


Santiago was gonna be here any minute now and I still couldn't find something to wear. I swear I was just gonna call him and tell him I can't come. I looked at my bed filled with dresses and couldn't find one that I actually liked. I went back into my closet and continued with my search of clothes. Finally, I found a old dress in the back of my closet. It was a short glittery black dress. I only wore it once and it was to a family gathering. I took it off the hanger and tried it on. It still felt snug on my body. I walked to my full body mirror and I must admit it was nice on me. So this dress will do for tonight. After taking a shower, my phone rang. I grabbed my towel to wrap around my body and pick up my phone.

"Hey",I answered.

"Hey Khia. You ready?",it was Santiago. The sound of his voice made me real nervous.

"Yeah",I lied

"Ight im in front of your house."

"Your in front of what house?",I said confused. I knew my mom was in the kitchen cooking and if he was gonna come in my house, he'd have to get through my mom first.

"Your house",he said.

"No that's okay. I'll come out in a minute just wait out in the car."

"Ight." Just then I heard the doorbell ring. I knew Santiago didn't just ring it because I told him to wait outside. I was protecting him from my mom yelling and cussing him out. I applied my make up and put my hair up in a ponytail. I applied a nude lip and mascara. I sleek my baby hairs down and all that alone took me at least 20 mins. Unzipping the dress, I put one leg and my other. I put on my black cute heels and took one last look in the mirror. I put perfume on me and grabbed my clutch. I scanned the room again to see if I'm missing anything and took my phone. I was surprised I didn't hear yelling yet as I walked out to the living room and found Santiago conversing with my mom. They were laughing and stuff which made me a bit confused. As I approach them, Santiago stood up and I could definitely read the look on his face. If handsome was a person, it would definitely be him. He was dressed in a navy suit with a white shirt underneath. His suit was real unique because it had a spark to it just like my dress did. "You look absolutely gorgeous Khia",he said pulling me into a hug.


"She gets it from her mama",my mom said and he laughed.

"Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself",i said downplaying the fact that he looked finee.

"Alright well don't keep her up all night now she has school in the morning",my mom said. As Santiago grabbed me by my waist, he opened the door for me and we got into his car. I was surprised at the fact that my mom was in a nice mood. Normally she would have a fit.

"What did you do to my mom?",I asked Santiago as he start up the car.

"I told you I was good with moms",he smirked.

"I don't know how you won her over."

"I got my way with the ladies",he said. I looked at him and laughed. Santiago was very confident of himself and I liked that about him.

"You look maravilloso though no lie",he said.


"Gorgeous",he said looking at me. I knew if I was of a lighter complexion, I could've felt myself blushing right now. He played kid ink's 'show me' on the radio and blasted it through the speakers. When we arrived at the venue, we was greeted by his employees. Everyone was dressed nice and there was even a red carpet. This event must've been huge.

Santiago held the car door for me and held me by my waist as we walked to the entrance. "Tiago in the buildin",a big guy with a beard said dappin him up.

"You know it. One n only."

"I know that's right man they just started this party."

"I knew that. That's why I came this late",he said.

"Who's this lil eye candy?",the guy said eyeing me. Not in a million years would I ever date someone of his nature so I don't know why he was looking at me like a piece of steak.

"My date for the evening",Santiago said.

"Will we be seeing more of her?"

"There's a possibility",Santiago said.

"She single?"

"If she on my arm she's obviously not",Santiago said in a slick way. I felt like I was his actual girl. After he introduced us two, we went inside and he had me meet his boss and other coworkers that he worked with. I was meeting all these people that I'll probably not even remember and I failed to ask Santiago what his job actually is.


"Santiago is always on it. Always ready to help these unfortunate people",his boss told me.

"So I've seen. That's really great",I said smiling. After a night of talking, Santiago and I sat on a table. He poured me a glass of champagne and said,"wait your over 21 right?"

"Boy if you don't give me my glass",I said laughing.

"So what exactly is your job?",I took the opportunity to ask him.

"Social worker."

"Oh okay that's actually a great job."

"Not somethin I've always wanted to do though that's why I'm in school now."

"Well they speak so highly of you here. They like you here",I said taking a sip of my champagne.

"Yea just like how you like me."

"I didn't say all that now",I said smiling.

"You ain't had to. I read your body language."

"What body language?",I asked him.

"If i tell you, then you gonna try your best not to do it."

"Whatever Santiago",I said taking another sip.

"What would happen if we decided to take this to another level?",he said. I gulped real hard.

"This award goes to Santiago Rodriguez for his hard work, Dedication, and going above and beyond for this company",his boss said through the microphone. Everyone clapped and cheered meanwhile Santiago was looking at me waiting for an answer. "Go get your award, everyone's clapping for you",I said. "This convo isn't over",he said as he got up and walked up there. I watched as he gave his thankful speech and clapped after he was done. They took pictures of him and his plaque and he walked back towards our table. The night was young and Santiago insisted on having me out on the dance floor. They played ozuna's 'se preparo' and Santiago had me close to him hugging my waist as I grind on him. Then played la modelo right after. By the time we was done dancing, It was already getting late. Santiago led me outside on the patio and grabbed us another drink.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight. It means a lot to me",he said taking a sip of his drink.

"Your welcome. I'll be your supporter any day."

"I know. Hell, you my biggest fan",he said with a smirk on his face. I nearly almost spit my drink out of my mouth and laughed.

"Your so full of it I swear",I said smiling.

"Full of what?",he said looking at me.

"Nothing",I said taking another sip and turning to the outside watching the stars align into something special.

"What do you want in life? Whats your goals?",he asked.

"You sound very intellectual when your drunk. That's weird",I told him. He chuckled and said,"I'm not drunk. Otherwise I can't drive and I'll have to keep you with me overnight."

"I'm sure you'd love that",I said.

"I would."

"I just want happiness and peace in life. Love of course and to be successful. Just like how the stars are aligning, I want my life to align to form into something great."

"I feel you."

"What about you?"

"I would say love is something I would like to have in my life."

"There's a saying that says if you want something, go get it."

"I am. That's why I'm here.. with you."

"But you don't love me",I said looking at him.

"But I want to."

"You can't."

"Why not?",he said staring at my eyes.

"I'm damaged goods",I said looking at the night sky.

"Who isn't?",he said looking at me. He had a point but I just didn't want to get my hopes up on another guy who's probably gonna make me go through what I'm going through now with trey.

"Your popular in school."

"What does that got to do with anything?"

"All the girls."

"That I don't pay attention to Khia."

"Why me though?"

"Your a special type a girl. And there's something about you that makes me want to pursue you. It ain't your body, it ain't how you dress, it's something that attracted me to you. Look truth is, I want you and I would like to pursue you if you would let me."

"I thought you just wanted us to be friends",I said smiling. He smiled and looked at me seriously.

"Friends don't this",he said leaning into me and kissed me softly on my lips.

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