《Sakuras In Ice (A Bleach Fan fiction)》22: Sisters


"We have to do something, Renji! Yuki shouldn't be paying for my misdoings!" Rukia fisted Renji's shirt in frustration and anger

"I-I know Rukia. But as of now, we really can't do anything." Renji stuttered as he tries to remove Rukia's grip on him

"That's why I'm asking you if you have anything to help!" Rukia screamed at Renji

"I told you, we can't do anythi-"

"Can't do anything or you won't do anything because you're so afraid of my brother!!!" Rukia panted in anger

The two shinigamis are currently in the meeting room reserved for lieutenants to meet. They decided to have a little chat there over what they can do for Yuki. As of now, they have nothing in mind.

"Oh, this is all my fault! If I just did my work instead of being distracted, none of these would happen." Rukia said as she fell down on the floor in frustration


"Rukia, we heard what happened!"

From the door, Rangiku, Ikakku, Yumichika, Shuhei and Kira came bounding in and approached the girl.

"Is Yuki really gonna be executed?" Yumichika asked with wide eyes and held onto Rukia's shoulders

Rukia looked down and nodded her head in affirmation. The new comers gave a deep sigh and looked at one another.

"Well, what do you plan to do? Or are you gonna do something?" Shuhei asked

"Of course I'm gonna do something! I can't let Yuki take the blame for my mistake!" Rukia screamed

"But you do realize the moment you decide to rescue Yuki, you'll be going up against the captains and almost everything we need to follow." Kira asked with caution

"Just this once for Yuki, I'll willingly turn my back on everything I promise to uphold as a shinigami." Rukia answered with flames of determination burning not only in her eyes but also in her entire being

The remaining people inside the room looked at one another with mixed feelings about the issue. Some hold doubt, determination, fear and many others. But after realizing how Yuki managed to affect them in the short time span they spent with her and how much care Rukia poured unto her, they all came up to one decision.


"What's the plan then?"


It's been almost a 4 days since Yuki was placed in her cell where she decided to spend her days just playing with her dolls.

"Usano Mimi, Kyuubei, I wonder how everyone is doing? Are they well? What's happening outside? Is Chichiue and my masters okay? Hmmm, I wish I knew. Do you?" Yuki asked her dolls and made there heads shake no

"If Muracho was here they would know. But they took them away and also sealed my reatsu so I can't really do anything." Yuki sighed in defeat

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching her cell so she stood up from her previous position and peered out to see who it is. When the figure, or rather figures, became noticeable, Yuki greeted them.

"Greetings, Soi Feng nee-chan, Chichiue." Yuki greeted cheerfully

Both of them have sad looks on their face as they tried to force a smile to the snow feline. Ukitake was the first one to speak to her.

"Hello, Yuki. How are you? Are the guards treating you well?"

"I'm fine, Chichiue. The guards are keeping me company and sometimes they would play with me." Yuki replied

But even before Ukitake can add anything to lighten up the mood, Yuki beat him to it.

"Checking up on me is not really the reason you came here right?"

Ukitake and Soi Feng looked at each other and sighed. Even without Muracho, Yuki is quick to pick up.

"No, Yuki. We're actually here to take you to the Penance Tower where you'll stay until the day of your execution comes." Soi Feng said in a sad tone

Yuki nodded in understanding and quickly went away to retrieve her dolls. She stood at the gate waiting for it to be opened up.

"Let's go then." She smiled at them

With a heavy heart, Soi Feng chained her up again and began their painful walk towards the Penance Tower.


"The view here isn't that bad." Yuki mumbled to herself while looking out the long window of the tower

Yuki was placed at the topmost level of the Penance Tower where serious law offenders were placed. Yuki can't help but remember the sad faces of her Chichiue and one of her big sisters once they reached the tower. She knew that it pained them greatly to agree to her decision but what has to be done, needs to be done.


"Usano, Kyuubei, I hope everything returns to normal after this." Yuki mumbled to her dolls then gave Usano Mimi a quite strong hug

A small sound of two things hitting each other caught Yuki's attention from inside the rabbit so she slightly pulled away from Usano Mimi.

"Did it come from you, Usano?" Yuki asked and tried hugging her bunny again and indeed, she heard the sound again

So to see what it is, Yuki carefully pulled down the huge zipper on Usano's tummy and felt her way inside the fluff of the doll. When she felt what she's looking for, Yuki took it out and saw two small crystal marbles. She quickly zipped Usano up and looked at the marbles.

Both marbles are in the color scarlet but one marble has a figure of bat wings on it while the other has a branch with multi colored crystals hanging from it. Aside from its appearance, the next thing that caught Yuki's attention is that it feels like these marbles are alive.

"Could these be mod souls? But they look completely different from what Ki-san told me before." Yuki mumbled to herself

Yuki has knowledge on mod souls thanks to a certain former scientist of Seiretei. And because she knows it, she also knew that in order to get acquainted to one, it needs a body to host it. Yuki then looked towards her dolls and an idea popped out of her head.

So quickly gathering Usano Mimi and Kyuubei, Yuki elongated her pinky claw and removed the stitches in both doll's right ear. Yuki placed the bat wing marble inside Usano's ear while the crystal branch in Kyuubei's. Yuki waited for a while and a smile etched its way on her face when she saw her two dolls move.

"Ahhh~ at last! I can move again-" Usano spoke but it abruptly stopped and looked at her appearance

"What in tarnation is this?! Why am I inside a...." It touched around her self. "A bunny!? And a toy bunny!"

A small squeal was heard beside Usano and she looked towards Kyuubei.

"What happened to me?! I feel small and insignificant!" Kyuubei wailed until it looked at Usano

"Sister, what happened to us? Where are our bodies?!" Kyuubei questioned Usano

"I don't know. All I remember is the fight-" Usano quickly stopped "That stinking shinigami! I'll put a curse on him when I see him!"

As much as Yuki is entertained by what's in front of her, she needs to know who they are. So, she faked a cough to call their attention and it worked.

"Who are you?" Kyuubei asked with an imaginary eyebrow raised

"Hello to you two. My name is Yuki Sakura. May I know who you guys are?" Yuki asked kindly

"And why the hell do we need to tell you who we are? Are you some kind of god?" Usano replied sarcastically and crossed her arms

"I am not a god, sadly, but I, however, am the ones who released you and gave you solid bodies to move into." Yuki replied

"Yeah right. Bodies that are puny and useless." Kyuubei mumbled but Yuki heard it

"But a body nonetheless." Yuki added and smiled at them

Kyuubei was about to retort back when Usano held a hand out to stop her.

"Sister, as much as it pains me to say, she has a point. And you know the sacred oath of us demons." Usano said and looked at Kyuubei

Kyuubei clicked her tongue and sat down on her hind legs.

"So she's our mistress now? With these puny bodies?"

"'But bodies nonetheless', I quote. She still provided us one. Would you rather stay as a Bead Gem, then?" Usano asked

Kyuubei took her time to answer but gave out a sigh of frustration in the end.

"I guess this is better than getting stuck in a gem."

With that, Usano gave a smirk and looked at Yuki.

"You should be lucky, feline. For you got yourself servants worth keeping."

"Servants? Aren't you mod souls?" Yuki asked puzzled

"We are way better than those pesky artificial craps. We are the real thing." Kyuubei asked and walked towards Yuki

"Mistress Yuki, my name is Flandre Scarlet." Usano said

"And I am Remilia Scarlet." Kyuubei said

"But together, we are known as The Scarlet Demons."

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