《Relief》Alternative Ending
I had known that Drew was keeping something from me, but for him to not tell me that I couldn't have any more children wasn't what I had expected. It had taken a few weeks, but I finally encouraged Drew to let us go to see the fertility doctor and it was only then, once I had parked the car at the clinic, that he came out and told me why he was so against us having another baby. In that moment, I hated my husband. I simply started the car and drove back home, in silence.
'Kate, talk to me,' Drew begged as I got our of the car and stormed into the house.
'What is there to talk about, huh?' I yelled, rounding on him. 'Did you not think that I should've known before now that I couldn't have any more kids? Or were you just being selfish again? Like you always seem to be at the moment. I can't even spend the day with Austin without you getting jealous. Tell me, Andrew, is this how it's always been for us?' I sat on the cuddle chair, where Bruce was lay, and mindlessly stroked his ears.
'Sure, I get jealous, but how is that a bad thing?' I eyed him as he sat down on the sofa.
'Because it makes me feel like you don't trust me. And my nan always had a saying that where there's no trust, there's no love.' I stood up and walked towards the stairs, then turned back around.
'Where are you going?'
'I think we need some time apart. I'll go and pack a bag for me and AJ and I'll go and stay with Austin for a little while. Maybe then you might trust me.'
'Fine. Then I won't be staying either,' he replied, standing up and walking right out the front door, slamming the door behind him and causing a photo frame to fall off the wall and break. I walked over to where the broken frame lay on the floor and picked it up to examine it. It was a photo of Drew and I when we first got engaged, 14 years ago.
After cleaning up the broken glass, I took the stairs two at a time, entered the master bedroom and opened the closet. Grabbing my carry on suitcase from the top shelf, I quickly packed a few outfits, nightwear, under garments and my laptop, charging cable and phone charger into it, then zipped it up. Leaving my bag in the bedroom, I walked across the hall to AJ's room and packed some clothes for him, along with his favourite book and his cuddly lion. Putting his little suitcase on the floor, I pulled up the handle and wheeled it out of his nursery, went back into my bedroom and did the same with mine, closing the bedroom door behind me.
'Bruce, come on boy,' I called to our 8 month old German Shepherd as I descended the back staircase. Bruce came darting out of the downstairs bathroom and skidded to a halt at the kitchen island. Leaving the suitcases in the kitchen, I walked into the utility room, grabbed Bruce's leash and harness and then proceeded to put his harness on him. 'We're going to stay with Austin for a little bit,' I said, like the dog could actually understand what I was saying. 'Have a little adventure, me, you and AJ.'
'Woof!' came his reply. I picked up my backpack off the island, making sure it had everything I needed in it, grabbed the suitcases and left the house via the side door. After I had put all the bags into the trunk and got Bruce settled in the passenger seat, I climbed into the driver's seat, started the engine and backed out of the garage. Drew's car was gone, meaning that he had probably gone for a drive to clear his head. When my cell phone had hooked up to the car's Bluetooth, I scrolled through my phone book and hit call on Austin's name.
'Hey girl, what's up?' he said when he answered.
'Where are you?'
'I'm at PC at the minute, we're going to head to Fran's for lunch soon.'
'Can I stay with you for a while?' I asked, tears spilling over. I pulled up onto the side of the road to calm myself down. 'Drew and I had a fight and he stormed out.'
'Of course you can baby girl.'
'I have Bruce with me and I'm just about to go and pick AJ up from Cary's. I'll be with you about 1.30 ish.'
'Have you eaten today?'
'Okay, I'll get you a sandwich and a shake from Fran's and meet you at PC.'
'Thanks Austin. I'll see you soon.'
'See you later baby girl.' I hit the end call button and tried to compose myself. When I had finally stopped crying, I continued driving.
Around 15 minutes later, I pulled into the underground garage of Cary's apartment block and parked in a space. I opened the passenger window for Bruce, got out and locked the SUV. Taking the elevator to the 9th floor, I sent a group text to Austin, Bobby, Kyle and Roddy, asking about doing pizza night. I exited on Cary's floor, walked down the corridor to her apartment and knocked on the door. There was no answer after a moment or two, so I fished out the key I had been given in case of emergencies and opened the door. AJ was sat on the sofa, watching Paw Patrol.
'Mama,' he said when he saw me and did his grabby hands.
'Hey baby.' I picked him up and kissed his head. 'Where's Cary?'
'No, Daddy isn't with me baby. We're going to stay with uncle Austin for a little while.' I put AJ back down on the sofa and wandered back to where Cary's bedroom was. As I opened the bedroom door, I was greeted with a sight that I never thought I would ever see. Turning around and retracing my steps, tears falling again, I picked AJ up, grabbed his little backpack that was on the kitchen counter and walked out of the apartment.
By the time I got to the Performance Center a couple of hours later, I had calmed down a little, but was still in shock. Bobby was stood waiting for me when I arrived, he got Bruce out of the passenger seat whilst I unbuckled AJ from his car seat. We walked in silence into the building and down to UE's dressing room. As soon as Bobby closed the door, I put AJ down and crumpled onto the floor, sobbing.
'Hey, Kate, what's wrong?' Bobby asked, lifting my chin with his finger. He was so close that I could smell his cologne, mixed with sweat. I silently cursed myself for thinking that he smelled really good. I looked into his eyes as his lips came crashing onto mine. I couldn't push him away. I needed this to erase what I saw. I clasped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me, my back flush on the floor with Bobby on top of me. I could feel him hardening against my core and it made me want him even more, knowing that he wanted me too. Neither of us heard the door open, or Bobby's faction buddies enter the room, until AJ shouted 'Unky Austin.' Bobby and I broke apart, not before he whispered, 'this isn't over,' in my ear. Bobby helped me upright and pulled me in front of him, probably to hide the massive boner he was now sporting.
'What the hell?' Austin said, sitting down on the couch next to AJ. 'You guys are fucking? Katelyn is the hottie you've been fucking?'
'What? No!' Bobby replied, quite defensively.
'How long has this been going on?'
'It hasn't,' I answered. Taking a deep breath, I elaborated on what happened. 'So, you know I said that Drew and I had a fight?' Austin nodded. 'Well, I went to Cary's to pick AJ up and saw Cary and Drew in bed together.'
'What caused you to argue?' Roddy asked. 'You guys are the strongest couple we know. We didn't think you ever argued.'
'Obviously you all know what's been going on these last few months. After the Hall of Fame ceremony, I suggested to Drew that we try for another baby. We went to the fertility clinic this morning to see a specialist, but when we got to the hospital, Drew decided to tell me that I can't have any more kids because I had a hysterectomy last year. I kinda knew he was hiding something from me, but didn't know that it would be something this big. I drove us home, we argued and I told him that I needed some time away from him, Drew stormed out and I went to pack a couple of bags. That's when I called you to ask if we could stay with you.'
'Shit, that is bad,' Bobby said, pulling me into a hug from behind and, discreetly, kissed the back of my neck.
'You can stay as long as you like,' Austin confirmed. I tossed my keys to him.
'I'll let you drive us home then,' I smiled.
I'm not going to lie, it felt weird being back in Orlando, especially given the fact that this was Drew's house, the one he brought after we split up in 2014. But it wasn't Drew's house anymore, Austin bought it from him a few months ago. The house was still the same, apart from the largest spare bedroom, which Austin had converted into a games room, and there was a new hot tub in the garden.
After taking my bags upstairs and putting AJ down for a nap, I went back downstairs to find that Austin was sat out on the decking. As I walked through the kitchen to the garden, I saw that he had made me a sandwich, accompanied by a glass of wine, and left it on the counter. Suddenly, I realised how hungry I was and took a huge bite. Picking up the plate of food and the glass, I wandered out onto the decking where Austin was lay on a sun lounger, texting. I took the other lounger and shedded my plaid shirt, leaving me in a thin camisole and denim shorts.
'What was that back at PC?' he asked, setting his cell phone down.
'I don't know. It just happened. I was upset and crying because of everything with Drew, Bobby pulled me in for a hug and we kissed.'
'Kate, that was more than a kiss. That was some serious make out action. Are you sure you're not the girl Bobby keeps telling us about?' I laughed.
'No, I promise you that I'm not sleeping with Bobby. Between work and looking after AJ, I barely have time to schedule a lunch date with Becky, never mind have an affair.' I took a big bite out of my sandwich.
'So what's going to happen with you and Drew? Are you going to get divorced?'
'I don't know Aus. He's the one in the wrong. He should've told me when I first broached the subject of us having another baby. And to then leave after an argument and fuck the nanny, that's just low. It kinda makes me wonder how long it has been going on for. Is it just a one time thing or has he been fucking her for a while?' Austin sat up and put his sunglasses on top of his head.
'Kate, you can't think like that.'
'Why not? He accused me of sleeping with you, y'know? He got jealous of all the time we spend together, no matter how many times I would say that we are just friends, Drew wouldn't believe me. There was a day a months or so ago when I went home and smelled slightly of your cologne and that set him off. We argued and he called me a slut. Who calls their wife that?'
'It sounds like he was deflecting his guilt onto you and making you look like the bad guy,' I heard Bobby say from behind me. I turned and saw him stood in the doorway with Kyle, Roddy and Fran.
'I thought that, but then I just think it's my own paranoia.'
'You just saw him fucking someone else. How is that you being paranoid?' Bobby came and sat next to me on the lounger and he gave me a quick kiss, when he thought Austin wasn't looking. 'Hey baby girl.' I grinned at him and he put his arm around my shoulder. I looked at Austin, who gave me a quizzical look.
'So, pizza night?'
It was almost 3am, Kyle and Roddy had gone home, Austin was playing Halo with Fran and Bobby was helping me clean up from our pizza and movie night. As I put the last beer bottle in the trash bag, there was a loud banging at the front door. Bobby handed me the paper plates and went to see what the commotion was. I heard raised voices, so went to check it out. Drew was stood, propped up by the door frame, bottle of Jack Daniels in hand.
'Kate, get your ass home,' he slurred. 'You belong with me, not here with Jenkins.'
'No, you don't get to tell me what to do anymore. I'm filing for divorce.'
'DIVORCE?' he roared, trying to stagger over the threshold, but Bobby wouldn't allow him.
'Yes, a divorce. I saw you earlier with Cary and it made my mind up. I'm leaving you and I will be taking AJ with me.'
'You get to fuck half of the locker room, yet I'm the one who's being accused of infidelity?'
'This! This is why I'm leaving. You never trusted me, did you? It was all just convenience for you, wasn't it?'
'Convenience? Why was it convenient for me?'
'You know exactly what I mean Drew. I remind you of home, that's why you kept me around. Not because you love me, but because I'm a reminder of your past. Well, I am in your past now, so please, go back to Cary. Just one last thing. How long has it been going on?' I could see him hesitate. 'How long Andrew?'
'About a year.' I nodded, then walked away. I had heard what I needed to hear. All that time he had been accusing me of being unfaithful and he was the one who was playing away. I sank down onto a stool in the kitchen and put my head in my hands. This was all my fault. After a few minutes, I felt someone put their arms around me from behind. Looking back, I saw Austin smile at me.
'Whatcha thinking?' he asked me, playing with the strap of my camisole, his hand brushing against my breast.
'I can't help but think that this is my fault, y'know?'
'Katelyn, do not blame yourself. He's the one sleeping with someone else, not you.' I removed Austin's hands from around my neck and turned on my stool to face him.
'I'm the one who brought her into our lives.'
'You weren't the one who told him to go and put his dick in someone else. That was all him. Trust me Kate, don't blame yourself. It will make you sick and you need to stay strong for AJ. I saw Bobby blame himself after he separated from his soon to be ex-wife and he was hitting the whisky hard, every night.'
'I'm not gonna turn to booze,' I joked. Austin put his arms around me again and pulled me into a hug.
'You'd better not because I love you.' He lifted my chin with his finger, looked me deep in the eye as we both edged closer to each other.
'We're gonna go,' Bobby announced from behind us. I peered over Austin's shoulder and saw Bobby and Fran stood by the refrigerator. 'I'm gonna drop Fran off at home. I'll see you later.'
'See ya,' Austin replied, his eyes not leaving my face.
'I should really head to bed too, it's really late. Or should I say early?' I disentangle myself from Austin and started up the back staircase, only for Austin to pull me back to him and kiss me deeply.
'Stay with me tonight.'
I had been granted my divorce and was finally a free woman. It wasn't a messy divorce because he knew that I would bring up his infidelity, but I didn't. As far as I knew, Drew was still seeing Cary, not that it bothered me in the slightest. He could do whatever he pleased. Austin and I were taking things slow, neither of us ready to go public about our relationship just yet. We wanted to enjoy things. Of course, every time either of us was asked on social media or in an interview if we were dating, we denied it. Fans knew that we were the best of friends, which was why we spent so much time together and why we were always seen having dinner or playing mini golf together.
Christmas morning I walked downstairs in my pyjamas to find Austin, his mum, step dad and AJ sat eating pancakes for breakfast. AJ climbed off his chair and ran over to me. I scooped him up in my arms and hugged him close.
'Merry Christmas baby,' I whispered to him, before setting him back down. 'Let's go eat and then we can see what Santa has bought for you.' He ran back to his chair, Adam helping him up, and he quickly wolfed down what was left on his plate. The boy definitely had an appetite, that's for sure. I walked to the table and sat down next to Austin, he leaned over and gave me a kiss. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled into the kiss.
'Am I missing something here?' Austin's mum, Lynn, asked. 'You have kept saying that you aren't dating.'
'Surprise,' Austin chuckled.
'How long has it been going on?'
'A couple of months.'
'And you split up with Britt to be with Katelyn?'
'No, me and Britt were over long before Katelyn and me got together. Mom, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Kate was going through her divorce and we didn't want to jeopardise that. Drew could've gotten nasty and tried to get full custody of AJ.'
'This is what you want?'
'Yes Mom. I love Katelyn and I love AJ. Actually, I have something for you Kate. AJ, do you want to give your mommy the thing I gave you?' AJ jumped down off his chair again, went into his pocket and pulled out a small Tiffany box. Handing it to me, I opened the lid and there, nestled between the velvet cushions, was a gorgeous platinum ring with a white diamond heart. I looked up and gasped as I noticed Austin down on one knee.
'Kate, these last 6 months you have made me feel more love than I've ever felt before. You've made me a better man and I cannot thank you enough. You played that song the other day and the lyrics said about showing what to believe in. Well, I believe in you, I believe in us and I cannot wait to see where this all leads. Katelyn Rose Moore, will you marry me?' I shot up and threw my arms around him.
'Yes, of course I will marry you.' Austing slid the ring onto my finger and we kissed for a moment before I heard clapping. I turned around and saw Bobby, Fran, Kyle and his girlfriend, Roddy, Marina and their son, Troy.
'Finally!' Kyle laughed. They all came over and congratulated us, the women oohing and aahing over my ring while the men clapped Austin on the back. When Austin and I finally found each other again, everyone else had moved to the lounge for presents, I held him close again.
'When did you realise you loved me?'
'The day you slapped me at Takeover when I debuted.' I laughed, remembering it fondly. 'But seeing you with Bobby just ate me up. Why do you think I wanted you to stay with me that night? I needed to get the image of you and him out of my head and, I gotta admit, you definitely did that. I love you Katelyn and I cannot wait to be able to call you my wife.' He leaned in and kissed me, pushing me so my back was against the wall.
'You and me forever, Jenkins. That is what I believe in.'
- In Serial51 Chapters
☾︎Perfect Little Pieces☽︎ ✔︎
~Won in the Romance Category in Wattpad South Asia Awards 2021~• Adira Singhania, 24 year old famous psychologist in Mumbai. Being completed her PhD at a young age and dealing with people in a patient and smart way has made her an epitome of admiration by many. Family is everything for her and after her mother passed away she became the mother of her family. • Arjun Dixit, 26 year old youngest billionaire of India. He is the CEO of Dixit Industries and he is one of the richest people in the world. He is ruthless at what he does and can make people fear just by looking in their eyes. Hence, why people call him the "Devil". He loves his family to the core and would do anything for them. And if it comes to them he can die for them and even kill for them.What happens when these two perfectly different souls come accross each other. Will they fit together or will they fly apart?Join me in their journey to know what happens!This is my first story to be published online. Please give it a try and please ignore any grammatical errors if there are any!~Started // 2nd December, 2020~~Completed // 28th December, 2020~~Mature content is included so please be forewarned before you dive in!~
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Hey guys, I'm back with another story. The title says it all. But if you want a little sneak peek then here: ~~~~~Please, Give me till December to find a match! I'm begging you! I'm tired of you choosing my future and trying to control my life! If you don't then I will run away again! Fine. But if you don't find one then we will choose your suitor! Understood? Yes, thank you. And to help you with that, we will be holding a ball every other Saturday night for all of the wealthiest people and our closest workers and associates. Don't mess this up. Yes mother, father. ~~~~~As I previously stated in my announcement this has: - Daminette- Jason x Marin- Rich Mari- Arranged Marriage- League of Assassins- Adrien saltPlease also check out: 1. Daminette Fanfic: My Story 2. Daminette/ Marin Fanfic: My Story 3. Daminette/ Teen Titans Fanfic: My Story 4. A Vampire and A Werewolf (Daminette) Fanfic: My Story 5. A Vampire and A Werewolf (Daminette) Fanfic 2: My Story 6. Daminette Spies Fanfic: My Story7. Miraculous One Shots Fanfic: My Story8. Daminette Mermaids Fanfic: My Story 9. Daminette Soulmates Fanfic: My Story11. Daminette Fanfic - His Luna, Her Alpha: My Story*Remember, the images and pics you see here aren't mine neither are the characters. Obviously. The credit goes to dc and miraculous ladybug and the original artists of the pics*Well that's all, Bug Out!!~EssyMLBDC~
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