《The Iron Monster{Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}》Chapter 8


The entire guild of Phantom Lord was here, all barging into our guild through the roof. Gajeel kept me behind him, growling at the intruders. Because of his protection, I couldn't exactly get a good look at everyone.

"Levy, when I tell ya to, I want ya to run to yer house, got it?" he told me.


"Just do what I say, okay?! I don't want ya to get hurt!" he told me in a more stern tone.

I sighed, defeated. "Fine. . ."

A dark chuckle was then heard, causing everyone to glance in the direction of that laugh. Jose was standing there, powerful and dark magic aura surrounding his frame. His gaze was focused primarily on Gajeel. "So, you decided to leave us for the lowly Fairy Tail guild, eh?"

"I've had more fun for the week I've been here than the lifetime I've been with ya," my mate growled out, backing up slightly as to shield me more from his old Guild Master.

Jose only chuckled even more. "I'm hurt, Gajeel. I practically raised you as my own son, and here you are, betraying me with my sworn enemy. Is she really that good in bed?"

A blush formed on my cheeks, my mind wandering to our activities from last night. Gajeel didn't seem phased by any of it, only growling louder. "She's my mate, and ya know what. Since yer about to die anyways, ya might as well know somethin'. My shrimp is hella good in bed!"

With that said, he leaped forward, punching Jose in the face. His hands had transformed into metal pillars at the last second, causing Jose to spit a couple of teeth out. "If that's how you're going to play, Gajeel, then I accept this battle!"


In a flash, both guilds were in an all-out battle. Knowing that I couldn't do much, I crawled over the bar counter and hid inside one of the shelves. Gajeel didn't want me fighting, and I didn't want to be a reason for him to lose any of the fights that he would be participating in. However, this plan was ruined when a guild member from Phantom Lord leaned over the counter, smiling evilly when he saw me.

"So you're the one who stole our dragon slayer away from us, eh? Well, I might as well kill you now and we can win Kurogane back over somehow," he mused, grabbing me roughly and yanking me out of my hiding spot.

Glaring at him, I used my magic ability to write fire in the air, tossing the word onto the guy and lighting him on fire.

"Argh! You brat!" he yelped out, dropping me and rolling on the ground to put the fire out.

I used this opportunity to run away, heading straight towards the battle. Natsu and Gajeel were fighting together against Jose, with Master Makarov's help. An unfamiliar blunette was aiding Gray against one of the Phantom Lord Guild Members. Lucy was currently using her celestial keys against our enemies herself, and it made me realize something. Everyone except for myself was fighting, and it caused guilt to flood through me. I needed to fight for the sake of my guild. These were my nakama, and they needed my help, no matter how weak I was!

Growling slightly, I used my solid script magic, writing various words in the air. 'Fire' 'Lightning' 'Poison' 'Swords', and any words that I could think of that would result in serious injury towards the opposing side. One of the Phantom Lord guild members lashed out at me, cutting me across the cheek. Glaring at him, I sent another one of my destructive words flying towards him, injuring him enough as to where it knocked him out. Glancing around, I gasped when I saw that Jose had Gajeel in his grip, slowly crushing his wind-pipes. Natsu was knocked out, and Makarov had hardly any energy left to fight back.


"Gajeel!!" I called out, realizing my mistake too late.

Jose glanced over at me, smirking in delight. "Ahh, there she is. Miss McGarden, a pleasure to see you, yes?"

He frightened me quite a bit, but I held my ground. "Let him go, Jose! I'm the one who caused your guild to lose its dragon slayer. It's me you want to kill, not Gajeel."

"Hmm, well you do make a very good point," he said, dropping Gajeel without a care.

My mate coughed up a little blood, looking up at me with tearful eyes. "Shrimp, d-don't..."

I smiled towards him. "I love you."

He smiled back, a tear rolling down his face. "I love ya too, Levy."

"This is really disgusting," Jose grumbled out as he grabbed hold of me, digging his sharp nails into my skin, causing me to cry out.

"Let her go, you greedy moron!" Gajeel griped out, shakily standing to his feet.

Jose chuckled darkly, squeezing the breath out of me. "Oh? And what are you going to do about it?"

A sob escaped from my mouth. "G-Gajeel, help...p-please!"

As if my plea set something off, a loud roar escaped from my mates mouth. A very powerful aura surrounded him, circling Gajeel like a cyclone. His skin hardened into iron, jet black in color, and his hair grew wilder and thicker. His eyes brightened into a glowing purple, and his fangs elongated. Even Jose gasped at this transformation.

"What is this?! You've never had such a form before!" Jose yelled out, growling slightly, though I could easily sense the fear in his voice.

Gajeel chuckled, his voice even deeper and more raspy than usual. "My ultimate form, something I've had no use for until now. Jet Black Iron Dragon Mode!"

My eyes widened at this. The power that was being emitted from Gajeel was unlike anything I've ever felt. Even Natsu's dragon force didn't emit a power this concentrated.

His purple eyes narrowed at the sight of Jose choking me. "Put my mate down, Jose."

The evil guild master chuckled. "And if I don't?"

"I'll make yer death even more painful!" Gajeel roared out, freeing me from Jose's hold in a matter of seconds.

His jet black iron claws made short work of the guild master, his now enhanced speed giving Jose no chance to fight back. Blood spluttered everywhere, making me nauseated. We usually never had battles that end in a blood bath, something Gajeel would have to learn.

The Phantom Lord guild members ceased their fighting when they realized that their master was dead, all fleeing away.

I rushed over to Gajeel, pulling him away from the bloody corpse and wrapping my arms around him, feeling his iron scales retreating to reveal his usual tanned skin again. A soft laugh was heard as large arms wrapped around me.

"Are ya alright, Shrimp?" he asked.

I smiled, kissing his bare chest.

"I'm perfectly fine now."

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