《pretty girl - technoblade ✓》sixteen





@thalia.moore: photo dump :) i forced techno to take the first one, who knew streamers could also be photographers?


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@tommyinnit: Is that you in the second photo

↳@thalia.moore: yes :D

@user4: me when thalia: <3333

@user1: how were you a cute child??? no child is cute

@technobladeyt: i am a incredibly talented camera man, yes.

↳@thalia.moore: yes you are :))

@laine_writes: some people were asking so i figured i'd hide it here, face claim is @eyesrodgers on instagram, and these are all real pictures, usually from there!!


thalia leans on her apartments balcony railing, taking a video of geo crossing the bridge she bought off of etsy; the balconies weren't very far apart, so she figured it was okay.

better than geo jumping across anyway.

she hums, ending the video, and venturing into her kitchen, opening the fridge...just to find practically nothing. thalia groans.

quickly, she dials techno's number and holds her phone to her ear as it rings.


"hi! um, i have no food in my house. do you want to run to the grocery store with me? i hate doing it alone." she says, getting straight to the point, already grabbing her keys and heading out the door.

"uh yeah, sure- let me, y'know. put some shoes on."

thalia smiles. "yup! im on my way now, i'll pick you up."

she opens her car door, climbing in and tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as soon as she starts driving.

thalia has always been a fidgety person, can never sit still for more than half an hour.

she reaches over and turns the music up. she only really hates two things in this world; being alone, and silence.

she does her best to avoid them.


pulling into techno's driveway, she honks her horn once to let him know she's here, before he comes jogging out the door.

the second he climbs into the car, thalia smiles. "are you seriously wearing crocs?"

he smiles back at her, putting on his seatbelt. "yes, i am. where do you think all that youtube money goes?"

she sarcastically taps her chin. "san francisco rent, maybe?"

"you got me."

they sit in a comfortable silence as she drives to the nearest grocery store, only the music inbetween them.

thalia pulls into the parking spot, climbing out of the car with a big stretch, yawning. "i sat there for far too long, i don't understand road trips."

"don't you drive to nevada like every couple months?" techno asks, walking along side her into the store.

"well- yeah. that's different."

techno shakes his head with a smile as she begins grabbing different fruits and veggies and putting them into the cart he's pushing.

"put a couple mangoes in there, my mom texted me this morning and said it was mango season."

she hums, putting some into a bag and putting them into the cart. "it IS mango season, isn't it?"

techno can't help but admire the way she knows what she's doing, putting ingredients in the cart and explaining to him along the way.

"do you like chicken salad?," she asks, turning around holding a package of grapes. techno nods. "okay good. im gonna make a bunch, so you can bring some to your little sisters too."

she turns back around, leading techno to a different part of the store.

he's starting to realize why tommy keeps calling him whipped- because with the way he's falling, it wont be long before he's wrapped around her finger.


not that he minds.


first ever a/n alert!!! (i think??) (update i lied)

also sorry my brain is shot rn i hope this chapter makes sense :) im watching dreams stream rn so i dont really have my head in the game

i thank u guys all the time on my message board but i'll say it here- THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 9K READS!!! thats so cool to me, holy shit. i never meant for this to get any reads so this is just- woah.

i also want to make a note that i don't really watch a lot of mcyt content anymore, so i apologize if my characters aren't exact. i still enjoy it, ive just been writing them how i feel fit and i know its not completely accurate.

if you like this book you might want to check and see when my new book is coming out, im not sure when it'll be but it's gonna be a dream fanfic!

pronoun check: any and all pronouns- leave yours below if you'd like :)

i just quickly want to dedicate this book to , and because they've been here for me the whole time ive written this, and read every chapter :) so much love to them.

thanks again for reading, and i'll see you next time!!

lots of love, laine

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