《Hail to the King (RE8 Harem/fanfic)》Chapter 22 - Dollhouse Pt.1


Leon and Y/n march up to the hill towards the house, listening to the waterfall as neither spoke to each other the entire way until they reached the front door.

You think this place is safe?

I don't think anywhere is safe, just less dangerous then others...

Fair enough... Should we knock?

Y/n walks up and knocks on the door but the first tap pushes the door with a creak revealing it was already open. Leon and Y/n looked at each, Leon pulling out his thunder-hawk pistol while Y/n slowly entered the building first.

The interior was a classic Elizabethan era two story upper middle-class home that followed a mainly green and brown color palette.

Leon took the lead when Y/n stopped to look at all the porcelain dolls lining the walls.

{Thoughts} I have a foreboding sense of familiarity with these things... Wait a minute...

Before he could look further he was interrupted by Leon tapping him on the shoulder, he looked at Leon who wasn't looking at him but this cold transfixed stare at the portrait on tbe wall of a woman with long black hair.

Beside her, the embodiment of the 3rd lord herself a small porcelain wedding doll.

Donna Beneviento...

Then the door they entered through slammed shut, an iron gate falling over it. The lights went out for a moment, in the darkness the sound of little feet run around the room.


In the darkness Y/n heard Leon's grunt followed by the distant distorted distorted laughter of children as well as something warm hit his cheek amongst the darkened shenanigans.

Y/n really jumped when he felt a hand squeeze his groin, not a death grip but for sure someone coped a feel.

There was a few seconds of silence, then the lights flickered to life. Light returning the room slowly Y/n felt hos fly was now suddenly undone in which he fixed that while realizing he was now alone.

Leon?.... Leon?!

Looking around the room he saw all the eyes of every doll were now staring at him.

That's... Absolutely haunting...

Touching the spot he felt warmth in the dark prior he looked down at the red on his finger tip, blood.

He quickly inspected himself for wounds but no injuries; however...

Where the fuck are my weapons?!

You won't be needing those~

A voice echoed through the house, Y/n went to step but found his feet bound in puppet strings causing him to fall over.

Looking up he saw the feet of a woman in a black dress and a veil over her face, someone who should have been seen the moment the lights went back on, just before being dragged away by the strings.


Y/n is tossed into an elevator which shuts as soon as he was able to sit up. Y/n grabbed the gate and was about to force it open with his superhuman strength until Angie arrived.

Now Now Mr. Soldier~ That would be breaking the rules of our lil game~

Oi, I never said id play your game!

Awww you'd let your buddy Leon and his lil friend die because you be a sour puss?

Y/n went silent as Angie floated there looking at him with a tilted head.

Good boy, now were gonna have a little scavenger hunt! Your gonna find some pieces and if you find them all I'll let your little friends go~

Y/n knew that was a blatant lie but then his radio interjected.

Do it Y/n. This is the only way your going to get Leon and Helena out of there alive...

Seems the radio has more common sense then-

Angie froze, the crimson eyes of a furious psuedo-tyrant staring back.

Can we just start...

Angie scoffs and looks at him.

Fiiinnneee... Let the games begin~

Angie hissed those words out in a sinister tone as the elevator began to lower itself under the first floor. Y/n not breaking eye contact with Angie until she disappeared beyond the floor.

Y/n grabbed the radio off his hip and angrily addressed the speaker.

Who the hell is this?!

The voice on the other end could be heard sighing defeatedly.

It's Ada...

Your joking?

No it's me sugar...

Sugar- you were the only person who called me sugar back then... Tell me one reason I should break this radio besides needing to contact Claire?

Look I get your still mad about Mermaid but we have bigger world destroying problems at hand... We are going to need Leon's help at this point and I don't you have the means to solving all of Donna's riddles...


As he says that the elevator arrives at the floor of another home like building. The only light emitted from the elevator showing him a flashlight on the floor clearly left for him by Donna.

Y/n picked up the light and slapped it to his chest flicking it on, immediately he saw the red letters on the blue and white wallpaper.

" Two windows with a soul within, they leak and roll when confronted by grief and sin"

Y/n sighed and repeated it to Ada.

Sounds easy enough I think...

Its eyes.

How do you know?

Eyes, windows to the souls and dolls have creepy lifeless eyes. Pretty simple to expect her to make doll puns in this game...


You always did understand poetry better then most...

After that he went radio silent, walking down the dark hall only lit by the dying flashlight battery. The sound of skittering feet and childs laughter echoed through the shadows.

Y/n found a door that lead to an office with walls limed with books and a film projector on the desk. Upon the door opening there was a loud click and the projector started playing, a black and white display of someone in a 1st person POV of them taking a mannequin apart.

Its starts with two eyes being put on a square jar filled with water but they sink like stones, next was taking the left arm off and placing it in a Christmas style gift box, lastly the head itself is taken and dropped down a well.

Then the video cut out, and this white light filled the screen, now visible on the desk was the eyes he was looking for. Y/n picked them jar and turns out the eyes were actually glass marbles painted to have blue eyes.

Doll eyes, but i need that mannequin and the head im guessing...

Y/n noticed underneath the jar was a note, picking it up and unfolding it revealed his next clue.

" Beneath the wreath and decorations, the remnants of a doll's amputations "

Ada i got the doll eyes but i need an arm supposedly and the head to go with it...

Sounds like a christmas riddle though?

Yeah but I haven't seen anything like that...

Suddenly the sounds of a laughing baby could be heard passing the door followed by a wet dragging noise.

Y/n put his ear to the door as he could hear the anomalous baby coo and laugh as if playing a game with itself.

Slowly he opened the door and loomed down both ends of the hallway and saw nothing but when he stepped out he didn't expect to hear a wet moist noise.

What the...

Looking that floor it was a shocking reveal blood along the floor, the once brown boards now stained a deep red.

Ada? Did you hear that?

Yeah can you not make weird baby noises.

That wasn't me!

I just heard you making that low cooing noise!

Ada... That's not me...

There was radio silence for a moment and just as Y/n was about to call out to Ada again he was interrupted as gun fire rang through the radio.


Ada fired off seven rounds cussing as a scuffle could be heard then a burst of static then complete silence.

Ada?.... Ada?!

Y/n tried to contact her but all he got back was a low static hum, but what he got back wasn't what he expected or what he wanted.

The cooing noise was closing on him, echoes of an unknown creature attracted to the radio commotion.

Y/n tried the office door but it was locked, either run or confront the odd baby noises. With not many choices Y/n slowly walked to the corner of the hallway where the noises were emitting from.

He got to the corner listening to the shuffling, the cooing now more confused then cheery.

Y/n took a deep breath and whipped around the corner to see pure hallway.

Y/n was looking towards a door maybe fifteen feet away where the slow pulse of a green light can be seen underneath the door.

He searched the hallway, no one was there but the bloody streaks were still on the floor. Y/n took a few cautious steps forwards, then a drip.

A single drop of blood fell onto his shoulder, then a second and a third. Looking up-

The wall-crawling bloody infant falls clinging to Y/n face, tiny hands like vices as the fingers pierce his skin drawing blood.

Y/n tries to wrestle the wailing infant off his face as it claws at his skin but its strength and bloodlust rivaled anything he'd fought so far. Thrashing off the hallway walls the only sounds were muffled cursing overpowered by the shrill shrieks of a infant possessed.

Y/n stumbles into the door where the green lights were seen, panicked he tries the handle but it's locked; however with the demon child clung to his face the key used instead is headbutting the door twice then collapsing through into the next room.

Looking up Y/n watches the little bastard scuffle behind furniture with an almost sinister baby chuckle.

I am NOT... Having kids, if it means all 'this'... Not worth it...

Clambering to his feet Y/n finds himself in a christmas themed room, a fully decorated tree and a fire place lit with two chairs where a Santa Claus mannequin sit in one sear while a child sized elf mannequin sits in the other.

However, seated below the tree instead of presents was a coffin. A coffin not man sized but half that and its sealed with a shiny white Christmas bow.

End of Ch.22

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