《Beyond the Sinister (COMPLETE)》X. Get out
Two days had passed, not another unwanted man ever stepped foot in the boarding school ever again.
The night after the Headmistress unknowingly bailed her, the rest of the girls began to arrive. Rapidly, the boarding school was crammed with outcries regarding all the balls they've heeded and the gentlemen they smooched with.
Despite the homicides, the Headmistress insisted that classes, by all means, should resume as if nothing transpired in the last couple of weeks.
The whole juncture, the spine-chilling voice of the man who barged the other dusk kept repeating over and over again in her mind, inducing her not to pay attention in class for what seems like the first time.
The Headmistress informed the girls the following week about the ball they'll be attending.
At that announcement, the dining room went crazy, filled with anxiety on the gown they'll be wearing and such. One even dared if fellas would be present.
"How improper for a lady to ask such a thing, Ms. Black but to answer your question, yes, there would be gentlemen at the ball," answered the Headmistress, her brow raised.
With that, the girls' excitement went higher.
Except for the girl in black sitting in the farthest chair, absent-mindedly eating her mushroom stew for her mind kept wandering about the man who barged into the boarding school and his sudden disappearance.
For the rest of the week, Seraphina would find letters from Zachary lying in her bed.
One might find it weird for Seraphina to feel an ounce of relief every time Zachary would send her letter through this than actually mailing it to her in fear the Headmistress would find it and question her about it.
Nothing new, Zachary would ask her about her day, would sometimes tell her about his clients and such. Of course, Seraphina did not bother replying though when sometimes, she has this sudden urge to grab a pen and write a reply.
During those times, Seraphina forced herself to be preoccupied with something else. She knew Zachary would get the wrong idea if she replied.
She knew how that mind of his work.
The Headmistress, the night before the ball, reminded her not to wear black for she fears it might stain the boarding school's reputation.
With that, Seraphina was left with the daring clothes Aunt Veronica bought her. Goodness, never would she wear such frocks showing half of her boobs. According to her aunt, these clothes are the rage in London and Paris.
However, Seraphina was surprised when one of the housemaids, Mrs. Malory, a kind gentlewoman in her fifties, informed her that a package had arrived for her.
"From who, Mrs.Malory?" Inquired Seraphina, noticing the box doesn't have any information pertaining to whom it came from.
Eyeing the huge brown box deposited on the floor before her, near the door, Seraphina was beginning to think it came from you know who.
"I don't know, Miss. The tall gentleman refused to say his name, he simply said, ''he wants you to wear it," and with that, Mrs. Malory left.
Confused, Seraphina eyed the brown package before her and when she opened the box, Seraphina let out a soft gasp to see an off-shoulder ash blue floral embroidered tulle gown.
Indeed, it's a beauty and it doesn't show much skin aside from her shoulders. Exactly the type of gown she'll wear if she ought not to wear black.
The thing is, it comes from Zachary. That, she is sure of, for on the bottom of the box is a letter.
'Your beautiful green eyes would look perfect in blue, Love. Also, save a dance for me.'
Also, how on the earth did he find out she is going to a ball?
And so, still torn between wanting to wear the beautiful gown and just return it to him. With that, Seraphina hung the gown in her closet which she cannot stop her eyes from gaping the whole evening.
Mentally cursing herself, Seraphina found herself in a carriage along with the girls and the Headmistress, onwards to the ball, wearing the gown Zachary gave her.
The whole ride, she has an endless battle with herself whether wearing the gown he purchased with his hard-earned money is okay. Also, she cannot digest the idea of Zachary knowing her size.
Seraphina was, indeed, invested in her own thoughts to the point the whole ball, she just sat in the corner looking so stressed yet still so beautiful.
So beautiful to the point many bachelors asked her to dance in which she politely declines, reasoning she has a stomach ache. Some even dared to suggest that they should go to the balcony to freshen up, alone.
Heads shaking in refusal, "Thank you, good Sir, but that won't be necessary,", forcing herself to flash such a smile to the men.
At her subtle statement of, ''leave me alone,", Seraphina thought they'll take the hint and leave.
However, some are hard headed because they stood there beside her, staring down at her while she pretended not to notice him, her eyes searching for help.
"You look nervous, Miss Hearts. Come, I'll accompany you to the balcony," insisted Mr. Thompson the third time.
Seraphina was about to decline once more when she felt a familiar warm hand encircling her slender waist.
Looking up, Seraphina tried to hide her scowl at his presence though the truth is told, she's glad he's here since she's getting tired of Mr. Thompson.
"That won't be necessary, Miss Hearts and I will be dancing," stated Zachary beside me, his hand still around her waist, their body touching.
Mr. Thompson, a handsome man in his mid-twenties, let his brown eyes travel to the tall blond man before him.
After a second of extensive study of Zachary's cocky features, realization struck Mr. Thompson, "What a pleasure to see you here, Lord Canning," stuttered Mr.Thomson, bowing.
Brow raising, Seraphina cannot hide her stunned at how Mr. Thompson addressed Zachary.
Zachary merely dips his chin to Mr. Thomson in reply, his grip tightening around Seraphina's waist, aware of the curious stares the two of them are receiving for such bold action in public.
Seraphina subtly tried to escape from his grasp, her cheeks turning crimson but Zachary did not let her go.
"Surely, you know my mother, she was once a friend of your late mother, you see, it would be kind of you to paint me for my book, that is if you have any free time," exclaimed Mr. Thompson, his eyes shifting from the dreadful Zachary and the captivating yet appears to be in discomfort Ms. Hearts.
There was silence after that. It was as if Zachary doesn't like one bit about what Mr. Thompson said.
It seems like, Mr. Thompsom thought too for he panicky exclaimed, "Don't fret, my lord, you and Ms. Hearts are welcome to stay for dinner after,"
Seraphina just stood there, a feeling of pity towards the man surging within her. She knew Zachary didn't do a painting for free, goodness, not a single artist does. It's their living.
She knew Zachary was about to spurt that out, judging from the sudden meeting of his brow for a second which he tried to conceal, and so, Seraphina tugged his shirt to stop him.
Zachary, confused, looked down at her while Seraphina gaped back. Zachary surely did comprehend her message since he nodded at her.
"It would be my pressure, Mr...?"
"Mr. Thompson,"
"Now, if you'll excuse us, Mr. Thompson, Ms. Hearts and I are going to dance," stated Zachary and was on the verge of walking to the canter with me when Mr. Thompson opened his mouth once again.
"Oh, Ms. Hearts said her stomach aches, you could ask for other ladies to dance with, my lord, I'll just look for her here,"
Seraphina closed her eyes for a second. Why can't the man just let it all slide?
Zachary doesn't seem to like one bit about what just Mr. Thompson said for he raised his brow sardonically, "I'm afraid Ms. Hearts is the only one I want to dance with, Mr. Thompson,"
For whatever reason, Seraphina blushed in which she hides by pretending to be interested in the scenery outside. What made it all worse was how Zachary's thumb kept brushing her waist, despite the fabrics, she could still feel it soaking through her skin.
"I can't blame you, my lord. Ms. Hearts, indeed, is a captivating little creature especially with that delicate eyes of hers and luscious bod-"
Certain that Mr. Thompson was on the verge of being punched by the fuming painter beside her, Seraphina decided to take the matters in her hands.
"Spare me of your flattery, Mr. Thompson," said Seraphina, flashing a forced smile to him in which Mr. Thompson decoded as a mere flirt for he beams at the sight of her smile.
Scowling, Zachary eyed the exchange between the two, his blood boiling. How he wants to punch Mr. Thompson's face. What's worse was how he knew the man was swarmed by many ladies due to his looks.
Hell, he cannot digest the idea of Seraphina in Mr. Thompson's arms. Or even in any other man's arm aside from him. That alone brought anger to him.
Zachary concealed his surprise when his ears picked up the words, "Strangle you," from Seraphina's voice which is now filled with annoyance.
Feeling a bit satisfied with how she addressed Mr. Thomson's unacceptable behavior who now stood before them with his jaw dropped, Zachary then led her to the center to dance.
"I don't remember saying yes to this dance, Mr. Canning," scowled Seraphina playfully as the two of them began to sway.
"Then why are you swaying, my dancing queen?" Smirking, Zachary stared at her green eyes which made Seraphina uncomfortable due to his endearment.
Seraphina refused to respond, she merely looked down at their feet, surprised when she felt Zachary's forefinger tipped her chin upwards, their faces inches apart.
"Did I tell you how beautiful you are, especially tonight?" At his husky voice, one might become intoxicated with it including Seraphina despite never drinking alcohol her whole life.
"I swear, Mr. Canning, if you only said that to fish for some compliments then I'm afraid you failed," responded Seraphina which earned her a laugh from Zachary, throwing his head backward.
"Oh, you sweet little one," murmured Zachary right in her ears, his warm breath touching her skin sending chills down her spine.
Her cheeks turning crimson, Seraphina stared back at the man whom she is dancing with, "Well, I guess I could reward you with one compliment. Your shirt looks well-ironed,"
Again, Zachary responded with a chuckle causing some guests near their perimeter to gape down at them.
The waltz was still not finished when Zachary dragged his dancing partner to the balcony.
Leaning to the marbled rails, eyes wandering around the dark skies above, the sound of the waltz in the background, Seraphina stood there alone with Zachary.
Seraphina is well-aware of the stares Zachary is giving her right now but decided to shrug it off for, to be frank, she is accustomed to it. Nothing to fret about, she guesses.
"Did I already thank you for this gown, Mr. Canning?", Her slender delicate hands brushing over the full gown, a light smile planted in her face.
"You did, love," answered Zachary, staring down at her, his hands inside his pockets.
Giving him a confused gape, Seraphina doesn't particularly remember expressing her gratitude towards him.
"Silly, seeing you wear it is more than enough," reasoned Zachary, chuckling.
There was silence after that, in the corner of Seraphina's eyes, she could see Zachary shifting his attention to the scenery downstairs and to her.
Letting out a soft sigh, Zachary let his slender calloused hands brush through his well-combed blond hair, messing it.
Browse meeting, Seraphina involuntarily patted Zachary's arm, halting him.
"You're messing up with your hair, Mr. Canning, we wouldn't want the ladies to see you look as if you got out fresh from the bed, right?"
Looking down at her, humor in his eyes, "Hell I care about them as long as you're fine with this look,"
Wincing, "Enough with that word, Mr. Canning,"
"What? You mean hell, angel face?" His voice filled with humor Seraphina doesn't remember hearing much throughout the years.
Regardless, Seraphina sent him dagger stares. Rising both his hands in surrender, Zachary replied, "as you wish, Madame,"
Ignoring his endearment, Seraphina kept her eyes wandering around his unruly hair. "Now come, I'll fix that hair of yours,"
Both of them were surprised at the words that left Seraphina's plump lips nevertheless, none of them said anything further about it.
With that, Zachary crouched down beside her, giving her better access to fix his hair since he is a head taller than her.
There was silence after that, the only sound was the music as the background came inside.
Eyeing his hair, Seraphina let her fingers travel through it to straighten it up, somehow getting lost in the feeling of his soft hair.
Zachary must've had a hard time squatting for a long time since he held her waist as support.
Subsequently, neither of them uttered more. Indeed, there was awkwardness between them. Seraphina loathes herself for caring about it. I mean, so what if the two of them are not speaking to each other. It's not like the end of the world.
Suddenly, a breeze flew by, causing Seraphina to slightly shiver which as usual, did not escape his notice.
Quickly, he wore off his jacket, dropping it on her arms and when she tried to object, he pretended not to hear anything.
For the rest of the evening, the two of them stayed alone on the balcony, enduring endless banter with one another and laughing the next minute.
Not once did the two of them go back inside except when it was time to head back to the boarding school.
However, the few minutes of them together alone before any minute now, the Headmistress will begin searching for her, the idea of going back to the boarding school frightened Seraphina.
Seraphina was on the verge of telling Zachary about the incident that occurred back in the boarding school, the man who chased her down with an ax but too late since as soon as she opened her mouth, Zachary staring down at her, his hand around her waist, the two of them inches apart, the Headmistress barged into the scene.
At such sight, the Headmistress almost fainted in her very spot; quickly, Seraphina backed away from Zachary.
Her cheeks turning crimson, the Headmistress' banters audible, exclaiming how improper for them to be together without a chaperone.
On the way home, Seraphina closed her eyes, her eyes reliving the beers she had with Zachary a while ago.
She cannot believe she just spent the majority of her time with Zachary, her sworn enemy since God knows when.
Now that her Headmistress stated it, she realized Zachary and her only danced with each other.
Oh, how would the people think?
It was when Seraphina completely took a bath, changed into her nightgown, on the verge of sleeping, calling it a day when she remembered that she and Zachary must not be on good terms due to the incident last time.
She is not one to dwell much on the past but still, she cannot believe Zachary would scream at her for just what? For being concerned about his welfare.
Perhaps that's why Zachary kept looking at her carefully, he must've been a bit confused on why she acted as if nothing occurred.
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