《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 27
"Come on Collins, we have bio first," I whisper in her ear, gesturing for her to follow me. I was very aware that everyone had bio but as fucked as it was, I wanted to ask her about last night. She was my friend and I cared about her, I didn't want her to get fucked over by some childish fuckboy. "How was your night?" I ask.
"Good." She replies absentmindedly, good? Good like she got laid? Or good like they watched that stupid vampire journal show she's always on about and then fell asleep in beds.
"Where did Calvin Klein sleep?" I ask, trying to find out everything about it. Obviously because she was my friend.
"With Charlie and me?" she replies questionably. Good as in she got laid. Fucking fantastic.
"You slept with him in the same bed?" I ask, I don't know why I cared so much. It had to be because I didn't think she was like that. The fact that Charlie slept in the same bed as them completely evaded my mind, nothing would have happened with Charlie as well, I knew Em well enough to know that it wasn't really her thing to have a threesome with her cousin.
I mean, I personally wouldn't mind having a threesome with Em and Charlie but I knew that neither of them would ever go for it.
"Yeah? I've slept in the same bed as you Aiden," she points out, obviously beginning to get annoyed at me. I knew she was right, but that was different. Dale wasn't me.
I mean someone she was friends with obviously.
"I know you, we're friends. But you slept in the same bed with that kid after just one day." I reply, I wasn't actually expecting the judgment to be pouring out of my words the way they were. The more sadistic part of me wanted to hurt her the way that she had hurt me for some reason, I guess that was where the judgment came from. That and I really did expect more from her than to fuck a guy she had just met.
"You've got to be kidding me!! You sleep with girls after seconds and you actually do things with them. We slept in the same bed together, so fucking what? You have double standards, it's fine for you but if I do it then it's suddenly not okay?" She defends loudly, gaining the attention from some bystanders, not that she noticed or I cared.
I knew she was right and that really annoyed me. she's a girl, a good, nice, decent one, she was fucking gorgeous but she didn't know or use it to her advantage the way that the girls I went for did. I know I shouldn't think like this, she was right, I did have double standards.
It all kind of hit me at once after that, I was the guy I was allegedly trying to protect her from. I called Dale a childish fuck boy, but really I was the childish fuck boy.
I need to get fucking laid.
Fuck this shit, even when I face a problem about how much of a childish fuck boy I was, my subconscious still wants to get laid to calm down my frustration.
I open my mouth to apologize, something that never came easy for me when the asswipe Luke interrupts.
I go to say something again, maybe protect her from Luke but she gives me a silencing look and walks away from me.
Okay one - why the fuck am I always trying to protect her!?
And two - I usually walk away from girls, not the other way around. If it weren't for the situation we were in, or her cold look I might have even looked at her ass and the way it looked amazing by her just walking normally.
Nah fuck this, where is Tiffany, I need to get laid. Fuck my subconscious and brain.
I see Tiffany almost straight away just a few corridors over and walk towards her. When she sees me she not so secretly pushes up her boobs and does something to her hair. Ahhh the common effect I have on girls, well apart from a particular brunette, smoking body - you know who I'm talking about.
"I say we go into the janitors closest, for old time sake you know," I smirk, getting straight to the point.
She smiles back, one that I used to find extremely seductive.
Wait, used?
One that I do I meant.
"Sure booboo, I've missed you," Tiffany replies, running her fingers down my bicep. I smirk before we make our way to our familiar 'meeting' spot.
Tiffany instantly goes to undress herself, leaving her in only her bra and panties before my shirt comes off. Her lips find mine and for some reason, nothing about it feels right.
Fuck my stupid subconscious.
I keep kissing her, hoping the feeling will get fucked and leave, but when it doesn't I push her away.
Why can't I even fuck a girl now without feeling like I'm just proving my point that I'm a childish fuck boy as well as encouraging Em's double standards argument?
Tiffany keeps kissing my neck when I push her away again, this time firmly.
"What's wrong booboo? I can make you feel good," Tiffany asks, feigning innocense.
"I changed my mind, put on your clothes," I demand, putting on my shirt.
"Why booboo, I can make everything go away." Tiffany continues.
"Tiffany put on your fucking uniform," I roll my eyes.
"Is it because of that new girl Emily Collins? Luke Taylors girl?"Tiffany demands angrily, putting on her cheer outfit.
"No Tiffany, I'm just not in the fucking mood, and she's not Luke's girl." She had never really talked to me this much and it was really getting on my nerves. Usually, we fuck and then I leave, no talking needed so I wasn't sure why she felt like this time was any different.
"Jealous?" Tiffany smirks.
"Fuck off," I demand angrily and go to leave.
"I'm just saying, we used to fuck at least several times a week, I used to be enough to get your mind off things and since that bitch has come into your life you haven't called at all. What's so special about her? Has she got a good ass? She good in bed? Or maybe you just get off on fucking your ex-best friends girl." Tiffany snarls.
I storm over to her and pin her to the wall, she looks scared for a moment before she covers it up. "Don't call her a bitch, and like I said, she's not Luke's girl," I snarl, as angry as she did before.
I release a smirking Tiffany before I storm out of the closest. I couldn't be jealous, it was because she was just my friend and I was looking out for her obviously, Tiffany didn't know that though. Although, through the whole conversation, there was one thing that Tiffanny said that had me thinking, what is so special about Em?
She was different to all the girls I had known before, that's all I could say. But why?
I was going to find out but right now I needed to get her out of my head, if fucking another girl didn't work then I need a fucking smoke...and not just tobacco.
I quickly walk to my locker and grab the small pouch that had held my weed. I had always kept it here, I didn't smoke weed often. I have to admit, I smoked tobacco more than I probably should but right now I was craving something a little stronger. What is this fucking girl doing to me?!
I don't know why I cared so much, I had never been this over the top with any of my other friends, well apart from Toby and Katherine but they were a different story altogether.
Swearing at myself for once again letting my neighbour get in my head I grab everything I needed and walk outside, leaning against the building at the back of the school so I don't get busted and light the joint.
As soon as I first inhale, I instantly calm down. Fuck why don't I do this more often? Oh, that's right because my mom would kill me and I'm admittedly a mama's boy.
I had to admit, while I couldn't give a tenth of a fuck about my asshole of a biological father, actually, I would take great joy in pissing him off, I was definitely a mama's boy. She hated me smoking full stop, but she detested me smoking weed. I made sure I never smoked in front of her for that exact reason, that and for the twins benefit.
I didn't roll a large joint, and I regretted that decision after I had finished my average one, but I wanted to drive home and not upset my mom. Throwing my finished joint on the ground and putting it out with my foot, I make my way slowly to bio. I could have had a worse class to attend to stoned, Miss Wilson was actually pretty chill. Right at the start, I had tried to get in her pants but she made it clear how 'inappropriate' that was, so I quickly gave up. Still wanting to pass that class.
Come to think of it Miss Wilson was the only girl, well apart from Emily that blatantly rejected all my advances.
Fuck I thought of her again.
If I wasn't high then I'd probably more pissed off at myself but right now I didn't care.
I walk into my bio class, happy as ever.
"Aiden, you decided to actually turn up today?" Miss smiles at me, but she still gives me a look.
Oh well.
"Sorry miss, had something to take care of," I smirk, still extremely high.
"Yes, I can smell so it seems," She says as she gives me a strict look, "go and sit before I have a reason to send you to the headmaster because it seems you may find yourself in quite a lot of trouble if you are sent to the office."
I salute her, not caring in the slightest that she knew I was high. Ahh the perks of weed.
I instantly notice that my usual spot beside Em is actually taken by Toby and although it sobers me up a little bit, I still don't mind too much. I sit on the only free spot directly across from her.
I notice Emily roll her eyes, and the self-disappointment I usually find myself in when she doesn't agree with my decision completely disappears, and although it once again sobers me up a tiny bit, I don't really care.
"Oi man, are you stoned?" Carter whispers in my ear.
"Yeah man, had a fight with Em," I don't know why I told Carter the actual reason I had a smoke, I didn't want him knowing how much I actually cared for her but in my state right now I couldn't find it within myself to care just yet that I had just revealed that to him.
The effects of my smoke had nearly worn off, maybe another hour or so by the time lunch rolled around. As much as I denied it, I wanted to see Em and maybe apologize. In my state, I didn't care enough to apologize genuinely, but I figured that maybe if I tried to, she'd forgive me. Now that my high was slowly ending, I once again cared if she hated me. I had thought about having another but quickly discarded that idea when I thought of my mom and the girls.
I was excited about this bio thing though, I knew it would be pretty fucking awesome, it would be nice to spend some time with the guys, Charlie and Em without Luke looking over their shoulders every 5 minutes, especially Em. Also, her smashing the quiz was hot. I found it weird that I found her intelligence attractive, my type had never really been the smartest of girls
It seemed that I just found everything she did hot and it pissed me off to no end. She was my FRIEND, I knew I shouldn't find her as fucking hot as I did. I mean, I knew Charlie was hot, ask anyone that was attracted to girls at this school and they'd all say the same thing, but I never really found Charlie hot in the same way I did Em. I respected our friendship enough to make sure I didn't look at Charlie like that, but for some reason, I physically couldn't extend the same respect for Em.
Speaking of, she and Toby walk into the cafeteria, and I ignore the jealous feeling in my chest when I see their proximity and the huge smile on her face. It seemed that today the only expressions I could get from her was either eye rolls or cold looks that I actually found kind of scary.
Toby sits down beside me and tells the table his plans on a Saturday night soon to have a movie night with Em, needless to say I can't stop the cold look sent in his direction. He smirks a bit before he leans over to whisper something to me; "Jealousy isn't a good look on you man."
What the actual fuck?
What is with everyone thinking I'm jealous?!
I'm just worried about my friend, obviously I just don't want Toby to fuck her over.
I ignore the little voice in my head not so subtly reminding me that Toby wasn't like us and he liked Em too much to ever make any sort of sexual or romantic move on her.
I notice Ryan walking in behind Em, and don't miss the continual glances at her ass. I roll my eyes, be more fucking predictable Ryan. I watch Em get in line and then see Luke storm over angrily and sit down on his chair harshly.
What got his panties in a twist?!
"What's wrong man?" Carter asks calmly, getting all our attention. Charlie wasn't here yet, probably at something for cheer but the rest of us were.
"Fucking Ryan just personally invited Em to his party next Saturday. When she said she couldn't fucking make it he actually changed it to Friday. What a fucking pig." Luke expressed angrily, okay so that right there was jealousy. Toby and Tiffany have no clue what they're talking about.
Although again, another jealous stab finds its way in my mind.
What the fuck?!
He had never personally invited a chick to his party, so why the fuck invite Em?!
Before I can figure out how being her friend brings on jealousy, Ryan stands on a table and gets everyone's attention; "Alright, party at my place this Friday night, everyone is invited."
As everyone cheers for him, I can't help but roll my eyes at him. I knew he threw good parties but he was really starting to get on my nerves.
After a minute my eyes automatically search for Em's, because she was my FRIEND and notice Tiffany approaching her.
I can't hear what they're saying because they were in the middle of the cafeteria where there weren't any tables but it's obvious that Em looked extremely uncomfortable. Em continues to look uncomfortable and I quickly notice the mischief in Tiffany's eyes, my instinct is to go over there and make sure Em was okay but I fight it, Em was pissed at me and I didn't need to get in the middle of a catfight.
Em looks shocked for a moment and I'm about to give in to my instincts, the girls had now gotten the attention of the whole cafeteria, but before I can make a move, Tiffany grabs Em's water bottle and pours it all over her head, soaking her clothes including her white shirt which now clearly revealed her hot pink bra.
The whole cafeteria fell silent, including my table, I was once again about to get up to try and help her but Luke moved before I did. Oh right, I forgot, her fucking best friend.
Charlie had already gotten to her and was now dragging her away, every guy in the fucking cafeteria was looking and pointing to her wet shirt. I had an urge to yell at everyone who was looking or at least give them a look but I couldn't find it within myself. I was still partly stoned and I didn't get a good enough view of her soaked through shirt to make any assumptions.
"Fuck off all of you," Luke yells angrily at everyone looking at her, and for once I was glad Luke existed.
A part of me found myself wishing that I did get a look but I had to remind myself many times that she was my friend and chances were, Tiffany did that because of me.
Yeah, I wasn't a fuckwit, I knew there was a good chance that Tiffany did that to Em because I wouldn't sleep with her earlier. I knew Tiffany was crazy but this is over the top. She should get me back, not my friends.
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