《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 22
I feel sick. My stomach feels like it's on a rollercoaster and Aiden notices it also when he asks me something that I can't find it within myself to reply to.
"Collins are you okay? You look the way I expected you to after I told you about my dad," Aiden asks.
"My dad just texted me," I reply absentmindedly. Aiden looks extremely confused.
"You mean Robert?" He questions.
"Robert is my stepdad, my real father left us when Maddi was sick for a new family. A 26-year-old, and her 2 perfect children," I reply, not registering the hurt and anger lased in my voice until it was too late.
"You're father left you guys when his eldest child was dying?" Aiden asks, a shocked expression evident on his beautiful face.
"Yep, I have daddy issues as well I guess," I reply quietly, in no way was I saying my issues with my father were nearly as bad as Aiden's, and he knew that by the sympathetic look his chocolate brown eyes.
"I never told you this Collins, but I think you're pretty fucking awesome as well. I mean after going through what you have and still being warm and kind. I wish I handled things that well," Aiden smiles at me. I knew he was trying to make me feel better about everything and I appreciated it. My heart did also considering the flip it preformed after hearing Aiden's words.
I smile at him in appreciation; "do you mind if I call Charlie? I think I need a friend's night but I don't necessarily want to deal with Luke."
"Awe Collins, I think I'll be able to spend a few minutes without your company, I mean I'll struggle but I think I can power through," Aiden winks. I laugh and then dial Charlie's number.
"Sup cuz?" Charlie answers her phone.
"Stay at mine tonight, I need a girls night and I think you do as well," I request shamelessly.
"Cool, I'll pack my school stuff for tomorrow and be at yours in a few hours, i'm just shopping with mom and Mase, I'll text you when I'm leaving home," Charlie agrees easily, something that I had always loved about Charlie was how easy it was to make plans.
"Awesome, love you, don't call Luke, I'll explain later," I reply, we usually all hung out together, and every time we wanted a girls night we had to specify it because bringing Luke was just a given.
"Okay all good, love you too, see you later," Charlie says before she hangs up, although Luke was usually a part of it, he didn't care when it was only Charlie and me, and we always enjoyed girl time as well.
"That was strangely easy for girls," Aiden comments. I laugh, he was right. All my friends back at the old place made making plans incredibly difficult. Everyone always had some kind of plan so it made me appreciate how easy it really was for Charlie.
Aiden's phone ringing cuts my thoughts short, I pick up his phone which was sitting on the middle console and see Toby's contact with an extremely ugly picture of the usually attractive boy.
"Its Toby, can I answer it?" I ask, Aiden nods.
"Hey Tobes," I chirp enthusiastically, making Aiden chuckle.
"Get your ugly ass dow-, wait Mills?" Toby cuts himself off, an extremely confused tone in his phone.
"Hey," I giggle.
"Why are you with Aiden?" Toby asks straight away.
I go to make something up, not thinking about him realizing I was with Aiden before he once again cuts me off.
"Who cares, Mills you and Aiden have to come to the diner, Carter and Blake are meeting us there," Toby begs.
I look at Aiden, "he wants us to go to the diner."
Aiden nods, "as long as it's okay with you it's fine with me."
I smile at him; "yeah we're coming but only until Charlie texts me to come home."
"Invite her as well!!" Toby suggests excitedly.
"She's shopping," I reply laughing a little at the excitement in his voice.
"Okay see you guys soon then," Toby replies instantly, and then the line goes dead indicating that he just hang up on me.
"Asshole," I mumble to myself laughing at his childish ways.
Aiden laughs with me, "you sure you're feeling up to it?"
"Yeah I feel a lot better, thank you," I smile.
We sit in silence for a while before I remember his tattoo. "Aiden, that tattoo last night, does it have anything to do with your dad?"
"Yeah, it's the logo of the gang. In defines order," Aiden replies, the mood changing quickly from carefree and happy to serious.
"I have a tattoo as well," I reply absentmindedly. I don't know why I brought it up, to be honest. I had already shared enough with Aiden today and forever but for some reason, I felt so much better. Maybe because he also showed me a vulnerable side of him and it wasn't one-sided, but I loved how I felt after.
"Really, where?" He asks, looking at me curiously.
"On my rib cage, its the sun, stars, and moon," I reply, looking out the window while I feel his burning stare on the side of my face.
"What does it mean?" He asks quietly.
"It represents the 3 of us, Maddi, Lij and I. Maddi loves the night sky, and as a kid I loved the daylight. But it also proves that each is so important but the universe needs all three elements to survive. You can't have the sun without the moon, or the light without the dark, but the stars prove that even the darkness can be beautiful, there can even be hope when there's nothing but dark surrounding you," I reply quietly, but I knew he heard me by the intense stare that I could feel from Aiden.
He goes to say something but I cut him off, not wanting to hear how pathetic he thought the meaning was.
"We're here," I smile forcefully. The forced smile suddenly isn't so forced when my door is opened quickly and excitedly by a smiling Toby.
"Mills I missed you!!" Toby yells as I attempt to get out of the car but get swooped up by a very excited Toby.
"Put me down," I laugh. Toby instantly places me gently on the ground. I was actually surprised he could carry me so easily, he was so lanky.
"Come on," Toby childishly pulls me towards the cafe where Carter and Blake were already drinking things that looked like milkshakes.
I laugh and follow along while Aiden trots silently behind us looking at his friend in wonder, assumingly because Toby didn't even bother to greet Aiden.
I see both the boys greet Aiden with that head nod thing that boys seem to do, managing to greet Aiden before Toby has.
"Oh hi Aiden," Toby finally greets as we sit down and he drinks his milkshake. I laugh with the boys while Aiden just stares him.
"Hey Em, he was so excited when he saw Aiden's car," Carter smiles, chuckling at a pouting Toby.
I laugh, "Hey Carter, hey Blake."
Blake greets me, muffled by his milkshake, once again making us all laugh.
"Collins, you want anything?" Aiden asks as he stands up.
"I'll come," I smile, also standing up.
He nods while the boys fall into a conversation about who was hottest over Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift (Selena Gomez...DUH).
"Do you guys come here a lot?" I ask, remembering how Toby never actually said the name of the Diner we were meeting at.
"Yeah all the time, the owner was my grandmother's best friend on my mom's side," he replies smiling.
An elderly women see's Aiden and she instantly walks towards him to give him a hug. She was an adorable dark-skinned woman with short grey hair and a warm smile on her face.
"Hey Valerie," Aiden smiles warmly. Every time Aiden genuinely smiled it did something to my body, his smirk was extremely hot but there was just something about his genuine smile that had always gotten to me. This time was no different.
"Aiden, my boy. I missed you," Valerie smiles warmly at him.
"I saw you a couple of days ago Val," Aiden laughs and my heart once again explodes.
"Is it a crime for an old lady to want to see her favorite white person?" She asks, her warm smile not fading.
Her comment made me laugh and it was only then that her warm smile was directed at me.
"Hello dear, who do we have here Aiden?" She asks, a knowing smile on his face.
"This is Em, Collin's, meet Val, the owner of the Diner." Aiden smiles, something inside me hit different when Aiden's genuine smile was directed at me.
"Oh how lovely, what an attractive young girl you are, let me introduce you to my grandson, he has just moved back here," she begins, then she leans in closer to my ear to whisper something; "He's an attractive boy, but just between you and me, he's more attracted to Aiden than he would be you," she finishes with a smile.
I laugh at her comment, what an adorable old lady. "I'd love to meet him, it might be nice for him to have a friend at school," I smile.
She nods enthusiastically, "Unfortunately Dale isn't going to the same school as you guys but I'm sure he'd love a friend."
"Oh that's a shame, he could have had some friends but I'd love to meet him anyway," I laugh.
"Wait right here, I'll bring him over," Val instructs before she walks away.
"She is so cute!!" I enthuse to Aiden.
"Yeah she is, she's like my grandmother," he begins, "What did she say to you before?"
I laugh at the reminder but don't get a chance to say anything before an extremely attractive dark-skinned boy comes into view beside an excited Val.
"Em, Aiden, meet Dale," Val smiles excitedly.
"Holy fuck, you're gorgeous!!" Dale says immediately when his eyes meet mine. I feel my face burn crimson but smile happily. I like this kid, the fact that he was gay made the comment mean so much more. I could tell he was gay, but I think that was only because I had been told. I don't think Aiden could tell.
"Dale, language." Val scolds. Dale smiles sheepishly before he turns his attention to Aiden.
"Hey man," Aiden smiles, holding out his hand, Dale looks at me in surprise, assumably because of how damn hot Aiden was before he takes it.
"Alright kids, there is work to be done but Aiden, the usual?" Val asks.
"Yes please," Aiden smiles.
"And you Em?" She smiles at me.
"Um, just a choc milkshake and fries," I smile, reaching to get my money.
Val and Aiden exchange looks and laugh before Val looks at me. "No dear, don't worry about it. Any friend of Aiden's is welcome here," Val smiles.
I momentarily wonder why Aiden and Val laughed but the thought is soon pushed to the back of my head.
I go to object but Dale gives me a warning look and I instantly shut my mouth and just smile in gratitude before she walks away.
"So your favorite flavor is chocolate hey?" Dale smirks at me. It takes me a while to understand what he meant but when I do I find myself falling into a fit of laughter.
Aiden obviously figures it out before I do because he gives Dale one last look and all but strides back to our table.
"What's his problem?" I ask.
"Your boyfriend is probably jealous," Dale smirks.
"He's not my boyfriend," I laugh awkwardly. Dale looks at me strangely before he shrugs.
"Anyway, I guess my ma told you that I was gay?" he asks shyly, showing me a completely different side to his previous confident self.
"Yeah, is that okay?" I ask, not wanting to upset him.
"I don't know, is it?" Dale replies nervously. I look at him in confusion, how am I supposed to know if he minds his nan telling me that?
"I mean, is that okay with you?" Dale continues, once he sees my confused face.
"Wait, am I okay with you being gay?" I ask in bewilderment, does he expect me to bully him or something.
"It's just, I had to move schools and come live with my ma because I used to get bullied for being gay and I don't want to refer to myself as your friend if you're not okay with it," Dale explains, still nervously.
"Of course I'm okay with it!! What type of person would treat someone different because of who they're attracted to?!" I reply surprised.
"Thank fuck I need some good friends," Dale sighs in obvious relief.
"Give me your phone," I demand, my hand out and waiting.
Dale slowly obliges but looks at me curiously.
"I'm putting my number in your phone and then texting myself because you're coming over to mine later tonight to hang with my cousin and me," I say determinedly.
A huge smile covers Dale's face and he pulls me in for a hug.
"Thank you Em, that means so much," he says in the hug.
"Of course, I feel like you and my cousin would love each other," I laugh, "come sit with us. Your ma just brought over our food."
Dale smiles and nods happily before he pulls me back briefly, "could you maybe not mention the whole gay thing to the guys? I mean I just still aren't really over it," he asks nervously.
"Of course, your secret is safe with me!! Although you may have to tell my cousin Charlie if you want to be part of the 'girls'," I laugh, using my fingers to quote girls.
Dale smiles brightly again, "fuck yeah, I'd love to be part of an actual circle of friends, even if they're referred to as the 'girls'."
I laugh and nod, "come on".
We make our way to the table and I don't miss the glare Aiden gives Dale when we both sit down, Dale sitting between me and Toby.
"Hey guys, this is Dale. Val's grandson," I smile. The guys all smile and introduce themselves to Dale minus Aiden who sits quietly and glares.
"What's wrong?" I ask Aiden quietly, making sure no one else hears.
"He's trying to get in your pants, I don't trust him," Aiden comments. I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth at the idea. Ah, Aiden, just of you knew.
It had been a couple of hours and I had enjoyed the boy's company. Aiden had gotten on a bit better with Dale, but he still wasn't his usual self. I think the rest of the boys loved Dale as well, he and Toby seemed to bounce off each other.
We were all making plans to go to hang out in a couple of weekends and it was obvious that Dale was ecstatic that he was invited, which kind of made me sad. I can't imagine how shitty that must have been to be lonely and bullied.
My phone chimes and I pull it out of my pocket to see a message from Charlie;
"Hey Aiden, could you please take me home? I'm really sorry but Charlie is leaving her house," I question sheepishly, feeling bad to cut the fun.
Aiden smirks nodding, showing me he didn't mind and I instantly felt a lot less guilty.
"Cya guys, I'll see later Dale, I'll text you the address," Dale puts his thumbs up and Toby pouts.
"How come Dale is invited and I'm not?!" he questions.
I laugh; "Next weekend I promise we'll hang out. We still have to watch The Vampire Diaries."
A while ago I had been talking about how amazing The Vampire Diaries was to Toby and we had arranged that I would watch the first few episodes with him.
Toby punches the air happily and we laugh before we make our way to Aiden's car.
"Dale is going to yours tonight?" Aiden questions.
"Yeah, he needs friends and I feel like him and Charlie would really get along," I reply honestly.
Aiden mutters some incoherent words under his breath that I don't understand but I choose not to push it.
We drive in silence, my house was like 10 minutes away and by the time we got there, I was happy to leave the silent car. It wasn't necessarily awkward, but something about the atmosphere was tense.
"Are you coming in?" I ask smiling.
"I'm touched Collin's, 2 days haven't been enough for ya?" Aiden smirks.
I smirk in reply, "I mean no problem really, I think the leather jacket that you left inside would look so much better on me anyway."
This was fun.
"You're right Collins, I do love a girl in leather." Aiden winks before he takes my house key from my hand and walks to my front door to open it while I blush a crimson color once again.
Agh how the fuck does he constantly manage to make me blush.
Aiden opens my door and looks back to smirk at my open-mouthed self, "You coming?"
I glare at him but nonetheless walk towards the door and purposely brush past him to walk inside. I have to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from the brief contact. I can hear Aidens chuckle behind me as he follows me to my room.
Moms car still wasn't here but Angela's car next door had returned so I assumed my family had gone grocery shopping or something. My mom always left me a note in the kitchen but I hadn't been in there yet so I hadn't seen anything.
Aiden grabs his jacket that was lying on my bed and goes to leave before I interrupt him; "Aiden, can I see your tattoo again?"
Aiden looks at me surprised and I can see the mental battle he was having with himself before he nods and walks back to me, while unbuttoning his shirt.
He takes his shirt off completely so I can also see the tattoo on his back that I hadn't noticed earlier. It was another tribal pattern that didn't seem to have a meaning.
"Can you explain it to me?" I ask, lightly brushing my fingers over it and noticing the goosebumps that arise on his chest.
"It's a power thing, see the dots on the top and bottom, the top one represents the gang leader who is the top of the hierarchy and the bottom represents the bottom of the hierarchy who are the outcasts that have been punished for something. The point of the triangle represents the newcomers and each point above represents one place higher. It shows that anyone can work their way to the top, no matter where they start. The black triangle is supposed to represent where everyone should aim to be. Right at the top where they are trusted the most, only second to the gang leader who cannot be replaced," Aiden explains, I trace the tattoo in amazement, hearing every word Aiden is saying.
"Wow," I breathe, not managing to say anything else.
"Can I see yours?" Aiden asks. My head snaps quickly towards his face. I take a deep breath after a minute and nod my head. I pull my shirt off nervously and unclip my bra. Obviously I keep the cups over my actual breasts and try and use my shirt to hide everything but because of where the tattoo is, half of it is hidden by my bra straps. The only way you can see the whole thing is by unclipping my bra so you can see the skin just before my breast starts.
Right at this moment, I hate where the tattoo is actually situated. I had always loved it but I felt so uncomfortable under Aiden's stare. He was a fuck boy, he had seen so many girls naked with bodies a million times better than mine and being so vulnerable in front of him scared me to no end.
I feel Aiden's finger get closer to the tattoo but just before he makes contact with my skin he's interrupted.
"What exactly is going on here?"
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Hey guys, I'm back with another story. The title says it all. But if you want a little sneak peek then here: ~~~~~Please, Give me till December to find a match! I'm begging you! I'm tired of you choosing my future and trying to control my life! If you don't then I will run away again! Fine. But if you don't find one then we will choose your suitor! Understood? Yes, thank you. And to help you with that, we will be holding a ball every other Saturday night for all of the wealthiest people and our closest workers and associates. Don't mess this up. Yes mother, father. ~~~~~As I previously stated in my announcement this has: - Daminette- Jason x Marin- Rich Mari- Arranged Marriage- League of Assassins- Adrien saltPlease also check out: 1. Daminette Fanfic: My Story 2. Daminette/ Marin Fanfic: My Story 3. Daminette/ Teen Titans Fanfic: My Story 4. A Vampire and A Werewolf (Daminette) Fanfic: My Story 5. A Vampire and A Werewolf (Daminette) Fanfic 2: My Story 6. Daminette Spies Fanfic: My Story7. Miraculous One Shots Fanfic: My Story8. Daminette Mermaids Fanfic: My Story 9. Daminette Soulmates Fanfic: My Story11. Daminette Fanfic - His Luna, Her Alpha: My Story*Remember, the images and pics you see here aren't mine neither are the characters. Obviously. The credit goes to dc and miraculous ladybug and the original artists of the pics*Well that's all, Bug Out!!~EssyMLBDC~
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𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘥𝘥 𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴.A missed flight. A small town. An upcoming actor. An empty coffee shop. What could possibly go wrong?
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Out of My Control [bxb]
[being edited]Reid's life was simple. Goes to a small town high school, hangs out with his group of friends, keeps up his grades, and goes to church every Sunday. He'll do anything to keep his parents proud of him.That all changes when Reid meets a boy at a high school party. Grayson Clarke. He also happened to wake up half naked with Grayson in bed with him the next morning. Luckily, Reid will never have to see Grayson again and he can forget all about his scandalous night. At least that's what Reid thought before he found out Grayson was the new student at their school. Though Reid tries to suppress his feelings for Grayson, it just might be out of his control.*Cover art is not mine, it's from Pinterest lol*Best Rankings:#1 Comingoutofthecloset#3 Comingofage#4 teenromance #7 LGBT+#9 boyfriend#10 bxb #10 daddyissues~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Warning: This book is boyxboy meaning the main characters are gay and will be doing gay things! If you do not like that, don't read it.
8 133