《Haikyuu X Reader oneshots》Kayegama||Nails


You and Kayegama are best friends. It's kinda weird that he likes being with you. But maybe it's because you two are both in a volleyball team and you both are the setters. So you wanted to ask him.

"Hey umm can I ask you a question". You say while you two are walking home.(you guys are neighbors).

"Mmm". He responds. "Ok this is going to sound weird but I really want to know...Do you only hang out with me because I play volleyball".

He turns to you with a serious face "Are you kidding me right now...uhh I hang out with you because you are a good person, a funny person and I like hanging out with you. Being able to play volleyball and being a setter is just a bonus I Iike the way you are ok". "Oh well thanks". You say smiling.

"Haha since when are you so insecure". He says teasing me. "What I am not". "Are to". "Not". "Are to". "Are not". "Are to". "Are not".

You guys keep saying that over and over again until you get to your houses. "Hehe the bad thing is that you are right in front of my house". "Shut up"

Before he goes inside his house you scream "OH AND KAYEAMA". He turns to you. "YOU ARE GOING TO MY GAME TOMORROW RIGHT?". He smiles and nods and goes inside his house.

*Next day*

You go to the big gym and prepared yourself to play your game. You go out to see your teammates practicing already. You join them. "Heyyy y/n you're here come one let's practice a quick attack". You smile and nod.

You set for your teammate and it was perfect. "YES". You both yelled. *RINGGG*

The whistle blows and your ready to play.


"THANK YOU FOR THE GAME". The girls say.

You want to do a quick attack so you could scared your opponents. So you do a signal to your teammate and land the quick attack. The gym is very silent. Until someone starts clapping. You turn and it's Kayegama smiling at you. Everybody else start yelling of eximent.

You do a thumb up to kayegama.

*You guys win the first set*

And you start the next one. The opponent spikes the ball way to hard. But your teammate still received it. But when you where going to set it you nail goes inside the ball and goes out.

"AHHHHH". You scream of pain. Everyone is silent and your teammates go running to you. "Omg are you ok". "Take her to the nurse". "But we won't have any more players if one of us go". What do we do". Everbody starts to freak out. And you, in the middle bleeding. The instructor goes to time out.

"I'll take her". A voice behind you said. It was Kayegama. "Do you know him y/n?". "Oh yes coach, he will take me don't worry go play". Everbody smiles and says to you "WE WILL WIN FOR YOU". You smile and walk away.

"You should really take care of your nails". He says to you. "Yea hehe I was to exited and forgot to cut my nails". You go in, and the nurse is gone. "I'll just do it, it happens to me many times".

He takes alcohol and a cloth. And starts dabbing your finger. "Ow ouch". "Stand still".

"Done". He says wrapping your finger with some type of tape. "Hehe thanks". You say letting go of his hand. He grabs your hand again. "huh?"

He looks at you. "Let me cut your nails". He says. You nod to him. While he is cutting your nails he looks so focused that it's kinda cute.


"What". He says. You came back to reality "what". "Why are you looking at me like that". "What?, I was not looking at you". "I saw you". "Shut up and cut my nails". He smiles turning away.

"Done". He says. You look at your nails and there are so good. "Wow you are an expert, you should cut my nails every time". "Mmm". "You should get going". "Oh yea ok then see ya".

You go running how your team is doing without you. And they were doing amazing.

*They win the 2nd set*

"YESSSS". Everbody yells. You go running towards them and hug them. "Yesss you guys good job". "Thank you for encouraging us". You laugh.

"Well let's go eat something". One teammate says. "Umm I think I take her home". Kayegama says behind you. "Oh yes guys sorry my mom wants me early sorryyy". "Ok then see youuuuu".

"Thanks for taking me home Yama". He turns to you confused. "A new nick name?". "Yea don't you like it". "Yea sure goodnight". You smile and waved goodbye to him.

*A week later*




Umm hi

You are having a practice match today right?.


Meet me in the boys gym.

What why the practice begins in 20 mins.

Just come ok.

Uhh fine Ill go


You go to the boys gym and knock on the door. Hinata comes out. "Oh hey y/n what's up". "Oh umm I am here for yama". "Ohhh ok...KAYEGAMA YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE". The just runs off. You blush so hard.

Kayegama comes out with a pink blush. "Sorry about that". "Hehe it's fine so what you need". "Oh yes". He drags you to the nearest bench. He sits you down and grabs your hand.

You blush. Then he starts cutting your nails. "huh?". "You said I should cut your nails every time you go to a game......so I am going to do that form this day forward". You smile.

"Done". "Hehe thanks". "You better win y/n". "I WILL WIN FOR YOUUUU". You say running away. Kayegama blushes.

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