《The March of the Black Queen (book III)》17.) 1, 2, 3 Precisely
His fingertips retrace the paths he's known so well for so long. He knows just how to touch me.
My back begins to arch at his touch when he slips his cool fingers right down the center of my folds. I start to circle my hips, my ass right on his hardening staff.
His lips brush against my ear as he blows a whirl of hot breath into my eardrum, sending shivers down my spine.
"You don't know how badly I've needed you, darling," his whisper is a husky groan, laced with a seductive ecstasy that make my nipples pop beneath my shirt.
He starts to grind his rock hard cock against my butt, just as his fingers dive into my panties, expanding the entrance of my soaking wet pussy. My reply is a breathless gasp. I feel my impending orgasm already beginning to build up from the depth of his reach.
"You like that, darling? Oooooh, you're so tight and wet for me... Did you miss Papi...tell me you missed me darling— ,"
I can hardly respond through my long moans of pleasure, "I ...neeeeed you, Papi!.... I crave you— I mi-mi-missed YOU S-So MUCHH! Arghhhh GOD!,"
He starts to suck the skin of my neck in a rough manner, the sound of his lips sucking on me drives me wild with anticipation.
"Stay with me, darling....hello?," i can't feel his fingers in me anymore, as I try desperately to grind against him. The sweet swirls of his tongue against my earlobe stops.
"Mmmm, Papi don't-don't st-op...don't-,"
"Hello!! Wake up, Cherie!,"
My eyes shoot open and I'm pulled away from my fantasy in the fastest most torturous way ever possible!
"Rose!!!," I groan into the pillow that I've stuffed in front of my face upon seeing Rose sitting at the end of the bed.
She giggles in response and I hope to god I wasn't talking in my sleep!
"Wet dream there, huh?," She smiles the largest teasing smile that only she could make me laugh with.
I chuckle back at her, "Yeah, way to ruin it! Go away!," I throw the pillow at her and she catches it just as quickly.
"You don't mean that! I can make your dream come true," She shakes her head, smiling while getting up to walk towards the door.
"No way can you possibly-,"
She swings the door open to reveal the hardened, tear soaked face of one Freddie Mercury.
"H-Hello, Angel...May I come in?," He asks hesitantly. He stares at Rose as if asking her permission as well.
You can "cum in" anything you'd like, Papi-
Rose leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Leaving just the two of us alone.
"I'm sorry I didn't call or visit today. I- I uh, I'm still trying to process. I just had to see you, again. I'm...I'm really still struggling to believe-,"
He begins to take steps closer to me, by the time he's at my bed side, I interrupt his words with my mouth on his. Climbing onto my knees, I grip the collar of his shirt, pressing his chest against mine.
My hands move up to cup his face as his hands grab both sides of my hips. His moan is like a roar, making the inside of my mouth and throat tremble with the rumbling echo.
His hands push my hips back, breaking our lips apart. "I'm sorry—it's late," He says in a low voice, not meeting my eyes. This I find to be extremely suspicious. I want his eyes to devour me, to take me in and allow me to stare into the one soul that has ever made me feel completely at home.
"It's not too late," I smile up at him, letting my arms swoop behind his neck. I start to brush the back of his head, his hair cut is shorter than ever before.
His halfway smirk is not a true smile. His eyes still don't look directly into mine and the worry knot forming in my gut lets me know that my intuition is taking this all as an incredibly crippling warning sign.
"Papi? What's wrong? Aren't you...Aren't you glad that I'm here?," I gulp after asking my question. Whatever he says, I've got to remember that he's been through so much torment. So much. Too much that any one man should ever go through.
"Of course!," My response instantly flies out of my mouth without having to take one single second to think about it. "I've wanted you back with me every minute of every day, mi amor. You are my everything.."
She's staring at me with suspicion in her eyes. I swear she can read me like a book. She can see all of my lies if I dare to speak one to her at all. So I have to keep the truth on my tongue, no matter how bitter it tastes.
The truth is I still haven't broken things off with Jim. Though, I'm not stupid enough to leave my children in his care again. I felt the strong urge to see Cherie and to hold her in my arms. She used to be my baby, my Angel, my pride and joy- I'm scared that if she comes back into my life again, and into the lives of our children...there'll inevitably be more pain. More heartache. More drama.
And I've had just about as much as I could ever possibly handle. I'm not ready for more.
"I've brought Richie, Charlie and Lily...I still haven't told them, but...I was thinking it'd be better to do with everyone here for support. And then maybe...if they choose... you can see them..,"
I feel like a fool for going about it in this way, but I couldn't think of another solution. This whole situation is out of the ordinary, obviously. I don't know if I'd be able to handle whatever reactions they will have. I don't even know if I've fully reacted yet.
The one thing I didn't expect is the bloody intrusion.
"Fred- Uh, Jim's here," Brian announces through the door after a couple of gentle taps.
Instantly, I feel Cherie's whole body tense in my arms. She bites her lower lip while staring at the door. When her eyes finally find mine, I can't bare to look away from her.
She can see right through me.
"You-You're still with Jim?," She asks while casually dropping her arms from around my neck. The action leaves me feeling empty and incomplete.
I nod my head, dropping my eye line to the bed, but I can still feel her eyes studying me.
"Okay.," She says as she stands from the bed and picks up a pair of pants from the floor to slip into.
Staring at her in her underwear makes me want to squeeze her against me. I want to feel the warmth of her naked skin on mine...
Why is this so difficult? I don't want to erase the memories, but how do we get back there?
She leaves the room without another word, not even a stare in my direction. I cup the front of my jeans with a firm grip before stepping out after her. My body knows how to naturally respond to just the sight of her- what the fuck is holding my heart back now?
It doesn't take long at all for me to realize my mistake in the haste that I walked away from Freddie. I walked away in a fit of anger like some kind of immature asshole, not even thinking clearly!
The consequence of my sudden mistake becomes clear as soon as their loud gasps reach my ears!
"MUMMY?!?," My babies scream at the top of their lungs as they come barreling towards me.
By pure instinct, my body responds by bending down to capture them in my arms. I loop them together, tightly against my chest. We openly sob in front of everyone, as I try desperately to pull myself together. I wipe away their streams of tears, but the water works have started to pour out all across the room on the faces of all that bare witness to our reunion.
"MU-MUH mummy! Mummy!," Richie is struggling with his breathing. My poor little prince is not so little anymore.
Charlie's wailing cries break the heart of all around us. My precious pearl, she can't even stop for words as she clings her arms around my neck.
I squeeze them tighter, forgetting the watchful eyes of our family. "I love you so much, my little darlings! How I've missed you!! I love you! I love you! I love you!,"
Suddenly, I feel the familiar embrace of two long, strong arms from behind me. Freddie's arms wrap around the three of us and I can hear his sniffling in my ear, before his arms stiffen and his grip loosens.
Opening my eyes to see what caused such a reaction, the culprit is right before me. Holding my baby girl in his arms, is Jim.
He bends down by us, The Mercury Family, and tries to plop lily down beside us. But she refuses to let him go.
"Come now, Lily darling...This is your mummy...," His tone is loving and full of care. I can already see the bond between him and my daughter. I can't be selfish here.
Freddie stands to his feet and reaches for Lily, who accepts his arms with no resistance. My eyes lock on Jim's before he stands up. It feels like there's a secret message in his eyes and I don't know which way to take it. I give him a small side ways smile as he stands up. My arms are hurting from the pressure I use to wrap my twins against me. They're little hands have yet to let me go.
"I missed you, Mummy," Charlie finally speaks, and I notice her little lisp has gone away. I've missed so much! They're so big now!
"Come on, Lily!! This is our mummy!," Charlie stands to her feet, reaching her hand up to Lily who turns away and clings to Freddie's shoulders.
"Come on baby, I'm not leaving— I promise," I whisper into Richie's ear. His hair is cut much shorter now. His beautiful curls are still there, but not as long as before.
He nods his little head, pulling my face into the palms of his hands. He quickly meets my eyes and closes his, kissing me on the lips as he squeezes my cheeks.
I can't help but smile at my little prince! What a great boy he's always been! My heart wants to explode at this very moment. Being reunited with my babies is the greatest gift on Earth!
I stand to my feet, Richie holding my hand the entire time as I try to persuade my little Lily to at least look at me.
"Hi, princess. I'm your mummy.... I love you...," I use a soft, soothing tone even though my pulse is sky rocketing.
She curls her head into the crook of Freddie's neck as he massages her back with a gentle hand. I extend my arms out for her to jump into, but she does the exact opposite. She screams a cry so loud, it makes me take several steps back.
With the twins hands in mine, I look in front of us to see what looks like an already perfectly made family. Lily is flailing her arms about, still crying real tears and reaching out for Jim to hold her.
As he takes her into his arms, she lays her head on his shoulder and instantly relaxes. Freddie's eyes watch my face the entire time, I can see him staring at me through the corner of my eyes, but I am fixated on Lily and Jim.
Jim turns away from us, walk in a few paces away while humming a little tune in her ear. Even her breathing relaxes as he starts to sing.
"🎶It's a little bit funny...
This feeling insiiiiide....,"🎶
I didn't expect myself to let out a loud sob at his singing, but that's my song!!!
And my little baby is responding to it. She's comforted by it. A song I used to sing to her for the weeks she was kept in the hospital. A song I wrote while falling in love with her father.
I can read the strain in Freddie's face. His face is turning more than a few shades paler. His brow is furrowed and his teeth sink into his bottom lip as his hands begin to fidget, twisting his fingers together in a clasp.
"We-we'll be in the kitchen!," Rose announces loudly, finally feeling awkward I suppose.
"Yeah, we all better get going. But, we'll come by again tomorrow," Ronnie excuses herself and the rest follow through. Each of them give me and the twins hugs and quick kisses on our heads as they leave through the front door.
"Jim. Give me my daughter," Freddie's voice comes out as a firm command. Something I didn't expect at all.
But Jim obeys him in an instant. He passes lily back to Freddie and as Freddie walks towards me Lily's whimpers begin again.
"It's okay sissy...shhhh...don't be scared," Richie speaks up. He's always been so adoring of Charlie, of course he'd be the same way for both of his sisters.
Freddie hurriedly presses Lily in to my arms, like ripping off a bandaid you'd think the reaction would pass quickly. But it doesn't. I let go of the twins hands and cradle Lily who is using all of her strength to keep me at arms length. Her tiny hands push against my chest, and then my face as I try to speak gently to her.
"Lily darling...please. It's okay, my love," She cries and turns in my arms, reaching her hands out for Jim who stands idly by looking awkward and lost.
"🎶So Excuse me forgetting..
But these things I do...
See I've forgotten if they're
Green or they're-,"🎶
I try to sing to her, but it only makes it worse as she starts to pull at my hair and lets out blood curdling screams.
I can no longer stand to torture her or anyone else for that matter. Freddie has been standing beside Jim, who is now trying to soothe him. He's tearing up at the sight of our youngest bub rejecting me. All I want is for her to let me love her.
I walk on over to them, Freddie and Jim, and give Lily to Jim. He stares at me with a sorry look in his eyes, but I catch the little smirk beneath his mustache. I bet he's loving this. He wins.
"Jim dear-," I cough sporadically at my accidental slip, "uhm, can you please take Lily into the kitchen"
Jim nods once and leaves the room, Lily quietly in his arms. I shuffle my feet at bit and feel my cheeks pink up. I feel embarrassed underneath her glare. She has every right to be angry with me.
"Darlings...," I say, addressing Charlie and Richie. I look down at them. Their little hands clutch into Cherie's hips. "We have to get going soon. It's very late and we will see Mummy tomorrow," I softy smile at them.
"No, Papi. I'm staying with Mummy.," Charlie stomps one foot on the ground, her arm around Cherie and the other planted sassily on her own hip.
"Please, Papi! I want to stay, too!," Richie chimes in. His big brown eyes still spilling tear drops every time he blinks up at me.
I can't deny them their mother. They've all waited so long. And, I mean, so have it, so what exactly am I doing? I don't know what to do!
"Please, Freddie let them stay. They'll sleep next to me. Please.," Cherie asks with a hoarse voice. It's a trembling tenor and I can tell she's trying to remain strong after what just happened with Lily.
My jaw clenches in response to my family pleading in front of me. They aren't on their hands and knees or anything, but they may as well be.
"Ready, Freddie?," Jim walks back out of the kitchen, coming down the hallway towards us with Lily in his arms now fast asleep.
I can't look back at Cherie. I can't witness what her face must look like in this moment.
Jim briskly walks passed us, "I'll wait in the car with Lily," I can hear the venomous jealousy in his voice and I don't really appreciate it right now.
When the front door closes behind him, I bend to the twins level, still not looking at Cherie.
"If you're going to sleepover, how's about your ask Uncle Roger first?," I smile at them when they respond with happy faces. They bound towards the kitchen, skipping all the way.
"They're so happy- they took this all much better than I expected," I comment while looking at the kitchen door swing once the twins enter the kitchen.
"You can't even look at me can you? Do I cause you that much pain?," She asks, her voice cracking in the process.
I turn to her now, finally unable to resist touching her. I reach for her hands and grab them in mine, but I feel her fingers slipping away as she steps back from me.
"It's okay, Freddie. Take your time. I'm not going anywhere..," She folds her arms underneath her bosom, hiding her hands away from me now.
I want more than anything to just hold her. For us to be a happy family again. It's all I've ever thought about!! And now, my mind is confused? How! How is this happening!? How is she back!?
"I have a secret to tell you, too. Maybe it'll um..help you make up your mind...," It's her that can't match my eyes now. She looks down at her feet, shifting uncomfortably at the topic.
"There's nothing you can say that'll make me not love you, Angel. I...I just...I'm sorry, but I just don't want to hurt Jim. He's been...well, he's been a great help to me and I mean, especially with Lily. And me, I was a mess when I met him! I was a mess over losing you and I thought I'd never see you again!! It's still processing in my mind and I can't for the life of me-,"
She interrupts my ongoing rant with three little words that at first I'm not sure I hear clearly. But once reality slaps me in the face, all I see is red...
"Freddie... I'm pregnant,"
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