《Counting To Fifteen [Grey's Anatomy]》chapter nineteen - aftermaths
and Calypso were the only thing on Mark's mind as two gurneys were rolled through the ER, both carrying two small girls.
The older of the two had Daisy's darker hair while the younger one had much lighter hair that resembled Calypso, something that majorly freaked Mark out.
Mark winced, seeing how badly burned both girls were. The little one had burns covering her entire body, and Mark couldn't fathom how much pain they were likely in.
He tried not to pay much attention to them though, wanting to give the patient in front of him his undivided attention.
"You're hurting me." The woman hollered out in pain, Mark sighing as he debrided the large burn on her forearm. He knew she wasn't trying to be unbearable, she was just hurt and scared. But Mrs. Adams was being incredibly unbearable.
"I promise it'll feel all better once I'm done." Mark spoke, telling her a half-lie. She would still be in excruciating pain, but not compared to the excruciating pain she'd be in if Mark didn't debride her burns.
"I want more morphine." Mrs. Adams protested. "Can you give me more of that?"
"We just administered morphine thirty seconds ago, you don't need anymore right now."
Mrs. Adams grunted. "I want more. I can feel you pulling at my skin, it hurts like hell. Can't you be more gentle?"
Mark chose to ignore the woman, focusing on his task at hand. That was much easier than trying to explain to her that no, Mark could not give her copious amounts of morphine or he would kill her. Mrs. Adams appeared to be in so much pain though, she seemed like she thought dying wasn't the worst option, as long as the pain was gone.
"Dr. Sloan?" Mrs. Adams spoke up quietly, looking sheepish when Mark looked up at her. "Um...could I please have some more morphine?"
Mark's entirety of his debriding session with Mrs. Adams went that way the whole time: Mrs. Adams would ask for highly dangerous doses of morphine, Mark would tell her no because she was asking for highly dangerous doses of morphine, Mark would debride her burn a little more, and she would ask again for highly dangerous doses of morphine.
"Dress her wound." Mark instructed one of the interns. It was the little one with blonde hair. He forgot her name, and he honestly didn't care to learn it. "Don't give her anymore morphine no matter how badly she guilt-trips you. She's had her dosages consistently for the past hour."
Heather frowned as Mark turned to walk away. She had her own patient to deal with too. "But...but what about..."
Mark was gone though, already moving onto his next patient. He wanted to get as much done as he could, letting the interns finish up on things like bandaging.
He made his way over to a younger-looking girl, looking down at her chart as he put on new gloves. "Dana?"
The girl nodded slowly, looking kind of nervous as she scanned the emergency room. Her chart said that she was seventeen, so Mark wasn't sure why there wasn't an adult with her.
"Are your parents here?" Mark asked, surveying the girl's face. She had a nasty cut on her forehead that definitely needed to be sutured.
Dana nodded. "They're with my sister. Er...they're waiting for my sister in the waiting room. She's in surgery right now. My mom already checked me in, though."
"Was she at the mall too?" Mark asked as he took a seat on the swivel chair. He found himself growing curious when the girl nodded.
"Mhm. She...has pretty bad burns, though. The doctors told my parents that they could, um...they could see her bone."
The way that Dana spoke about the condition of her sister's skin obviously made her squeamish. She also spoke gently, like she thought the subject might make Mark squeamish too, as if he didn't deal with this stuff on a daily basis.
What Dana was describing sounded to Mark like fourth degree burns, something that made him tilt his head as he looked at the gash on her forehead. "Were you two...not together then?"
It didn't make sense to him how this girl was going on about her sister's fourth degree burns when all she sported was a gash on her forehead. The wound was definitely deep, but it wasn't anything serious. It was as minute an injury that you could receive from an explosion.
Dana blushed. "Yeah, I...the west wing bathrooms are always out of order, and...I really had to pee. I was at the other end of the mall."
Mark nodded, grasping the wire with his scissors as he was about to suture, preparing the wound site with an antiseptic. "So it's a blessing in disguise that the bathrooms were down, then. How embarrassing would that have been if you had died on the toilet?"
Dana allowed herself to grin at that, immediately wincing in pain as she felt the antiseptic swab at her deep wound. Mark knew that although she was slightly numbed to the pain, it would still hurt her if she kept her mind on Mark's stitching. Mark knew it would help to distract her brain and get her talking about something else.
He brought the wire and suture scissors up to the girl's forehead as well as his forceps, ready to begin stitching. "So...you were at the mall when the explosion went off, and you lived to tell the tale. Tell me about that."
Dana winced slightly again as Mark threaded his first suture through the skin. She kept her eyes clamped tightly shut as she tried to place all of her attention on giving her doctor a story. "Um...my sister was...towards the west wing, obviously. That's why her burns are so nasty. We were both over there, but...I had to go to the bathroom, so I left her. My parents are still angry about that part, and I don't get it. Courtney is nineteen, she's my older sister. It's not like she was a child that I left alone at the other end of the mall-"
"Your sister is Courtney?" Mark asked as he sutured, his brain remembering a particular controversial case he had discussed with his colleagues hours prior regarding a Courtney Hepburn.
Dana nodded, Mark holding her head still. "Don't move your head."
"Oh...right, sorry." Dana immediately stopped, somehow forgetting that Mark was currently right at her head with a pair of scissors and sharp wire. "Um...yeah, my sister's name is Courtney Hepburn. Do you know her?"
"Kind of. A buddy of mine is her surgeon, he's working on saving her skin right now."
"Dr. Avery?" Dana asked as she opened her eyes, looking up at Mark.
Mark nodded, not taking his eyes off of the wound he was suturing at all. "You met him."
"Mhm. I was with my sister all the way until she was taken to the operating room, to...make sure she was okay. And then my mom wanted me to get this stitched up and, you know..." Dana sighed, the gloominess heavy in her voice. Mark wondered if the seventeen-year-old carried any guilt about the fact that her sister was on the verge of death while she was nearly unscathed with a single cut.
"Dr. Avery, he's nice." Dana recalled the doctor that she had met earlier. "He's very, uh...you know. He's, he's..."
"He's hot." Mark helped Dana find the words she was struggling to find. When Dana reddened a bit, Mark only laughed. "No shame, I think he's hot too."
"I was gonna say that he's...he's smart." Dana spoke, but Mark couldn't help but feel as though the teenager was lying in an attempt to feel less humiliated.
"Ah, right. My apologies." Mark nodded, nearly halfway done with his suturing now. The facial expressions that Dana was making made it very evident she was beginning to feel the pain again, and Mark wanted to try to start up more conversation to prevent her from thinking about her wound. "Any idea how the cut got here?"
"It was the window." Dana winced. "Hollister had this really cute skirt, and I stopped for a little bit to look, and...and then there was this horrible sound. Like...like metal tearing through metal. And people screamed, and the glass just kind of shattered."
Mark nodded. "Probably the pressure from the explosion."
"It hurts a lot." Dana frowned as Mark threaded the stitch through her skin. "And I feel like a baby. I'm complaining about a cut, and my sister just got burned alive."
"Well the good news, is that the stitching is over." Mark spoke as he tied the stitch, clipping the wire at the end of the wound. He scouted the people filtering through the ER. Stephanie was obviously on her way to do something important as she passed the two, but Mark had no trouble bothering an intern. "Dr. Edwards can bandage you up and go over wound care with you, and you'll be all set to sit with your parents in the waiting room."
"Hmm?" Stephanie asked at the mention of her name, looking at Dana in the ER bed and giving her a small smile before turning to Mark and frowning. "With all due respect, Dr. Sloan, I was actually just about to clock out, so if you don't mind-"
"You can clock out once you're done bandaging and going over wound care with Miss Hepburn." Mark repeated what he had just said. "You two seem to have a particular appreciation for Dr. Avery, maybe you can discuss that."
Stephanie wasn't quite sure what Mark was referring to, but he had already walked away before she even got the chance to ask. She was left alone to bandage the girl's wound, something that a nurse would be just as qualified to do, so she wasn't sure why Sloan was making her do it.
Stephanie grabbed the gauze from the cart, giving a small smile to the girl in the bed. Dana had no idea that Stephanie was dating Dr. Avery, and Stephanie had no idea that the teenager in the bed before her had a major crush on her boyfriend.
Mark made his way through the emergency room, scanning all the beds. It had been hours since the explosion, and the beds were filled with less extremities now. There weren't any burn victims screaming in agonizing pain as they were rolled through on gurneys, no blood everywhere from large wounds. Things seemed to have finally slowed down a little bit as the ER was now filled with the tinier things; small cuts, smaller level burns, etc.
Mark hadn't even seen Meredith walk in, so he was very surprised when the woman appeared out of nowhere and pulled his arm, forcing him to follow her away from the ER
"Ouch." Mark commented at the sudden force his arm had been pulled at. "You could've been gentler."
Meredith shook off the comment, only continuing to lead Mark through the halls. "I'm sorry, but...you've got to come see this."
Mark was incredibly confused, and Meredith didn't exactly provide much clarity as they walked.
They stopped outside the window of a patient room on the pediatric wing of the third floor, Meredith nodding to the inside. "Look."
Mark's curiosity sparked up as he saw the girl that was laying in the hospital bed. It was one of the two girls that he had seen rolled through the ER an hour or so ago, the one that he had thought resembled Daisy so eerily. She looked to be in not so great shape, hooked up to a large oxygen supply. "Oh, I...I saw her come through a while ago. Do you have any update on how she is, or if she-"
"No, not her." Meredith sounded annoyed, like she was seriously peeved that Mark couldn't read her mind. "Her."
The woman that Meredith pointed towards had her head hung low as she stroked the little girl's hair in such a gentle way that Mark made the assumption that she was the girl's mother.
Eventually though, the woman acknowledged the fact that there were two people standing outside watching her daughter, and she looked up to see who it was.
Mark felt his mouth go dry as he was finally able to drink in the woman's appearance. "Oh...oh my god."
"That's what I said!" Meredith exclaimed, her eyes also hooked on the woman's face. "It's weird, right? And get this, her name is Alexa Greyson."
"Shut up."
"That's what I said!"
The woman being stared at got up from her place beside her little girl, walking outside of the room to speak with the doctors.
"Hi, um...is...something wrong? Is there something you wanted to speak about?" She was clearly confused as to why two doctors were staring at her and her daughter.
Mark couldn't help it though. He continued to stare, and he didn't have to look over at Meredith to know that she was doing the exact same. But this woman was the spitting image of Lexie, and Mark was experiencing some hardcore déjà vu.
The woman blinked, looking at Mark before looking over at Meredith. "Um...Dr. Grey?"
"What?" Meredith asked before shaking her head, getting herself out of her daze. "I'm sorry. Um...Dorothy's vitals are presently stable. And Dr. Bailey is with Caroline now in the OR, I haven't gotten an update. I don't have an update on your husband either, but I'll let you know when I do."
The woman nodded, seeming as content as she could be with that response. Her eyes flitted back and forth between Mark and Meredith, and the staring was majorly creeping her out. "Okay, I'm usually flattered when people stare, but...I can't help but feel like I did something wrong."
"No, of course not, Mrs. Greyson-"
"Alexa." The woman corrected, preferring to be called something a little less formal.
"Right, Alexa. Nothing's wrong. You just...you look a lot like somebody that we used to know." Meredith explained. It felt so wrong to her that her sister was gone, and yet it was almost like she was right there talking to her. It was a bizarre experience.
"Used to?" Alexa questioned the use of the woman's past tense words.
"Yeah, she's...she's recently passed." Meredith nodded, trying not to dwell so much on that part.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Alexa frowned. She looked in through the window, death seeming to be the only thing on the woman's mind. "You said, um...you said that Dorothy's vitals are stable for now? If that changes, what's gonna happen? What are you gonna do if suddenly she just-"
"We don't need to think about that now." Meredith tried to provide consolation. "As of now, Dorothy is stable. And she's in pain, she's just gonna need you to be with her right now."
Alexa nodded, giving Meredith an appreciative smile as she turned back towards the room to be with her oldest daughter.
Mark couldn't stop staring. He had gone so long without seeing Lexie's face, it felt foreign to look at a carbon copy of it again. It felt wrong seeing her healthy and talking and not crushed by a two ton airplane engine.
Meredith looked over at Mark. She had never in her life heard the man so silent, and it was seriously concerning to her. "Are...you okay?"
Mark finally tore his eyes away, looking over at Meredith. "Are you okay? She was your sister."
"Yeah, but she was your...Lexie." Meredith shrugged. She knew the pain of what he went through without her. Meredith herself knew the pain of life without Lexie too, and she knew that seeing Lexie again through this woman wasn't good for either doctor's mental state.
Mark shrugged it off, deciding to try to pull away from the window a little as he walked over to the nurses' station. "Both her kids were at the mall?"
"With her husband." Meredith confirmed, taking another peek at the mother and her daughter before joining Mark at the nurses' station. "They're all bad off, but...the older daughter is definitely in better shape than the younger. I mean...Caroline's entire body is burned, she's too little to possibly survive that kind of damage."
Mark winced at that. Caroline couldn't have been any bigger than Calypso. Mark couldn't imagine Calypso's entire body completely singed like that. Meredith was right, someone that tiny couldn't possibly combat the damage that had been done to their body.
"Meredith." Bailey called from down the hall, her scrub cap still fastened onto her head as she approached the two. "Have you seen Caroline's mother? She's not in the waiting room, and I..."
Bailey trailed off as she saw Mrs. Greyson holding her other daughter through the patient window right outside of the nurses' station. Mrs. Greyson's head was bowed down as she shut her eyes tightly, and none of the doctors could tell if the woman was praying or crying.
Meredith looked over at Bailey, scanning the woman's face for some kind of sign. "Is Caroline okay? Did her surgery...did she..."
The grief was written all over Bailey's face, and Meredith's mouth immediately fell open. "No, come on."
"I didn't even get to close." Bailey spoke, referring to her surgery. "She had a massive bleed. Her body couldn't handle it, and she..."
Bailey trailed off as Mrs. Greyson locked eyes with her, immediately standing up and walking outside of her daughter's room. "How's Caroline? Is...is she okay? Is everything alright?"
Bailey hesitated, looking over at Mark and Meredith before turning her attention over to the woman in front of her as she spoke in a tender voice. "Why don't you and I take a seat, Mrs. Greyson?"
"I'm fine standing." Mrs. Greyson crossed her arms, her eyebrows knitting together with concern. "You're...scaring me. Did something go wrong? She's gonna need more surgery, isn't she?"
"I think you should take a seat." Bailey placed a hand gently on the woman's back, leading her back into the room she had come from.
Bailey had closed the wooden door, but it did virtually nothing to muffle the woman's sobs for her dead daughter. The entire floor grew quiet as all kinds of hospital personnel roaming the halls knew what kind of news that somebody was receiving.
It all felt so messed up to Mark. Two kids had gone to the mall to have a fun day, and now one of them is dead. And now a sister is sisterless, and a mother lost her daughter.
Meredith equally hated the situation. She loved her job and the opportunities that it brought for people who needed it, but sometimes she seriously hated how awful her job made her feel.
She read the look on Mark's face, knowing he was feeling the same way she was. She handed him a clipboard, packets of paper on top. "Could you run this upstairs for me? It's just some lab work orders that need to get processed."
Mark usually didn't like doing anybody's work for them, but these circumstances were different. The dead daughter and the Lexie look-alike and the loud sobs coming from behind the wooden door. It all made him feel...weird. Maybe it was sadness. He didn't like everything that was happening.
Mark took the packet of papers, never having been happier to go get lab work processed. He wasted no time in exiting the pediatric wing and making his way to the elevators.
Dropping the papers off at the hospital's lab a few floors up took virtually no time. Mark debated clocking out, but he wanted to make sure everything turned out alright with Lexie...er, not Lexie. Alexa.
He decided on sitting and waiting outside of the lab for a while. He figured that if anybody needed his help, they would page him.
Momentarily speaking though, Mark was tired. He wanted to get some sleep, but he couldn't. He couldn't shake the feeling he had gotten from seeing the woman that looked so similar to Lexie.
And the two girls? They reminded him so much of Daisy and Calypso. Everything just felt so messed up and wrong. He couldn't shake the weird feeling he had gotten.
"I'll need this back as soon as possible." Mark heard a familiar voice, looking up to see Callie standing at the window with a vial in a bag that appeared to be blood.
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