《The Iron Monster{Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}》Chapter 5


A/N Hi, guys! I will be updating this story every other day hopefully, so bear with me. Please vote, comment, share, follow, and spray the Gajevy love!

"So. . .you get motion sickness too? It must be a dragon slayer thing, I guess."

Gajeel and I were currently on the train that was heading towards a nearby town. From there, we would have to hike up the neighboring mountain, where the cave was located. According to the job quest, there was a hidden treasure located through a secret passage. But in order to gain access to that secret passage, we had to know exactly how. The problem with this was the fact that the instructions written on the wall of the cave were written in an ancient language that hardly anyone understood. Luckily for Gajeel, unluckily for myself, I happened to have knowledge of this language. I could read it, write it, and speak it very fluently.

Gajeel's face was tinted green, and he was sweating profusely. I almost wanted to laugh at him, but I knew that he'd probably harm and/or kill me for doing that. He was a terrifying monster, one that I was stuck with for probably the rest of my life. My comrades would probably try to look for me, but now, I was beginning to doubt that they'd ever find me.

A gasp escaped my mouth when Gajeel suddenly laid his head on my lap. A bright blush coated my cheeks, and I started to shake some. Knowing how strong he was, I knew that I wouldn't be able to pry him off of me. "U-um, Gajeel. . .?"

"Yea Shrimp?" he asked in a groan, nuzzling his face deeper into my abdomen, which caused me to blush even more.

"Y-you're, um. . .well, you know. . .too close. . ." I stumbled out, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of my face.


He chuckled a little. "Too close ta what, gihi." With a hint of a smirk, he bit down on my thigh, licking the wound before glancing upwards, "I don't think I'm close enough, ta be honest with ya, gihi."

Tears welled in my eyes from the pain of the bite and from him harassing me like this. Had he no decency towards women? "P-please. . ."

"Beggin' for me now, aren't ya? Too bad we're in public, or I'd give ya one hell of an experience," he winked at me, before turning green again and gagging.

I rolled my eyes, pushing him off of my lap while he was at his weakest. "Baka. . ."


I leaped off of the train at the exact moment it stopped, needing to have at least a few seconds away from that iron hearted jerk. Pulling my dress down, I glanced around at the town. It wasn't as big as Magnolia, but it wasn't a small town either, right in the middle I'd say. Behind the town rested a large mountain, the mouth of the cave easy to spot from my current location. I just couldn't figure out how we could even climb the mountain. It seemed very dangerous, but this was Phantom Lord. They didn't care about support and friendship. All they cared about was making their jewel and ruining people's lives.

"Don't run from me again, Shrimp. Ya got it?!" Gajeel growled lowly towards me, picking me up by the fabric of my dress.

I screamed slightly, kicking my feet in the air. "Hey! L-let me go!!"

He smirked, dropping me back on the ground. I whimpered slightly when my knee scraped again the stone pathway that we were on, blood seeping from the tiny cuts.

"Alright, Sweetheart. Listen up, I'm gonna do all the climbing, and yer gonna ride on my back. I ain't gonna let yer pretty little feet get all blistered up," he explained to me, rushing through the town.


I caught up with him, blushing at the fact that he's trying to do something considerate for once, besides buying me a bunch of things. "Um, thank you. . ."

"No problem, Shrimp. I need ya as beautiful as possible when we go back to Phantom Lord to get the reward. I'm gonna rub yer beauty in all the guy's faces! They're gonna be so jealous that I gotta hot girlfriend and they don't!" he laughed out, leading me towards the forests that were behind the small town.

I spotted odd little creatures scurrying about, but I ignored them. My face was probably so red that I could put Natsu's fire to shame.

Natsu. . .

He was probably worried about Lucy, no, was worried about Lucy. They were so close, and she was just. . .taken from him. I knew that he loved her as more than a friend. He asked me to help him think of ways to confess to her and to keep it a secret.

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Shortie?"

I glanced over at him, startled that he had a look of actual worry on his face. I sighed. "Just. . .friends."

"Friends huh? Well, you can make new friends! I think you would get along with my best friend, Juvia! I'll tell her to come by tha house and keep ya company one day. Maybe you two can go out and do girl stuff sometime. . ." he offered, patting the top of my head.

I started becoming confused. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

He sighed. "I've always wanted ta be nice to you, even back when I beat the crap out of you and nailed ya to that tree. I didn't hurt ya because I wanted to. I had to. Jose has eyes everywhere on us, except when we go out on missions outside of Magnolia. He can't spy on us past Magnolia. Why did ya really think I wanted ya to come along with me, huh?"

I shrugged. "To help you with decoding the instructions?"

"Shrimp, I have a book on decoding ancient languages. I don't like to read, but I will if I have to. Levy, I brought you with me because I. . .I wanna show ya my soft side, the part of me that I held onto for my mate . . .you."

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