《I Fell in Love with the Bad Boy》Chapter 23
Chapter 23
My eyelids were glued shut. I tried opening them, but it was painful. I groaned, then using my fingers, pried them open. I got up and went to the bathroom and slightly winced when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I checked the time on my phone on the sink, and it read 1:43 p.m.
I wasn't surprised I slept this long. I checked my appearance again.
My eyelids had mascara smudged all over them, which was probably the cause of my eyelids being stuck. I had tear streaks down both of my cheeks, and the skin felt dry when I touched it. My face also had those sleep marks you get that look like scars/scabs, and all in all, I looked like someone from a horror movie playing the role of the demon.
Last night's event flashed in my mind once again, and I sighed. I cannot cry anymore. I have to get over myself and stop feeling guilty. I mean, you feel guilty when you did something wrong, but I didn't do anything wrong.
With those thoughts in my head, I brought my towel and clothes inside and jumped in the hot, scalding water. I didn't bother cooling it down a little, even when my skin started burning. I scrubbed my face thoroughly, especially my lips, scowling while doing so.
When I was done, I exited the bathroom to find Beth already awake, sitting on my bed. I forced a smile at her, and went on to dry my hair in silence.
"Are you...going to go today to talk things out with Ace?" Beth broke the silence.
I paused. Then "Yes. In fact, I'm going to go now." I put my towel down on the bed, my hair still wet.
"Now? Are you sure?"
"Yeah. The sooner the better," I shrugged nonchalantly. But inside, I wanted to start crying all over again.
"Okay, do you want me to come with you?"
"No, I want to handle it myself. Thanks, though," I whispered the last part. Beth got off my bed and came and hugged me.
"Good luck, Ellie. You'll be fine. I want to stay here, but I have to go take care of my little sister," she continued guiltily.
I smiled at her. "It's okay. You were here for me, and that's enough," I said, and I meant it.
"Alright. I'll see you soon, El. And don't cry!"
I chuckled. "I won't. Maybe."
Beth left the house, and I sat on the bed, thinking what to say to Ace when I get there. I decided it will all come to me when I get there, and so I got up and left my house.
Once on his doorway, I took a deep breath, then knocked on his door. There was no reply for about a minute, so I knocked again, louder.
The door opened, and Ace grumbled, "Who the hell-" he broke off as he saw me. His annoyed face turned into a cold one. He proceeded to slam the door in my face.
"No, Ace!" I quickly put my hand between the door, and at the last minute, he stopped. I suddenly got a flashback of when I had knocked on his door, and he had proceeded to slam the door in my face back then, and had actually done it. This time, he stopped, though.
I almost wished that he had done it instead of stopping. The door opened wider, and instead of allowing me in, Ace stepped out himself and shut the door behind him. Hurt flashed through me as he did that. He doesn't even want me in there.
"Why are you here?" His voice was so cold and distant. He was dressed up in a suit, and I stopped myself from asking why.
Tears formed in my eyes, but didn't fall. "Ace, you have to believe me. It wasn't like that! I didn't kiss him!"
His face contorted into anger. He took a step closer to me. "You didn't kiss him? You didn't kiss him! I can't believe you come to my house and then lie in my face!" His voice rose to a yell.
"Okay, I didn't say that right. Ace, I didn't know it was Nick. I thought it was you, because you said you had a surprise for me, but it turned out that it was Nick who made up that lie, then told Beth to text me that you called me-"
He broke me off. "I never thought you out of all the people would be able to make up such pathetic lies and excuses."
My heart broke as those words left his mouth. The tears there were brimming now fell down freely. He doesn't believe me. He's not going to believe me.
"Ace, I'm not lying to you! Why don't you believe me?!" I yelled, loosing my patience.
"I would've believed you if you hadn't kissed him back."
"I told you, I didn't know it was him! I thought it was you, and that's the only reason I kissed him back!" I knew that this was going to make no difference.
"You know why else I don't believe you?"
"Do you remember when I told you that I will be picking you up? And you refused?" His eyes were narrowed, waiting for my response.
"I think I'll come pick you up today after school," he stated.
"What? No! Stay in bed, you don't need to come!"
"I'm not that sick. I'm coming after school to pick you up," he said, his tone final.
"But..Ace...you're sick!" I said uselessly.
"That's no excuse, I'm coming, whether you like it or not"
My eyes widened in surprise, and more tears streamed down my face as I realized how that conversation could've sounded suspicious.
"I just didn't want you to come-"
"Because you wanted to spend the time with Nick," he finished, scowling at me.
"Because you were sick, God damn it! I cared for you, I didn't want you to get more sick! And besides, if I knew you were going to come anyway, why would I still do that with Nick, if I were actually cheating on you, which I was not!"
His expression faltered a little, as if he saw what I said was right, but it changed back into anger as he replied back with, "When I texted you that I was outside, waiting for you, you didn't reply back. Then I come to the back to find you kissing another guy."
"How did you know I was in the back?" I asked, wiping my tears.
"L...Luke told me," his whole expression changed, uncertainty clear in his eyes.
"And you believed him." That was the wrong thing to say.
"Yes, I did believe him, even though it was wrong to, but it was still true, wasn't it?" he retorted.
"What I meant to say was that, this is Luke we're talking about, Ace. He wants us to break apart, and you know it as well as I do. I know he set it up, Ace, please believe me. I would never do this to you," I whispered the last part.
Ace closed his eyes. "I want to believe you. But I just can't ignore the way you were kissing him back. The way your hands were in his hair," he spat, his eyes flashing in pain.
"That's because... I thought it was you Ace. I...hold up. Did you or did you not tell Nick to tell me to come to the alley because it's a surprise?"
"No," he said, his voice hard.
"Then I can show you that I didn't go there of my own," I put my hands in my pockets desperately, but came out empty handed. I looked up at him in despair. "I think it's in my room, on my bed. Just wait two minutes, Ace, I'll show you," I pleaded.
He closed his eyes once again, running his hands through his hair. "Elora, I have to go to my Dad's right now. I don't have time," he opened them again, staring at my crestfallen face. Elora. Not Ellie.
"It won't take longer than two minutes, Ace, I promise!"
"No, Elora, I can't wait. It's important, I have to get going right now. I'll probably be gone the whole day, and you can probably show me when I'm back," he explained. Why doesn't he understand!
I ignored him, and said, "Just two minutes, please."
He sighed. "Only two minutes. Any longer, and I'm leaving." I took off immediately for my room.
Once I reached my room, I flung the pillows on the floor, but my phone was not there. I desperately threw my blanket on the floor as well, but there was no sign of my black phone. I ran back to the blanket on the floor and ruffled it around. I even checked inside the pillow cover, but it wasn't there.
I heard two beeps outside, and when I ran to the window, Ace was on his Motorcycle, tapping his fingers impatiently on the handles.
"Just a second!" I yelled out the window, then ran back to my bed. My heart was hammering as I crouched down on the floor, shoving my shoes around to see if my phone fell under the bed. It wasn't there either.
I screamed in frustration, tears forming again in my eyes. I heard the start of Ace's Motorcycle, and I put my face in my hands.
Then it clicked.
I'd left it in the bathroom. I sprinted to the bathroom, and there it was, sitting at the edge of the sink. I quickly reached for it, but as I watched in horror- it seemed as if I was watching in slow motion -the phone tipped on the edge of the sink and went crashing on the floor, few small pieces of glass scattering here and there.
At the same time, I heard the roar of the Motorcycle, and as I ran back to the window, I saw the retreating Motorcycle of Ace, and his back.
I slid down under the window, all hope gone. It's over.
"Why...why did this happen to me?" I whispered to myself. "First Luke, and now I get my heart broken by Ace's rejection."
"What did I ever do to deserve this? Why did I have to love him?" I whispered, my fingers clutching my face.
I sat down by the window, staring distantly at nothing for at least three hours. My legs were cramped and my lips were dry and chapped.
I looked up to see Ulises standing in my doorway with a horrified expression.
"What the hell happened to you?!" He entered into the room and crouched down next to me. He gently grabbed my face with his hands. "Tell me everything, little sis," he said softly.
I grabbed his hands on my face, clutching them tightly. I told him everything, from Luke coming back, me getting together with Ace, Luke's set up with Nick and I, and finally Ace not believing me and making an excuse to get away from me.
Ulises let out a huge breath. "Holy crap." He whistled. "All this happened, and I had no idea all this time. I feel so guilty now."
"It's not your fault. You're busy with college, I get that," I said, my voice hollow.
"Ellie, look at me." He lifted my chin with his fingers. "I know Ace. He doesn't trust people easily. It's very hard for him to trust someone and then get it broken," he explained softly.
"But I didn't do it!" I cried.
He pulled me to his chest. "I know. I never said you did. Ace needs some time. From what you told me, he's already forgiven you. He believes you. He just needs some time. He told you that you can show him when he comes back, right? And anyways, he didn't make any excuse. He did have to go to his Dad. Sarah just got custody of him, and he needs to go there to sign some papers with his Dad."
"Oh," I said, feeling just a tiny bit better, but my heart still felt heavy. I heard a small beep, and Ulises took out his phone.
He looked back at me apologetically. "Stay here, Ellie. In the house, I mean. I'm going to go pick Jason from his practice. He went with his friends and didn't take his car," he explained.
I nodded for him to go. He gave me one last hug before getting up.
"Ulises, wait. Can you see if my phone will still work?" I asked in a small voice.
"Of course." I got up and went to the bathroom and picked up my cracked phone.
I handed it to Ulises, who checked it and said, "It's fine. There's just no charge left," he smiled at me. "I'll be back in half an hour."
Once Ulises left, I plugged my phone into the charger next to my bed, then plopped down on my bed. My stomach growled, but I didn't care.
Two minutes later, my phone beeped. I picked my phone up, still attached to the charger, and checked my messages.
If you love your dear mother, you will come to the abandoned building by the West Wood building in under 45 minutes. Or expect the worse - Unknown.
My heart skipped a beat. Fear for my Mom pounded through me. My fingers trembling, I pressed the call button.
"The number you are trying to call is invalid."
Stop trying to call. The more time you waste, the more...injuries will be seen on your mother - Unknown
And tell where you're headed, and you will find a dead body today - Unknown
I gasped. This time, it was another unknown number. Tears in my eyes, I called my Mom's cell.
Two rings later, the call was picked up. I sighed in relief.
"Hello? Ellie? What's wrong? I told you I'll be there in half an hour."
My heart dropped in disappointment and fear. I forgot that Mom had left her phone in the house and Ulises currently had it.
"Uhh..nothing. I don't know why I called," I rambled, voice tight with tears.
"Ellie, what's wrong? Why do I feel like you're going to do something stupid? You always do, but..."
I let out a strangled laugh/sob. "It's n-nothing. Bye," I quickly hung up before he could reply.
Throwing my phone on the bed, I quickly took my boots out and put them on. I changed into a white shirt and yoga pants. I took some money out of my book bag for bus, and before I could change my mind, quickly left the house.
The arrival time for the bus said four minutes on the screen, so I impatiently waited for it. When it did arrive, I quickly climbed it, payed, then went all the way in the back, my heart pounding with fear at what I would find when I get there.
I had to take two buses then walk about four blocks to get to the West Wood Hotel. It was a famous hotel/ restaurant, which my family had been to before many times.
I got off the first bus, and to my horror, saw the second bus already at the stop. I took off sprinting like a madwoman, but the doors closed. I was almost there, so I knocked loudly on one of the bus' windows, making the bus driver stop and open the doors for me.
The driver scowled at me, but I payed no attention. After ten minutes of waiting, I finally got off at the stop. I was a bundle of nerves, sweating, although it was a pretty chilly night.
I put my hands in my pockets to get my phone out to check the time, and stilled. I didn't have it with me.
My throat tightened as I struggled to keep my tears at bay. How can I be so irresponsible? I saw a mother walking with her two boys, and I approached her.
"Excuse me, can you please tell me the time?" I asked politely, trying not to sound frustrated.
The mother looked surprised, but nevertheless checked her phone. "It's 5:43 p.m." I thanked her and she smiled at me then walked away with her kids in tow. I needed to hurry. It was 5: 20 when I left the house. It took me about twenty minutes to get here by bus.
I started walking towards the hotel, and I noticed it was getting dark. I shivered, even though it had nothing to do with the chill.
Many people stared at me as I walked, because this place was usually where people came with their families, and I was just walking alone in the dark. After a few minutes of walking, I realized I was practically alone, besides a few wandering people here and there.
I approached the West Wood hotel, which was streaming with families, and all the lights were lit. I looked at it in longing, before moving on. I walked farther than the hotel, feeling even more scared.
I knew where the abandoned building the person was talking about was, because when Ulises, Jason and I were little, and we had gone to the West Wood hotel with our Mom, I had wandered outside with Jason. We had walked maybe two blocks farther, and once Jason caught sight of the building, he pulled me inside.
Ulises had been the one to find us both, and he looked pissed off, but it was at Jason, not me. He'd smacked Jason and Ulises had showed up back in the hotel with a confused but chirpy me, and a crying Jason.
I smiled slightly at the memory, but as soon as I caught sight of the building, all traces of the smile vanished. I slowed my pace, apprehension bubbling inside of me. As I approached the building, I took a deep, shuddering breath.
Danger, here I come. I stepped inside.
I knew there was something wrong with Ellie. Besides the whole Ace incident, I mean. When she called me, that too on Mom's cell, I knew there was something wrong, but I didn't know what. The moment I heard her voice, I detected that she'd been crying again.
I felt like something was going to go wrong, but I dismissed the thought. Nevertheless, I sped up a little, going a bit over the limit. I reached the field where Jason had practice, and texted him to hurry up.
He showed up two minutes later. "What's the hurry?" He scowled at me.
"Be grateful that I'm picking you up. Besides, I think there's something wrong with Ellie."
He got into the passenger seat and buckled up, then turned to face me. "What do you mean?"
I explained Ellie's whole situation, and Jason was tense with worry. "She was crying when she called you?"
"Called Mom, actually," I corrected him. He took his cell phone out and, I assume, called Ellie.
"Did she pick up?" I asked.
He shook his head no. "I don't like this," he replied.
"I don't either. I have a feeling she's going to do something stupid."
Fifteen minutes later, we turned into our driveway. Jason immediately jumped out of the car and ran to the door. I quickly got out as well, then I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye. I turned around. Ace.
"The door's open!" Jason yelled, his voice showing full on worry. He vanished into the house, and I turned back to follow him inside.
"Wait, Ulises. What's going on?" Ace's bewildered voice reached my ears, and as much as I wanted to go back inside, I turned to face him.
"We don't know. That's what we're going to check. Check on Ellie," I added, watching as his expression turned to worry as well.
"I'll come," he said quickly, and I didn't protest. As we both made our way inside, Jason came running down the stairs.
"She's not in the house," he said frantically.
"I'll call her," Ace said, and took his cell out.
"I already called her," Jason all but growled at him, but Ace ignored him. Ellie's ring tone resounded through the house, and before I could do anything, Ace took off in the direction of Ellie's room.
"Who does he think he is, barging into her room," Jason spat, and was about to follow Ace to Ellie's bed room, but Ace came out at that moment, his eyes wild.
"Clarissa- your Mom, and Ellie, they both might be in danger."
"What!" Jason and I yelled incredulously.
"Wait, that can't be. Mom called me a few hours ago. She said she'll be boarding the plane at six p.m. which means she's not even here," I said, confused.
"Then, Ellie," Ace whispered, his voice sounding broken.
Ace showed us the texts that the unknown person sent Ellie, and we all but sprinted out to our car, and Ace, to his Motorcycle.
"Do you know where that building he/she was talking about is?" Ace asked me.
"I do. Just follow us," Jason replied hurriedly and got into the driver's seat of my car. I got into the passenger seat and Jason started the car before I was fully in.
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