《Haikyuu X Reader oneshots》Yamaguchi X Reader


You are a very happy person. So when you are not that means you could not hide it.

*Ring Ring* that the alarm. You wake Up make your bed. Wash your teeth and get ready for school. "Ok sweetie here is your lunch have a nice day".

Have a nice day huh that won't be happening mom. That what you wanted to say but "yea mom see you later". You could never say that.

On your way to school a group of girls come up to you. "Finally your here what took so so long". The girl in the middle of the trio said. "S-sorry my mom took too long". You said scared.

"Uhhhh whatever hurry up and give me your lunch". The girl says. You look at your lunch bag. "Umm well can I have it just for today I am kinda hungry".

They girl pushes you in the ground. "I SAID GIVE ME THE BAG". You start to tear up. (You are in 3rd grade by the way). "H-hey l-leave h-her alone you m-meane". The girls turn around to see a little boy with freckles and green hair.

The girls go up to him "And what are you going to do about it?!?". "Ummm my friend w-will stop you". Then this tall blonde boy with glasses comes up to the girls and does the scariest face "Leave him alone".

The girls get scared and run off. You wipe your tears off. "Hey are you ok". The green hair boy says. "Oh yes I'm sorry.....oh and thank you". The boy smiles "hehe don't thank me it was Tsukki who scared them". You look over to the blonde boy and nod politely he nods back. Your turn to the boy.

"Ah yes but you where the one that came here". The boy gives you the kindness smile you ever seen. "My name is Yamaguchi Tadashi what's yours?", "Oh ummm my name is Y/n L/n". "Oh that's a cute name.....why don't we walk toguether I think you are in my class". You nod. "Oh I forgot to say.....I hope we become friends". Said yamaguchi.


"Heyyyyyy y/n". You look up to see your Best Friend Yams. "Oh hey yams". You say with a sad smile. "Are you ok usually you are so happy to see me". "Oh don't worry you did not do anything wrong....I just got to go to the restroom".

You go to the restroom. Nobody is there. You start looking to yourself at the mirror. Wow I am fat ha I did not even notice. You get out of the restroom and go to your class. (You literally have the best body of the whole school).

At the end of the day you wait for yams to get out of practice because you promise him you two will go home toguether. While you are waiting a trio comes your way. You don't think about a lot. "Hey". The girl in the middle says. "Mmm". "Are you that girl always bothering Yamaguchi". "What?".

"DONT act dumb with me do you really think Yamaguchi will like somebody like you, you are worthless and fat and-. You just stop hearing that because you know that not true...right.

"Hey who do you think you are". Yams says coming toward y'all. "Oh Yams I was just saying to this girl to stay in her place".

"Oh so you where saying that she was better than you because her place and very clear above you right". The girl does not say anything. "GET OUT OF MY FACE". Yams says. The girls start walking away frightened.

"Omg yams I never saw that part of you". "Hehe Yea Tsukki thought me that.....oh and are you ok". You look down on your feet. "Y/N you know what they said are not true right-.

"There right I am always disturbing you and why will I think you ever love me like I do". OMG DID I SAID THAT OUT LOUD. "I mean what I mean it's that you know-.


He grabs your chin and presses his soft lips into your lips giving a soft kiss. He pulls away. "W-wait what w-Where you g-going to say?!?". "I ummm".

"Omg I should have not done that I am so sorry I was jumping into conclusions". Then yams was just talking and talking of how sorry he was with a huge blush in his face.

You where getting tired so you shut him up with a kiss. "It's ok Yams what I meant was that I love you". He came closer to you "I love you to I don't care how you look at yourself but I will prove to you that you look amazing and you are perfect the way you are". When he finishes his sentence he gives you a deep and soft kiss.

Thanks for reading 😀✌️

"Hey Tsukishima where is Yams he is always with you". Tanaka says. "Yea". "Oh yea where is he". "Yams". The whole team complained. "Shhhh". Tsukki says. Everbody is confused. Then Tsukki points to Yamaguchi and you kissing.

"Ohhhhh ok we better leave now then hehe". The whole team says and agrees. (

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