《Beyond the Sinister (COMPLETE)》XVI. spontaneous trip
After another couple of days of Zachary's stay, at last, he decided to pack his things and leave.
During his stay, Seraphina's chamber was definitely a mess. Frankly speaking, Seraphina kept bugging him about when his wounds would heal.
Sure, he wasn't much of a bug since he doesn't really occupy much space in the bed. In fact, it was she, Seraphina who mostly slept as if she was an eagle.
Seraphina had to admit, she'll somehow miss their endless banters as much as her heart and mind won't admit it.
And so, when Zachary finally rises from the bed, saying he needs to settle his work in Colchester, Seraphina cannot help herself but has the sudden urge to snake her hands around him and join whatever expedition he's after.
Seraphina sat in the foot of her bed, staring at Zachary whose hands are all over his blond hair, drying it off with Seraphina's towel he didn't bother asking permission to use.
Her emerald eyes then travel across the carpet bag, containing all his clothes which she prepared.
Forgetting to mentally curse herself for preparing Zachary the clothes he'll be bringing. I mean, what is she, his beloved and dutiful wife? Why would she even volunteer to prepare his clothes?
Zachary, finished with drying his hair, stared back at her, his hands inside his pockets, back against the wall, brow lifted, "You're free to join, you know,"
That took Seraphina a minute to answer. One cannot deny how Seraphina was growing bored here in the boarding school.
However, Seraphina knew she cannot entangle herself more with this guy. With that, her eyes closed a moment, let out a soft sigh, she answered, "No, thanks,"
For the next few minutes, Seraphina just sat there, turned and of course, the man before her knew that which is why he insisted, saying, "Come on, it'll be fun. We'll be back in three days,"
Her eyes following his slender fingers work on his tie, Seraphina didn't know what to respond. Her heart and mind cannot come up with the same answer.
The bell rang, signaling Seraphina's start of classes.
Zachary stood tall over her, his hands inside his pocket, a questioning look plastered in that dangerous yet handsome face of his, "Live a little life, Sep,"
At the mention of that, it felt as if something smashed her head. She sat up straight, lifted her chin, gaped back at the man before her, explaining, "I'll be quick,"
With that, Seraphina grabbed her carpet bag under her bed, squatting, feeling Zachary's eyes boring behind her.
Never would she even dare gaze back at the man behind her, she knew it'll be the biggest mistake of her life for she is definitely sure an annoying smirk is painted in his face, teasing her.
The artist, indeed, knows how to push her buttons.
Minutes passed by, and so, Seraphina was panicking what clothes to bring. "How is it there?"
That question alone earned her a chuckle from him, saying she needs to calm down, that she'll only be there for three days, not three years.
"Just answer me, Zachary," replied Seraphina, rolling her eyes heavenwards.
"Your usual clothes would do,"
That stopped Seraphina, she looked behind her, Zachary was crouching in the chair near the door, his legs crossed, carpetbag under the chair, eyes fixed on her.
Her delicate fair hands fumble over her stockings, chemise, and drawers, doing the best she can to hide it from Zachary, whom she certainly still has his blue eyes blazings on her.
"Are my black frocks okay with you?" she asked, wincing at her sentence structure. What would the man before her conclude? That Seraphina, an independent woman, gives a damn about what he likes about her or whatnot?
Goodness, gracious.
Shrugging, Zachary simply answered, "You look breathtaking in black, love,"
Seraphina quickly shifted her head to her clothes, her back facing her, her cheeks redder than ever.
Why in the hell is she blushing? Who cares if he said she looks breathtaking in black? And that he just called her 'love'?
Zachary, it seems like, is not oblivious of the reddening of her cheeks since Seraphina's picked up the sound of his chuckle in which she chose not to comment about.
'Less talk, less mistakes,' is what kept on rambling around her mind.
After Seraphina is done with her clothes, she then writes a letter to the Headmistress, lying that she needs to go back to her aunt in Avebury and be back in three days.
By the time they are ready to flee, the classes downstairs have already begun.
Truth be told, Seraphina's heart was hammering, she was, indeed, paranoid, terrified that any minute now, someone will catch sight of them.
Imagine the scandal of seeing them, fingers intertwined (without any gloves, can you imagine), Zachary clutching both their carpet bags, as they stormed off the boarding school, unalarmed.
From a different perspective, they certainly look as if they're eloping to Scotland
Seraphina let out a relieved sigh, Zachary smirking as soon as they mounted the carriage, meters away from the establishment.
Blushing, Seraphina quickly snatched her hand from Zachary, however, Zachary persisted, causing him to grip her hand firmly (sans hurting his beloved, 'course)
Goodness gracious, the whole time they were walking, starting from fleeing her chamber, their hands were intertwined.
Pray that not a single soul caught sight of them.
Not long after their journey to Colchester began, the rain started to pour once again, bringing such chill to both particularly our heroine.
Seraphina slept, wrapped around a cloak Zachary managed to retrieve for her but little does she know, her head was resting on his chest, her cheek brushing against his velvet shirt, her ungloved hand encircled around his abdomen, snoring, causing Zachary to chuckle.
Alternating from nuzzling her cheek against his chest and the space between his head and shoulder which only proves how one should have patience when sleeping with her, tell you what, Seraphina was sitting in his lap, cornering him.
Throughout the journey, Zachary kept wincing, adjusting her position in his lap for she unconsciously kept brushing her knee and the side of her bum to particular sensitive anatomy of his.
"You surely are the death of me, love," muttered Zachary as he once again, adjusted her leg into a, let's say, less scandalous position but can still ruin such a good reputation for her.
Possibly scaring potential suitors, frankly speaking, that idea sits well with him but Zachary knew better for he is still a work in progress.
And so, Zachary, at the feel and sight of their position was tormented, however, our dear sleepy heroine kept straddling back to his lap with such unladylike posture.
Imagine the horror if Seraphina realized what in the hell she is doing right now.
Zachary, meanwhile, it seems like, did not dare to even blink an eye, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, supporting her not to fall due to the presence of road lumps, eyes shifting between the beautiful sleeping girl in his arms and a book which he can't focus on much.
In the middle of the day, at last, the maiden woke up from her sleep. Frankly speaking, she panicked, utterly embarrassed since she is well aware of their position, her humiliating yet comfortable sleeping position.
Seraphina doesn't know what to do, and so, she pretends to be asleep, thinking she succeeded until she hears Zachary laugh, feeling the vibration.
"I suggest you eat first before we cuddle," murmured Zachary in her ears, Seraphina knew he was smirking, teasing her.
For the next few hours, Zachary addressed her in the name 'cuddle bunny'.
It was already in the midst of the night when they reached the inn. Seraphina almost objected to leaving the carriage for she knew the outside was wet and cold.
Obviously, Zachary knew better than to let the distressed woman further her distress. And so, before she could protest, he carried her inside the inn, the rain still hard as ever, running, his ears picking up.
Zachary, who was originally to go alone here, only managed to reserve a single room, and so, they were left with no choice but to share.
The innkeeper, a woman in her fifties, plump and graying hair and all, has her eyes judge Seraphina.
Seraphina knew what to do, and so, Seraphina snaked her arm around Zachary's arm, "My husband and I will be here for three days,"
Zachary, who doesn't seem surprised at her chose to play along, circling his arm around her shoulder, saying, "better not bother us especially during the night,"
Eyes snapped towards Zachary, Seraphina let herself have the liberty to pinch Zachary in the arm for saying such a thing. However, Zachary seems unbothered, in fact, he is enjoying all this.
Dear God, even the innkeeper seems to be enjoying such scene, she winked at Zachary, what once serious and judging face was now filled with humor, "Just make sure to not wake up the rooms next door,"
All Seraphina could do is just flash such an awkward smile to the innkeeper as they began climbing upstairs to their room.
Their room was on the sixth floor, it was, let's say, a humble room. A large single bed, a closet in the corner, a chair and that's that. And oh, the wallpapers are peeling and the wooden floor is a bit dusty.
Putting down the two carpetbags, Zachary wore off his cloak, his surveying the room, "I could sleep in the floor,"
That alone made Seraphina roll her eyes heavenward. She perfectly knows how the mind of this one works.
"We could simply share," said she, sitting down on the bed, eyes glued on the man before her whose fingers run through his blond hair, the corner of his lip twitching upwards.
You see, if she agreed that Zachary will sleep on the floor, she is 100 percent sure she'll wake up realizing Zachary moved to the bed. Also, she felt bad for letting him sleep on the dusty floor when in the first place, he should be the one sleeping in the bed. Come to think of it, she is nothing but a freeloader.
"Just keep your hands to yourself, Zachary," uttered Seraphina, yawning.
Zachary, the corner of his lip lifting, "Tell that to yourself,"
Seraphina just stared at him, concentrating hard for a strong comeback.
Obviously, she failed for she is well-aware he is right. She was always the one crossing the so-called-divider she insisted upon, she was always the one initiating the cuddling.
Zachary, like her, did not say more. Indeed, he is a man of few words. He rather prefers to express his actions than with words.
He is so unlike his younger brother. Dorian is all about talk and talk and talks to the point Seraphina can still vividly remember kicking him out of her room for such noise since she is studying.
Of course, she let him come back right after a minute since she felt guilty for kicking the only friend she has.
By the time they both changed into their sleeping attire, which Seraphina had brought the most conservative one, Seraphina raced towards the bed, hiding behind the covers, blushing.
Zachary stared at her who was sitting in the chair near the door, it was as if he was guarding it, amused look, brow lifted, blond hair mussed, "Don't bother, I've seen it already,"
From that statement, Seraphina's cheek turned red, on the verge of confronting him about it but was cut by herself, realizing she is utterly uncomfortable in discussing such topics.
Plus, she dreads the truth.
Zachary rose from his seat, strolled towards her, sat on the foot of the bed, wearing the shirt Seraphina bought, the free three buttons unbuttoned, "We'll go to my client's house tomorrow,"
All Seraphina could ever do is nod, eyes boring into Zachary whose blazing blue eyes gazed back at her with such intensity.
She wants to ask more of what they'll be doing tomorrow but she knows Zachary wouldn't say much. It's just the way he is and she's okay with it.
Seraphina realized that tomorrow's the first time she'll be seeing Zachary paint. Sure, she knows how talented he is when it comes to it but never has she seen him do it.
In the midst of the night, the sound of downpour audible, Seraphina woke up in the arms of such familiar arms.
Emerald eyes traveling around the room, her eyes were mediately glued to the dashing yet dangerous man before her whose hair was sticking out in different directions.
Unlike her, based on what aunt Veronica told her, Zachary does not sleep with his mouth ajar nor does he snore.
Though his expression still doesn't change. He still looks so serious. Far from what fictional bad boys Seraphina read wherein they're all rough on the outside like Zachary but will look really peaceful in their sleep.
Seraphina, before she could stop herself, found her fingers tracing the outline of his features, memorizing every imperfection that seemed perfect to her still.
Her thumb brushing across his chapped lips, the corner of her lip lifting as she found all this ridiculously funny.
How much the ten-year-old Seraphina would scream at her, demanding to know why in the hell she is with the enemy whose arms now provide security.
Security? It seems like, a year ago, she would laugh hysterically at such, the creepy one, providing a what?
One thing's for sure, Zachary Canning and security don't go well.
However, why does Seraphina find herself returning the so-called enemy's embrace, her head on his chest, still clothed with a shirt?
She knew the reason why he chose not to take his shirt off unless necessary. No, it doesn't have to do with being a gentleman. Seraphina knew better than to view him as one.
It's all because of the scars he all have, the scars that Seraphina so badly wants to unravel, pouring countless questions on where he obtained this and that.
closing her eyes, Seraphina let herself the freedom of hugging her closer and tighter as her mind began to drift on such cruel possibilities on where he got them.
Zachary yawns for a second, letting his slender fingers brush along her raven hair, his nose buried deep in her hair, his arms tightening around Seraphina as well.
The whole time, Seraphina just closed her eyes, listening at the beat of his heart which she found so comforting to the point she began to think this is her favorite music.
Seraphina playfully pinched Zachary's nose, causing him to open his eyes. For a moment, Seraphina's heart skipped a beat, thinking her foolishness angered him but was surprised when Zachary just responded with a soft smile she is often unfamiliar with.
What transpired next turned Seraphina's crimson cheeks evident for Zachary, sheepishly kissed her forehead and planted a peck on her earlobe, tickling her.
All Seraphina could ever do is nuzzle on his chest, hiding her blush, thanking the heavens above the room is not lit.
After a moment, Zachary rubbed her arms, providing her warmth, and so, Seraphina was completely engulfed in her sleep, a smile plastered in her face, their legs intertwined, their heart beating the same rhythm.
One thing's for sure, there is too much cuddling today though the both of them are in no way complaining.
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