

I woke up to the smell of french vanilla cappuccino and had the biggest smile on my face. Opening my eyes, I noticed I was in Trey's bed. He must've carried me here In the middle of the night. I hopped out of the bed and put my braids into a high ponytail. I made my way to his bathroom and knew where his extra pack of toothbrushes were in the cabinet. I took one and brushed my teeth with it. After I brushed and washed my face, I was startled by him walking in the room. "Good morning hun",he said placing a tray of two coffee cups and a plate of grilled cheese on the counter. "Good morning to you too. Who's that for?"

"You and I. I wanted to make you breakfast before I head out for work",he said kissing me on the cheek.

"That's sweet. You seriously didn't have to. I could've stopped by Mcdonalds and grab something to eat."

"My girl don't eat at fast food restaurants. Not if I can make you something myself",he said going into his closet and grabbing his gray suit.

"Thanks",I said smiling and taking a sip of the coffee. It's sweetness was something to savor. As I sat on the side of the bed and saw him get himself dressed, I just kept thinking about how sexually attractive he was and handsome as hell.

"I wish I could stay here all day",I said tying his tie around his neck.

"I wish you could too but I can't let you do that babygirl. Genovia has the keys to my apartment."

"Of course she does",I said rolling my eyes and started walking away after I was done with his tie.

"I'll end it soon hun. I just need you to be patient",he said grabbing my arm to pull me back to him. He kissed me passionately and finished getting dressed. I grabbed my jacket and made sure I didn't forget anything in his house.


"You got everything?",he asked me.

"Yea",I said.

"Alright. Let's go." He grabbed his laptop and keys and held the door open for me. After we got in the car, I poured his coffee into his coffee mug and fed him. When we reached my house, I was hesitant to even get out the car. "You okay babe?",he asked me. I guess he could see it too.

"Yeah...I'm fine",I said getting out.

"I'll call you later."

"Sure yea",I said trying to open the door and get in the house before he saw my tears.


"Trey, this is Mr. Calvin Payne. He's your client",my assistant said. I looked up from my MacBook and standing before me was a tall, dark-skinned guy with a tailored gray shirt and a pair of black slacks. He wore a black tie and held a folder in his hand. I stood up to greet him. "Name's trey nice to meet you",I said giving him a firm handshake. Once my assistant left the office, I reviewed the case with Mr. Calvin and paused.

"I know what your thinking man. Why I spent so much money tryna get myself a lawyer when I'm the one who's at fault here. Thing is you and I are brothers and we come from the same background. Them white crackers are just out to get us and lock us up. We are the minority."

"With all due respect sir, what's your angle? Because although I'm representing you in court, I stand for what is right. I'm looking at your papers here and so far I don't see any reason that justifies you in any way for what you did. The race card doesn't work with me because I see no race. My focus is justice."


"Of course it is",he smirked,"my family and I are homeless. We live in a van. We try to make ends meet by eating can foods that are donated in churches. I have a daughter, she's 8 months and we have no insurance for her or my wife. So what, I made a bad decision by going into a super H mart and stealing a box of enfamil. As a man, we're taught to provide for our family. So that's what I did. I know the way I did it was wrong, but my reason for doing it is right. I could understand if I stole money or a car but I stole food for my daughter who is 8 months. Do you have kids?"

"No. But I plan to. So I understand your situation... you are still homeless right?",I said eyeing his nicely tailored shirt.

"Yes. I know what your thinking. I am homeless but I didn't say I had no clothes to wear."

"Here's what I'll do for you. I will set you up with a welfare and shelter representative and they will see about getting you a place for your family to stay."

"What about the case? Do I still have to go to court and go to jail? Man I can't go to jail. I got kids",he pleaded.

"I understand. The case will be closed. because the way the judge will see it? Your wrong either way. Stealing is stealing. I'll handle the case from here and set you up with a representative to help your family."

"Thank you man. Thank you so much. God bless ya."

"Your welcome. Expect a call from me some time during the week",I said letting him out of my office. After closing the door, I tossed the files in a box. That was another cold case. I didn't understand how the land of opportunities (America) managed to still have homeless people in it. The guy didn't look like he was into drugs , he clearly had some background of school because he spoke proper English. What did he do wrong to end up where he was at now? That is crazy.

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