me" because what else am I supposed to do? I set it with his other clothes so that he couldn't see the back of the jacket. With that, I was content. I curled up in his bed upside-down so that he'd wake up with a headache, and fell asleep. (


The next morning, I woke up and immediately searched my room for any sign of change. I opened up my computer and checked all my messages. Luckily my buddy vouched for me and tried convincing Katsuki to not be such an ass. Next I checked my phone to see that he texted uraraka... And her soulmate texted back.

Her soulmate is Deku. Oh yes! I've shipped those two so hard since they met! I grabbed my uniform and thoroughly checked it for any tampering. It's all clear. With that, I ran out the door to school, way hyped to fangirling with my girl Uraraka.

I arrived and noticed the asshat out of the corner of my eyes, but rushed right past him to Uraraka. We talked a bit, and then I saw Deku walk in. I left to my desk with one final wink at her and did the same to the approaching Deku. I didn't feel like talking with Bakugou (So instead, I took out my phone and played some games on it. I could see him rise from my periferal vision, the bold words proudly presented on his back. He began approaching me when...

Kirishima walked in. He's the closest thing Katsuki has to a friend in this class. I looked up a bit, just in time to see Kiri deliver a swift kick to his shins. Bakugou fell and I burst out laughing. Katsuki looked up and glared at Kiri.

"What the fuck was that for?! I'll fucking kill you!" He shouted with his typical glare. I was still about to fall out of my chair laughing.

"Have you seen the back if your jacket?" Kiri was laughing too. Bakugou did not find it humorous. He took of his jacket and looked at the back of it at the words that read "kick me". Kiri glanced at me a little and we both tried restraining our laughter once more as we saw the middle finger on his arm in black sharper, nice and bold.


"What the fuck are you laughing at?!" He shouted at Kiri. He and I both burst out again as he pointed at Katsuki's arm. Katsuki's brows furrowed and his head turned to me who was on the verge of tears from laughing so hard with Kirishima.

"Was this you?!" He glared harshly at you.

"Damn right it was." You said once you caught your breath. If looks could kill, you would be 6 feet under already.

"What the fuck is your problem? After finding out that we are meant to be together, all you want to do is make a fool of and avoid me. So do you have an issue or something?" His voice dripped with venom. You could tell that he wasn't pleased, but when was he ever?. You let out a dry laugh.

"A problem? Yeah, you know what I do. My problem is that you have been nothing but a cocky little shit and a fucking asshole ever since elementary school. You used to pick on not just me, but Izuku! So what if he was quirkless? 20 percent of the fucking population is! Does that mean that 20 percent of the Earth is just fucking scum to you? As for me... What the fuck is even up with that!? You weren't as much of a total prick to me as you were to Izu, but you certainly didn't treat me like one of the so-called 'extras' that you seem to think every stranger is. So yeah, I do have a fucking problem. My problem is that you are a narcissistic little shit who has been nothing but a terrible person to me and one of my friends for almost our whole lives and I was somehow unlucky enough to wind up with you as my soulmate. But you know what else? If you're the one I have to spend the rest of my life with, I'd rather fucking kill myself right here and now!" By now both of us were standing and glaring at each other. The entire classroom was silenced once they heard me raising my voice at Bakugou. They knew us two didn't like each other, but they didn't know why.

I pushed past him and was about to storm out of the classroom, but a hand grabbed my arm before I could leave. I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"I'm sorry. It was wrong to act that way. To you and to Deku. You honestly deserve a better person than me as your soulmate. But unfortunately, were stuck together. And after last night, learning more about you, finding out about who you are beneath your witty lines and strong quirk... I think I love you...." You stopped in your tracks and turned to face him.

You gave a dry laugh. "You can't possibly expect me to believe that you are sorry to Deku. I can understand apologizing to me, but I thought you genuinely hated him." You sighed and shook your head.

You chuckled a little as you kissed your fist and lightly punched his cheek with it. Although small, the gesture did not fail to spread a small blush across his cheeks. Something came over him and he couldn't control himself.

He finally sealed your lips with a gentle kiss, almost as if he's afraid of hurting you again. You pulled away and hugged him.

"You know... That's all I ever wanted you to say. Just... 'sorry'."

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