《Godly Empress Doctor (445+)》465-466


Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Mu the Sixth was displeased!

He was playing along with Feng Wu because she was a cool girl and his sister-in-law. Mu Yaoyao, on the other hand, was a different story. He wouldn’t stand for the princess’s temper.

Before Mu the Sixth could speak, footsteps came from outside, and by the sound of it, there was more than one person.

“Princess Mu, there you are!”

It was none other than Captain Zhou.

He was here under Lady Northern Feng’s command to take Mu Yaoyao back.

But Mu Yaoyao didn’t know that. She was thrilled to see Captain Zhou and rushed to his side despite the pain in her head. Grabbing Captain Zhou’s hand, she dragged him to Feng Wu’s side.

Mu Yaoyao then shouted at Captain Zhou, “You’re the captain of the guards of Northern Feng Mansion, so tell us, didn’t Young Lord Feng tell you this morning that he wouldn’t see her? Didn’t you shut her out of the mansion? Tell us!”

Instantly, all eyes were on Captain Zhou.

Mu Yaoyao said that Feng Wu couldn’t get into Northern Feng Mansion, but Mu the Sixth said she had gotten in. Which of the two was lying?

Captain Zhou freed his arm from Mu Yaoyao’s grasp, then stared at the princess with a stern look on his face. “Princes Mu, I’m bringing you to Lady Northern Feng on her command!”

“Why does the lady want to see me? Answer me first! Feng Wu was shut out of Northern Feng Manor, wasn’t she?!”

Mu Yaoyao insisted.

It was pivotal to her argument.

Confirming it would in turn prove that she, Mu Yaoyao, wasn’t lying. Hence, the others would believe everything else she said about Feng Wu.

However, Captain Zhou only gave Mu Yaoyao a brooding look. “Miss Feng Wu did get in.”



The looks the others gave Mu Yaoyao changed.

Even Captain Zhou had said so, which meant that Mu Yaoyao was lying. She was deliberately slandering Feng Wu!

Mu the Sixth smirked, while Ye Yafei and the others frowned…

Mu Yaoyao was exasperated. Grabbing Captain Zhou, she tried to slap him. “She paid you off, didn’t she?! How much did she give you? I’ll double it!”

But as the captain of the guards, Zhou dodged her strike easily.

Taking Mu Yaoyao’s wrist, Captain Zhou stared at her with cold eyes.

He hadn’t planned to tell them what Lady Northern Feng said, but Mu Yaoyao was asking for it!

“Miss Mu, you’re suspected of defaming Miss Feng Wu outside the gate of Northern Feng Mansion, and her ladyship ordered me to bring you to her for questioning!”

Wow —

Everyone, especially Ye Yafei and her people, exchanged looks with one another.

They had envied Mu Yaoyao for that invitation in the beginning, for it was from Lady Northern Feng.

But now, Ye Yafei and the others all backed away from Mu Yaoyao.

So, Mu Yaoyao had been lying after all and she had made up all those things about Feng Wu…

Mu the Sixth was reassured.

He knew it. He knew he had heard correctly. His Brother Feng was indeed in love with Feng Wu. See? Even Lady Northern Feng was on her side.

Mu Yaoyao was so dead!

Bursting into angry tears, Mu Yaoyao screamed, “You’re all in it together! You’re all working against me!”

With her frantic manner, her bloody forehead, and her greasy clothes… she looked worse than a beggar.

One would never imagine that a princess could look like this.

“Yaoyao, why are you yelling?”

A voice came from the distance.

Mu the Sixth shuddered at once!

It couldn’t be…

“Your Royal Highness —”


Mu the Sixth was right. It was indeed the emperor’s third daughter, the obstinate royal princess. Despite his reluctance, Mu the Sixth had to greet her with a bow.

Henyee Translations Henyee Translations

Jun Wuxia was the third princess of the royal family and the empress’s own daughter. As the most beloved daughter of her parents, she had grown into a spoilt and willful girl.

The royal princess arrived with a large entourage, for that was what she was used to.

Attended by that crowd, Jun Wuxia walked in, looking bemused. “Mu the Sixth, where’s Mu Yaoyao? She was with me one minute and gone the next.”

So, Mu Yaoyao came with Jun Wuxia today.

Mu the Sixth darted a glance at Feng Wu, feeling apprehensive… Things could probably turn very nasty for her today.

“Princess, help —” Mu Yaoyao cried so hard that she almost passed out. She rushed to Jun Wuxia’s side and wrapped her arms around the latter’s leg.

Her voice almost tore the roof open —

Ye Yafei and the others looked at one another in bewilderment. Never had they expected to meet someone as big as Princess Jun Wuxia!

They lowered their heads and kept very still —

Feng Wu was so dead!

This was great!

Ye Yafei thought to herself.

Jin Yuntao was worried sick… Princess Jun Wuxia was such a superior figure that he felt all hope was lost.

What were they supposed to do now?

Before Jun Wuxia could recognize Mu Yaoyao, a stalwart granny kicked Mu Yaoyao away with great force!

Meanwhile, that granny, Granny Yue, pulled Princess Jun Wuxia behind her and cried out, “Watch out, Your Royal Highness!”

Poor Mu Yaoyao —

That was the second time she had been kicked in such a short period of time!

Whoosh —

Thud —

Mu Yaoyao smashed into the wall again and she almost passed out in pain!

Shaken, Princess Jun Wuxia turned around and glared at Yan Yue. “How could you let a beggar into World Tower? This is a respectable establishment! You haven’t been doing your job properly! Throw her out now!”

Yan Yue was speechless.

Mu the Sixth didn’t know what to say.

Ye Yafei was equally speechless.

No one made a sound and it was very awkward.

Mu Yaoyao wanted to dig a hole and bury herself inside! She had never been this humiliated!

While the others kept their silence, Chaoge burst out laughing.

“Hahahaha — Mu Yaoyao, Princess Jun Wuxia wants to throw you out. Hahahaha —”

Mu Yaoyao was so ashamed that she wanted to slip away before Jun Wuxia recognized her in that miserable state. However, her hopes were shattered by Chaoge.

“Mu Yaoyao?” Princess Jun Wuxia’s eyes widened in surprise.

Her entourage was equally shocked!

All eyes were on Mu Yaoyao now.

Mu Yaoyao felt her cheeks burn and the embarrassment ate at her. In the end, she closed her eyes and pretended to pass out.

But Granny Yue wouldn’t let her!

She would be the one to blame if Mu Yaoyao fainted!

Hence, Granny Yue quickly went up to Mu Yaoyao and picked her up as easily as if she was handling a chicken.

Meanwhile, Granny Yue sent out a streak of spiritual essence from the tip of her finger.

Mu Yaoyao felt as if electricity was running through her veins!

She grumbled.

Granny Yue snorted inwardly. The girl wanted to blame her for this? In her dreams!

Mu Yaoyao wanted to kill Granny Yue, but since she couldn’t pretend to pass out now, she had to go with the beaten-up girl act.

“Princess Jun Wuxia, help… help me. I’m Yaoyao —” Mu Yaoyao pleaded between broken sobs and sounded very pitiful.

“It does sound like her. Show me her face —” Princess Jun Wuxia commanded Granny Yue.

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