《The Alpha Academy》ii


before you read this book, I would like to clarify a few things.

This book will not contain:

Vampires, or any Supernatural/Magical creatures. Neither will it have any white or any other special coloured wolves who have special powers.

This book will sometimes contain:

Graphic and Sexual Content (but don't worry, a warning would be placed before), Violent and Abusive Language.

If there is a content too mature to be published in the actual book, it would be posted in another published book called "Forbidden Academy".

Moreover, all images and videos used in the media section belong to their rightful owners. I hold no claim over them. I will always credit the owner if I find their name.

All characters, ideas and thoughts in this book are mine.


Please message me if you see anyone copying or stealing my work.

BTW - I will be using British spellings so please do not comment saying I made any spelling errors. Unless, I did. But general criticism is appreciated. It will only help me grow as a writer. English is not my first language so all the grammatical errors found would only help me improve my book.

I will not be giving any celebrities faces to my two main characters. I think it sometimes ruin the book for a reader. So, whoever you want to imagine them as, you can freely do so. But if you really want to know who inspired both of the characters, you can always ask me privately. I will, however, sometimes give celebrity faces to other minor characters.

Lastly, I would like to talk about few of the important things present in the book. Everything present in the book is there for a reason. If it is there, it is meant to be.

- if one person rejects the other but the rejected person doesn't reject them back, the bond wouldn't die. It would be still present. However, it won't be as strong.


- there are total of four main packs present in this book; North-Moon Pack, South-Moon Pack, West-Moon Pack and East-Moon Pack.

- there are Rogues present in the book but they aren't dangerous.

- the area where this book is located does not exist in real life, it is completely imaginative. Imagine a huge square and divide it into four parts; North, South, East and West. Now imagine a small circle whose boundary is equally spread in the four parts. That circular area belongs to the Rogues.

Hope you understand.

If there is anything worth-mentioning or important, it would be posted in the upcoming chapters. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them.

Thank you and Happy Reading.

Also, please do not forget to vote, comment and share.


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