《♡Let The Poems twinkle..♡》Family!!


Families are big, families are small

No matter what they always stand tall!

Families are built with love and sacrifices

Which worths infinite prices..

Families are filled with memories

Of joy, laughter, tears and stories,

A nuclear family is like a flower's Patel's!

Where the fights of husband and wife always settles;

A joint family is like a bouquet of flowers!

Where ultimate fun and frolic showers!!

Family always holds a special place

which will never be replace,

Their absence are annoying and presence are middling

They are the sibling!

The sibling's sharing and caring

Makes the family more glaring,

The parents Warm hug and scold

Makes the life bold,

Family is the life's heart

Which can never get apart,

They are the most caressing

And having a family is a tremendous blessing.

- Akanksha Parasad

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