《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》487-488


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Looking down, Feng Wu realized how intimate their position was…

She blushed and jumped off Jun Linyuan right away.

Jun Linyuan cleared his throat.

It felt very awkward…

Feng Wu broke the silence first.

Resting her hands on her waist, she glowered at Jun Linyuan. “What do I have to do to get that abnormal flame bead? Tell me!”

Little Phoenix was in tears.

Jun Linyuan cleared his throat and resumed his haughty manner. He then sat down on the chaise lounge and played with the abnormal flame bead in his hand before glancing at Feng Wu. “Did you forget what I told you last time?”

Last time? When was that? Feng Wu really couldn’t remember.

However, Little Phoenix remembered everything and reminded Feng Wu, “The pouch! The pouch!”

“Oh, right —” That jogged Feng Wu’s memory.

Jun Linyuan had given her a difficult task: he would trade the abnormal flame bead for a pouch.

And he wouldn’t take one of the embroidered ones her beautiful mother made, but insisted that Feng Wu had to make one herself. What kind of request was that?

Feng Wu said helplessly, “But I can’t do embroidery… plus, my hands hurt. You’re asking too much!”

After waking up in this body, she had learned a lot of things from her master, but needlework wasn’t one of them.

“Then forget about the bead.” Jun Linyuan looked at the abnormal flame bead and murmured indifferently, “I’ll consume it myself. It’ll improve my cultivation.”

“Don’t! Please don’t —” Feng Wu grabbed his sleeve. “I’ll do it! Alright?”

Jun Linyuan looked at Feng Wu and shook his head earnestly. “I thought your hands hurt. Let’s call if off.”

Feng Wu snapped, “They don’t hurt now! Really! Not at all!”

Jun Linyuan tilted his head and pondered. “I’m asking too much. That’s not right.”


Feng Wu almost burst into tears!

God damn it! Was Jun Linyuan making fun of her now?

Grabbing Jun Linyuan by his arm, Feng Wu shook her head repeatedly. “No, it’s totally fine! I love needlework, like, a lot! Trust me!”

Jun Linyuan glanced at her. “Really?”

“Yes!” Feng Wu decided to have Qiuling make one for her after she went back home. She would ask Qiuling to do it, which would be like writing with her less-used hand. Jun Linyuan wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

However, Feng Wu was still thinking about it when —

The crown prince snapped his fingers.

Feng came in with a team.

Yes, a team of people!

There were at least ten of them.

Each was holding an object, from threads and clothes to embroidery frames… Everything one could possibly need for needlework was there.

And there were fabrics of every color and every texture…

Feng Wu broke into a sweat!

Look at all those things! Had he robbed an embroidery shop?!

“It’s just a pouch. What’s the big deal? Jun Linyuan, are you trying to trick me?” Feng Wu threw a dirty look at Jun Linyuan. “If I didn’t know better, it looks like you want me to embroider a screen!”

Jun Linyuan glanced at Feng Wu arrogantly. “It’s my pouch and you need to be very serious about the job.”

That made Feng Wu drop her original plan. She had been thinking about doing it perfunctorily at first.

“What about I finish it at home…”

Jun Linyuan snorted. “Are you sure you won’t have someone do it for you? Like your maid?”

Feng Wu was speechless. How did he know?

She was going to find another excuse when Jun Linyuan pressed her down in a chair. “Do it now!”

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Feng Wu sighed in resignation, but she didn’t have any choice here. She sighed again. “… Alright.”


With a long face, Feng Wu began to cut out the fabric she needed and started her needlework.

Her beautiful mother always made sewing look so effortless, but when it was Feng Wu’s turn, why wouldn’t her stitches follow a straight line?

“You sew like a cripple trying to walk!”

Snatching the pouch out of Feng Wu’s hand, Jun Linyuan took a look, then tossed it in the bin.

Feng Wu cried out and tried to take it back. “My pouch!!!”

She had worked so hard, and after several discarded products, this was the first one that actually looked like a pouch. And he had just thrown it away like that?!

Feng Wu tried to retrieve it, but Jun Linyuan raised his hand and set the entire bin on fire.

Feng Wu was speechless.

All she could do was glare at Jun Linyuan!

The crown prince was awfully calm. Meeting Feng Wu’s angry gaze, he casually said, “Well, I still think I should consume this bead myself.”

That was the most effective threat!

“No!” Feng Wu glared at him!

This man simply wouldn’t stop threatening her!

And what was worse, his threats actually worked, for they hit Feng Wu in her sore spot.

She was so mad!

Sitting back down grumpily, Feng Wu picked up her needle again.

She had been doing the job perfunctorily and hadn’t cared about the crooked stitches. All she could think of was making one that wouldn’t fall apart.

However, Feng Wu realized now that Jun Linyuan wouldn’t let her stop until she came up with one that he was satisfied with. He would make her repeat the process until then, which would be enough to drive her crazy…

Feng Wu took a deep breath and suppressed her anger.

Fine, it was just a pouch. After all the things she had gone through in the past five years, she wasn’t going to be intimidated by a pouch!

Smart as Feng Wu was, when she put her mind to it, she could learn anything very fast.

She focused on her needlework, and in less than an hour, the pouch she made was much more presentable.

The stitches weren’t too fine by the standards of an expert, but they were already much better than the work of an ordinary embroidery worker.

Feng Wu cheerfully showed the pouch to Jun Linyuan.

“Look! Isn’t it pretty? See how close the stitches are? Not everyone can do that!” Feng Wu bragged.

But the crown prince wasn’t satisfied. He gave Feng Wu an indifferent glance. “It’s so bleak and ugly! Make another one!”

Feng Wu was speechless.

Right now, Feng Wu was in no position to fight back and she could only do as told.

Well, it was just embroidery, not rocket science.

Before long, Feng Wu showed Jun Linyuan a pouch with a few embroidered green leaves on it.

The crown prince’s face darkened. “Is that how you see me? Like leaves in the background?”

Feng Wu was speechless.

She had no choice but to make a new one from scratch. This time, she added a few pink flowers.

Jun Linyuan’s face grew darker. “Do I look like I’m into flowers? Do it again!”

Feng Wu was speechless.

This was so frustrating!

But she could only swallow her anger, snatch the pouch back, and make another one.

It went on and on until Feng Wu thought she was going to lose her mind!

Green leaves? No. Flowers? No. Animals? No. Cartoon characters? Still no. It was outrageous!

She sewed from noon to evening and was still making new pouches when the sun almost set. “No. No. No.””Are you an idiot?””What the hell is this?””Make another one!”

Feng Wu was speechless.

She couldn’t take it anymore!


Feng Wu threw a pouch on the table and glowered.

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