《Boku No Hero Academia X Reader Scenarios》Transfering To U.A./ becoming friends


Midoriya Izuku:

(His P.O.V)

Aizawa sensei came into the room, everyone quieting down in seconds.

"We have a new student today. She should be here soon." (

"Could it be that girl that's being bullied for not having a quirk? Although she does have a quirk. Bust she didn't seem too confident in it. Maybe its not her... But she really did want to come here...." I muttered unconsciously. The sound of the classroom door opening snapped me out of my daze.

(Your p.o.v.)

You scanned the large halls of the school you had dreamed about attending. And now here you are.

When you spotted class 1-A you stood in front of the large door and straitened yourself out a bit before opening the door slowly and cautiously.

"Please come introduce yourself to the class." Your teacher was... In a sleeping bag. He looked really tired... Like your mom when she first wakes up. You stood in the front of the class, still not noticing Midoriya.

"Hello. I am y/n l/n. Its a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to being in a class with you." You ended with a bright smile.

A number of comments flowed throughout the classroom. Everything from "Wow she's cute!" To "Geez I don't see why its such a big deal." But one in particular caught your attention.

"Ehh? I know her!" You looked around and spotted the curly haired, plain boy who has saved you twice now and waved at him.

"Hm? Do you know him?" Your teacher asked you with a bored, monotonous, sleepy tone. You nodded a little in response. "Then take a seat by him." You did as followed and smiled wide at Midoriya as you set down your stuff and payed attention to class.


Lunch time was... Something. As soon as the bell rang, you were bombarded with people introducing themselves and asking questions.

"Where did you come from?"

"Can you show us your quirk?"

"Do you like music?"

"What's your favorite color" (

"Why the fuck did you come here?"

"Do you really wanna be a hero?"

The questions were getting a bit too much. So you did the thing you always do when faced with a barrage of questions: answer them all in great succession with short, vague answers.

"(Insert school here), maybe later, yes, f/c, to be a hero, refer to previous answer." When put together, it sounds kind of odd. Someone from the crowd of persistent, interrogating students spoke up.

"I think we might be making her uncomfortable." People agreed and as people began to say bye, the crowd thinned. At the heart of it was Midoriya.

"Hello, Deku!" He seemed momentarily stunned by your use of his nickname. "Hm? Is something wrong?" He quickly snapped out of it and shook his head.

"N-no. Its just that only my friends really call me that." He nervously scratched the back of his head.


"Well I think of you as a friend." You grinned at him and he gave you a small smile in return.

"I think of you as a friend too, y/n."

You bolted down the street towards U.A., moving as fast as you possibly could. You woke up late on your first day at a new school. You just moved a few blocks and decided to try your luck at transferring to U.A. Obviously you succeeded.

You proceeded to carefully speed walk down the hall, seeing as running inside the building wasn't an option. You scanned the halls, searching for 1-A. You spotted it and came to an abrupt spot. As you unintentionally slammed the door open, the entire class turned to you, including a sleepy looking man standing in front, supposedly your teacher.

"S-sorry... For being late... My alarm didn't go off...." You said in between breaths.

"Its not a good idea to be late on your first day, miss l/n." The teacher said in a voice that matched his face.

"I know. It won't happen again, sir." You could speak clearly now that you had caught your breath.

"Very well. Please introduce yourself to the class." You did as instructed and faced the class.

"Hiya. I'm y/n l/n. Looking forward to spending the year with you all."

"Please take a seat by Bakugou." You turned to where he gestured and immediately your face dropped into a glare as your eyes met the red ones of the rude boy who wrecked your cosplay. You broke eye contact and walked over to a seat next to his.

As class started he quietly 'struck up conversation' with you. "Why are you here?"

"Because I want to be a hero. Same reason everybody else is here." You replied calmly, proceeding to take notes on the lesson.

"I'll give you one last chance to admit that you fucked up and apologize."

"Thank you for the offer, but there is no way I'm apologizing to you."

The bell rang and Kirishima headed over to you two.

"Hey, have you been getting along?" He spoke in a way that said he knew you weren't but was trying to make an effort to break the tension.

"Well. Depends on your definition of 'getting along.' I mean, I think its going pretty well considering how hot headed we both are. Eh, eh? Get it?" Kirishima chuckled a little at your corny pun.


You arrived at the cafeteria and sat next to Kirishima. Bakugou was still there...

As Kirishima and Bakugou ate, you sat and fixed the tie on your uniform. You made the decision to request a male uniform and, surprisingly enough, they obliged.

"Why did you get the male uniform?" Kirishima asked.

Meh. It fits better, more comfortable, and I fucking hate skirts." You explained, leaning back and closing your eyes with your arms behind your head.


"Where's your lunch?" It was the last person you expected to care: Bakugou fricken Katsuki.

"I woke up late so I ended up forgetting it." You shrugged. You heard something being slid across the table and opened your eyes. Bakugou had slid the remainder if his lunch over to you.

"Thanks." You began to eat a little. It was quiet at your table as Kirishima continued eating and Bakugou followed your example from before of crossing his arms behind his head and closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry... About before." You quietly muttered after you had finished eating. Bakugou opened one eye to look at you. "I should've just apologized for bumping into you. I guess I was just stressed at that point."

"It's not a big deal. I don't care anymore." And after he made a big deal about it, too.

"And thanks for the food."

"It's whatever. Its what friends do." You blinked owlishly.


You slowly walked down the hall, nervous about attending U.A. Let us rewind a bit.

Supposedly, when Todoroki went to talk to your parents, what he was talking about was how you didn't like the extremely pampered high class life. You wanted to choose your life. Your parents were surprisingly understanding and arranged for you to apply to transfer to U.A. Not only that, they also called off the arranged marriage. You were, however, not aware that Todoroki attended this school and he was not aware that you had transfered.

So back to the present. You calmly opened the door of the classroom and walked in, catching the attention of everybody in the class. A tired looking man with unruly black hair stood at the front of the room. You could only assume that this was your teacher, seeing as he was the only adult in the class.

"Ah. This is the new student. Please introduce yourself." You got a bit nervous. Your family name was widely known and you didn't want people to remember of you because of your family. You wanted them to remember you for being you.

"Um. Hello. I'm y/n l-l/n. N-nice to meet you all." You bowed a bit and tried not to cringe at all the comments that were being made.

"That's a(n) l/n?!"

"She's so pretty!"

"Maybe we can get close to her and see what the royal life is like." That one ticked you off.

"Please sit by Todoroki." The teacher said in the same tired and bored voice as before. You nodded and walked to an empty seat next to him. You smiled politely at him and you could almost swear you saw the corners of his mouth nearly twitch up in a smile back at you.

Kaminari Denki:

You sighed as you hopelessly searched the halls of U.A. After Kaminari told you about it and said that you had a great quirk, you went through all the trouble of transferring and taking an entrance exam and shit, only to find yourself lost before class started.

Your plan was to get there early so that you could talk with the teacher a bit about the class. You were always like this. Hard working, sleep deprived, and way too prepared.

You snapped out of your thoughts just in time to spot the class you would be in. Class 1-A. You walked in only to see the class nearly deserted. A boy with ash blonde hair in the back yelling at a plain looking boy for who knows what, another boy with half red half white hair sat by the wall somewhere in the middle row, staring at nothing in particular.

But the last person to catch your attention was none other than the yellow haired flirt who had visited you daily at the club you work at. He looked half asleep...and dead inside. (You tapped him on the shoulder, startling him awake and making him look up at you. You watched in amusement as his half lidded eyes slowly widened and the corners of his mouth lifted into a wide smile.

"You made it in?!" It sounded more rhetoric but you still nodded with a smile and replied with happiness drenching your tone.

"Course I did! Couldn't have done it without your words of encouragement" his cheeks were dusted in a but of pink.

"Ah, well. Its what a friend would do." You were momentarily stunned. You usually got along fine with people, but you didn't usually make friends.

"We're... Friends?" You asked with a slightly quieter voice. He nodded in response.

"Of course."

You hummed a light tune as you walked toward the large school building. The school of your dreams, U.A. You sighed contentedly, remembering the conversation with your mother about transferring. In the end, she only wanted you to be happy and safe.

"So you transferred, eh?" A semi-familiar voice snapped you out of you thoughts. You turned to the source of the voice to find none other than Kirishima. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. It took a bit of convincing, but my mom was really just concerned about if I was safe. She worries a lot."you ended with a sigh.

You two idly chatted on your way to the large school, much larger than any school you've ever attended. As you turned into the classroom, Kirishima said something rather unexpected.

"There's someone you've gotta meet. I want my two friends to become friends as well." You looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"I'm your friend again?" You asked cautiously in case you were mistaken.

"Of course you are! Why wouldn't you be?" You tackled him in a bear hug.


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