《Is This Hell?》Damned Unpleasant Children part 2


When they arrived at the school the dance was in full swing. Elena got a lot of looks from the others when she walked in with two gorgeous guys on either side of her. The three of them ignored the looks and walked over to a table at the side of the dancefloor.

Damon offered to get them some punch and Elena smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Damon."

"You're welcome." Damon muttered as he walked towards the punch table while Stefan decided to look around to see if he could find anything suspicious.

"Having fun?" Elena smiled at Caroline and Bonnie as they came over to her.

"No, but this took about two hours, so I'm staying for at least, half that time." Caroline laughed.

"What's Damon doing here?" Bonnie asked as she glared at Damon who were talking to Stefan.

"He wanted to come and he is my friend." Elena told her.

"So, what is this, like, a threesome now." Caroline sent a leering smirk Elenas way. "You and the Salvatore brothers? You in the middle of a Salvatore sandwich?"

"Caroline?!" Elena laughed. "It's not like that."

"I really wouldn't blame you if it was." Caroline looked over at Damon and Stefan again. "Those are some really good-looking men, though."

Bonnie sneered at them and kept glaring at Damon and even Stefan, the one who had saved her life several times.

Damon walked up to them with Stefan following him and approached Bonnie. "Hi, Bonnie." Damon smiled charmingly at her. "Wanna dance?"

"I'm out of here." Bonnie sniffed and glared at him.

"Please give me another chance?" Damon pleaded softly.

"Back off." Bonnie stormed off.

"What did you do?" Stefan chuckled at his brother.

"Nothing! I was perfectly polite." Damon defended himself, then he turned to Elena with a smile and held out his hand towards her. "Elena, would you like to dance?"

"I would love to." Elena smiled back and took his hand.

Elena heard Stefan ask Caroline for a dance as Damon led her out to the dancefloor with a smile. He twirled her around and pulled her close to him. Elena laughed quietly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands on her hips as they started to sway to the music.

"Shouldn't you guys be able to sense each other or something?" Elena asked after they had danced for a while.

"Doesn't really work like that." Damon shrugged. "See him anywhere?"

"Not unless he has a pompadour." Elena giggled softly.

"Yeah that was not one of the better fashion trends." Damon chuckled.

"Please tell me you have pictures?" Elena pleaded with a laugh.

"Of Stefan? Absolutely." Damon smirked. "Of me? Nope, those are burned and buried."

"So, what was the fifties like?" Elena asked. "Because in my mind I have this picture that is a mix of 'American Bandstand' and 'Grease'. It's all varsity sweaters and milkshakes."


"Well there was that and, you know, McCarthyism and segregation and nuclear arms race." Damon hummed.

"That's depressing." Elena murmured the she got a glint in her eyes. "Please tell me there was poodle skirts at least?"

"There were poodle skirts." Damon smirked and spun Elena around before he pulled her back in again.

"You are so teaching me to do the hand jive." Elena informed him with a bright smile.

"I am, am I?" Damon hummed as he smirked at her.

Elena and Damon walked off the dance floor to get something to drink and after a few minutes Caroline and Stefan joined them.

"Okay, now I'm having fun." Caroline admitted with a smile.

"Me too." Elena admitted as she saw Damon talking to Alaric a few paces away.

"I was thinking about going to the grill to spend time with Matt." Caroline told Elena. "He couldn't come to the dance tonight because he had to work but that doesn't mean I can't spend time with him at his work."

"Care for one last dance, Caroline, before you go?" Elena offered her hand to Caroline.

"I would be delighted." Caroline smiled and the two girls made their way out on the dance floor.

"Mind if I cut in?" Damon came up behind Elena and Caroline a few minutes later.

"Not at all." Caroline smiled and hugged Elena. "I'm going to see Matt."

"Bye Care." Elena murmured.

"Having a good time?" Damon asked as he pulled Elena close.

"Yeah, I am." Elena smiled. "And you?"

"Not too bad." Damon spun Elena around again.

"Maybe he's not going to show." Elena murmured as she looked around the room.

"You mean we did all this dancing for nothing?" Damon mock gasped in horror.

"Oh no, the travesty." Elena giggled.

The music switched and became faster and Elena smiled brightly as she grabbed Damons hand and started to twist her hips. "Show me how it's done in the fifties."

"You really think you can handle it?" Damon smirked at her.

"Bring it, pretty boy." Elena challenged.

Damon pushed her out and twirled her back in towards him, then he picked her up and dipped her on one side and then the other, holding her in the last dip for a few moments. As he straightened up again Elena laughed freely and brightly.

"That was awesome." Elena beamed at him.

They danced for a little while longer until Elena saw the man in the hoddie at the other end of the room. "Damon, back corner."

"Get Stefan." Damon ordered softly and started to make his way over the dancefloor after the man in the hoddie.

Elena quickly lost sight of Damon and couldn't find Stefan anywhere so she decided to look around. When she walked over the dancefloor her phone rang and she pulled it out to answer.


"Hello Elena." A male voice greeted her from the other end and she froze. "Here's what you're going to do. There's an exit behind you, you have five seconds."

"No." Elena declared strongly.

"Or you brother dies." The man threatened.

Elena quickly looked over to the punch table where Jeremy was serving punch with a smile. Behind her little brother she saw a man talking on the phone and staring at her.

"I can snap his neck so fast that I bet there's not even a witness." The man threatened. "Now, start walking!"

"Don't you dare touch him." Elena growled into the phone even as she started to make her way to the exit.

"Keep walking through the door." The man chuckled at her threat.

Just as Elena passed thorough the exit she looked back and saw the man walk past Jeremy without touching him. That's when she decided to hang up the phone and run. She ran through the corridor and forced herself not to look behind, that is how you die in a horror movie.

Elena ran over to a door and tried to open it but the fucking thing just had to be locked. Who had the bright idea to lock the doors in the school when she was going to have to run for her life?!

She ran down a different corridor, all the while cursing enough to make a sailor blush. Elena almost whooped in happiness when the door to the cafeteria opened but the joy was short lived as the door on the other side of the cafeteria was locked.

"That's just fucking typical!" Elena hissed just as the man, and if she remembered correctly from the show his name was Noah, flung the double doors open and vamp-sped towards her. She attempted to bolt but Noah managed to garb her hair and she screamed and struggled as best she could.

Noah pulled her closer and then he threw her across a table where she skidded and fell to the floor. Elana frantically grabbed two pencils from the ground just as Noah grabbed her from the floor and pushed her up against a wall.

His smirked as his fangs extend but before he could bite her, Elena stabbed him in the stomach with one of the pencils. Noah, who was shocked enough to take a step back, pulled the pencil out and started to advance on Elena again.

Elena shoved the other pencil thorough Noah's hand and pushed him to the floor, because she absolutely refused to go down without a fight, she is not a fucking damsel in distress!

As she backed away, she bumped into a cleaner's cart with a mop that had a wooden handle and she quickly grabbed it and broke it over her knee, creating a crude stake. When Noah walked towards her again with a growl, Elena thrusted the makeshift stake towards his chest but it seemed like he wasn't shocked at her resistance anymore and managed to catch it.

He ripped the stake out of her hand and snarling went for her neck but before he got to close Stefan had ripped him off her and thrown him across the room.

"Hey, dickhead!" Damon called out to Noah with the discarded stake in his hand. "Nobody wants to kill you, we just want to talk."

Noah smiled and rushed towards Elena but both Stefan and Damon had expected this so Damon threw the stake at Stefan who caught it and showed it into Noah's stomach, making him grunt in pain and fall to the floor.

"Now do you feel like talking?" Stefan asked.

"Screw you." Noah growled.

"Wrong answer." Stefan dug the stake deeper as Noah groans in pain. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's fun." Noah smirked.

"What do you want with Elena?" Damon asked as he walked around the kneeling vampire.

"She looks like Kathrine and she smells good." Noah admitted.

"You knew Kathrine?" Damon looked shocked, as did Stefan.

"Oh, you thought you were the only ones." Noah gave a laughing sneer. "You don't even remember me."

"Tell me how to get into the tomb." Damon demanded.

"No." Noah denied with a smirk.

Elena pushed Stefan and Damon out of the way and pulled the stake out, only to dive it in again a little closer to his heart. "Tell him."

"The Grimoire." Noah gasped out in pain.

"Where is it?" Damon growled and when Noah didn't answer Elena agonizingly slowly twisted the stake to give maximum damage and pain.

"Check the journal!" Noah screamed desperately. "The journal. Jonathan Gilbert's journal."

"Who else is working with you?" Stefan demanded to know and grabbed the stake from Elena when Noah didn't answer and showed it in further.

"Who else is there?!" Damon glared.

"No," Noah gasped. "You're going to have to kill me."

"Fine by me." Damon backed away and Stefan pulled the stake out only to shove it through Noah's heart.

"You're pretty badass, you know that." Damon told Elena.

"Well, duh." Elena smirked.

They heard a door open and saw Alaric coming through one of the door's windows and Stefan turned to Damon and said, "Go, I got this."

"What do you need me to do?" Elena asked Stefan as Damon left.

"Me and Damon will handle the body." Stefan reassured her. "You can go home and I'll come over later and we'll talk."

"Okay, if you're sure." Elena hesitated but at Stefans nod she walked out of the cafeteria.


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