《Babysitting Criminals While Pregnant *Slow Updates*》Chapter 23



Two bodies were thrown across a dimly lit hall by an invisible force. Each man smacked into either side of the hall, both grunting out in seized pain making contact against the cold and rocky surfaces. The impact of their toss caused a short tremor throughout the walls, some rocks and dust falling loose from the ceiling.

"You've failed me!" A woman heaved in front of her black throne.

She was pissed, to say the least. She released her rage with elegance and poise. In her velvety, insubstantial dress that parted on the sides, at each hip, her long and ghostly legs exposed to her subordinates. Don't mistake them. They dare not to make whistles at their Lady. With her power, she could take down a single continent with no sweat to her brow.

"Fo-forgive us, Milady, " The older man grunted, peeling himself up onto a bended knee, a hand pressed onto the cold floor, bowing his head in respect of his leader, "We had powerful interference with our catch."

The woman frowned deeply, her eyes switching sights onto the other man, "Speak, Taft." The tone of her demand could give the most expertise Ice Mages terrified chills.

"H-hai, Milady! We had cornered her in a public bathroom, and she called out two of her Zodiacs, and she destroyed most of our cover with a water spirit. And then Grimm yanked her into his shadow, and then one of her friends intercepted Grimm's magic with his own. He was a Dragon Slayer, Milady." The man, Taft, tilted his head up just enough to meet eyes with his superior.

"Dragon Slayer?" The woman mused, a cruel smirk gracing her lips. "What a world we live in!"

The men kneeling felt the atmosphere intensified before they felt the heat of their Lady's magic. They lower themselves, to prevent themselves from being sent into the walls again.


"Damn that Heartfilia wench!" The woman burst out, releasing a powerful ring of black smoke that faded into neon lightning. She seethed with a loud, animalistic growl, "She must have shoved the last dragon heirs into Eclipse before she nearly finished me off."


The woman held a slender hand, her nails inky and sleek. She caresses her chin with two fingers.

"H-how may we redeem ourselves, Milady?"

The woman dismissed the men with the flick of her wrist. "Leave me for now, Ivory will fetch you if needed, in the meantime, make yourselves useful with chores."

Taft and Grimm scrambled to their feet, bowing as they tracked backward, disappearing out of the entrance. They didn't want any more reason to be the source of their Lady's anger.

Once the men were out of sight, the woman sat on the edge of her throne's seat, breathing in and out sharply, attempting to hold her emotions at bay, she wasn't keen on destroying everything built for five centuries. She's grown too powerful and controlling her emotions is a downfall she loathes to admit.

"Would you like for me to finish their failed task, Mother?" A slim woman dressed black knee-high heeled boots, with the same color slacks tucked into the shoes, a short skirt over the pants. Her top was cropped, the back had corset ties and front laced, holding the bust together, she had dark lavender hair, styled short and simple, it was easier to do away with her assignments quicker that way. Overall of her abnormal outfit, her black trench coat was most intriguing. It was plain, but the symbol that covered the shoulder to waistline was the insignia of the dark occult, The Father.

"It seems our prey is a crafty brat, just like her ancestor was." The woman curled her right hand into a tight fist, her knuckles cracking with the force of the clench.

"You avoid my question, Mother." The younger woman said, frowning slightly monotonously.

"Hmpff." The older woman scoffed, "I don't answer your orders, Ivory. I'm your mother after all. Very well, if you wish to collect the girl, do not come back empty-handed. You know what is good for you."

Ivory stood there, staring at her mother for a moment before suddenly teleporting away.


"I was gonna tell you later, honestly, Yukino!" I frown at my white-haired friend who pouted after my brief explanation.


It's been a few minutes since we left Porlyusica's cottage, and we are on our way back to the station, back to Crocus. It happened. My horrible secret is out to my...er, well, friends? Of course, Cobra and Midnight already knew, but after the convict yelled at me on the beach, everyone knew now. It bothers me deeply. Would they think of me differently? Would they judge me for something that was out of my control?

"But still!" She says, eyebrows knitting together with genuine concern, puffing her cheeks out

"Don't blame her, Yuki-san, " Loke lightly says, "Lucy's been through a lot, and it was hard for her to even open up to me."

"Okay, so let me get this straight, " A dark aura emitted dangerously from Sting, "Natsu--"

I freeze. I couldn't exactly understand why I still felt the fear strike through me as I hear his name. You should be over it by now, my inner conscious whispers cruelly.

"Sorry, " The blonde man notices my stillness, "Thing is, he did you wrong, and now you're..."

"Pregnant, yes. Six to seven weeks tomorrow." I frown, kicking a decent-sized rock with my foot, watching it tumble a few inches ahead of me on the path.

"Forgive me if I'm too straight forward, but if it scares you so much, why won't you abort it?"

With the question, my blood runs cold. I snap my head at the light dragon slayer, my eyes widening in disbelief.

"This baby hasn't done a single thing to me. It's just an outcome of something terrible. I refuse to kill or even harm something that didn't do anything to me." I snap coldly.


"That was rude, Sting." Rogue scolded as he sauntered next to a bored-looking Midnight.

Cobra was at the back of the pack, silently walking with his hands stuffed in his red pants, glaring at the ground with his one eye.

"Once we get back to Crocus, anyone want to get food? I'm starved!" Sting quickly cut through the awkward tension in the forest air.

"Seriously? You ate an hour ago!" Rogue rolled his eyes.

"Correction: three hours ago, actually." Sting sassily said.

"Wow, that's a new record of going without food for so much time!" Yukino giggled, amused with her teammate.

"Wha-?! Yuki, you can't be serious!"

"Frosch thinks so too!" The cat clad in his pink frog costume chirped, obviously agreeing with the Celestial Mage.

"You too?!" Sting exclaims, deflating dramatically.

"Calm down, idiot. We'll get food." Rogue grumbled.

I laugh at the scene in front of me. It was amusing, really. They reminded me, of...of...my old team...

My heart clenches rather painfully thinking about them. They don't know anything that happened. Not Erza or Gray or Wendy or Happy. They were ignorant of the heinous act. I wonder what would have happened if I wasn't scared of telling? Imagining Erza castrating Natsu was a laughable thought, but, even though he's done this to me...no. There was no reason behind it!

He did this to me because Lisanna didn't want to have sex with him.

I feel bad for her. There was a tug in my chest, it left me wondering if he would try the same thing on her or left her unbothered because he was scared of dying by Mira's and Elfman's monstrous hands? That thought was very satisfying.

I shake my head of the flying thoughts and looked at Lector, who was in my arms. He was different than holding Happy. Lector actually, and surprisingly, didn't make fun of me in any way. Clench. Ah, there I go again. I miss Happy.

I wonder whenever this was over, would I be able to see my favorite Exceed again? Or my family? Or Erza? Wendy? Mira? Gray? Levy and her team? Romeo, too?

It was only a matter of time before they began asking questions about my sudden disappearance...or not, since they were busy prepping for Lisanna's wedding and all.

Sigh. I wish none of this was happening. She would be a beautiful bride. And the whole wedding thing would have been more romantic if it weren't for his...lust.

I'm more curious about this aching question: does she know who Natsu is?

For her sake, I hope she figures it out soon, she could be in danger for the most part.

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