《The Alpha Academy》chapter 10


"I think every girl has that a guy she has trouble letting go of" - Rashida Jones

((imp author note at the end, please read))

chapter dedicated to @kaleesesoph, thank-you so much for the feedback.

what do you think? ;)

"Please, tell me that asshole is joking. I beg of you."

I gulped. Dangerous flares of fire were dancing in his eyes, slowly taking control of his body. He was fuming, ready to lash at anything near him. Should I lie to put off his anger? Last time he pulled out a tree, Goddess knows what he will pull out this time.

"Lie! It is okay. It is only a one-time thing!" I heard a little mini-me version sitting on my left shoulder, dressed in red with a devil's horn on the head.

I guess, one time won't hurt?

"Shutup! No, Vivian, tell him the truth. Better now, than late! You know he has temper issues. Imagine how angry he would get when he will find it out later," Another mini-me, clad in white with a halo on the head, sitting on my right shoulder spoke.

Well, that's good a point.

"No, lie! Look, he is already going red like my dress!" the devil pointed.

Zack's hands were clenched in fists now, turning whiter with every second. Devil was right, he was practically fuming so badly, I think his head would explode.

"Another reason why you should tell the truth, Vivian..." Angel warned.





"Shutup! Just shutup!" I burst, bringing my hands to my ears.

Both angel and devil poofed in thin air. Peace, finally.

"Excuse me?"

Now, who the hell is that?

"Zack," my wolf answered.

"Oh," I opened my eyes to see my brother glaring at me.

"Answer. Me. Vivian," he stepped closer, grabbing my shoulders with both of his hands.

"Yes....he is my room-mate. And so is Tyler." I let it out, my eyes closed. Better to rip off the band-aid in one go.

He will burst. His head will burst. He will kill Josh. He will kill Tyler. He will kill me. He will kill Lee. He will kill everyone. Damn it, I don't want to die so soon. I squeezed my eyes tighter when Zack's iron grip tightened. This is the end of me, we all will die. It was nice knowing yo-

"Stop shaking, Vivian. I am your brother for god's sake!" I opened one of my eyes and peeked at him.

His eyes were returning to their old self, a bit of concern visible in them. I sighed a breath of relief.

"Did anyone hurt you? Why were you afraid of me? Are you okay, sister? Do I need to kill anyone? Ethan?" he started shaking me to get an answer out of me.

"No, no, no! Everything is perfectly fine!" I started, waving my hands around dismissively. "I just thought you'd get angry that I share a room with two males."

"Two unmated Alpha males," he corrected. "And you are right. I am absolutely furious. Why did you not tell me this before?" he sat down on the couch now, his fingers massaging his temples.

"Uh...urm..I never thought it was a problem..." Lies.

He cocked an eyebrow at me, giving me an are-you-serious-right-now look.

I just shrugged in response.

"Vivian, with this speed, I think soon we would be out of males in this territory."

"What do you me--- oh....." I suddenly realised what he meant. He'd have to kill them all.


He smirked.

"You are so dramatic, brother," I sat down next to him. "You seriously think I would let you kill my male friends?"

"It won't be a problem at all. I can show you an example right now. It won't even take much time," he stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles, a huge grin etched on his face.

"You will do no such thing! Or I will kill you too and feed you to...to...to...myself!"

He laughed and then made a disgusted face, "Ew, you would like you to eat your brother? Disgusting."

"Of course I would, and since I eat like a pig, I think it would be no such problem to eat you."

"Even my manly parts?" he grinned.

I did not need that visual in the depths of my brain.

"Oh my god!"

Zack raised his eyebrows, his eyes wide because it wasn't me who said that.

"Yes Josh! Yes, please! Ah!"

Oh, FML.


"Your brother isn't as intimidating as your father," Josh settled on the couch next to me and Tyler.

My brother left as soon as possible after he heard those noises. But not before nearly taking me back home with him. Stopping him was the toughest thing I had to do the entire day. He was adamant on taking me back. Here is what he said,"You will not stay another second with those horny Alphas. I forbid you."

I threw a pillow on Josh's face but he stopped it at the last second.

"What was that for?" he smirked.

"You ass! Because of you," I pointed my index finger at him, "Zack was going to take me back to my pack! Do you know how hard it was to stop him from bursting into your room and killing you as well as taking me back with him?" I glared.

He just simply shrugged.

He bloody shrugged.

I've had it. This is it.

I got up to beat his beautiful face but was stopped by Tyler's hands which were pulling me back by the waist.

"Let me go, Tyler. Imma beat the shit outta him!!" I screamed, trying my best to catch him by my stretched hands.

"Easy, bluff."

I turned around and gave him a glare. He instantly drew his hands up in a surrender gesture.

Tyler looked over my shoulder and mimicked a throat-cut motion, "You're dead, Josh."

Next thing I know, I am running outside trying to catch Josh, whereas Tyler ran behind me. He was probably following us to see me beat the shit out of an Alpha.

Man, why are all these Alphas so annoying?

"You do realise our Dad comes in the same category," my wolf spoke.

Okay, fine. Maybe not all the Alphas.

After a chase of ten minutes, I finally got hold of Josh. I sat on top of him and started punching him in the ribs. He laughed at my first few punches as I obviously wasn't going to punch him with my whole strength. This was a stupid fight, I was just having fun. However, his teasing laughter annoyed me so I kicked up the intensity of the punches by a notch.


"Take that, you jerk!"

"Okay stop! I am sorry. Who knew your big bro was such a softie when it came to his lil sis," his lips curled into a smile.

Okay, that is it. Vivian, unleash the beast.

I let out a growl and was about to give him a good punch when I was pulled back by strong arms.


"Vivian, stop this. Josh, get up you prick." Tyler spoke, his eyes showing what little patience that was left in him.

"But you saw-"

"Yes, Vivian. I know what he did," he turned and looked at Josh who was brushing his clothes, "You better keep your sexual activities to zero or take them someplace else." he pointed at Josh.

Josh pouted and gave him....is he for real....he was giving him puppy dog eyes!

This boy!

"Alright?" Tyler ordered, his eyes having no effect on him. Thank Goddess, it wasn't me in his place or I would not have stood a chance against those eyes.

Josh stomped his feet like a kid, "Fine."


I was back in my room now, getting ready for the movie night. I just quickly threw up some shorts and a basketball jersey of Zack's since it was quite hot.

Were Josh and Tyler invited? Was Ethan invited?

These days all I try to do is to ignore and push away Ethan from my mind. It still hasn't hit me that I do not have a mate anymore. It hurts. I try to ignore it but it bloody hurts. Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd get rejected.

But then again, never in a billion years would I have known that Ethan would be my mate.

Ethan. He was a beauty. Absolutely gorgeous. A unique work of Goddess, a priceless creature of nature. However, sometimes the most beautiful things end up hurting you the most. It is as if they are wearing a mask to hide all their ugliness behind.

Whenever he is there, I wonder what could have happened if we hadn't rejected each other. Would it have been easy for us to put our differences aside and start a life together? Would it have been easy for us to fall in love? Finding your mate is the best moment of a wolf's life. Watching my parents so deeply in love, I always wondered how someone could love with such intensity? Guess, I'll never find out.

You can't get all the happiness in the world, now can you?

"Bluff, may I come in?" my train of thoughts were interrupted by Tyler who was standing at the door.

"Yes Tyler, you have my full permission to come anytime. My rules are stupid anyway, don't know why I even made them..."

"Hey, what happened? You okay?" he came by my side and gave me a side hug.

Guess he noticed the sadness. Instead of answering him, I pulled him into a hug. I really needed one.

Hugs are the best thing ever. They can instantly make you feel happy, warm, safe and loved. God, if I could have a person who I could hug all the time whenever I felt sad.

"Thank you." I pulled back, offering him a smile.

"Anytime for you, bluff."

"You're really nice, you know....your mate would be very lucky."

His face fell, "You were thinking about Ethan?"

I closed my eyes shut for a while, "I always do. I just do my best to ignore."

"Vivian..." he started but I put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"It is okay. I am better now."

He leant in and was once again embraced me in a tight grip.

Maybe I could hire Tyler as a personal hugger?

"And get slaughtered by Father, Zack, and Tyler's future mate? Yeah, right." My wolf reminded.

"Hey, I wanna join in the hug!" Josh ran to our side.

We both laughed and got him inside.

I'll be okay, everything will be okay.


Everything is not okay.

How can I let go? It's not easy. Not easy at all when she is that something I was searching for my whole life. I desperately wanted- no, I desperately needed her.

I believed my life would take a turn, everything would go back to exactly how it was once I'll find her, when I'll have her in my arms, right next to me.

But sadly, life doesn't work on my beliefs.

"Alpha, you are needed at the Council Hall," I turned around to see my Beta, Elliot, standing - the one who I knew always had my back, the one who I could always trust.

"What do they need now?" I snapped.

It was wrong of me to unleash my anger at Elliot. Especially when he wasn't the one to be blamed. But what could I do? Each passing day my wolf grew more restless because she wasn't by our side. And every time these stupid Alphas called me, another responsibility was laid upon my shoulders.

Elliot shrugged, "I have no idea. I am never in the meetings, now am I?"

True. No one except the four Alphas knew what took place in the Council Hall. Nobody was at the liberty of discussing it.

I patted Elliot's left shoulder and started walking towards the Hall.

Let's get this over with.


"You need to keep your interactions to a minimum. Or else she will start to crave your touch."

"That's it, I've had enough!" I slammed my hands on the table. "I've followed each and every one of your commands for these past years. But this is absurd. You made my mate hate me so much that she ended up rejecting me, now you won't even let me talk to her? I can't follow that, it will kill my wolf. He will kill each and everyone who will stand in the way of him and his mate."

Alpha Lennon stood up and walked towards me, "Ethan-"

"Alpha Ethan," I corrected.

I am not a kid they could boss around anymore. I am an Alpha. I deserve respect.

"Alpha Ethan, you and your wolf need to understand we are doing this for the safety of your mate. She needs to be protected from them."

As soon as Lennon mentioned them, my wolf started taking control. We won't let those bastards touch her.

"Kill. Kill. Kill."

My wolf wanted blood.

"Eth- Alpha Ethan, control your wolf." This time it was Vivian's father who spoke.

"Go. To. Mate. Mate. Mate."

I need to leave. I have to see her. Or else my wolf will take over. And if he did, Goddess knows what he will do to her. The worst case scenario would be that he'd mark her.

I growled, "This conversation isn't over," and made my way out of the door.


Currently, I was sitting on the couch next to Ashlee. Turns out nobody was invited except for our pack members. Deciding the movie was a chaos. All the boys wanted to see a romantic movie whereas all the girls wanted to see a funny movie. The situation was a bit comical to me since it was usually the other way round. But this is the 21st century for crying out loud. Let's keep movie genres gender-neutral. Alright? Alright.

But seriously, it was quite funny to see the boys fighting to watch The Vow whereas the girls wanted to see The Hangover.

After fighting for quite some time, they decided to ask me to chose a film since I was their Alpha's daughter. It disappoints me how they think I have this superiority over them as I am the Alpha's daughter and how they should follow me. We all were equal. I did not need this special treatment. However, I decided to put these differences aside and chose 'American Pie'. It was a romantic-comedy so it was definitely a win-win situation.

Half-way through the movie, I heard a few of my pack members mumbling to each other. It was difficult to pick the wordings even with my wolf-hearing. What were they talking about?

Ashlee must have felt me looking at her so she turned and gave me a grin. Slowly, she brought her hand up and waved at my face.

I was confused but being the awkward person I was, I dumbly responded to the wave by waving myself.

But a few seconds later, I realised that she wasn't waving and smiling at me but at someone behind me. How embarrassing!

Instead of looking who's behind me, I went back to watching the movie. It would be so embarrassing if the person for whom the wave was actually meant for saw me waving back at Ashlee. Must be laughing at how stupid I was.

Forty-five minutes later, the movie ended and everyone started to wrap up all the mess we had created.

"Thanks for coming, Vivian. It was great spending time with you!" Jordon smiled at me, and everyone unanimously said "Yeah!"

"Likewise. I would love to hang out with all of you sometime soon!" I grinned.

All the girls came forward and gave me a hug whereas all the boys gave me high-fives.

Jordon looked behind me and shouted to someone, "Hope you enjoyed the movie too, Alpha Ethan!"

Woah, woah woah. Hold up a second.

Alpha Ethan?


In record-breaking time, I turned my neck around. It is still a shock how my neck is still attached to my body after how swiftly and fiercely I looked behind me.

And there he was, my ex-mate. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened and he dashed out of the room.

What the heck crawled his ass?

"When did he come?" I questioned Jordon. It was strange because this time I didn't smell him like I used to. Maybe the rejection was finally doing its work.

"Oh, Alpha Ethan? He came half-way through the movie. I asked him to join me by waving my hand but he just shook his head. He sat there throughout the movie," Jordon pointed to a far away chair behind me, "I have no idea why because you can't even see the screen from there. We don't know what he was doing here but he did remain seated throughout those forty-five minutes."

I nodded my head and was soon on my way back to my room but this one thought kept gnawing at me. What was he doing there?


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