《The Possessive Gang Leaders Princess》I Am Not Jealous, I Am Territorial


Trus' POV

Right now, I'm sitting in second period with Dante, who refused to give me space.

We're all working on a worksheet and I'm done. So, I'm sitting back.

"Can you help?" Dante suddenly asks.


"Number three?" I nod and lean towards him.

I begin to explain how to work the problem. When I look up, he's staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You're so smart." He whispers.

"No I'm not. Math is my weakness and you're probably gonna get this answer wrong."

He reaches forward and tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I open my mouth to argue, but he cuts me off.

"Small touches here and there, remember?" I roll my eyes and continue to help him with the problem.

"There you go." I say. The bell suddenly rings and we get up.

"Will you help me finish the rest after school?" He asks.

We begin to head for the front of the class. "Maybe." I say as I walk in front of him and out the door.

As we walk out successfully, he comes up beside me. "Why maybe?"

"Well, i have people to take care of, and a job." I say, "I'm a very busy person." I tell him.

Suddenly, some guy accidentally bumps into me and I fall on my ass.

"Holy shit I am so sorry." The guy exclaims.

"Ah, no worries." I say and get up. I brush myself off.

"Actually, there are worries, you hurt my girl bro!" I hear Dante yell.

"I'm alive, I'm breathing, I'm fine, so calm your tits." I tell him.

I look back up. "Holy shit." I whisper. Dante had stepped in front of me but I could see the guy I bumped into. He was glaring at Dante.

He looks at me and his eyes widened. "Holy shit." I laugh and go around Dante. I wrap my arms around the guy. "Holy shit Tru!" He says as e lifts me and squeezes the life out of me.


"Alex! Put me down." I say. He puts me down.

Okay, pause. You have no damn clue who this is or what just happened. Unless you're a super smart genius who read my mind, or you're me or Alex.

So, Alex was my bestfriend since Kindergarten. He was always taller than me. We lived in Columbus together forever, but he had moved away.

We always kept in contact and it was part of the reason I wanted to move to New York. But, he left and went to Europe for a little.

He wasn't supposed to be back for a while. Not only that, I didn't know he went to New York City. When I told him I was planning on leaving, we had lost touch for a while. I still don't know why.

When we were younger, we were glued to the hip! Swear to God! We would not leave each other. And one time he put super glue on our hips.

He was like an older brother to me, except way more protective, much more retarded, and really laid back.

Anyways, back to the present.

"I thought you were still in Europe." i say when he puts me down.

"Yea, it was getting boring, so I came back." He shrugs.

I roll my eyes. Then I push him, he falls on his ass. "Why the fuck didn't you talk to me anymore?!?"

"Ow! That hurt! And my roommate broke my phone, she was physcho! And when I called you, it said your phone was out of service, so I figured you changed the number!" He explains.

Sighing, I help him up.

Dante clears his throat from behind me.

I look back at him and he looks at Alex. Okay, look is not the correct term. He glares daggers at him. My protective instinct kicks in.

"Back off, Dante." I growl. He looks at me and his eyes soften.

"Why, is he your boyfriend?" His voice breaks at the word Boyfriend and he crosses his arms as though he was big and tough, but his eyes showed pain and worry.


Me and Alex burst into laughter and almost died. We lean on each other.

"No, dear lord no." I say between breaths.

Suddenly, he stops laughing, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" He asks. Rolling my eyes, I snatch his schedule and look at it.

"We have next class together." I say. I hear Dante grumble something. I look up at him and he looks back.

"Come on let's head to science." I say.

"I'll walk with you!" Dante suddenly pipes up, coming next to me. Well, in between me and Alex. We walk, an uncomfortable silence.

What the fuck is up with him?! He's being an ass. Well, more of an ass than normal.

Finally, we reach the door to science. Late. "Go ahead, I'll meet you inside." Alex nods and walks in before fist bumping me, like we've done since we were kids.

I grab his arm and lead him away from the door so we're standing in front of lockers in the long, empty, hallway.

"What the hell is up with you?" I ask, crossing my arms, looking up at him.

"Nothing." He answers.

"Don't fucking lie to me. What the hell is wrong?" Narrowing my eyes.

"I don't like him. He's too touchy with you." He grumbles, crossing his arms.

"He's been my best friend since we were in Kindergarten. We're like brother and sister. He is the only person, who isn't my family, that I trust." I explain. With my last sentence, pain and slight determination crosses on his eyes.

"Still." There was a moment of silence, "you can trust me, by the way." I snort, very unladylike. Seems I'm doing that a lot today.

"Wait, are you jealous?" I ask, tauntingly.

"No." He smirks.

"Oh, I think you are."

"Sweetheart," he backs me up into the lockers. My back hits the lockers and his arms cage me in. "I'm not jealous." He bends hi head down to my ear. "I'm territorial."

He backs up and looks me deep in the eyes, a triumphant and playful smirk on his face, "You see, jealous, is when you want something that's not yours. Territorial, on the other hand, is protecting what already yours."

I glare. "I'm not yours." I seethe.

"You're mine, no one else's. Period." With that, he quickly kisses my cheek and walks away.

I watch his retreating figure. His muscles moving in his right fitted shirt.

Rolling my eyes, I head into science.

"Late?" The teacher asks.

"She always has been." Alex blurts.

"Shut it, Alex." I say and go to sit next to him at the black black lab table. Jake sitting in front of Alex, looking back at me curiously.

The teacher continues to teach. After class, Jake walks up next to me.

"Who's this?" He asks, an innocent questioning look in his eyes.

"Alex." I reply. "Alex, this is Jake. Him and a few others were really cool when I first came here a few days ago." I explained as we head to the exit.

"Thanks for looking after my little T." Alex says, slinging an arm over my shoulders.

I walk Alex to his class since we also had it together. We had all classes in the morning together, but after lunch, we only had homeroom. Which I also had with Giovanni, Jules, and Dante.

After class we head to lunch, where Dante stared at me a lot, making me completely uncomfortable.

Alex hit it off with my friends.

Then, when lunch was almost over, the blonde bimbo came over.



5k+ reads!!!

Holy chicken nuggets!!! Thank you guys so much!!!

Anyways, how'd you like this chapter? What do you think of Alex? Dante?

Again, Alex is a real person, we have been best friends since Kindergarten, and he actually superglue our hips together once before. For a whole day. I almost stabbed him.




Love you're best friends.

Be a unicorn. (I am.)

Laters my lovely Smurfs!



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