《Mated To The Alpha King (Editing)》Chapter 2


I was in the shower when my phone started ringing. Nicky Poo flashed across my screen, I rolled my eyes at the name as I turned off the shower and answered the phone. "Hello?" I asked as I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the closet. "Hey babe, wanna meet at the mall in town?" Nick asked with excitement lacing his voice. I rolled my eyes and sighed, he hasn't changed one bit. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? But, give me a few minutes and I'll meet you there." Nick chuckled and we said our goodbyes.

I rushed to dry myself, while my wolf paced in my head. He was anxious but I didn't know why. I put on my clothes, grabbed my keys, and headed to the mall. When I got to the mall's parking lot I saw Nick and a girl standing by his car, my wolf started to stir as I looked at the girl. When I got closer the most delicious smell hit my senses.

Mate! It's her, she's our mate! Go to her! Lucian yelled through our link. I walked to her but she didn't move an inch. She was shaking, then she met my eyes. Time seemed like it slowed down when we locked eyes. Her eyes were a deep forest green with bright violet specks in them.

She's terrified, what should I do? I asked Lucian. Introduce yourself you moron, we look like a pervert just standing and looking at her. Lucian growled at me. I chuckled to myself. I reached my hand out, but before I could say a word she bolted into the forest behind her.

I stood there dumbfounded. Shit, I must've scared her. I thought to myself. Go after her! What are you waiting for you asshole! Run! Lucian screamed. Without a second thought, I took off into a sprint behind my beautiful mate.


I was running as fast as my feet would carry me. I know most people are excited when they find their mate, but not me. No one wants a weak mate. No one wants a waste of space like you. The voices filled my head. Tears were running down my face. I don't want to become his burden, I'm already a burden to my family. I just don't want him to hate me as they do.

I finally came to a stop and fell to my knees. He's our mate, we were made for each other. He loves us. Keshee said softly as I calmed down. How do you know he won't reject us on the spot? I asked her softly. I just know, but you have to trust me. He won't hurt us, he's not like Alex. Keshee said before blocking the link.

I sighed as I wiped the remaining tears from my face. Maybe she's right, maybe he won't reject me. I heard footsteps approaching from behind. I turned and came face to face with my mate. He was a handsome man. He had a strong build, deep blue eyes with gold specks, black hair that caressed his shoulders, a chiseled jawline with stubble on his jaw. I blushed and looked at my feet. Oh god, I'm such a pervert. I thought to myself.

"Am I that horrendous that you ran away from me?" My mate asked in a low raspy voice. I shivered as my panties became slick with my juices. Yep, this is it I'm officially a pervert. I thought to myself as I squeezed my thighs together.

"N-no, it's not that. I was j-just afraid that y-you might not w-want me. No one does." I said softly still looking at my feet. "Look at me." He said softly. I lifted my head and my eyes met his. He walked to me and grabbed my chin. Sparkes ran over my skin creating goosebumps in their wake. "Don't say that. I want you, I'll always want you. Mind, body, and soul." He said as he twirled my fiery red hair around his finger.


"I'm William by the way, let's head back before your brother loses it." He said with a smirk, I chuckled as he led me back to Nick. Why does that name sound so familiar? I shook the thought off as I followed him like a lost puppy.

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