《The Alpha Academy》chapter 12


"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend." - William Blake

((a lil Derek for all you TW fans - the face is relevant to the chapter. enjoy!))

Tyler looked at me, a look of confusion on his face.

Josh frowned, "Why didn't he chose me to fight him? I would've shown him a wonderful time."

We both looked at Josh who just shrugged, "What? He hurt you. And I want to hurt him."

Before any of us could answer back, a voice called out to Tyler.

"Come on up Tyler, we don't have all day," my ex-mate called, tapping his foot impatiently.

Tyler hesitantly walked forward, but then as if somebody flicked a switch, he tore, yes tore, of his shirt and threw it aside.

My wolf could hear the fastened beating of the girls standing around, as well as a few men. Guess everyone founds Tyler attractive.

"What's there not to like?" My horny wolf chose this perfect time to wake up.

As soon as Tyler stepped into the ring, Ethan whistled and lunged at him, not giving him even a second to settle. But since Tyler was fast he quickly dodged it. A low growl escaped Ethan, whose eyes were starting to change colour which meant his wolf was surfacing.

I whipped my head around to look at Josh who had his thick arms crossed over his chest and looked amused.

I gave him a flat look.

"Why do you have that smug face on right now?"

Josh snickered, eyes still facing the fight, "Because Tyler is going to have his ass handed out to him."

My eyes widened at his response, "What do you mean?"

"Sweet Vivian, just watch. You'll understand soon enough."

A painful scream belonging to Tyler made me whip my head back to the direction of the fight.

Tyler had fallen back, one of his hand clenching his stomach.

Ethan's eyes moved up and caught mine.

We stared at each other. His eyes were two cold black abysses. Faint lines of dark veins were visible around his eyes, marring his perfect skin. He looked violent, dangerous- borderline ready to kill someone.

But somehow in all that, he still looked attractive as hell.

Something is definitely wrong with me.

As Ethan stared at me, I felt more eyes on me. Probably confused as to why the Alpha was shooting me daggers. But their attention was brought back to the fight again when Tyler punched Ethan right in the face. It was unexpected which threw Ethan off a bit. As soon as he stumbled behind, Tyler rained down punches on his face and stomach.

He punched him 8 times, yes I counted, before Ethan finally grabbed hold of his arm. He twisted Tyler's arm behind and used his other hand to choke him.


Ethan leant closer to Tyler's face and whispered something in his ear. Even with the wolf hearing, I couldn't hear it but whatever he said, it managed to strike a nerve in Tyler's body. He fiercely got out of the choke hold and punched Ethan straight in the nose.

"She is not!" Tyler yelled and lunged towards Ethan.

Everybody around us gasped, shocked to see what was happening between the two Alphas - well, one Alpha and one soon-to-be.

Ethan dodged the lunge and jumped on Tyler before he could get back and sunk his claws into his right arm. The other hand tried to grab him by the throat. Ethan looked terrifying. Dark veins snaking and protruding around his bulging muscles.

Tyler was struggling to get free of his hold but right now everyone knew he was no match for Ethan. Especially when he was seconds away from shifting.

Even though both of them are Alphas, Tyler hasn't been crowned yet so he is still weaker compared to Ethan who's Alpha strength is maximised.

Ethan's lips slightly parted in a snarl, baring his sharp teeth and canines.

"His wolf is taking over! He will kill Tyler!" My wolf yelled at me.

I quickly turned towards Josh to ask him for help but he was already on his way to pull them both apart.

I started to run towards the ring to help Josh but stopped when I saw Elliot running towards where we all were. He instantly got hold of Ethan, whereas Josh grabbed Tyler.

"You stay away from her, pup!" Ethan tried to lunge back at Tyler but was stopped by Elliot.

"Class dismissed, everyone return to your rooms. Now!" Elliot shouted.

Slowly, the group started to disperse. It took a full minute until the last straggler backed away, finally leaving us in semi-privacy. Moreover, I didn't miss the shock and horror present on their faces.

Josh looked towards me and tilted his face down where he was trying his best to hold Tyler, his wolf also surfacing.

I jogged towards the ring and went forward to grab Tyler from under his arms when a ferocious growl escaped the lips of my ex-mate.

I turned my head towards Ethan who's eyes reflected.....hurt?

"Why are you helping the pup....and not me?" His voice softened at the end.

He looked vulnerable, yet so violent. A part of me felt sad for him but the other part of me did not feel anything at all and blamed all of this on him. He brought this upon himself. If only he hadn't rejected me, none of this would've happened.

"Vivian, Josh- get Tyler back to the room. I'll take care of Ethan. He isn't in control right now. I have no idea what is happening to him these days."

I nodded and went back to help Tyler.


"Stay away FROM HIM!" Ethan yelled, his hands partly escaped and grabbed my arms. But as soon as they touched me, they left as Elliot had grabbed him again.

"Vivian, don't touch Tyler. Ethan's wolf is in control. Just go to the room," Josh spoke and got Tyler back on his feet. "Can you walk, Tyler?"

He nodded, his own self returning back. They both started walking towards the room whereas I followed behind them. Tyler was limping, one of his hand around Josh's shoulder to support himself.

I don't know why but something in me made me look behind. And there I saw Ethan, looking at me with such vulnerability, all I wanted was to run and give him the tightest hug.

But why did I feel this?


"You need to remain still, Tyler. We have to clean the wound."

But since he has an inflated ego, Tyler refused, "It will heal on itself. I am an Alpha after all. Just leave it. It doesn't even hurt."

Josh moved forward and poked Tyler in the arm.

"Ow! What the hell, Josh?!"

"It doesn't even hurt!" Josh mimicked in a high-pitched voice. He then glanced towards me, "Fix him."

After struggling for a while, Tyler finally let me clean up the wounds that Ethan's claw gave him.

"I'll get us something to eat, you both stay here," Josh said and got out of the door, leaving Tyler and me alone.

Now is the time to ask.

I cleared my throat, "Tyler....um...what did Ethan say to you...during your fight?"

For a while, he remained silent which made me think that he might not answer it. But then he did.

"He called you his." Tyler's voice was deep and guttural.

I closed my eyes, the breath I didn't know I was holding released in a hiss.

"I'll be in my room, call me if you need anything."



"Are you out of your mind?! Do you know you just attacked an Alpha?! Alpha Lennon will not remain quiet if he hears this!"

"He will not say anything, trust me." I laid down on the brown couch placed in the Council Hall.

Today I just snapped. All that rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. It consumed all of me. That pup struggled before me but I kept on going. Every time I looked at his face, I got even angrier. I told him to stay away from Vivian but guess what he does- he holds her hand. In front of me!

And how could she choose that pup over me? I am her mate. I am supposed to be her top priority and not some love-sick puppy.

And to top it fuvking off, she didn't even ask me if I was okay. No- she went straight to help that bastard.

Fuvking Tyler.

Next time I get my hands on him, I will tear him apart. Piece by piece.

Nobody can or will take my woman from me.

"Why did you do it? What the ever hell did he do to you?"

I looked at Elliot. He didn't know Vivian was my mate. Nobody except the Alphas knew. We couldn't risk her identity.

"He was being awfully close to someone....pissed me off," I answered as discreetly as I could.

"And by someone, you don't mean Vivian right?" he grabbed an apple from the fruit dish placed on the table. "Vivian is beautiful, obviously she will attract people. And there are more females present and each of them are gorgeous. Doesn't mean you can protect them all. Wait- why are you even protecting Vivian? Last I knew, you hated her. Why do you care who she sees or fucks now?"

As soon as he said that, a picture of Vivian and Tyler having sex appeared in my mind.

NO! I refuse to believe this ever happened or will happen.

She is innocent, she will never betray me like that.

"And what about the countless time you betrayed her?" My wolf growled.

"Have you taken a liking to one of them? Huh? Do you....by any chance...like her now?" As soon as he said this, he burst into laughter. "You now like the woman you bullied? Man, you're fuvked up."

"It is not like tha-" he interrupted me before I could continue.

"But you're not to be blamed. She is absolutely gorgeous. Sometimes I wish she could be my mate. She was great back in high school......," he paused, and as if he was reliving those memories, a smile formed on his face. "We had a lot of fun."

What the fuvk does he mean by that? She is my mate. Mine.

"What do you mean?!" I got up and walked towards him.

"Back then we thought we were mates, so somehow we ended up having sex. It was the first time for both of us. She was great. Actually, she is the best I ever had."

As soon as those words left his mouth, I growled. Louder than ever. Blazing rage hissed through my body like deathly poison, demanding release in the form of violence. It was like a volcano erupting, fury sweeping off me like ferocious waves.

My wolf started to surface and take control.

My best friend took my mate's virginity? Elliot and Vivian? After all this time, I got backstabbed by my own best friend and mate?

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

"You took my mate's virginity?!"

Elliot's eyes widened, the apple in his hand dropped.

"Your mate?"

"You're a dead fucking man, Elliot." With that, I shifted and lunged at him.


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