《Is This Hell?》Return New World part 2


The next morning Elena woke up with a groan, her shoulder aching but at least she wasn't high anymore.

"You okay, Lena?" Jeremy came in to her room from the bathroom when he heard her groan.

"I'm fine, my shoulder is just a little achy." Elena smiled as she sat up.

"I'm so happy that you are okay." Jeremy walked over and pulled Elena into a tight hug. "And next time, know that you can leave uncle John to die to save yourself."

"Noted." Elena laughed. "Damon promised me a sip of his blood today to heal my shoulder."

"You coming with me and Jenna to the mayors wake, memorial, thing later?" Jeremy asked as he pulled back.

"Yeah, I'm driving. I'm just going to the hospital with Stefan to talk to uncle John, who is technically my sperm donor, and find out what he knows about Kathrine." Elena shrugged. "And on the point of Kathrine who looks freakily like me, if I don't snap my fingers twice when we meet up, just assume it's not me."

"Sounds good in the short run but what about later?" Jeremy hummed saving the whole 'Uncle John is Elenas biological father' thing for later.

"I'm trying to come up with something permanent." Elena assured. "Can you tell Jenna about the finger snap thing?"

"Sure." Jeremy chuckled as he watched his sister try and pick out some clothes for the day.

"Can I wear this today?" Elena asked him a she held up a knee length white lace dress with an open back.

"Absolutely." Jeremy smiled at her. "Maybe you could wear the high heeled shoes Lexi sent you, the white ones where the heel looks like a butterfly's wings?"

"That would work." Elena beamed. "Thanks Jere."

Around an hour later Elena and Stefan was walking towards John's hospital room.

"Ready for this?" Stefan looked at her.

"Yup." Elena smirked and walked into the room.

John panicked when he opened his eyes to see Elena and tried to press the little red button that would call the nurse, but Stefan grabbed his hand and took it away from him.

"I'm not Kathrine." Elena groaned. She would have been flattered if he had actually been scared of her, Elena, but nooo, Kathrine had to be the one, didn't she? Bitch!


"We know Kathrine did this to you." Stefan told John.

"We need to know why." Elena continued.

"Where is she?" John looked around.

"You tell us." Elena said with a raised eyebrow.

"You're too weak to play tough guy." Stefan pressed John back into the bed when he tried to get up. "Why don't you just sit back and answer some questions?"

"You won't hurt me; you value human life too much." John said as he looked at Stefan. "You're the good brother."

"Few months ago, that would have been true, but you see, Elena have been helping me with accepting myself for what I am and see humans as food." Stefan explained a little mockingly. "Plus, you tried to kill my brother. So, tell me again that I wouldn't hurt you."

"Now, what does Kathrine want?" Elena asked placing the Gilbert ring into Joh's hand.

"She'll try again; we can't help you if you don't confide in us." Stefan added when John didn't make a sound.

"In you?" John looked at Stefan in disgust.

"In your daughter then." Stefan consented.

"My daughter should have driven a stake through your heart by now." John glared and then he turned to Elena. "I never spoke with Kathrine directly, she never trusted me."

"If you wanted me to have certain views on certain things you should have raised me yourself." Elena sneered.

"So, either kill me or get out because I can't stand the sight of you with my daughter." John kept glaring at Stefan and ignored what Elena said.

"You are such a fucking hypocrite." Elena growled and stormed out.

Elena walked towards her car when Stefan caught up to her. "I just need to pick up Jenna and Jeremy at home so we can go to the Lockwoods'"

"I'll meet you there." Stefan smiled and hugged Elena.

"Hey Stefan?" Elena called out as Stefan started to walk away. "Did you have fun threatening John?"

"Absolutely." Stefan smirked at her and got into his car.

Elena was just about to get into her car when her phone rang, "Hello?"

"Elena? Where are you?" Bonnie asked from the other end.

"Bonnie, I know that I'm late, but I got a bit caught up at the hospital." Elena explained. "I'm about to get in the car now."


"If you are at the hospital, then I just met your evil twin." Bonnie muttered.

"Why can't I be the evil twin?" Elena groaned.

"Is that what you focus on?" Bonnie chuckled.

"Yep." Elena laughed. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes, tops. But be careful Bonnie."

"I'll do my best." Bonnie said as she hung up.

When Elena, Jeremy and Jenna finally made it to the Lockwoods', the place was crawling with people.

"Looks like the whole town has turned out." Jeremy commented.

"Yeah, well, he was the mayor." Elena shrugged. "And even though he was an ass, most people won't say no to free alcohol and free food."

"Elena!" Jenna tried to sound reprimanding but the smile that twitched on her lips and the twinkle in her eyes ruined it.

"Why don't they save it for the funeral?" Jeremy chuckled at his sister.

"That's just what people do." Jenna shrugged. "The Lockwoods were there for us when we went through this. It'll be quick; we'll drop off the food and pay our respects and then we leave."

"In and out?" Jeremy hummed. "Sounds like a plan."

"You guys go on; I'll be right there." Elena told Jenna and Jeremy as she walked over to Damon. "Hey, Damon, are you okay?"

"Great Elena." Damon smirked but something was missing. "Walking on sunshine, thanks for asking."

"Damon, please." Elena murmured softly.

"I kissed you and I was so happy when you kissed back but turns out it wasn't you at all but my bitch of a sire." Damon ranted. "How do you think I'm doing?"

"I think you are hurting." Elena admitted.

"I don't get hurt." Damon denied.

"Everyone gets hurt, even you." Elena looked at him sadly. "You just cover it up with anger and a devil might care attitude."

"You're scared that Kathrine might send me off the deep end, aren't you?" Damon asked as he turned to leave. "I don't need her for that."

"You have not gone off the deep end, Damon, and you won't." Elena said with certainty. "You are stronger than you think."

"Why is it such a surprise that I would kiss you?" Damon looked at her, searching her face for something.

"Because people don't want me, Damon." Elena shrugged, sounding very certain of that. "I'm a weird, blunt freak."

"Elena..." Damon began sadly but was interrupted by Bonnie.

"Elena!" Bonnie called out.

"Bonnie what's wrong?" Elena asked worried.

"I just saw Stefan leave with Kathrine." Bonnie gasped out.

"Shit." Damon cursed and rushed out.

"Thanks for telling us." Elena hugged Bonnie and rushed after Damon.

A while later Elena was sitting on a bench on the Lockwood property, cleaning a wound on Stefan lower abdomen.

"You gonna be okay?" Elena asked softly.

"Yeah, it'll heal." Stefan reassured her.

"That's not what I meant, numb nut." Elena slapped him on the arm.

"I was trying to figure her out, you know." Stefan explained. "I was playing along and let her get to me."

"I tried to track her but she's gone." Damon said as he walked up to them, then he started to tease his baby brother. "Oooh, cover up, Fabio."

"Why? You jealous?" Stefan teased back with a smirk.

"Of that?" Damon nodded at Stefans well defined torso, then he pulled up his own shirt. "Nah, mines better."

"Let's ask Elena." Stefan laughed and both Damon and Stefan stood up and showed off their abs to Elena. "So, who's are better?"

Elena pretended to think about it for a while then she smirked at them both and said, "Mine."

"You can't just say that and walk away." Damon and Stefan ran after her when they shook themselves out of the shock.

"This is me, walking away." Elena chuckled.

"I want proof." Damon smirked.

"If I were wearing pants, I'd show you but I ain't dropping my dress out here." Elena stopped and turned towards the brothers.

"So, you would drop it if we were somewhere else?" Stefan chuckled.

Elena just kept walking with a smirk. When they started to get closer to the Lockwood mansion Elena quietly asked. "Can you two come over to my place later tonight? There is something I need to talk to you both about."

"Are you okay?" Damon asked.

"I'm fine but I don't want to talk about it where others can over hear." Elena explained.

"We'll be there." Stefan said as Damon nodded.

"Thank you." Elena kissed them both on the cheek and went to join Jenna and Jeremy.

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