《Counting To Fifteen [Grey's Anatomy]》chapter five - check-ups & cotton swabs
was angry, and Calypso could tell.
Or...maybe not angry. She just seemed frustrated that Calypso hadn't woken her up the second the accident had happened last night so that Mark didn't have to get involved.
"Don't be so angry." Calypso mumbled, stirring her cereal around. "I said that I was sorry."
Daisy sighed a bit. She didn't want her sister to feel like she was being mean, nor did she want her sister feeling like she had to walk on eggshells around her. She wasn't trying to be mean, just protective.
"I'm not angry." Daisy pointed out. "But you should've gotten me from the beginning. I could've helped, he never had to get involved."
The way that Daisy said he made it sound like Mark was some horrifically evil monster rather than just a person.
"He's nice, Daisy." Calypso said firmly, to which Daisy only let out a dry laugh. "I'm serious. You want him to be the bad guy so bad, but he's not. He's nice, I like him."
Calypso was being naive again, and Daisy was tired of it. Daisy was so tired of it.
But before she could comment on the matter, Mark walked into the kitchen, and that shut Daisy up. She stared down at her cereal, stirring it around the same way that Calypso did. Neither girl was eating their breakfast, but Mark didn't seem to notice. He was busy pulling last minute strings together before he went into work.
Daisy's mind went to her recent problems that she's been having. There was something seriously wrong with her, and she knew that. Despite not really wanting to have to speak to Mark, she knew that she needed a doctor's opinion.
"Mark?" Daisy spoke up, Mark looking up at the sound of his name. Daisy felt a little uncomfortable, but cleared her throat. "Do you think...could I come with you today?"
"To the hospital?" Mark asked, a little lost. When Daisy nodded, Mark was even more lost. "I think you're a little too old for the hospital daycare."
"No, not that." Daisy shook her head. "I meant...more as a patient."
"Why? Do you feel sick?"
Daisy wasn't quite sure how to explain it. She didn't feel sick, but something was very wrong. Her pain and discomfort was there too, and...something was seriously wrong.
"No, but...I want to get checked out. I think there's something wrong with me." Daisy sounded incredibly troubled, and Mark frowned. He hoped there wasn't anything serious going on.
He had a long day ahead of him at the hospital, and his colleagues didn't love when there were kids running around while they attempted to do their jobs. But he figured it was okay if he brought her just to get checked out. Maybe then he could schmooze the daycare into letting the twelve-year-old stay there for an hour or two...or six. Maybe eight.
"Okay, uh...yeah, sure. We should go now though, I'll be late."
Daisy nodded, abandoning her cereal to get on her shoes and a jacket. She helped Calypso with her shoes too, and grabbed her hand, leading her over to Mark.
The three of them were off after that, and as usual, Calypso had a million questions about the hospital world that they were going to enter.
"Does everyone have white coats?" Calypso asked curiously as she scanned over the one that adorned Mark and his navy blue scrubs.
Mark shrugged, a smug look on his face. "Only the best."
The questions didn't stop there, nor did they stop once they got in the car and began to drive down the busy Seattle streets. Calypso's brain was in overdrive.
Is there really a bank for blood? Do surgeons ever mess up? How can Mark possibly remember all those different body parts and procedures? Is plastic ever actually used in plastic surgery?
Mark was patient and didn't seem to mind answering the kid's questions. Daisy completely tuned the entire thing out though. She was more focused on her own body, and she hoped that everything was okay.
When they reached the hospital, they saw tons of people that looked like Mark. They wore the same uniform as him. Some had white coats, some didn't, and Calypso figured the ones without the white coats must not be the best, that's what Mark had said.
Daisy's social anxiety was pinging off the roof as they walked into the large hospital with all the people everywhere. She waited for a familiar face. She scanned the crowd for Meredith, Cristina or Callie, or even that cheery doctor that Calypso loves, April.
But she didn't see anyone familiar, and her nerves were getting the best of her.
Daisy cringed at the hospital smell. She'd never been to this particular one before, but it didn't matter, every hospital had that same distinct smell. Rubbing alcohol mixed with metal and sadness.
Daisy had been in the hospital with Mom way too much. As she passed the windows of many rooms, she felt a sadness take over her. There were so many gloomy faces, so many sick people. Daisy could never see this every day, she wondered how Mark was able to do it.
Yet as they turned a corner and entered a different wing, Daisy noticed that the rooms began to change. The people in the rooms were kids rather than adults. The wallpaper wasn't the same bland blue, but rather different pastel colors.
"Pe-di-a-trics." Calypso announced loudly as she read the big sign on the wall, slightly mispronouncing the word as she drawled out each syllable. She turned to Mark. "What does 'pediatrics' mean?"
"Medicine for kiddos." Mark explained shortly. "This is where Arizona works."
Calypso's eyes lit up and she steadily kept her eyes peeled for the blonde woman. She very much hoped that Arizona kept a pair of Heelys at the hospital.
Mark led the girls into an empty room. This one didn't have a bed like the other ones, but rather just an examination table. Daisy figured this was just for quick-stops and check-ups.
Daisy sat on the examination table while Mark stood there on his phone, and Calypso eyed the table of equipment.
"Woah." She said in wonder. There were so many medical instruments. Calypso didn't know what they were called, but they looked cool. Scopes for the ear, scopes for the nose, cotton swabs, different bottles of solution. Calypso was in wonder.
"Don't touch." Mark reminded, to which Calypso frowned a little.
She wanted to touch.
Mark wondered where Arizona was. He had texted her that they were there.
Granted, she was the best pediatric surgeon in the hospital and was probably needed elsewhere for more drastic issues as opposed to a check up. But he knew Arizona would find time to come by if she could.
Daisy kept an attentive eye on Calypso while Mark was texting on his phone. The six-year-old looked like she really just wanted to mess around with the equipment when she definitely wasn't supposed to.
There was a knock on the doorframe, and Daisy was met with a familiar smile that belonged to Arizona.
There were two other people that followed her in: a grumpy looking man holding a tablet, and a younger woman with her hair pulled back.
The man didn't look up from his tablet at all. He was focused on some sort of diagram that Daisy couldn't make out. He seemed incredibly bored, as if Arizona herself had dragged him in here.
And the woman that followed them looked...slightly terrified as well as confused. As opposed to the navy blue scrubs that Arizona and the man were wearing, she was in light blue scrubs. Her hesitation and slight fear made it obvious that she was their inferior.
"Daisy, hi! How are you feeling?" Arizona asked, to which Daisy only shrugged. She figured she would have to use words to describe her issue, but she didn't want to.
Before she had to say anything though, the woman trailing behind beat her to it.
"Dr. Robbins?" The girl spoke up as she looked at Arizona. "With all due respect...why are we in the check up room? What happened to the appendectomy scheduled for this afternoon? I thought-"
"Being a surgeon isn't just about holding a scalpel 24/7, Dr. Wilson." Arizona regarded the woman as she sighed. She turned her attention back to Daisy, giving the girl a smile. "It's about helping the tiny humans when they need a check up. Besides, these are VIP's."
The man looked up at the word "VIP", finally regarding the girl in front of him. He frowned, looking suspiciously at Arizona. "VIP's?"
Arizona nodded, leaning in to speak quietly with him. "Dr. Sloan's kids, Alex."
The man named Alex looked over at Mark in the corner of the room, as if he had just now noticed his colleague's presence.
"Alex, this is Daisy." Arizona smiled as she proceeded with introductions. "And Daisy, this is Dr. Karev."
Alex eyed the girl cautiously, not seeming to understand what to make of her. His eyes then drifted over to the other side of the room. "One of your 'VIP's' is eating our supply."
All heads turned to face Calypso who currently had two cotton swabs hanging from her mouth. "I'm a walrus!"
Mark sighed as he made his way over to the cart where one very disappointed Calypso was waiting as a result of having been ordered to take the cotton swabs out of her mouth.
Arizona let out a faint laugh, turning her attention back to the twelve-year-old on the examination table. The girl was incredibly nervous, and Arizona picked up on that. "What seems to be the problem?"
Daisy hesitated, shifting a bit at all the unwanted attention. Everyone was looking at her expectantly, even her little sister who had now abandoned her cotton swabs and had been taken to the other side of the room, away from the supply cart.
"I, uh...I'm bleeding." Daisy spoke softly.
Arizona tilted her head, her eyes scanning over the girl's arms in search of a cut. "Where? Did you cut yourself?"
"No, no...I...um..." Daisy was uncomfortable, even more so with Alex and Mark in the room. She leaned forward a bit and spoke quietly to Arizona.
"I'm bleeding...down there." Daisy's eyes were wide with fear. She was genuinely terrified, and she knew what was happening to her couldn't be a good thing. "Am I dying?"
Alex deadpanned to Mark, and if looks could kill, Mark would be long gone. "Seriously, Sloan? You didn't think to teach your kid about puberty?"
Mark thought that aspect was covered for him though. It made sense, considering the girl didn't have a mother or an older sister. But hadn't the kid ever had a health class before?
"I'm dying, aren't I?" Daisy braced for the worst. She didn't really care if she died or not, truthfully. But she did care about what would happen to Calypso. She couldn't leave Caly by herself.
"You're not dying." Alex sighed in annoyance. "You're just having your period."
Daisy wasn't sure what punctuation had to do with any of this, but she didn't even get to ask because Alex went on a spiel.
"Look, I don't have time to teach a health education class." Alex mumbled to Arizona, showing her the tablet in his hand. "I have five hours to figure out how to get this tumor out of an undeveloped fetus. I don't have the time to deal with the birds and the bees and the...the cotton swab eater."
Alex spared Calypso a look, almost like he thought that on cue she would take a handful of cotton swabs and pretend to be a walrus again.
Calypso had a different thought though as she scanned the man's outfit. "You're not wearing a white coat. You must not be very good at your job, huh?"
Alex was slightly offended. Of course he was good at his job. He had just gotten out of a two hour surgery though, and white coats weren't exactly operating room appropriate, so it was waiting in the lounge.
Jo snorted at the girl's comment, and Alex immediately narrowed his eyes. He hated being chastised by a child, but even more so, he hated being mocked by his interns.
"Wilson, scut." Alex snapped, Jo immediately shutting up.
"But...but the appendectomy-"
"Edwards can scrub in, you're off my service." Alex mumbled as he walked past her, exiting the room.
There became a silence, Jo's sense of motivation deflated like a balloon as she thought of the appendectomy that she would no longer be able to scrub in on.
Arizona cleared her throat, focusing back on Daisy. "It's normal, I promise. You'll bleed for a few days, once a month or so. I'll give you some supplies to take home, and you'll be okay."
"Daisy's not dying?" Calypso asked cautiously, Arizona giving the six-year-old a smile.
"Daisy's not dying. She's just...becoming a woman." Arizona chuckled. Daisy didn't like the sound of that at all, growing up sounded scary. "Wilson, I'll get Daisy some supplies. You can, uh...grab the scut binder, I guess."
Jo sighed, knowing that she had a long day of paperwork and insurance calls ahead of her. Arizona left the room, leaving her alone with Mark and the girls.
"Dr. Sloan?" Jo asked cautiously. She hadn't had more than a conversation or two with the man, and he honestly intimidated her. "Do you think...I could be on your service for today?"
Mark cocked an eyebrow. "I didn't know you were into plastics."
"I am! I really am." Jo nodded eagerly.
She really wasn't.
Scut was the worst fate a surgery-hungry intern could be sentenced to though. Jo would do anything to not have to do scut, even if it meant shadowing Dr. Sloan in his plastics escapades.
Mark looked warily at Jo. He knew very well she wasn't even slightly interested in plastics.
But maybe this could solve his entire problem.
"Sure, you're on." Mark confirmed, Jo immediately lighting up.
"Really?" She asked excitedly, Mark nodding.
"Why not. I need you to watch these two for a little bit, though."
It was like Mark had popped a balloon. Jo completely deflated yet again. Of course there was a catch, there always was.
"You...want me to babysit your kids?" Jo asked as she eyed the girls. They seemed nice enough, but she just wanted to do something in the hospital. She was a good doctor, this felt like a mockery to her skills.
"Just for a little bit." Mark shrugged like it was nothing, Jo still not loving the idea. "I'm performing a big gender reassignment surgery tomorrow. Who knows, maybe if you can do this for me, you'll find yourself scrubbing in."
Jo stared at the man in awe. Using surgery as bribery? A little messed up, but Jo didn't care. A gender reassignment surgery was far cooler than any appendectomy, Jo needed to scrub in on that.
"Okay, uh...well I'll take them to the cafeteria or something." Jo smiled happily, much more eager about her tasks now.
"But Arizona still needs to..." Daisy trailed off, too embarrassed to say out loud that she still needed to wait for Arizona to come back with...supplies.
"Oh, right." Jo nodded. "We'll wait for her to get back, then."
Daisy slowly nodded, a silent lull coming across the room.
It was interrupted, however, when a shrill device rang out. It was a small device clipped to Mark's waistband, just like Daisy had seen on Cristina's waistband a few days ago.
Mark looked down at it, frowning, before looking back up. "I have to go. You guys good in here?"
"We're good, I've got it." Jo assured him. Although Mark wasn't quite sure how well the intern had it, it was sort of his only option. Daisy was way too old for the hospital nursery, and quite honestly, he wasn't sure if the nursery administrators would even let Calypso in. Jo seemed to be his best bet.
Mark nodded, sparing a look at Calypso before he left. "Don't eat anymore cotton swabs."
"I won't." Calypso sighed. She thought her walrus joke was funny, but no one else did. These people had to get better senses of humor.
Mark briskly exited the room as he went to respond to his page, leaving the girls alone with Jo. As per usual Daisy was silent, and as per usual, Calypso went on a chatting spree.
"What's your name?" The girl asked Jo curiously, Jo giving a small smile.
Calypso cocked her head at that. She hadn't heard many girls named Jo before. "As in Joseph?"
"Josephine." Jo corrected, Calypso nodding.
"Jo. I like it."
Jo smiled. She figured watching the girls wouldn't be bad at all. Way better than scut, at least.
While Jo noticed that Daisy was reserved and kept her eyes on the floor, Calypso's eyes were wandering. More particularly, her eyes were stuck on the container of cotton swabs, and Jo wondered how long it would be before the girl made two more walrus tusks.
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