《The Bad Boys Exception》Chapter 12


I jump into his arms squealing excitedly!! I'm not actually sure why I stuck up for Aiden if I'm being honest. It kinda just happened and although I had felt guilty that I had chosen Aiden over Luke I was happy it worked out, and for reasons unknown to me, I felt as though it wouldn't be the last time I would choose the bad boy over my best friend.

I let go of him still smiling before another frown finds its way onto my face, slowly I let go of Luke's arm but still stand close to him and look him in the eye, he looks back at me in confusion.

"Luke, why didn't you tell me that you compete at the tracks?" I ask gently, with what I assume a hurt expression.

Luke's eyes widen at my question, shock being evident all over his features. "Em, you have to understand, the tracks, they're extremely dangerous. I've wanted to tell you for ages but have never gotten the chance, I know you and I know that if you knew, you'd want me to take you and I can't do that" he says guiltily after a minute, "how did you find out, was it Aiden?"

"That doesn't matter, Luke why do you compete, you have heaps of money," I ask looking at him.

"I don't know, the adrenaline maybe? I know I have no reason to but Aiden taught me how to race back when we were close and I had always loved the feeling, I don't know. The danger perhaps?" he questions quietly, looking down in shame and making me feel a little guilty to had made him feel this way.

"I'm sorry, I understand why you didn't tell me but you know me well enough to know that now I'm going to ask you to take me there and before you say no, you know my curiosity will get to me and I'll find out myself with no knowledge of the place and the threat of my safety," I say confidently, I know I probably sound like a brat but my curiosity had always gotten the best of me and often put me in dangerous positions, that and I was worried about Luke, and maybe even Aiden.

"I know" he sighs, "If we go, you need to promise me that you won't leave my side unless I tell you, and I don't want Charlie finding out because putting one of you in danger is enough for me," he insists and I instantly brighten up.

I hadn't expected him to take me right now but I definitely wasn't complaining.

"Go get dressed" he groans in obvious distaste. I squeal once again and jump onto him, still in the pool. Although he tries to hide it, I notice his smile, probably because of how excited I am.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" I squeal, "Oh my god Luke, you can also apologize to Aiden while we're there if he is."

"I love you too, and I definitely will" he replies, something about his tone was sad but I presume it's because I'm practically forcing him to take me somewhere I won't be safe.


"What do I wear?" I ask Luke smiling like a child at Christmas.

"Something very casual and very covered" Luke replies instantly.

Still smiling I swim as quickly as I can to the steps so I can run to my room and get changed.

I decide on blue skinny jeans that weren't as tight as I would usually wear along with a black long-sleeved turtleneck, although it was tight - ish I figured it was better than anything else I owned.

I wait impatiently for Luke to change into his usual jeans and button-up before I practically drag him to the car. Nala whimpers from outside and I feel extremely guilty that she is still wet from when she came swimming with us. I was however, more scared of my mom's inevitable rath than I was guilty of leaving my baby outside.


A while later we finally arrive at what I assume is the tracks by all the crowds and the huge arena in the middle of the open space. Luke had warned me over and over again to stick by his side and not talk to anyone I didn't know, and eventually, I zoned out.

Luke parks the car and comes around his car to meet me at my door, he looked extremely nervous so naturally, I intertwine our fingers to try and calm him down. This obviously works because his face lights up into a huge smile.

I look around at all the people here, I wasn't sure why Luke told me to cover up because all the girls wore extremely revealing dresses that you probably wouldn't even see clubbing. The boys were dressed casually and it frustrated the feminist in me to no end about the double standards with the dress code.

"Luke I literally look like a nun here" I whisper yell, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings; "why the fuck did you tell me to cover up, I look so obviously out of place." I wouldn't have gone as far as these girls but I definitely would have worn something a little different if I had known what everyone else would wear so I would at least look like I belong.

"It's dangerous here Em, and I wanted to minimize every risk possible" he explains, the feminist in me makes me once again roll my eyes, but admittedly, I can see why Luke told me to cover up.

"Okay we've been here, let's go" Luke suggests hastily, I look at him in confusion but follow his line of vision and end up seeing Toby in the distance, standing beside Blake who was obviously enjoying this dress code more than I was.

Ignoring Luke's calls behind me I jog over to Toby and Blake, when the boys see me, Toby smiles brightly and Blake smirks at me after making it obvious that he was checking me out.

"Mills" Toby yells excitedly before engulfing me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey Tobes" I giggle then smile at Blake.

"You're looking as gorgeous as ever" Blake flirts, also pulling me into a friendly hug which I return.

Luke clears his throat from behind me causing Blake and me to break apart. Blake smirks at him knowingly whilst Toby rolls his eyes. I ignore all the testosterone and smile at Carter when he approaches us with a confused look on his face.


"Hey Carter" I smile, he smiles back and gives me a quick hug.

"What are you doing here Em?" Carter questions after we break apart.

"She would have found a way to come here alone and most likely get hurt if I didn't bring her" Luke replies for me, almost guiltily. Carter nods in understanding.

"Okay well Aiden is about to start, just thought I'd come and get you guys," Carter says, directing his words to Toby and Blake who nod in acknowledgment.

Carter then looks at me and Luke as if he was debating bringing us as well but finally sighs and nods, "come on Em and Luke."

I smile at his invite and follow obediently, Blake throws his arm over my shoulder, and Luke glares at it. I knew how protective he was over me and he probably just didn't want me to fall for Blake the player.

"Blakeeeeee," Toby wines childishly, "I want to put my arm over Em so everyone thinks that I scored such a hot girlfriend."

I laugh at Toby's words and Blake rolls his eyes and removes his arm, obviously letting Toby place his arm over my shoulder. Toby cheers indiscreetly and then throws his arm over my shoulder and smiles proudly; "Alright babe lets sell it" he grins cheekily causing everyone but Luke to laugh at his childish antics.

We finally make it to an older style Chevrolet pickup truck, "this is my car, we watch the races from in here" Carter smiles politely before he climbs into the back and puts out his hand to help me up. I smile at him in appreciation and allow him to pull me up. If it were anyone else, the feminist me wouldn't allow a male to help me climb up something I easily could have done myself, but the politeness and gentlemen in Carter's every action made me just accept his unnecessary help.

Luke climbs up next and quickly takes the spot next to me whilst Toby takes my other side.

Blake offers me a beer from a cooler built into Carter's truck which I politely reject along with Luke and Carter while Toby and Blake crack their cans open and begin drinking.

"Up next we have our undefeated champion Aiden versing newbie Micheal" the announcer yells, the crowd erupts in a cheer while 2 cars slowly make their way to the starting line.

"Toby, why do they only call his first name and which one is him?" I ask Toby in curiosity who instantly replies.

"For privacy and safety purposes, and his car is the Chevy Camaro Convertible which is the black one" Toby responds pointing to Aiden's car.

"Wait, is that the same car as Damon Salvatore but just back, wait that's also the same as Dean Winchester?" I ask in an obviously excited, but confused voice.

"Wait who?" Toby asks looking at me like I had two heads.

I think my heart just broke.

Into literally a million pieces.

"Toby, I am going to educate you on the Salvatore brothers and maybe the Winchester boys, you and I are having a Vampire Diaries marathon" I demand once my initial shock wears off a little.

"I'm in" Toby grins cheekily, I see Luke looking at me strangely which surprises me a little because I always make him watch it with me, so I thought he'd be glad I was getting Toby to step in.

"It's sweet you thought you had a choice, babe" I reply, also grinning cheekily when I use his pet name against him.

Before Toby can say anything else the announcer calls the race to begin and the two cars speed off to begin.

As soon as the cars move, I feel like I'm in a trance, the opponent takes off just under a second before Aiden does so he is in the lead. Soon after Aiden takes the inside and is ahead. I wasn't sure why the other guy didn't try and go to the inside because simple mathematics and physics suggest that the inside is less in distance, so therefore quicker.

Aiden is in the lead for a while before a huge corner comes up, while Aiden breaks a little to drift around, the other guy speeds up leaving him in the lead but still on the outside which makes it easier for Aiden to catch up seconds later and once again take the lead. Aiden continues to stay in the lead throughout the remainder of the race and ends up beating his opponent by at least a car's length.

Everyone once again erupts in cheer when Aiden crosses the finish line and wins, after a moment, the cars go back into the building where I assume the cars are held before and after their races.

"He won!!!" I yell excitedly attacking Toby and then Luke, both of the boys laugh at my excitement and soon enough the devil shows himself. He is wearing his signature smirk directed to a girl wearing not much wrapped in his arms. For a split second, I feel my heart tighten but I figure it must just be the nervousness from seeing Aiden after watching him race.

Aiden whispers something into the girl's ear, assumingly dirty due to the overly dramatic giggle and obvious push up of her boobs from the girl.

I roll my eyes, I wish girls had more respect for themselves, we don't need a guy in our life and definitely not a one night stand with someone we obviously want more from. I guess I never understood that about any of Aiden's girls, they all so obviously wanted more than just a fuck, I guess they wanted to be the one to change the bad boy, but instead they sleep with him hoping it will mean more to him, but it never does. People don't change, and definitely not because of some girl.

While the girl giggles and pushes up her boobs impossibly higher Aiden turns to Carter's truck, I know the second that Aiden sees me because his flirty demeanor is replaced by first confusion, and then anger.

The girl whispers something into his ear but he ignores it practically pushing her away before he takes large, menacing strides in my direction.

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