《profile || f.w》16.


so i guess a lot has happened. i mean, y/n and finn are kinda becoming a thing, sophia called the cops, and the cops are trying to ask y/n some questions about what happened a couple weeks ago. things just keep getting more and more complicated and i don't know why. y/n doesn't deserve this one bit. does anyone else think that sophia should tell y/n she's the one that called the cops? or do you think she'll take it to her grave?


wh- what? who? who called the cops? and how did they know about the party? was it someone at the party? someone that might've overheard in school? i-i guess i just don't get it. i wanted to keep it a secret and brush it away but how- how did this happen? i just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that my situation could now be becoming a public case. what if i have to go to court and they have to do a whole investigation? or what if they don't actually believe me.

"finn i'm scared. what if they don't believe me? wh-what if they make me go to court or they do an investigation and what if-"

"okay, y/n calm down okay? me and jack are going to be with you through this whole thing, no matter what you have to go through. we have your back forever and always, you know that. and sophia too, obviously you have soph." finn said while rubbing my back on the way to the car. "ya y/n, you'll always have us and if you want i can ask my mom to make her brownies that you like. ya know? like the ones with the-." "ya jack, i know. but thank you guys so much, it means a lot. it just still doesn't change the fact that i'm scared for what they're gonna ask. i mean it happened a couple weeks ago so even if i did a rape kit, it probably wouldn't do anything or make a difference." i said getting in the car. after finn and jack got in the car, finn started driving to the police station following a few police cars. "hey guys, do you think i should call sophia? like this is really important and scary for me and she's one of my bestfriends and i feel like i should let her know what's going on. and maybe see if she wants to come since school is pretty much over. it's just like, i know i have you guys and you're my bestfriends but i need sophia too. she's the first person i told about what happened to me and i want her with us. with me." i said.


"i think that's a good idea y/n. if i were you i would want sophia here too. and she's apart of our group, she should be here with us, and most of all to help you."

" ya, you're right finn, i'll call her."


i just got home from school. the whole way home i was contemplating on checking up on everyone, mostly y/n, and see how she's doing and what's going on. which i'm pretty sure i know "nothing about". i feel so bad but-




well shit.

i answered it.

italics- y/n

hey soph, um can i talk to you? it's super important.

i left school early today because i couldn't really focus on anything i was doing. when i got home there were cop cars all around my house so i went to finns instead. finn and jack both ended up coming over and got me to go home. we got there and the cops were STILL here and they wanted me to go down to the police station to ask me questions about the party and everything that happened that night. so i'm in the car with finn and jack right now and they're taking me to the police station. they know soph, the police know i was raped. i mean i don't know how but i'm scared and i want you with me. you're the first person i told and trusted with this so i want you with me through this whole thing. and you're one of my bestfriends , i can't do this without you. can you meet us at the police station? please?

thank you soph. like seriously thank you. i love you so much, see you in 10.


jesus. did i really not tell her? i feel so horrible but happy for her at the same time. i lover her so much and can't lose her. i think that's why i'm so petrified to tell her. to tell her i'm the one that might possibly be ruining her life. or as i'd like to think, getting her justice and making her life not as much of a living hell to live as it already is. you deserve justice y/n. you deserve not to live in constant fear anymore. you deserve so much.



i got off the phone with sophia happy that she's coming. as we began to get closer to the police station, i questioned myself. is this a good thing? is opening up to the police good? maybe i'll get justice and won't have to be scared anymore. i have more evidence to prove that it was premeditated. which also proves more that i was actually raped. i know not many people are going to believe me so hopefully the evidence i have, gets people to believe me.

hey guys, this is a pretty long chapter but it's also kind of a filler chapter. THANK U GUYS FOR ALMOST 550 READS!!!! THATS INSANE TO ME!!!!! you're all truly amazing.

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